Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Advance until finding a note that is within the current timestamp,
        /// and start playing it.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// This takes into account that under laggy conditions
        /// our physics updates might be coming too infrequently to hit every note on time.
        /// This will advance to where we *should have been* in the song list by now,
        /// by calculating based on how long the notes were *supppsed* to have
        /// lasted and when they were *suppposed* to have ended.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// This might mean that a note gets its duration shorted to "catch up", or even
        /// that a note gets skipped entirely in order to "catch up".
        /// This is necessary to keep the voices of multi-voice songs synced up with each other.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// If there is no next note and the voice isn't in looping mode,
        /// it will set isPlaying to false.
        /// <br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="now">timestamp for current time right now</param>
        private void AdvanceNote(float now)
            // Keep advancing through the notes list until we get to a note
            // that should have been executing at the current time:
            while (now > noteEndTimeStamp)
                NoteValue prevNote = curNote;
                if (loop)
                    noteNum = noteNum % song.Count(); // wraparound to zero if looping and past end.
                if (noteNum >= song.Count())
                    isPlaying = false; // stop if past end.
                    curNote   = null;

                // Advancing the note:
                // -------------------
                curNote = song[noteNum] as NoteValue;
                if (curNote == null)
                if (prevNote == null)
                    // No prev note, so start first note at right now:
                    noteStartTimeStamp = now;
                    // Don't set start time to now, but rather set it to when this note
                    // *should* have started if the physics update had hit at the right time:
                    noteStartTimeStamp = noteStartTimeStamp + tempo * prevNote.Duration;

                noteEndTimeStamp    = noteStartTimeStamp + tempo * curNote.Duration;
                noteFreqTotalChange = curNote.EndFrequency - curNote.Frequency;

            // Now play the note we had advanced to:
            if (isPlaying)
                voice.BeginProceduralSound(curNote.Frequency, tempo * curNote.KeyDownLength, curNote.Volume);

            // Be aware that because we told the low level sound chip to start this note *now*, but we
            // tracked our own start time (noteStartTimeStamp) as when the note *should* have started,
            // that the low level sound chip will start the ADSR envelope now, rather than partway through
            // the middle of the envelope.  This means that if a note has to get "shorted" to catch up,
            // then the "shorted" part of the note that gets cut off will be the *end* of that note,
            // not the *start* of it.  Thus if the ADSR envelope makes short staccato notes with fast
            // attack and decay with no sustain, we won't end up silencing the note entirely when it's
            // shorted.  (We would if we had cut off the start of the note and kept the end of it that
            // occurs after the attack and the decay are over.).
            // TL;DR : If we have to play a short duration version of the note, we'd rather snip off the
            // release part at the end then snip off the attack/decay part at the start.
        public void KOSUpdate(double deltaTime)
            if (!IsPlaying)

            // Be sure we use the same game clock here as in Voice.cs's Update():  (i.e. unscaledTime vs Time vs fixedTime):
            float now = Time.unscaledTime;

            if (Time.timeScale == 0f)          // game is frozen (i.e. the Escape Menu is up.)
                if (freezeBeganTimestamp < 0f) // And we weren't frozen before so it's the start of a new freeze instance.
                    freezeBeganTimestamp = now;
                return; // do none of the rest of this work until the pause is over.
            else // game is not frozen.
                if (freezeBeganTimestamp >= 0f) // And we were frozen before so we just became unfrozen now
                    // Push the timestamp ahead by the duration of the pause so it will continue what's left of the note
                    // instead of truncating it early:
                    float freezeDuration = now - freezeBeganTimestamp;
                    noteStartTimeStamp  += freezeDuration;
                    noteEndTimeStamp    += freezeDuration;
                    freezeBeganTimestamp = -1f;

            // If still playing prev note, do nothing except maybe change
            // its frequency if it's a slidenote:
            if (now < noteEndTimeStamp)
                NoteValue note = song[noteNum] as NoteValue;
                if (noteFreqTotalChange != 0.0)
                    float durationPortion = (now - noteStartTimeStamp) / (noteEndTimeStamp - noteStartTimeStamp);
                    float newFreq         = note.Frequency + durationPortion * noteFreqTotalChange;

            // Increment to next note and start playing it:
            if (noteNum >= song.Count())
                if (loop)
                    noteNum          = -1;
                    noteEndTimeStamp = -1f;
                    IsPlaying = false;
                curNote = song[noteNum] as NoteValue;
                if (curNote != null)
                    noteStartTimeStamp  = now;
                    noteEndTimeStamp    = now + tempo * curNote.Duration;
                    noteFreqTotalChange = curNote.EndFrequency - curNote.Frequency;
                    voice.BeginProceduralSound(curNote.Frequency, tempo * curNote.KeyDownLength, curNote.Volume);