private void CreateCustomerName() { bool isValidState = false; while (isValidState == false) { userState = io.PromptUserForString("Please enter your State abbreviation (OH format): "); if (userState.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry, please try again"); } else { userState = userState.ToUpper(); } taxResponse = manager.CheckTax(userState); if (taxResponse.Success) { isValidState = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Does not match a State in our files"); } } }
public void ConfirmRemoveOrder(Order order) { Console.Clear(); io.DisplayOrder(order, userDate); orderResponse.Order = order; orderResponse.Orders = displayResponse.Orders; orderResponse.StringDate = dateString; orderResponse.DateDate = userDate; while (removeFile == false) { string save = io.PromptUserForString("This is the order information, would you like to remove the order (Y or N)? "); switch (save.ToUpper()) { case "Y": manager.RemoveOrder(orderResponse); removeFile = true; break; case "N": removeFile = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y or N"); break; } } }
public void EditOrder(Order order) { bool saveFile = false; Console.Clear(); io.DisplayOrder(order, userDate); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); string customerName = order.CustomerName; Console.WriteLine($"\nCurrent customer name: {order.CustomerName}\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to leave the name unchanged"); string newName = EditCustomerName(); if (newName != "") { order.CustomerName = newName; } string customerTax = order.OrderTax.StateAbbreviation; Console.WriteLine($"\nCurrent state: {order.OrderTax.StateAbbreviation}\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to leave the state unchanged"); string newState = EditState(); if (newState != "") { order.OrderTax.StateAbbreviation = newState; } string customerProduct = order.OrderProduct.ProductType; Console.WriteLine($"\nCurrent product: {order.OrderProduct.ProductType}\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to leave the product unchanged"); string newProduct = EditProduct(); if (newProduct != "") { order.OrderProduct.ProductType = newProduct; } decimal customerArea = order.Area; Console.WriteLine($"\nCurrent area: {order.Area}\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to leave the area unchanged"); decimal newArea = EditArea(); if (newArea != -1) { order.Area = newArea; } Console.Clear(); io.DisplayOrder(order, userDate); while (saveFile == false) { string save = io.PromptUserForString("This is the new order information, would you like to save the order (Y or N)? "); switch (save.ToUpper()) { case "Y": manager.SaveEdit(orderResponse); saveFile = true; break; case "N": saveFile = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y or N"); break; } } }