public async Task <IActionResult> GetClientLogo(string cliId, string secretKey) { try { var categories = await _clientManager.GetClientDataByClientId(cliId, secretKey); if (categories == null) { return(Ok(new { logoLink = "N/A", isValid = false })); } return(Ok(new { logoLink = categories.CliLogoPath, isValid = true })); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Client"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> InsertRisorse([FromBody] RisorseDto risorseDto) { try { // Retreiving the newly created richieste object from bll. var categories = await _risorseManager.InsertAsync(User, risorseDto); // Null Exception handling code block if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "add", "risorse"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Insert new Risorse"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> FindSediAziendeBySedeId(int sedeId) { try { var sediAziende = await _sediAziendeManager.FindBySedeIdAsync(sedeId); if (sediAziende == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "Sedi Aziende"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(sediAziende)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Sedi Aziende"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public IActionResult TestEmail([FromBody] EmailDto emailDto) { try { // Retrieving the dto object that contain the mail address and mail body // which is required to send the mail to the specific risorse. // Initiating the recipient email address _emailManager.To.Add(emailDto.To); // Initiating the recipient email address _emailManager.Cc.Add(emailDto.CC); // Initiating the sender email address _emailManager.From = emailDto.From; // Initiating the mail subject _emailManager.Subject = emailDto.Sub; // Initiating the mail body _emailManager.Body = emailDto.Body; // Sending the mail to the specific recipient var status = _emailManager.Send(); //// creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. //var azioniDto = _talentBLLWrapper.UtilityBll.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "email", "send hard skill invitation"); //// logging the activity record by the user. //_talentBLLWrapper.AzuiniBll.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(new { status = status })); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Send Hard skill invitation"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LoginClients() { try { var log = await _clientManager.GetAllClientDataAsync(); return(Ok(log)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Client list"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllMenu(SupportedLanguage language) { try { // Retreiving data from the system by provided language. var categories = await _multiLanguageManager.GetAllMenuAsync(language); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get All Menu"); return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LogOperations() { try { var logOperazionis = await _operazioniManager.GetAllLogOperazioniData(); if (logOperazionis == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(logOperazionis)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Log Operazioni"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetMailModelObj(string langName) { try { // retrieving the list of data by passing the ris_id var categories = await _hardSkillManager.GetMailModelAsync(User, langName); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "mail model data"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Mail Mail Model Data"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetFindByAllContattiByContAzSedeId(int contAzSedeId) { try { var data = await _contattiManager.GetFindByAllContattiByContAzSedeIdAsync(User, contAzSedeId); if (data == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "tipi contatto"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(data)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Tipi Contatto"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetSchedule(int risId, string langName) { try { // passing the ridId and language name to business logic layer to retreive the list data. var categories = await _softSkillManager.GetSavedWsResultByRisIdAsync(risId, langName); // Null Reference handling. if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "saved web service result"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get saved web service result."); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> LaunchSpItpFindResource( string name = null, string surname = null, string email = null, string phone = null, string date_of_birth = null, string cities = null, string keyword_skill1 = null, string cli_id = null, string indebug = null ) { //return Ok(); try { var categories = await _robotManager.LaunchSpItpFindResourceDataAsync ( cli_id, name, surname, email, phone, date_of_birth, cities, keyword_skill1, indebug ); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "launch SP [Sp_schedulazione_residuo_cv] "); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "launch SP [Sp_Itp_Find_Resource] "); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllAzioniType(SupportedLanguage language) { try { //var categories = await _azioniManager.GetAllTipiAzione(); var categories = await _differentListManager.GetAllAzioniTypeDescriptionAsync(language); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Last Login Info Azioni"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetOptimizedAziendeClientiFinaleByAzId(int azId) { try { // retrieving the list of data by passing the az_id var categories = await _clientFinaleManager.GetFindAllByOptimizedAziendeClienteFinale(User, azId); if (categories == null) { // Returning 404 error for null. return(NotFound()); } // Retrurning success code along with the retrieved data. return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get all aziende_client_finale"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> FindBySiglaRichiestaData(int azid, string azCliId, string azSiglaRichiesta) { try { var aziendes = await _aziendeManager.FindBySiglaRichiestaData(azid, azCliId, azSiglaRichiesta); return(Ok(aziendes)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Singla Richieste"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetLastAnalysisInfo(string cliId, string uteId) { try { var terminiDtos = await _terminiManager.GetLastAnalysisInfoData(cliId, uteId); // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "termini last analysis"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(terminiDtos)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get all termini by sinonimo"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CountMasterFilterUtentiByFilterId(int filterId) { try { // passing the filter id to retrieve the number of record found for that filter. var data = await _globalGridManager.CountMasterFilterUtentiByFilterIdAsync(filterId); // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "Count Master Filter User Info By Filter" + ""); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(data)); } catch (Exception x) { var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Count Master Filter User Info By Filter"); if (x.Message == "Token Expired") { return(Unauthorized()); } return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ManageUpdateRole([FromBody] ViewRuoloUtentiDto viewRuoloUtentiDto) { try { var categories = await _roleManager.ManageUpdateRoleData(viewRuoloUtentiDto); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(viewRuoloUtentiDto)); } catch (Exception x) { var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Update Role Data"); return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetStatiRichListRisDescr(string langName) { try { var data = await _richiesteManager.GetStatiRichListRisDescrAsync(langName); // creating the azioni object passing the related details and description. var azioniDto = _utilityManager.GetAzioniDtoObject(User, "get", "Stati_Rich_List_Ris_Descr"); // logging the activity record by the user. await _azioniManager.AzioniInsert(azioniDto); return(Ok(data)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get Stati_Rich_List_Ris_Descr"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetUserProfileDataByUteId(string uteId, string cliId) { try { //var categories = await _talentBllWrapper.UtentiBll.FindUserProfileData(uteId, cliId); var categories = await _userManager.FindUserProfileData(uteId, cliId); if (categories == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(categories)); } catch (Exception x) { // Code block of Exception handling and logging into log_operazione table. var errorObj = await _utilityManager.ReturnErrorObj(x, User, "Get all Fillali"); // Returning the error object. return(BadRequest(errorObj)); } }