public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file_path))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_File.file_path", "Path cannot be empty!");
Exemple #2
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address))
         v.AddError("address", "Address cannot be empty or null");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address))
         v.AddError("address", "Address cannot be empty or null");
 public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(block_path))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_Block.block_path", "Path cannot be empty!");
Exemple #5
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.CPU_Layout obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
     Libvirt._virNodeInfo info;
     obj2.virNodeGetInfo(out info);
     if (obj.vCpu_Count > info.cpus)
         v.AddError("vCpu_Count", "Cannot exceed the Maximum Available!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.Storage_Pool obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
     using (var s = obj2.virConnectListAllStoragePools(virConnectListAllStoragePoolsFlags.VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_DEFAULT))
         if (s.Any(a => a.virStoragePoolGetName().ToLower() ==
             v.AddError("name", "A pool with that name already exists, try another!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.General_Metadata obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
     using (var d = obj2.virConnectListAllDomains(Libvirt.virConnectListAllDomainsFlags.VIR_DEFAULT))
         if (d.Any(a => a.virDomainGetName() ==
             v.AddError("", "A VM with that name already exists, try another!");
Exemple #8
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Disk_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         ReadOnly = true;// force this here
     if (Source != null)
 public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pool))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_Volume.pool", "Pool cannot be empty!");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(volume))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_Volume.volume", "Volume cannot be empty!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (memory_unit != currentMemory_unit)
         //for now, both should equal one another...
         v.AddError("currentMemory_unit", "Must equal memory_unit");
         v.AddError("memory_unit", "Must equal currentMemory_unit");
     else if (currentMemory < memory)
         v.AddError("currentMemory", "currentMemory Cannot be less than memory!");
Exemple #11
        public void Validate(IValdiator v, Libvirt.Models.Concrete.Drive_Collection obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
            var d = new Device_Validator();

            foreach (var item in obj.Disks)
                if (!v.IsValid())
                d.Validate(v, item, obj2);
Exemple #12
        public void Validate(IValdiator v)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(default_gateway_address))
                v.AddError("default_gateway_address", "cannot be empty!");
            else if (!CheckIPValid(default_gateway_address))
                v.AddError("default_gateway_address", "Not a valid IP address!");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(netmask))
                v.AddError("netmask", "cannot be empty!");
            else if (!CheckIPValid(netmask))
                v.AddError("netmask", "Not a valid IP address!");
            bool dhcp_range_good = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dhcp_range_start))
                v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "cannot be empty!");
            else if (!CheckIPValid(dhcp_range_start))
                v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "Not a valid IP address!");
                dhcp_range_good = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dhcp_range_end))
                v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "cannot be empty!");
            else if (!CheckIPValid(dhcp_range_end))
                v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "Not a valid IP address!");
            else if (dhcp_range_good)
            {//all checks have passed except the dhcp end range
                int begin = BitConverter.ToInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(dhcp_range_start).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
                int end   = BitConverter.ToInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(dhcp_range_end).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
                if (begin >= end)
                    v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "the start must be less than the end range!");
                    v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "the end must be greater than the start range!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) v.AddError("", "Name cannot be empty!");
         foreach (var item in name)
             if (!Char.IsLetter(item) && item != '_')
                 v.AddError("", "Name can only contain letters or underscores!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.Storage_Volume obj, CS_Objects.Storage_Pool obj2)
     CS_Objects.Storage_Volume[] vols;
     if (obj2.virStoragePoolListAllVolumes(out vols) > -1)
         if (vols.Any(a => a.virStorageVolGetName().ToLower() ==
             v.AddError("name", "A volume with that name already exists, try another!");
     foreach (var item in vols)
        public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.Memory_Allocation obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
            Libvirt._virNodeInfo info;
            obj2.virNodeGetInfo(out info);
            var maxmemory = (info.memory / 1024);

            //check ignored until i can convert memory units correctly
            //if (obj.memory > maxmemory)
            //    v.AddError("Memory_Allocation.maxMemory", "Cannot exceed the Maximum Memory Available on the host!");
            //if (obj.currentMemory > obj.memory)
            //    v.AddError("Memory_Allocation.memory", "Cannot exceed the Maximum Memory Available on the host!");
Exemple #16
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
         v.AddError("", "Name cannot be empty!");
         foreach (var item in name)
             if (!Char.IsLetter(item) && item != '_')
                 v.AddError("", "Name can only contain letters or underscores!");
Exemple #17
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.Disk obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
     if (obj.Source.GetType() == typeof(Libvirt.Models.Concrete.Device_Source_Volume))
         var src = obj.Source as Libvirt.Models.Concrete.Device_Source_Volume;
         using (var pool = obj2.virStoragePoolLookupByName(src.pool))
             if (!pool.IsValid)
                 v.AddError("Device.Source.pool", "Pool is invalid!");
             using (var volume = pool.virStorageVolLookupByName(src.volume))
                 if (!volume.IsValid)
                     v.AddError("Device.Source.volume", "Volume is invalid!");
Exemple #18
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Graphic_Type == Graphic_Types.NONE)
     if (_autoport && _port != -1)
         v.AddError("autoport", "If autoport is true, port must also be -1");
     if (websocket.HasValue && Graphic_Type == Graphic_Types.spice)
         v.AddError("websocket", "websocket must be null if the graphics type is spice.");
     if (passwdValidTo.HasValue)
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(passwd))
             v.AddError("passwdValidTo", "You must specify a password when using passwdValidTo!");
Exemple #19
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Device_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         ReadOnly = true;// force this here
     if (Device_Type == Disk_Types.file && Device_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         var src = Source as Device_Source_File;
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src.file_path))
             if (!src.file_path.EndsWith(".iso"))
                 v.AddError("Source.file_path", "You must select an ISO!");
             v.AddError("Source.file_path", "You must select an ISO!");
 public abstract void Validate(IValdiator v);
Exemple #21
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
Exemple #22
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.BIOS_Bootloader obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
 public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
Exemple #24
 public new void Validate(IValdiator v)
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (memory_unit != currentMemory_unit)
         //for now, both should equal one another...
         v.AddError("currentMemory_unit", "Must equal memory_unit");
         v.AddError("memory_unit", "Must equal currentMemory_unit");
     else if (currentMemory < memory)
             v.AddError("currentMemory", "currentMemory Cannot be less than memory!");
 public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pool))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_Volume.pool", "Pool cannot be empty!");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(volume))
         v.AddError("Device_Source_Volume.volume", "Volume cannot be empty!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v, Models.Concrete.Features obj, CS_Objects.Host obj2)
 public abstract void Validate(IValdiator v);
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Device_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         ReadOnly = true;// force this here
     if (Device_Type == Disk_Types.file && Device_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         var src = Source as Device_Source_File;
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src.file_path))
             if (!src.file_path.EndsWith(".iso"))
                 v.AddError("Source.file_path", "You must select an ISO!");
             v.AddError("Source.file_path", "You must select an ISO!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Disk_Device_Type == Disk_Device_Types.cdrom)
         ReadOnly = true;// force this here
     if (Source != null) Source.Validate(v);
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (Graphic_Type == Graphic_Types.NONE) return;
     if (_autoport && _port != -1)
         v.AddError("autoport", "If autoport is true, port must also be -1");
     if (websocket.HasValue && Graphic_Type == Graphic_Types.spice)
         v.AddError("websocket", "websocket must be null if the graphics type is spice.");
     if (passwdValidTo.HasValue)
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(passwd))
             v.AddError("passwdValidTo", "You must specify a password when using passwdValidTo!");
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(default_gateway_address)) v.AddError("default_gateway_address", "cannot be empty!");
     else if (!CheckIPValid(default_gateway_address)) v.AddError("default_gateway_address", "Not a valid IP address!");
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(netmask)) v.AddError("netmask", "cannot be empty!");
     else if (!CheckIPValid(netmask)) v.AddError("netmask", "Not a valid IP address!");
     bool dhcp_range_good = false;
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dhcp_range_start)) v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "cannot be empty!");
     else if (!CheckIPValid(dhcp_range_start)) v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "Not a valid IP address!");
     else dhcp_range_good = true;
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dhcp_range_end)) v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "cannot be empty!");
     else if (!CheckIPValid(dhcp_range_end)) v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "Not a valid IP address!");
     else if (dhcp_range_good)
     {//all checks have passed except the dhcp end range
         int begin = BitConverter.ToInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(dhcp_range_start).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
         int end = BitConverter.ToInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(dhcp_range_end).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
         if (begin >= end)
             v.AddError("dhcp_range_start", "the start must be less than the end range!");
             v.AddError("dhcp_range_end", "the end must be greater than the start range!");
 public override void Validate(IValdiator v)
 public void Validate(IValdiator v)