public async Task <CalendarEvent> CreateAsync(CalendarEvent calendarEvent)
            // Validations
            if (calendarEvent.Id != 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", "Calender event cannot have an id on create.");
            if (calendarEvent.VisitDate == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", "Visit date is required on calendar event creation.");
            if (calendarEvent.Period == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", "Period is required on calendar event creation.");
            if (calendarEvent.RequiresFromHour && calendarEvent.FromHour == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", $"FromHour is required on calendar event for period {calendarEvent.Period}.");
            if (calendarEvent.RequiresUntilHour && calendarEvent.UntilHour == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", $"UntilHour is required on calendar event for period {calendarEvent.Period}.");
            if (calendarEvent.Request == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", "Request is required on calendar event creation.");
            if (calendarEvent.CalendarId != null || calendarEvent.MsObjectId != null || calendarEvent.CalendarId != null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", "Calendar properties cannot be set.");
            if (calendarEvent.Customer != null)
                var message = "Customer cannot be added to a calendar event on creation.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAttribute", message);

            await EmbedRelations(calendarEvent);

            var customerEntity = await GetRelatedCustomerEntity(calendarEvent);

            calendarEvent = await _graphApiService.CreateEventForRequestAsync(calendarEvent, customerEntity);

            return(await _visitDataProvider.UpdateAsync(calendarEvent));