Exemple #1
        /// <summary> Gets interactive bounds for the target's prefix resizer. </summary>
        /// <param name="target"> Target with the prefix resizer. </param>
        /// <param name="maxHeight"> Maxiumum height for the vertically drawn prefix resizer. </param>
        /// <returns> The bounds for the prefix resizer. </returns>
        public static Rect GetPrefixResizerBounds(IUnityObjectDrawer target, float maxHeight = 0f)
            switch (target.PrefixResizer)
            case PrefixResizer.Disabled:

            case PrefixResizer.TopOnly:

                var targetBounds = target.Bounds;
                var prefixWidth  = target.PrefixLabelWidth;
                var verticalRect = targetBounds;
                verticalRect.x = prefixWidth - 2f;
                var headerHeight = target.HeaderHeight;
                verticalRect.y     += headerHeight + 5f;
                verticalRect.width  = 4f;
                verticalRect.height = targetBounds.height - headerHeight - 10f;
                if (maxHeight > 0f && verticalRect.height > maxHeight)
                    verticalRect.height = maxHeight;
Exemple #2
        public static PrefixResizer GetPrefixResizerType(IUnityObjectDrawer target, bool usesEditorForDrawingBody)
            var visibleMembers = target.VisibleMembers;
            int count          = visibleMembers.Length;

            if (count == 0 && !usesEditorForDrawingBody)

            switch (usesEditorForDrawingBody ? target.Inspector.Preferences.prefixResizerForEditors : target.Inspector.Preferences.prefixResizerForEditorless)
            case PrefixResizerPositioning.Disabled:

            case PrefixResizerPositioning.AlwaysTopOnly:

            case PrefixResizerPositioning.AlwaysVertical:

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert((usesEditorForDrawingBody ? target.Inspector.Preferences.prefixResizerForEditors : target.Inspector.Preferences.prefixResizerForEditorless) == PrefixResizerPositioning.Dynamic);

            for (int n = visibleMembers.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                if (visibleMembers[n].PrefixResizingEnabledOverControl)
        /// <summary> Query if this object has execute method menu items. </summary>
        /// <returns> True if execute method menu items, false if not. </returns>
        public static bool HasExecuteMethodMenuItems([NotNull] IUnityObjectDrawer subject)
                        #if HIDE_INVOKE_BUTTON_BUTTON_IF_NO_METHODS
            var subjectType = subject.Type;
            // All MonoBehaviours have "StopAllCoroutines"
            if (Types.MonoBehaviour.IsAssignableFrom(subjectType))

            // All ScriptableObjects have "SetDirty".
            // UPDATE: The method now has the Obsolete attribute, so it won't be around for long.
            if (subjectType.IsScriptableObject())

            // For other Components and assets, need to check their methods manually
            var target = subject.UnityObject;
            currentMenuTarget = target;
            return(HasExecuteMethodMenuItems(target, subjectType, subject.DebugMode));
Exemple #4
        private void OnToggleSnapToGridIconRightClicked(IUnityObjectDrawer containingDrawer, Rect buttonRect, Event inputEvent)
            var menu = Menu.Create();

            menu.Insert(0, "Edit Snap Settings...", () => DrawGUI.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Snap Settings..."));
            ContextMenuUtility.OpenAt(menu, buttonRect, this, (Part)TransformHeaderPart.ToggleSnapToGridButton);
Exemple #5
 public bool OnRightClicked(IUnityObjectDrawer containingDrawer, Event inputEvent)
     if (onRightClicked != null)
         onRightClicked(containingDrawer, rect, inputEvent);
Exemple #6
        private static Rect GetTopResizerRect(IUnityObjectDrawer target)
            var resizerPos = target.Bounds;

            resizerPos.y     += target.HeaderHeight;
            resizerPos.height = TopOnlyPrefixResizerHeight * target.Unfoldedness;
            resizerPos.x      = target.PrefixLabelWidth - 5f;
            resizerPos.width  = TopOnlyPrefixResizerWidth;
Exemple #7
        public bool OnClicked(IUnityObjectDrawer containingDrawer, Event inputEvent)
                        #if DEV_MODE
            Debug.Log("HeaderPart." + part + ".OnClick with onClicked=" + StringUtils.ToString(onClicked));

            if (onClicked != null)
                onClicked(containingDrawer, rect, inputEvent);
Exemple #8
 private void OnToggleSnapToGridIconClicked(IUnityObjectDrawer containingDrawer, Rect buttonRect, Event inputEvent)
     if (inputEvent.control)
         DrawGUI.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Snap Settings...");
     GUI.changed = true;
        /// <summary> Opens execute method menu. </summary>
        public static void OpenExecuteMethodMenu([NotNull] IUnityObjectDrawer subject, Rect position, bool includeInvisible)
            var menu = GenerateExecuteMethodMenu(subject.UnityObject, subject.Type, includeInvisible);

            if (menu.Count > 0)
                ContextMenuUtility.OpenAt(menu, position, subject, Part.MethodInvokerButton);
                        #if DEV_MODE
                Debug.LogWarning(subject + ".GenerateExecuteMethodMenu with type " + StringUtils.ToString(subject.Type) + " returned zero menu items");
Exemple #10
        /// <summary> Handles the resizing. </summary>
        /// <param name="target"> Target whose prefix label resizing should be handled. </param>
        /// <param name="prefixResizerMouseovered"> [out] True if prefix resizer is currently mouseovered. </param>
        /// <param name="maxHeight"> (Optional) The maximum height. </param>
        /// <param name="minPrefixLabelWidth"> (Optional) Minimum width for the prefix label when resizing. Some Editors like RectTransform might require a larger min width than the default. </param>
        /// <param name="fillBackground"> (Optional) True to fill area behind the resizer with background color, preventing clipping with any elements drawn behidn the resizer. </param>
        /// <returns> New prefix size. </returns>
        public static float HandleResizing(IUnityObjectDrawer target, out bool prefixResizerMouseovered, float maxHeight, float minPrefixLabelWidth, float maxPrefixLabelWidth)
            bool drawVerticalSplitter = target.PrefixResizer == PrefixResizer.Vertical;

            bool nowResizingThis = nowResizing == target;

                        #if DEV_MODE
            // make it easier to accurately find optimal prefix width for CustomEditorBaseDrawer
            // by drawing the vertical splitter
            if (nowResizingThis)
                drawVerticalSplitter = true;

            var targetBounds = target.Bounds;
            var prefixWidth  = target.PrefixLabelWidth;
            var verticalRect = targetBounds;
                verticalRect.x = prefixWidth - 1f;
                var headerHeight = target.HeaderHeight;
                verticalRect.y     += headerHeight + 5f;
                verticalRect.width  = 2f;
                verticalRect.height = targetBounds.height - headerHeight - 10f;
                if (maxHeight > 0f && verticalRect.height > maxHeight)
                    verticalRect.height = maxHeight;

            var manager         = InspectorUtility.ActiveManager;
            var inspector       = manager.ActiveInspector;
            var preferences     = inspector.Preferences;
            var backgroundColor = preferences.theme.Background;

            bool drawTopSplitter;
            Rect topResizerPos;
            if (drawVerticalSplitter)
                drawTopSplitter = false;
                topResizerPos   = default(Rect);

                var bgRect = verticalRect;

                //some clipping over the controls would occur without this fix on CustomEditors.
                //even now there's very slight clipping over sliders and text fields,
                //so it's not a perfect approach
                float clippingFix = 1.5f;
                bgRect.width = DrawGUI.MiddlePadding + DrawGUI.MiddlePadding - clippingFix - clippingFix;
                bgRect.x     = prefixWidth - DrawGUI.MiddlePadding + clippingFix;

                DrawGUI.Active.ColorRect(bgRect, backgroundColor);

                GUI.DrawTexture(verticalRect, preferences.graphics.splitterBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);

                verticalRect.width += 2f;
                verticalRect.x     -= 1f;

                prefixResizerMouseovered = verticalRect.MouseIsOver();
            else if (target.PrefixResizer == PrefixResizer.TopOnly)
                drawTopSplitter          = true;
                topResizerPos            = GetTopResizerRect(target);
                prefixResizerMouseovered = topResizerPos.MouseIsOver();
                drawTopSplitter          = false;
                topResizerPos            = default(Rect);
                prefixResizerMouseovered = false;

            // Resising should not be allowed over certain controls that extend over
            // the full width of the inspector (like the UnityEvent drawer).
            if (nowResizing != null || manager.MouseoveredSelectable == null || (manager.MouseoveredInspector == target.Inspector && manager.MouseoveredSelectable.PrefixResizingEnabledOverControl))
                var e         = Event.current;
                var eventType = manager.MouseDownInfo.GetEventTypeForMouseUpDetection(e);

                if (nowResizingThis)
                    prefixResizerMouseovered = true;
                else if (prefixResizerMouseovered)
                    if (drawVerticalSplitter)
                        DrawGUI.Active.AddCursorRect(verticalRect, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
                    else if (drawTopSplitter)
                        DrawGUI.Active.AddCursorRect(topResizerPos, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);

                    if (eventType == EventType.MouseDown)

                        KeyboardControlUtility.JustClickedControl = 0;
                        KeyboardControlUtility.KeyboardControl    = 0;

                        if (e.clickCount == 2)
                            prefixWidth = target.GetOptimalPrefixLabelWidth(0);

                                                        #if DEV_MODE
                            Debug.Log(target.ToString() + ".HandleResizing() was double clicked, prefixWidth was set to: " + prefixWidth);

                        NowResizing          = target;
                        resizeMouseDownPos   = e.mousePosition;
                        resizeMouseDownWidth = prefixWidth;


                if (nowResizingThis)
                    if (eventType == EventType.MouseUp)
                        NowResizing = null;
                    else if (eventType == EventType.MouseDrag)
                        prefixWidth = resizeMouseDownWidth + (e.mousePosition.x - resizeMouseDownPos.x);
                        GUI.changed = true;                         //trigger a repaint for a more responsive drag handle

                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR && DEV_MODE && DEBUG_DISPLAY_PREFIX_WIDTH_WHEN_RESIZING
                    if (nowResizing != null)
                        var debugRect = target.ClickToSelectArea;
                        debugRect.x      = prefixWidth + 10f;
                        debugRect.y     += debugRect.height;
                        debugRect.width  = 30f;
                        debugRect.height = DrawGUI.SingleLineHeight;
                        if (drawVerticalSplitter)
                            InspectorUtility.SetActiveTooltip(target.Inspector, debugRect, StringUtils.ToString(Mathf.RoundToInt(prefixWidth)));
                            GUI.Label(debugRect, StringUtils.ToString(Mathf.RoundToInt(prefixWidth)), "MiniLabel");
                else if (nowResizing != null)
                    if (nowResizing.Inactive || !manager.MouseDownInfo.MouseButtonIsDown)
                                                #if DEV_MODE
                        Debug.LogWarning("PrefixResizeUtility force stopping resizing prefix of " + nowResizing + " with  nowResizing.Inactive=" + nowResizing.Inactive + ", manager.MouseDownInfo.MouseButtonIsDown=" + manager.MouseDownInfo.MouseButtonIsDown);
                        NowResizing = null;

            prefixWidth = Mathf.Clamp(prefixWidth, minPrefixLabelWidth, maxPrefixLabelWidth);
            DrawGUI.PrefixLabelWidth = prefixWidth;

            if (drawTopSplitter)
                if (target.Unfoldedness >= 0.5f)
                    DrawGUI.Active.ColorRect(topResizerPos, backgroundColor);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(topResizerPos, InspectorUtility.Preferences.graphics.prefixColumnResizeHandle);

                    topResizerPos.x      = DrawGUI.LeftPadding;
                    topResizerPos.height = 2f;
                    topResizerPos.width  = prefixWidth - DrawGUI.LeftPadding - 5f;
                    if (topResizerPos.width > 0f)
                        GUI.DrawTexture(topResizerPos, InspectorUtility.Preferences.graphics.prefixColumnResizeTrackLeft);

                    topResizerPos.x    += topResizerPos.width + TopOnlyPrefixResizerWidth;
                    topResizerPos.width = target.Bounds.width - prefixWidth + 4f - DrawGUI.RightPadding;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(topResizerPos, InspectorUtility.Preferences.graphics.prefixColumnResizeTrackRight);
                // the top resizer middle part starts looking a ugly when it's scaled to be only a few pixels in height, so don't draw it at those scales.
                    topResizerPos.x      = DrawGUI.LeftPadding;
                    topResizerPos.height = 2f;
                    topResizerPos.width  = prefixWidth - DrawGUI.LeftPadding;
                    if (topResizerPos.width > 0f)
                        GUI.DrawTexture(topResizerPos, InspectorUtility.Preferences.graphics.prefixColumnResizeTrackLeft);

                    topResizerPos.x    += topResizerPos.width;
                    topResizerPos.width = target.Bounds.width - prefixWidth - DrawGUI.RightPadding;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(topResizerPos, InspectorUtility.Preferences.graphics.prefixColumnResizeTrackRight);

Exemple #11
 /// <summary> Handles the resizing. </summary>
 /// <param name="target"> Target whose prefix label resizing should be handled. </param>
 /// <param name="prefixResizerMouseovered"> [out] True if prefix resizer is currently mouseovered. </param>
 /// <param name="maxHeight"> (Optional) The maximum height. </param>
 /// <param name="minPrefixLabelWidth"> (Optional) Minimum width for the prefix label when resizing. Some Editors like RectTransform might require a larger min width than the default. </param>
 /// <param name="fillBackground"> (Optional) True to fill area behind the resizer with background color, preventing clipping with any elements drawn behidn the resizer. </param>
 /// <returns> New prefix size. </returns>
 public static float HandleResizing(IUnityObjectDrawer target, out bool prefixResizerMouseovered, float maxHeight = 0f, float minPrefixLabelWidth = DrawGUI.MinPrefixLabelWidth)
     return(HandleResizing(target, out prefixResizerMouseovered, maxHeight, minPrefixLabelWidth, DrawGUI.InspectorWidth - DrawGUI.MinControlFieldWidth));
Exemple #12
 private void OnToggleLocalSpaceIconClicked(IUnityObjectDrawer containingDrawer, Rect buttonRect, Event inputEvent)
     GUI.changed = true;
 private void OnPrefixResizingFinished(IUnityObjectDrawer subject, float newPrefixWidth)
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens execute method menu at given position. If DebugMode is true for subject,
 /// then more methods will be included in the opened menu.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subject"> The subject whose menu is being opened. This cannot be null. </param>
 /// <param name="position"> The position. </param>
 public static void OpenExecuteMethodMenu([NotNull] IUnityObjectDrawer subject, Rect position)
     OpenExecuteMethodMenu(subject, position, subject.DebugMode);