Exemple #1
        public BindingContext BuildContext(BindingContext callingContext,
                                           IUnboundDecl parameterType, IBoundDecl argType,
                                           ref IEnumerable <IBoundDecl> typeArgs, out bool canInferArgs)
            // try to infer the args if not passed in
            IList <IBoundDecl> inferredTypeArgs = TypeArgInferrer.Infer(TypeParameters,
                                                                        parameterType, argType);

            canInferArgs = inferredTypeArgs != null;

            if (canInferArgs)
                typeArgs = inferredTypeArgs;

            if (typeArgs.IsEmpty())
                typeArgs = null;

            // include the open namespaces of the calling context. this was the instantiated
            // generic has access to everything that the instantiation call site has access
            // to
            var searchSpace = new NameSearchSpace(BaseType.SearchSpace, callingContext.SearchSpace);

            return(new BindingContext(callingContext.Compiler, searchSpace, TypeParameters, typeArgs));
        /// <summary>
        /// Infers the types of the given collection of named type arguments from the given collection
        /// of parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeArgNames">The names of the type parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList <IBoundDecl> Infer(IEnumerable <string> typeParameters,
                                               IUnboundDecl parameterType,
                                               IBoundDecl argType)
            var inferrer = new TypeArgInferrer(typeParameters);

            bool dummy = argType.Accept(inferrer);


            // if the inference failed (like from a type collision) then fail
            if (inferrer.mFailed)

            // if any type argument is left unfilled then fail
            if (inferrer.mTypeArguments.Contains(null))

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new unbound declaration.
        /// </summary>
        public Decl(IUnboundDecl unbound)
            if (unbound == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("unbound");

            Unbound = unbound;
Exemple #4
        public UnionCase(string name, IUnboundDecl valueType, int index)
            if (valueType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("valueType");

            Name      = name;
            ValueType = new Decl(valueType);
            Index     = index;
        // <-- LPAREN ParamDecl? ARROW TypeDecl? RPAREN
        private FuncType FnArgsDecl(List <string> paramNames)

            var arg = CurrentIs(TokenType.RightArrow) ? Decl.Unit : ParamDecl(paramNames);

            var position = Consume(TokenType.RightArrow).Position;

            IUnboundDecl returnType = CurrentIs(TokenType.RightParen) ? Decl.Unit : TypeDecl();


            return(new FuncType(position, arg, returnType));
Exemple #6
        public static T Match <T>(this IUnboundDecl decl,
                                  Func <AtomicDecl, T> atomicCallback,
                                  Func <FuncType, T> funcCallback,
                                  Func <RecordType, T> recordCallback,
                                  Func <TupleType, T> tupleCallback,
                                  Func <NamedType, T> namedCallback)
            if (decl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("decl");

            var atomic = decl as AtomicDecl;

            if (atomic != null)

            var func = decl as FuncType;

            if (func != null)

            var record = decl as RecordType;

            if (record != null)

            var tuple = decl as TupleType;

            if (tuple != null)

            var named = decl as NamedType;

            if (named != null)

            throw new ArgumentException("Unknown declaration type.");
Exemple #7
        public FuncType(Position position, IUnboundDecl parameter, IUnboundDecl returnType)
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");
            if (returnType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("returnType");

            Position = position;

            Parameter = new Decl(parameter);
            Return    = new Decl(returnType);
Exemple #8
        public static IUnboundDecl Clone(this IUnboundDecl decl)
            return(decl.Match <IUnboundDecl>(
                       // atomic types are immutable, so we can reuse it
                       atomic => atomic,
                       func => func.CloneFunc(),
                       record => {
                var fields = new Dictionary <string, IUnboundDecl>();
                foreach (var field in record.Fields)
                    fields.Add(field.Key, field.Value.Clone());

                return new RecordType(fields);
                       tuple => new TupleType(tuple.Fields.Select(field => field.Clone())),
                       // named types are immutable, so we can reuse it
                       named => named));
Exemple #9
        public static IUnboundDecl[] Expand(this IUnboundDecl decl)
            // the unit type expands to no values
            if (ReferenceEquals(decl, Decl.Unit))
                return(new IUnboundDecl[0]);

            // a tuple expands to its fields
            TupleType tuple = decl as TupleType;

            if (tuple != null)

            // everything else expands to just itself
            return(new IUnboundDecl[] { decl });
        // <-- (NAME (TypeDecl)? LINE)*
        private List <UnionCase> UnionCases()
            var cases = new List <UnionCase>();

            while (CurrentIs(TokenType.Name))
                var name = Consume(TokenType.Name).StringValue;

                IUnboundDecl type = Decl.Unit;
                if (!CurrentIs(TokenType.Line))
                    type = TypeDecl();

                cases.Add(new UnionCase(name, type, cases.Count));

Exemple #11
        public static IBoundDecl Bind(BindingContext context, IUnboundDecl unbound)
            return(unbound.Match <IBoundDecl>(
                       // atomics are already bound
                       atomic => atomic,
                       func => {
                Bind(context, func);
                return func;
                       record => {
                var fields = new Dictionary <string, IBoundDecl>();

                foreach (var field in record.Fields)
                    fields.Add(field.Key, Bind(context, field.Value));

                return new BoundRecordType(fields);
                       tuple => new BoundTupleType(tuple.Fields.Select(field => Bind(context, field))),
                       named => BindNamed(context, named)));
Exemple #12
 public Field(string name, IUnboundDecl type)
     : this(name, type, 0)
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds this declaration to the given binder.
        /// </summary>
        public void Bind(Func<IUnboundDecl, IBoundDecl> binder)
            if (binder == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("binder");
            if (IsBound) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot bind a Decl that is already bound.");

            Bound = binder(Unbound);

            // discard the unbound one now. makes sure we're clear on what state we expect
            // the declaration to be in.
            Unbound = null;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new unbound declaration.
        /// </summary>
        public Decl(IUnboundDecl unbound)
            if (unbound == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("unbound");

            Unbound = unbound;
Exemple #15
 public FuncRefExpr(Position position, NameExpr name, IUnboundDecl paramType)
     Position  = position;
     Name      = name;
     ParamType = paramType;
Exemple #16
 public Field(string name, IUnboundDecl type, byte index)
     : this(name, index)
     Type = new Decl(type);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of a zero-length array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Where the expression occurs in the source file.</param>
 /// <param name="elementType">The element type. This must be explicitly passed in since
 /// it cannot be inferred from an element.</param>
 public ArrayExpr(Position position, IUnboundDecl elementType)
     Position     = position;
     mElementType = elementType;
Exemple #18
 public void Define(string name, IUnboundDecl type)
     Fields.Add(new Field(name, type, (byte)Fields.Count));
Exemple #19
 public NamedType(string name)
     Position  = Position.None;
     Name      = name;
     mTypeArgs = new IUnboundDecl[0];