Exemple #1
        private static UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(IVsProject project)

            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                IVsHierarchy hierarchy = project as IVsHierarchy;
                if (hierarchy != null)
                    object extObject;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject, out extObject)))
                        Project dteProject = extObject as Project;
                        if (dteProject != null)
                            context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            return(context != null ? context.UnconfiguredProject : null);
        private static bool TryGetProjectServices(EnvDTE.Project project, out IUnconfiguredProjectServices unconfiguredProjectServices, out IProjectServices projectServices)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null && project != null)
                // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                unconfiguredProjectServices = null;
                projectServices             = null;

                UnconfiguredProject unconfiguredProject = context.UnconfiguredProject;

                // VS2017 returns the interface types of the services classes but VS2019 returns the classes directly.
                // Hence, we need to obtain the object via reflection to avoid MissingMethodExceptions.
                object services    = typeof(UnconfiguredProject).GetProperty("Services").GetValue(unconfiguredProject);
                object prjServices = typeof(IProjectService).GetProperty("Services").GetValue(unconfiguredProject.ProjectService);

                unconfiguredProjectServices = services as IUnconfiguredProjectServices;
                projectServices             = prjServices as IProjectServices;

                return(unconfiguredProjectServices != null && project != null);
        public static void DoWorkInWriterLock(this Project project, Action <MsBuildProject> action)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                IVsHierarchy hierarchy = project.ToVsHierarchy();
                context = hierarchy as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context != null)
                var service = context.UnconfiguredProject.ProjectService.Services.DirectAccessService;
                if (service != null)
                    // This has to run on Main thread, otherwise it will dead-lock (for C++ projects at least)
                    ThreadHelper.Generic.Invoke(() =>
                                                    dwa =>
                        MsBuildProject buildProject = dwa.GetProject(context.UnconfiguredProject.Services.SuggestedConfiguredProject);
                                                    ProjectAccess.Read | ProjectAccess.Write)
Exemple #4
        private static void SetDotNetCoreProjectArguments(EnvDTE.Project project, string arguments)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null && project != null)
                // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context != null)
                var launchSettingsProvider = context.UnconfiguredProject.Services.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <ILaunchSettingsProvider>();
                var activeLaunchProfile    = launchSettingsProvider.ActiveProfile;

                if (activeLaunchProfile == null)

                WritableLaunchProfile writableLaunchProfile = new WritableLaunchProfile(launchSettingsProvider.ActiveProfile);

                writableLaunchProfile.CommandLineArgs = arguments;

                launchSettingsProvider.AddOrUpdateProfileAsync(writableLaunchProfile, false);
Exemple #5
        public IVsProjectManager GetProjectManager(IVsProject project)
#if VS2017
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
            if (context == null)
                var dteProject = project.GetDTEProject();
                if (dteProject != null)
                    context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context != null)
                return(new CPSProjectManagerI(context.UnconfiguredProject));
                return(new MSBuildProjectManagerI(project.GetDTEProject()));
            return(new MSBuildProjectManagerI(project.GetDTEProject()));
Exemple #6
        private void EnablePackageRestoreForJavaScriptProject(Project javaScriptProject)
            IVsHierarchy           hierarchy = javaScriptProject.ToVsHierarchy();
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context   = hierarchy as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context != null)
                var service = context.UnconfiguredProject.ProjectService.Services.DirectAccessService;
                if (service != null)
                        dwa =>
                        MsBuildProject buildProject = dwa.GetProject(context.UnconfiguredProject.Services.SuggestedConfiguredProject);

                        // When inside the Write lock, calling Project.Save() will cause a deadlock.
                        // Thus we will save it after and outside of the Write lock.
                        EnablePackageRestore(javaScriptProject, buildProject, saveProjectWhenDone: false);
                        ProjectAccess.Read | ProjectAccess.Write);

        private UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(EnvDTE.Project project)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null && project != null)
            {  // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
            return(context != null ? context.UnconfiguredProject : null);
Exemple #8
        private UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(EnvDTE.Project project)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null && project != null)
                // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

        public static UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(this IVsHierarchy hierarchy)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = hierarchy as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                EnvDTE.Project dteProject = hierarchy.GetDTEProject();
                if (dteProject != null)
                    context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Convenient way to get to the UnconfiguredProject from the hierarchy
        /// </summary>
        public static UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(this IVsHierarchy hierarchy)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = hierarchy as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                EnvDTE.Project dteProject = hierarchy.GetDTEProject();
                if (dteProject != null)
                    context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

        public static UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(IVsProject project)
            UnconfiguredProject unconfiguredProject = null;

            ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async() =>
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
                IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
                if (context == null)
                    var dteproject = project.GetDTEProject();
                    if (dteproject != null)
                        context = dteproject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
                unconfiguredProject = context != null ? context.UnconfiguredProject : null;
Exemple #12
        private UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(IVsProject project)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
                // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                if (project is IVsHierarchy hierarchy)
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject, out object extObject)))
                        if (extObject is EnvDTE.Project dteProject)
                            context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

        private static async ATask SetVCProjectsConfigurationProperties12(DTEProject project,
                                                                          string configurationName, string platformName)
            // Inspired from Nuget: https://github.com/Haacked/NuGet/blob/master/src/VisualStudio12/ProjectHelper.cs
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context             = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;
            UnconfiguredProject    unconfiguredProject = context.UnconfiguredProject;
            IProjectLockService    service             = unconfiguredProject.ProjectService.Services.ProjectLockService;

            using (ProjectWriteLockReleaser releaser = await service.WriteLockAsync())
                ProjectCollection collection = releaser.ProjectCollection;

                ConfigureCollection(collection, configurationName, platformName);

                _VCProjectCollectionLoaded = true;

                // The following was present in the NuGet code: it seesms unecessary,
                // as the lock it's release anyway after the using block (check
                // service.IsAnyLockHeld). Also it seemed to cause a deadlock sometimes
                // when switching solution configuration
                //await releaser.ReleaseAsync();
Exemple #14
        private static void GetDotNetCoreProjectAllArguments(EnvDTE.Project project, List <string> allArgs)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null && project != null)
                // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                context = project.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context != null)
                var launchSettingsProvider = context.UnconfiguredProject.Services.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <ILaunchSettingsProvider>();
                var launchProfiles         = launchSettingsProvider?.CurrentSnapshot?.Profiles;

                if (launchProfiles == null)

                allArgs.AddRange(launchProfiles.Select(launchProfile => launchProfile.CommandLineArgs));
Exemple #15
        public static UnconfiguredProject GetUnconfiguredProject(this IVsProject project)
            IVsBrowseObjectContext context = project as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            if (context == null)
            { // VC implements this on their DTE.Project.Object
                IVsHierarchy hierarchy = project as IVsHierarchy;
                if (hierarchy != null)
                    object extObject;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject, out extObject)))
                        EnvDTE.Project dteProject = extObject as EnvDTE.Project;
                        if (dteProject != null)
                            context = dteProject.Object as IVsBrowseObjectContext;

            return(context != null ? context.UnconfiguredProject : null);