protected async override Task BaseValidation(UpdateItemModel model) { var item = await itemsCrudService.GetAsync(model.ItemId); if (item is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Item not found"); } var collection = await collectionsCrudService.GetAsync(model.CollectionId); if (collection is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection not found"); } var owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } var resource = await resourceCrudService.GetAsync(model.ResourceId); if (resource is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Resource not found"); } }
protected override async Task BaseValidation(UpdateCollectionModel model) { var collections = await collectionsCrudService.GetAllAsync(); if (!collections.Any(c => c.Id == model.CollectionId)) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection not found"); } if (collections.Any(c => c.Name == model.Name && c.Id != model.CollectionId)) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection with such name already exists"); } var owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } var resource = await resourceCrudService.GetAsync(model.ResourceId); if (resource is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Resource not found"); } var theme = await themesCrudService.GetAsync(model.ThemeId); if (theme is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Theme not found"); } }
public async Task <AppRegistResult> ExternalRegistAsync() { var info = await identityUnitOfWork.SignInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(); var appUser = await identityUnitOfWork.UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email)); if (appUser is null) { appUser = mapper.Map <AppUser>(info); var createRes = await identityUnitOfWork.UserManager.CreateAsync(appUser); if (!createRes.Succeeded) { return(new AppRegistResult(createRes)); } } var addLoginRes = await identityUnitOfWork.UserManager.AddLoginAsync(appUser, info); if (!addLoginRes.Succeeded) { return(new AppRegistResult(addLoginRes)); } var user = await userCrudService.GetAsync(appUser.Id); if (user is null) { user = mapper.Map <UserModel>(info); user.Id = appUser.Id; await userCrudService.CreateAsync(user); } return(new AppRegistResult()); }
public async Task <AppUserModel> GetUserAsync(int id) { var user = await userCrudService.GetAsync(id); var idenUser = await identityUnitOfWork.UserManager.FindByIdAsync(id.ToString()); var appUser = mapper.Map <AppUserModel>(user); appUser.Roles = await identityUnitOfWork.UserManager.GetRolesAsync(idenUser); return(appUser); }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(CommentItemModel model) { var user = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.UserId); if (user is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } if (model.Value.Length > 512 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Value)) { ValidationResult.AddError("Value out of range"); } }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(LikeItemModel model) { var user = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.UserId); if (user is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } var item = await itemsCrudService.GetAsync(model.ItemId); if (item is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Item not found"); } }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(DeleteCollectionModel model) { owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Owner not found"); } collection = await collectionsCrudService.GetAsync(model.CollectionId); if (collection is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection not found"); } }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(DeleteItemModel model) { item = await itemsCrudService.GetAsync(model.ItemId); if (item is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Item not found"); } owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Owner not found"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Info(int?id) { if (id is null) { id = sessionHelper.GetCurrentUserId(); } var user = await userCrudService.GetAsync(id.Value); if (user is null) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Home.Index), nameof(Home))); } sessionHelper.RememberUserId(id.Value); var model = mapper.Map <UserVM>(user); return(View(model)); }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(CreateOptionalFieldModel model) { var owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } var collection = await collectionsCrudService.GetAsync(model.CollectionId); if (collection is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection not found"); } var type = (await fieldTypesCrudService.GetAllAsync()).FirstOrDefault(); if (type is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Available field types not found "); } }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(CreateCollectionModel model) { var owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.Errors.Add("User not found"); } var resource = await resourceCrudService.GetAsync(model.ResourceId); if (resource is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Resource not found"); } var theme = await themesCrudService.GetAsync(model.ThemeId); if (theme is null) { ValidationResult.Errors.Add("Theme not found"); } }
protected async override Task BaseValidation(DeleteOptionalFieldModel model) { var owner = await userCrudService.GetAsync(model.OwnerId); if (owner is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("User not found"); } var collection = await collectionsCrudService.GetAsync(model.CollectionId); if (collection is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Collection not found"); } var field = await optionalFieldsCrudService.GetAsync(model.OptionalFieldId); if (field is null) { ValidationResult.AddError("Optional field not found"); } }