public PeriodoServico( IPeriodoRepositorio periodoRepositorio, IUow uow) { _periodoRepositorio = periodoRepositorio; _uow = uow; }
private readonly AppSettings _appSettings; //here i will get the Values storage in appsettings.json that will be used to generate my Token public UserController(IUow uow, IUserRepository repository, UserHandler handler, IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings) : base(uow) { _uow = uow; _repository = repository; _handler = handler; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; }
private void btnUOW_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUow uow = FactoryDalLayer <IUow> .Create("EfUOW"); try { CustomerBase cust1 = new CustomerBase(); cust1.CustomerType = "Lead"; cust1.CustomerName = "Cust1"; // Unit of work Idal.SetUnitWork(uow); Idal.Add(cust1); // In memory cust1 = new CustomerBase(); cust1.CustomerType = "Lead"; cust1.CustomerName = "Cust2"; cust1.Address = "dzxcczxcxzcxzcsdhksjahdkjsahkdjhsakjdh kjashdkjahsd kjahskjdh kajsdhasd"; IRepository <CustomerBase> dal1 = FactoryDalLayer <IRepository <CustomerBase> > .Create(DalLayer.Text); // Unit dal1.SetUnitWork(uow); dal1.Add(cust1); // In memory uow.Committ(); } catch (Exception ex) { uow.RollBack(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
public OrderController(IUow uow, OrderCommandHandler orderCommandHandler, IOrderAdoRepository orderAdoRepository) : base(uow) { _orderCommandHandler = orderCommandHandler; _orderAdoRepository = orderAdoRepository; }
public CategoriaServico( ICategoriaRepositorio categoriaRepositorio, IUow uow) { _categoriaRepositorio = categoriaRepositorio; _uow = uow; }
public override void SeUnitOfWork(IUow uow) { objConn = ((AdoUow)uow).Connection; objCommand = new SqlCommand(); objCommand.Connection = objConn; objCommand.Transaction = ((AdoUow)uow).Transaction; }
public WithdrawController(IWithdrawDomain withdrawal, IUow uow, IBalanceDomain balanceDomain, IAccountDetailsDomain accountDomain) { Uow = uow; WithdrawDomain = withdrawal; BalanceDomain = balanceDomain; AccountDetailsDomain = accountDomain; }
public CypherSchemesChildren(BusinessAggregateParams <CypherScheme> parentParams, int?cypherId, int?replacementRuleId) { _uow = (IUow)parentParams.UOW; _context = (IPuzzleContext)parentParams.Context; CypherId = cypherId.Value; ReplacementRuleId = replacementRuleId.Value; }
public EfCrudRepository(TContext c, IExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder, IUow <TEntity> uow, ILogger <EfCrudRepository <TEntity, TContext> > logger) : base(c, expressionBuilder, logger) { _c = c; _uow = uow; c.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.TrackAll; }
private void btnUOW_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUow uow = FactoryDalLayer <IUow> .Create("EfUOW"); try { CustomerBase cust1 = new CustomerBase(); cust1.CustomerType = "Admin"; cust1.CustomerName = "Cust1"; // Unit of work Idal.SetUnitWork(uow); Idal.Add(cust1); // In memory cust1 = new CustomerBase(); cust1.CustomerType = "Admin"; cust1.CustomerName = "Cust2"; cust1.Email = "*****@*****.**"; IRepository <CustomerBase> dal1 = FactoryDalLayer <IRepository <CustomerBase> > .Create(DalLayer.Text); // Unit dal1.SetUnitWork(uow); dal1.Add(cust1); // In memory uow.Committ(); } catch (Exception ex) { uow.RollBack(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
public PMSController(IRepository <ProjectBase> ObjectOfProjectRepository, EUow ObjectOfUnitOfWork) { //set unit of work with connection string to connect to database _ObjectUnitOfWork = ObjectOfUnitOfWork; ObjectOfProjectRepository.SetUnitWork(_ObjectUnitOfWork); _objectOfProjectRepository = ObjectOfProjectRepository; }
public ContaServico( IContaRepositorio contaRepositorio, IUow uow) { _contaRepositorio = contaRepositorio; _uow = uow; }
public DigitalAssetController(IDigitalAssetService digitalAssetService, IUow uow, ICacheProvider cacheProvider) { _digitalAssetService = digitalAssetService; _uow = uow; _repository = uow.DigitalAssets; _cache = cacheProvider.GetCache(); }
public IdentityService(IUow uow, IEncryptionService encryptionService, ISessionService sessionService, ICacheProvider cacheProvider) : base(cacheProvider) { this.uow = uow; this.sessionService = sessionService; this.encryptionService = encryptionService; }
private void btnUOW_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUow uow = FactoryDAL <IUow> .Create("EFUow"); try { CustomerBase cust1 = new CustomerBase(); cust1.CustomerType = "Lead"; cust1.CustomerName = "Cust1"; cust1.BillDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBillingDate.Text); IRepository <CustomerBase> dal1 = FactoryDAL <IRepository <CustomerBase> > .Create(DalLayer.Text); dal1.SetUnitOfWork(uow); dal1.Add(cust1); CustomerBase cust2 = new CustomerBase(); cust2.CustomerType = "Lead"; cust2.CustomerName = "Cust2"; cust2.BillDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBillingDate.Text); cust2.Address = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"; IRepository <CustomerBase> dal2 = FactoryDAL <IRepository <CustomerBase> > .Create(DalLayer.Text); dal2.SetUnitOfWork(uow); dal2.Add(cust2); uow.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { uow.RollBack(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public CartaoCreditoServico( ICartaoCreditoRepositorio cartaoCreditoRepositorio, IUow uow) { _cartaoCreditoRepositorio = cartaoCreditoRepositorio; _uow = uow; }
public ItemController( InserirItemCommandHandler inserirItemCommandHandler, IUow uow) { _inserirItemCommandHandler = inserirItemCommandHandler; _uow = uow; }
public ProjectsDataController(IRepository <ProjectBase> ObjectOfProjectRepository, EUow ObjectOfUnitOfWork) { //set unit of work with connection string to connect to database _ObjectUnitOfWork = ObjectOfUnitOfWork; ObjectOfProjectRepository.SetUnitWork(_ObjectUnitOfWork); _objectOfProjectRepository = ObjectOfProjectRepository; _ObjectOfProjectBusinessLogic = new ProjectBusinessLogic(_objectOfProjectRepository); }
public CustomerController(CustomerCommandHandler customerCommandHandler, ICustomerRepository customerRepository, IEmailService emailService, IUow uow) : base(uow) { _customerRepository = customerRepository; _emailService = emailService; _handler = customerCommandHandler; }
public override void SetUnitWork(IUow uow) { objUow = uow; objConnection = ((AdoUow)uow).connection; objCommand = new SqlCommand(); objCommand.Connection = objConnection; objCommand.Transaction = ((AdoUow)uow).transaction; }
public DepositController(IUow uow, IDepositDomain depositDomain, IBalanceDomain balanceDomain, IAccountDetailsDomain accountDomain, ICardDomain cardDomain) { Uow = uow; DepositDomain = depositDomain; BalanceDomain = balanceDomain; AccountDetailsDomain = accountDomain; CardDomain = cardDomain; }
public DigitalAssetController(ICacheProvider cacheProvider, IDigialAssetService digitalAssetService, IUow uow, ITraceService traceService) { _digitalAssetService = digitalAssetService; _uow = uow; _repository = uow.DigitalAssets; _cache = cacheProvider.GetCache(); _traceService = traceService; }
public UserOnlyStore( IUow uow, IdentityErrorDescriber errorDescriber = null ) : base(errorDescriber ?? new IdentityErrorDescriber()) { _uow = uow; _session = uow.GetSession() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_session)); }
public OrderDetailController(IUow uow, IOrderDetailDomain orderDetailDomain, ICartDomain cartDomain, IOrderDomain orderDomain, ICardDomain cardDomain, IBalanceDomain balanceDomain) { Uow = uow; OrderDetailDomain = orderDetailDomain; CartDomain = cartDomain; OrderDomain = orderDomain; CardDomain = cardDomain; BalanceDomain = balanceDomain; }
public ProductController( IUow uow, ProductHandler productHandler, IProductRepository productRepository, IMemoryCache memoryCache) : base(uow) { _productHandler = productHandler; _productRepository = productRepository; _memoryCache = memoryCache; }
public SaleService(IUow uow) { if (uow == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uow"); } this.uow = uow; unitHelper = new UnitHelper(uow.UnitRepository.GetAll().ToList()); igvPercentage = 18; }
public PedidoController( CancelarPedidoCommandHandler cancelarPedidoCommandHandler, IniciarPreparoPedidoCommandHandler iniciarPreparoPedidoCommandHandler, FinalizarPedidoCommandHandler finalizarPedidoCommandHandler, IUow uow) { _cancelarPedidoCommandHandler = cancelarPedidoCommandHandler; _iniciarPreparoPedidoCommandHandler = iniciarPreparoPedidoCommandHandler; _finalizarPedidoCommandHandler = finalizarPedidoCommandHandler; _uow = uow; }
private List <CustomerBase> LoadGrid() { IRepository <CustomerBase> dal = null; dal = FactoryCustomer.CreateDAL("CustomerDAL"); IUow unitOfWork = (IUow)FactoryCustomer.CreateUOW(); dal.SetUnitOfWork(unitOfWork); return(dal.GetAll()); }
public ComandaController( AbrirComandaCommandHandler abrirComandaCommandHandler, FecharComandaCommandHandler fecharComandaCommandHandler, AdicionarPedidoCommandHandler adicionarPedidoCommandHandler, IUow uow) { _abrirComandaCommandHandler = abrirComandaCommandHandler; _fecharComandaCommandHandler = fecharComandaCommandHandler; _adicionarPedidoCommandHandler = adicionarPedidoCommandHandler; _uow = uow; }
public void InitializeJukeBox(IUow uow) { repo = new RepositoryJukeBox(uow); if (!IsPosInitialized) { Position = 0; IsPosInitialized = true; TimeToWait = -1; Active = false; } }
public static async Task SaveLog(IUow uow, string message, string userId) { uow._ManagerLog.Add(new EF.ManagerLog { EventDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, EventDetails = message, UserId=userId }); await uow.CommitAsync(); }
public CategoryController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public VideosController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public UserController(IUow uow) { _uow = uow; }
public CultureController(IUow uow, IGlobalizationSettings settings) { Uow = uow; _globalizationSettings = settings; }
public CountryController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public ReportsController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public NewFeaturesController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public GlobalizationSettings(IUow uow) { Uow = uow; }
public SupportController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public SubscriptionController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
public RoleController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }
// // GET: /Language/ public LanguageController(IUow uow, IGlobalizationSettings settings) { Uow = uow; _globalizationSettings = settings; }
public HomeController(IUow uow) { _UOW = uow; }
public AccountController(IUow uow) { _Uow = uow; }