Exemple #1
        // Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command line, piping output to the specified output pane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputPane">The output pane to write message to.</param>
        /// <param name="launchPadEvents">Receives event callbacks on the progress of the process.</param>
        /// <returns>Value returned by the process.</returns>
        public int ExecuteCommand(IVsOutputWindowPane outputPane, IVsLaunchPadEvents launchPadEvents)
            Tracer.VerifyNonNullArgument(outputPane, "outputPane");
            Tracer.VerifyNonNullArgument(launchPadEvents, "launchPadEvents");

            // Create the IVsLaunchPad object if it hasn't been created yet.
            if (this.launchPad == null)
                this.launchPad = this.CreateLaunchPad();

            uint processExitCode;
            uint flags           = unchecked ((uint)this.Flags);
            uint taskPadCategory = unchecked ((uint)this.TaskPadCategory);
            uint taskItemBitmap  = unchecked ((uint)this.TaskItemBitmap);
            int  hr = this.launchPad.ExecCommand(null, this.CommandLine, this.WorkingDirectory, flags, outputPane, taskPadCategory, taskItemBitmap, null, launchPadEvents, out processExitCode, null);

            if (NativeMethods.Failed(hr))
                string debugMessage = PackageUtility.SafeStringFormatInvariant("Error in attempting to launch command '{0}': Hr=0x{1:x}", this.CommandLine, hr);
                Package.Instance.Context.NotifyInternalError(ResourceId.IDS_E_BUILD, debugMessage);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Blocks until the command finishes executing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="commandLine"></param>
        /// <param name="workingDirectory"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string VsExecCommand(string fileName, string arguments, string workingDirectory)
            IVsLaunchPad lp = GetService(typeof(SVsLaunchPad)) as IVsLaunchPad;

            if (lp == null)
                OutputGeneral("Failed to create launch pad");

            IVsOutputWindowPane owp = GetOutputWindowPaneGeneral();

            if (owp == null)
                OutputGeneral("Failed to get output window general pane");

            string commandLine;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments))
                commandLine = fileName;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fileName);
                sb.Append(" ").Append(arguments);
                commandLine = sb.ToString();

            uint exitCode = 0;

            string[] output = new string[1];
            int      hr     = lp.ExecCommand(fileName, commandLine, workingDirectory, (uint)_LAUNCHPAD_FLAGS.LPF_PipeStdoutToOutputWindow, owp, (uint)VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_USER, 0, "", null, out exitCode, output);

            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr))
                OutputGeneral(fileName + " failed to launch: hr=0x" + hr.ToString("X8"));

            OutputGeneral(fileName + " exited with exitCode " + exitCode);

            if (exitCode != 0)

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="IVsLaunchPad"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="IVsLaunchPad"/> object.</returns>
        private IVsLaunchPad CreateLaunchPad()
            IVsLaunchPad launchPad = null;

            // Get a IVsLaunchPadFactory from the environment to use in creating our IVsLaunchPad.
            IVsLaunchPadFactory launchPadFactory = (IVsLaunchPadFactory)Package.Instance.Context.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IVsLaunchPadFactory));

            if (launchPadFactory != null)
                int hr = launchPadFactory.CreateLaunchPad(out launchPad);

Exemple #4
        // Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command line, piping output to the specified output pane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputPane">The output pane to write message to.</param>
        /// <param name="launchPadEvents">Receives event callbacks on the progress of the process.</param>
        /// <returns>Value returned by the process.</returns>
        public int ExecuteCommand(IVsOutputWindowPane outputPane, IVsLaunchPadEvents launchPadEvents)
            Tracer.VerifyNonNullArgument(outputPane, "outputPane");
            Tracer.VerifyNonNullArgument(launchPadEvents, "launchPadEvents");

            // Create the IVsLaunchPad object if it hasn't been created yet.
            if (this.launchPad == null)
                this.launchPad = this.CreateLaunchPad();

            uint processExitCode;
            uint flags = unchecked((uint)this.Flags);
            uint taskPadCategory = unchecked((uint)this.TaskPadCategory);
            uint taskItemBitmap = unchecked((uint)this.TaskItemBitmap);
            int hr = this.launchPad.ExecCommand(null, this.CommandLine, this.WorkingDirectory, flags, outputPane, taskPadCategory, taskItemBitmap, null, launchPadEvents, out processExitCode, null);
            if (NativeMethods.Failed(hr))
                string debugMessage = PackageUtility.SafeStringFormatInvariant("Error in attempting to launch command '{0}': Hr=0x{1:x}", this.CommandLine, hr);
                Package.Instance.Context.NotifyInternalError(ResourceId.IDS_E_BUILD, debugMessage);

            return (int)processExitCode;