public UserAuthenticateResponseModel AuthenticateUser(UserAuthenticateRequestModel model)
            // validation
            var results = _userValidator.Validate(model).ToArray();

            if (results.Length > 0)
                throw new ValidationApiException(results);

            // get the user from the repository / database
            var entity = _repo.GetUsers().SingleOrDefault(user => user.Email == model.Email && user.Password == model.Password);

            // throw unathorized exception if user doesn't exist
            if (entity == null)
                throw new UnauthorizedApiException("Username or password is incorrect");

            if (entity.Locked)
                throw new UnauthorizedApiException("Account is locked");

            // authentication successful so generate jwt token
            var token = GenerateJwtToken(entity.Id);

            //return the UserAuthenticateResponseModel to the controller
            return(_userMapper.AuthenticateMapper(entity, token));