public VerifyUserAccountController(IUserRepo urep, IAuthProvider auth, IAccountRepo account, ICCFolderRepo folderRep)
     userRepository = urep;
     authProvider = auth;
     accRepository = account;
     CCFolderRepository = folderRep;
 public AccountController(IUserRepo userRepo, IAccountActivationService accountActivationService, Func<AccountMailerController> accountMailer, AccountFeatures features)
     this.userRepo = userRepo;
     this.accountActivationService = accountActivationService;
     this.accountMailer = accountMailer;
     this.features = features;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>Users Controller Constructor</summary>
 public UsersController(
     IUserRepo userService,
     IMapper mapper,
     IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings)
     _userRepo    = userService;
     _mapper      = mapper;
     _appSettings = appSettings.Value;
Exemple #4
 public UserSvc(
     ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
     IUserRepo userRepo,
     IDemoApi demoApi)
     _logger   = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <UserSvc>();
     _userRepo = userRepo;
     _demoApi  = demoApi;
 public PositionAssignController(IPositionAssignRepo positionAssignRepo,
                                 IGeographyRepo geographyRepo, IHistoryRepo historyRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, IApplicationRepo applicationRepo)
     _positionAssignRepo = positionAssignRepo;
     _geographyRepo      = geographyRepo;
     _historyRepo        = historyRepo;
     _userRepo           = userRepo;
     _applicationRepo    = applicationRepo;
 public AdminController(UserManager <AppUser> usrMgr,
                        ApplicationDbContext c, IUserRepo u, IChatRepo chat, IMessageRepo m)
     userManager = usrMgr;
     context     = c;
     userRepo    = u;
     chatRepo    = chat;
     messageRepo = m;
Exemple #7
        public CompetitionController(IRunRepo repositoryRun, IUserRepo repositoryUsers, ICompetitionRepo repositoryCompetition, IMapper mapper, IConfiguration config)
            _repositoryRun         = repositoryRun;
            _repositoryCompetition = repositoryCompetition;
            _repositoryUsers       = repositoryUsers;

            _mapper = mapper;
            _config = config;
Exemple #8
 public GeneralDataPointService(
     IGeneralDataPointRepo generalDataPointRepo,
     IUserRepo userRepo,
     IGeneralDataSectionRepo generalDataSectionRepo)
     _repository             = generalDataPointRepo;
     _userRepo               = userRepo;
     _generalDataSectionRepo = generalDataSectionRepo;
Exemple #9
 public UserService(AppUnitOfWork uow, IMemoryCacheProvider cache,
                    IEmailService emailService, DashboardMenuSp dashboardMenuSp)
     _appUow          = uow;
     _cache           = cache;
     _emailService    = emailService;
     _dashboardMenuSp = dashboardMenuSp;
     _userRepo        = uow.UserRepo;
Exemple #10
 public AuthService(UserManager <AppUser> manager, SignInManager <AppUser> signInManager,
                    ITokenService tokenService, IConfiguration config, IMapper mapper, IUserRepo userRepo)
     _tokenService  = tokenService;
     _mapper        = mapper;
     _userManager   = manager;
     _userRepo      = userRepo;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
        //private readonly CartItemRepo cartItemRepo;

        public DummyData()
            genericRepoShoes   = new GenericRepo <Shoes>();
            genericRepoJackets = new GenericRepo <Jacket>();
            genericRepoTshirt  = new GenericRepo <TShirt>();
            genericRepoJeans   = new GenericRepo <Jeans>();
            userRepo           = new UserRepo();
            //cartItemRepo = new CartItemRepo();
Exemple #12
 public LoginManager(
     IOptions <JwtAccessOptions> jwtAccessOptions,
     IOptions <JwtRefreshOptions> jwtRefreshOptions,
     IUserRepo userRepo)
     _jwtAccessOptions  = jwtAccessOptions.Value;
     _jwtRefreshOptions = jwtRefreshOptions.Value;
     _userRepo          = userRepo;
Exemple #13
 public UserService(
     IUserRepo userRepo,
     IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings,
     ICacheService cacheService)
     _repository   = userRepo;
     _appSettings  = appSettings.Value;
     _cacheService = cacheService;
Exemple #14
 public ClientController(IUserRepo uerRepo, IHostingEnvironment env, IInvoiceRepo invRepo, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleMgr, UserManager <UserIdentity> usrMgr, SignInManager <UserIdentity> sim, IClientRepo clRepo)
     userManager   = usrMgr;
     signInManager = sim;
     roleManager   = roleMgr;
     clientRepo    = clRepo;
     environment   = env;
     invoiceRepo   = invRepo;
     userRepo      = uerRepo;
        public MapPageController(UserManager <ApplicationUser> manager, SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, IStoreMessages store, IStoreRatings ratingstore, IUserRepo userRepo)
            _manager       = manager;
            _signInManager = signInManager;

            _ratingstore  = ratingstore;
            _messageStore = store;

            _userRepo = userRepo;
 public PenetapanDriverController(IUserReferenceRepo repoBase, ILookupCodeRepo repoLookup, IPenetapanaDriverRepo repoPenetapanDriver,
                                  IDriverRepo repoDriver, IDataTruckRepo repoTruck, IUserRepo repoUser, IAuditrailRepo repoAuditTrail)
     : base(repoBase, repoLookup)
     RepoPenetapanDriver = repoPenetapanDriver;
     RepoDriver          = repoDriver;
     RepoTruck           = repoTruck;
     RepoUser            = repoUser;
     RepoAuditrail       = repoAuditTrail;
Exemple #17
 public UsersController(
     IUserRepo repository,
     IRoleRepo roleRepo,
     IMapper mapper
     _repository = repository;
     _roleRepo   = roleRepo;
     _mapper     = mapper;
 public AccountController(UserManager <UserIdentity> userMgr,
                          SignInManager <UserIdentity> signinMgr, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleMgr,
                          IClientRepo crepo, IUserRepo urepo)
     userManager   = userMgr;
     signInManager = signinMgr;
     roleManager   = roleMgr;
     clientRepo    = crepo;
     userRepo      = urepo;
Exemple #19
 public AccountController(IUserRepo userRepo,
                          IAccountRepo accountRepo,
                          IMapper mapper,
                          ILogger <UserController> logger)
     _userRepo    = userRepo;
     _accountRepo = accountRepo;
     _mapper      = mapper;
     _logger      = logger;
 public AccountService(IUserRepo userRepo, IMapper mapper, IEncrypter encrypter, IJwtHandler jwtHandler, IRoleRepo roleRepo, IUserInRoleRepo userInRole, IMemoryCache cache)
     _userRepo       = userRepo;
     _mapper         = mapper;
     _encrypter      = encrypter;
     _jwtHandler     = jwtHandler;
     _roleRepo       = roleRepo;
     _userInRoleRepo = userInRole;
     _cache          = cache;
 public ProfileController(ApplicationDbContext db, ICommentLikeRepo CommentLike, IUserRepo User, ICommentRepo PostComments, IPostRepo Post, IFriendRepo Friends, IPostLikeRepo PostLikes)
     _Post         = Post;
     _Friends      = Friends;
     _PostLikes    = PostLikes;
     _PostComments = PostComments;
     _CommentLike  = CommentLike;
     _User         = User;
     this.db       = db;
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>Initialize the database with Sample Data</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// In production environments, it will only create a user to be able to log in with
 /// In non-production environments, it will wipe the database then seed an array of sample data in the db
 /// </remarks>
 public static void InitializeData(TCSContext context, IUserRepo userRepo, IHostingEnvironment env)
     if (!env.IsProduction())
     Task.Run(() => SeedAdmin(context, userRepo)).Wait();
 public SessionProvider(ISessionRepo sessionRepo,
                        IStoryRepo storyRepo,
                        IUserRepo userRepo,
                        IBackgroundJobClient backgroundJobClient)
     _sessionRepo         = sessionRepo;
     _storyRepo           = storyRepo;
     _userRepo            = userRepo;
     _backgroundJobClient = backgroundJobClient;
Exemple #24
 public HomeController(ILogger <HomeController> logger, IVpnRepo vpnRepo, IServersRepo serverRepo, IClientRepo clientRepo, IMapper mapper, UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager, IUserRepo userRepo)
     _logger      = logger;
     _vpnRepo     = vpnRepo;
     _serverRepo  = serverRepo;
     _clientRepo  = clientRepo;
     _mapper      = mapper;
     _userManager = userManager;
     _userRepo    = userRepo;
        public string AbstractFactoryReflection(string dbName)
            IUserRepo userRepo = DataAccess.CreateUserRepo(dbName);

            IDepartmentRepo departmentRepo = DataAccess.CreateDepartmentRepo(dbName);

            return("Ok Reflection");
Exemple #26
 public UserService(IUserRepo <User> userRepo, IActionRepo <ActionInfo> actionRepo,
                    IAuthHelper auth, IDistributedCache cache)
     //_logger = logger;
     _repo       = userRepo;
     _ActionRepo = actionRepo;
     userID      = auth.GetUserId();
     userID      = 1;//TODO 上线删掉
     _cache      = cache;
Exemple #27
 public ArticleController(IRepoArt repo, IUserRepo users, IRepoSou repoSou)
     this.repoSou  = repoSou;
     this.repo     = repo;
     this.repouser = users;
     if (User != null && User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
         user = users.GetElement(User.Identity.Name);
Exemple #28
 public UserService(IMapper mapper, SignInManager <AppUser> signInManager, ILogger <UserService> logger,
                    ITokenService tokenService, IUserRepo userRepo, UserManager <AppUser> userManager)
     _mapper        = mapper;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
     _logger        = logger;
     _tokenService  = tokenService;
     _userRepo      = userRepo;
     _userManager   = userManager;
Exemple #29
        public LibraryPage(IGameRepo gameRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, IBuyService buyService, IPriceCalculationStrategy calcStrat, StorePage sp, User ActiveUser)
            this._gameRepo   = gameRepo;
            this._userRepo   = userRepo;
            this._buyService = buyService;
            this._calcStrat  = calcStrat;
            this.LibraryUser = ActiveUser;
            if (sp == null)
                stp = new StorePage(_gameRepo, _userRepo, _buyService, _calcStrat, this, this.LibraryUser);
                stp = sp;

            if (userLib == null)
                userLib = new ObservableCollection <Game>();
            //foreach(var libItm in _userRepo.getUserByLogin(this.LibraryUser.Login).UserLibrary)
            //    if (_gameRepo.FindById(libItm.GameId) == _gameRepo.FindByFullName("CSGO"))
            //    {

            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //         _buyService.BuyGame(_gameRepo.FindByFullName("CSGO"), this.LibraryUser);
            //    }

            foreach (var libItm in userRepo.getUsrDetails(LibraryUser.Id).UserLibrary)

            LibraryLIst.ItemsSource = userLib;

            //foreach (var itm in _userRepo.getUsrDetails(LibraryUser.Id).UserLibrary)
            //    int i = 0;

            //    LibraryLIst.Resources.Add(i, _gameRepo.FindById(itm.GameId).Name);
            //    i++;

 public LoginController(IAuthProvider auth, IUserRepo userRepo, ICCFolderRepo folder, IAccountRepo account, ICCTokenRepo token, INotificationManager notifMgr, ICCItemRepo item, ICCErrorLogRepo errorlogs)
     authProvider = auth;
     userRepository = userRepo;
     CCFolderRepository = folder;
     accRepository = account;
     CCTokenRepository = token;
     notifManager = notifMgr;
     items = item;
     CCErrorLogRepository = errorlogs;
 public HelperFunctions()
     this.accountRepo = new EFAccountRepo();
     this.planRepository = new EFPlanRepo();
     this.userRepository = new EFUserRepo();
     this.purchRepository = new EFPurchasedProdRepo();
     this.CCFolderRepository = new EFCCFolderRepo();
     this.featureRepository = new EFFeatureRepo();
     this.CCConnectionRepository = new EFCCConnectionsRepo();
     this.CCItemRepository = new EFCCItemRepo();
 public HelperFunctions(IAccountRepo account, IPlanRepo plan, IUserRepo user, IPurchasedFeatureRepo purch, ICCFolderRepo folder, IFeatureRepo feature, ICCConnectionsRepo CCConnection, ICCItemRepo CCItem)
     accountRepo = account;
     planRepository = plan;
     userRepository = user;
     purchRepository = purch;
     CCFolderRepository = folder;
     featureRepository = feature;
     CCConnectionRepository = CCConnection;
     CCItemRepository = CCItem;
 public CronJobController(IAccountRepo accRepo ,INotificationManager notifMgr, IUserRepo urep,ICCItemRepo item,ICCFolderRepo fold)
     CCUserRepository = urep;
     //CCplanRepository = pRepo;
     CCaccountRepo = accRepo;
     notifManager = notifMgr;
     CCItemRepository = item;
     CCFolderRepository = fold;
     //CCpurchRepository = purRepo;
     //this.CCaccountRepo = new
Exemple #34
 public UserCommands(
     IUserRepo userRepo,
     IBank <User> pokeyenBank,
     IBank <User> tokenBank,
     IMessageSender messageSender)
     _userRepo      = userRepo;
     _pokeyenBank   = pokeyenBank;
     _tokenBank     = tokenBank;
     _messageSender = messageSender;
Exemple #35
 public ExchangeHandler(ICacheManager cacheManager,
                        IEventPublisher eventPublisher,
                        IUserRepo userRepo,
                        IGiftRepo giftRepo)
     NeedVerifyUser  = true;
     _cacheManager   = cacheManager;
     _eventPublisher = eventPublisher;
     _userRepo       = userRepo;
     _giftRepo       = giftRepo;
Exemple #36
 public SyncController(IUserReferenceRepo repoBase, IDriverRepo repoDriver, IUserRepo repoUser, Iptnr_mstrRepo repoptnr_mstr, ILookupCodeRepo repoLookup, ICustomerRepo repoCustomer, IDataTruckRepo repoDataTruck,
                       Icode_mstrRepo repocode_mstr)
     : base(repoBase, repoLookup)
     RepoDriver    = repoDriver;
     RepoUser      = repoUser;
     Repoptnr_mstr = repoptnr_mstr;
     RepoCustomer  = repoCustomer;
     RepoDataTruck = repoDataTruck;
     Repocode_mstr = repocode_mstr;
 //IPurchasedFeatureRepo CCpurchRepository;
 public CronJobController()
     CCUserRepository = new EFUserRepo();
     CCItemRepository = new EFCCItemRepo();
     CCFolderRepository = new EFCCFolderRepo();
     //CCplanRepository = pRepo;
     //CCaccountRepo = accRepo;
     //CCpurchRepository = purRepo;
     this.CCaccountRepo = new EFAccountRepo();
     this.notifManager = new EmailNotificationManager();
 public SignUpController(IPlanRepo repo, IAccountRepo accRepo, IFeatureRepo featureRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, IPurchasedFeatureRepo ppRepo, IAuthProvider auth, ICCFolderRepo folder, ICCTokenRepo token, INotificationManager notifMgr)
     planRepository = repo;
     accountRepository = accRepo;
     featureRepository = featureRepo;
     userRepository = userRepo;
     ppRepository = ppRepo;
     authProvider = auth;
     CCFolderRepository = folder;
     CCTokenRepository = token;
     notifManager = notifMgr;
 public bool Authenticate(string email, string password, IUserRepo userRepo)
     // var user = userRepo.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email && u.Password == password);
     var user = userRepo.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email);
     if (user != null)
         //string passwords = Encryption.DecryptStringAES(user.Password, rand);
         if (Encryption.DecryptStringAES(user.Password, rand) == password)
             FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, false);
             return true;
             return false;
     else return false;
 //    int totalconnections;
 public AdminController(IAuthProvider auth, IAccountRepo accRepo, ICCGroupRepo group, ICCGroupFieldRepo groupfield, IUserRepo urep, ICCFolderFieldRepo field, IPlanRepo pRepo, IUserRepo user, ICCItemRepo items, IPurchasedFeatureRepo purRepo, INotificationManager notifMgr, IFolderRepo folderRep, IFeatureRepo featureRep, ICCFolderRepo ccfolder, ICCItemRepo contacts, ICCConnectionsRepo subscription, ICCErrorLogRepo errorlogs, ICCHealthMsgs healthMsgs)
     authProvider = auth;
     userRepository = urep;
     planRepository = pRepo;
     accountRepo = accRepo;
     CCFieldRepository = field;
     purchRepository = purRepo;
     notifManager = notifMgr;
     folderRepo = folderRep;
     featureRepository = featureRep;
     CCFolderRepository = ccfolder;
     CCContactRepository = contacts;
     CCConnectionRepository = subscription;
     CCErrorLogRepository = errorlogs;
     CCUserRepository = user;
     CCItemRepository = items;
     CCHealthMsgsRepository = healthMsgs;
     CCGroupRepository = group;
     CCGroupFieldRepository = groupfield;
 // GET: /CorporateContactsAdmin/
 public CorporateContactsAdminController(ICCConnectionsRepo connection, IAccountRepo account, ICCErrorLogRepo errLog, ICCFolderRepo folder, ICCItemRepo items,
     ICCFolderFieldRepo field,ICCFieldValuesRepo fieldvalue, ICCGroupRepo group, ICCGroupFieldRepo groupfield, ICCLayoutRepo layout, ICCLayoutGroupRepo layoutgroup,
     ICredentialRepo credential, ICCFieldMappingsRepo fieldmapping, ICCNoteRepo note, ICCSyncFieldsRepo syncFields, ICCSyncItems syncItems, IUserRepo user, ICCHealthMsgs healthMsgs)
     CCConnectionRepository = connection;
     CCAccRepository = account;
     CCErrorLogRepository = errLog;
     CCFolderRepository = folder;
     CCItemRepository = items;
     CCFieldRepository = field;
     CCFieldValueRepository = fieldvalue;
     CCGroupRepository = group;
     CCGroupFieldRepository = groupfield;
     CCLayoutRepository = layout;
     CCLayoutGroupRepository = layoutgroup;
     CCCredentialRepository = credential;
     CCFieldMappingsRepository = fieldmapping;
     CCNoteRepository = note;
     CCSyncFieldsRepository = syncFields;
     CCSyncItemsRepository = syncItems;
     CCUserRepository = user;
     CCHealthMsgsRepository = healthMsgs;
Exemple #42
 public FriendRepo(IUserRepo userRepo)
     _userRepo = userRepo;
 public StripeController(INotificationManager notifMgr, IAccountRepo accRepo, IUserRepo urep)
     notifManager = notifMgr;
     CCUserRepository = urep;
     CCaccountRepo = accRepo;
 public UserDataController(IUserRepo userRebo)
     _userRebo = userRebo;
Exemple #45
        public IList<User> GetAll()
            userRepo = ServiceLocator.Current.GetService<IUserRepo>();

            return userRepo.GetAll();
 // GET: /Stripe/
 //public HttpResponseMessage Index()
 //    //return View();
 //    return new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK };
 //public int test2(string tt,InvoiceCreatedRequest request)
 //    var ttt = request;
 //    return 1;
 //    //return Json("Sucess", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 public StripeController()
     this.notifManager = new EmailNotificationManager();
     this.CCaccountRepo = new EFAccountRepo();
     CCUserRepository = new EFUserRepo();
 public AccountController()
     this.userRepo = new UserRepository(new KasaTakipDbContext());
Exemple #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Parametrized constructor to inject the reference object implicitly
 /// M.S.Prakash
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uow"></param>
 public UserLevelManager(IUnitOfWork uow)
     repo = uow.GetUserRepo();
Exemple #49
 public UsersController(IUserRepo userRepo)
     _userRepo = userRepo;
 public AccountActivationService(IAccountActivationRepo accountActivationRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, Action<IUser, IAccountActivation> beginActivation)
     this.accountActivationRepo = accountActivationRepo;
     this.userRepo = userRepo;
     this.beginActivation = beginActivation;
 public IUserRepo GetUserRepo()
     return _userRepo ?? (_userRepo = new UserRepo());
 public DataService(IUserRepo uRepo, IAddressRepo aRepo)
     userRepo = uRepo;
     addressRepo = aRepo;
 public AccountActivationService()
     this.accountActivationRepo = new AccountActivationRepo();
     this.userRepo = new UserRepo();
 public UserService(IUserRepo userRepo)
     _repo = userRepo;
 public FriendNetworkRepo(IUserRepo userRepo)
     _userRepo = userRepo;
 public UserController(IUserRepo userRepo)
     this.userRepo = userRepo;
 public AccountController(IUserRepo userRepo)
     this.userRepo = userRepo;
 public UserStoreController(IUserRepo userRebo)
     _userRebo = userRebo;