/// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of metadata property names that should not appear, given the filtering settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <param name="cds"></param>
        /// <param name="stats"></param>
        /// <returns>a list of violating property names</returns>
        public static IList TestFiltering(IUPnPMedia checkThis, ArrayList filterSettings)
            ArrayList v = new ArrayList();

            foreach (string propertyName in checkThis.Properties.PropertyNames)
                // if the property in the media object is not in the list, then it is a violation
                if (filterSettings.Contains(propertyName) == false)

            return v;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default implementation to use when printing media object desc nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mo"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
 public static void WriteInnerXmlDescNodes(IUPnPMedia mo, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
     foreach (string descNode in mo.MergedDescNodes)
         // do nothing for custom metadata for now
         if (
             (data.DesiredProperties.Count == 0) ||
             (data.DesiredProperties.Contains(Tags.GetInstance()[_DIDL.Desc]) == true)
             // desc nodes are simply strings that
             // conform to CDS-compliant desc node elements
        /// <summary>
        /// This removes a container or item object from
        /// the child list. It is used by other
        /// RemoveXXX methods defined in this class
        /// and implements the portion that allows
        /// proper media server eventing.
        /// <para>
        /// Method properly tells items to notify all other
        /// items that reference it that it will be deleted.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Method properly tells containers to recursively
        /// remove their child objects, so that descendent
        /// reference items are properly removed.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="removeThis"></param>
        public override void RemoveObject(IUPnPMedia removeThis)
            IDvMedia     dv        = removeThis as IDvMedia;
            IDvItem      item      = removeThis as IDvItem;
            IDvContainer container = removeThis as IDvContainer;

            // Before we go about doing any removal operations,
            // we fire the event to indicate this object is
            // about to be removed.
            ArrayList removeThese = new ArrayList(1);

            if (this.OnChildrenToRemove != null)
                this.OnChildrenToRemove(this, removeThese);

            if (item != null)
                // Notify any and all referring items that
                // this object is about to be removed
                // from its parent.
            else if (container != null)
                // Instruct all child containers to
                // remove their own children.
                IList children = container.CompleteList;
                foreach (IDvMedia child in children)

            // go ahead and remove this object

            // Notify that the child has formerly been
            // removed.
            if (this.OnChildrenRemoved != null)
                this.OnChildrenRemoved(this, removeThese);

Exemple #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Default implementation to use when printing media object resources.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mo"></param>
		/// <param name="shouldPrintResources"></param>
		/// <param name="formatter"></param>
		/// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
		public static void WriteInnerXmlResources(IUPnPMedia mo, DelegateShouldPrintResources shouldPrintResources, ToXmlFormatter formatter, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
			if (shouldPrintResources(data.DesiredProperties))
				// Set up the resource formatter to use the
				// default StartElement, EndElement, WriteInnerXml, and WriteValue
				// implementations. This stuff has no effect
				// if the WriteResource field has been assigned.
				ToXmlFormatter resFormatter = formatter;
				resFormatter.StartElement = null;
				resFormatter.EndElement = null;
				resFormatter.WriteInnerXml = null;
				resFormatter.WriteValue = null;

				// print the resources
				foreach (IMediaResource res in mo.MergedResources)
					res.ToXml(resFormatter, data, xmlWriter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default implementation to use when printing media object resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mo"></param>
        /// <param name="shouldPrintResources"></param>
        /// <param name="formatter"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
        public static void WriteInnerXmlResources(IUPnPMedia mo, DelegateShouldPrintResources shouldPrintResources, ToXmlFormatter formatter, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
            if (shouldPrintResources(data.DesiredProperties))
                // Set up the resource formatter to use the
                // default StartElement, EndElement, WriteInnerXml, and WriteValue
                // implementations. This stuff has no effect
                // if the WriteResource field has been assigned.
                ToXmlFormatter resFormatter = formatter;
                resFormatter.StartElement  = null;
                resFormatter.EndElement    = null;
                resFormatter.WriteInnerXml = null;
                resFormatter.WriteValue    = null;

                // print the resources
                foreach (IMediaResource res in mo.MergedResources)
                    res.ToXml(resFormatter, data, xmlWriter);
Exemple #6
        public static void WriteInnerXmlResources(IUPnPMedia mo, InnerXmlWriter.DelegateShouldPrintResources shouldPrintResources, ToXmlFormatter formatter, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
            IDvMedia    dvm  = (IDvMedia)mo;
            ToXmlDataDv txdv = (ToXmlDataDv)data;

            if (shouldPrintResources(txdv.DesiredProperties))
                if (txdv.BaseUris == null)
                    txdv.BaseUris = new ArrayList();
                if (txdv.BaseUris.Count == 0)

                ToXmlFormatter resFormatter = formatter;
                resFormatter.StartElement  = null;
                resFormatter.EndElement    = null;
                resFormatter.WriteInnerXml = null;
                resFormatter.WriteValue    = null;

                // Code is unfinished - intended to allow a media object to
                // print duplicate resource elements so that each resource
                // is printed once for every available network interface.

                foreach (string baseUri in txdv.BaseUris)
                    txdv.BaseUri = baseUri;
                    foreach (IMediaResource res in dvm.MergedResources)
                        // Set up the resource formatter to use the
                        // default StartElement, EndElement, WriteInnerXml, and WriteValue
                        // implementations. This stuff has no effect
                        // if the WriteResource field has been assigned.
                        res.ToXml(resFormatter, txdv, xmlWriter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests filters for metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testThis"></param>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <param name="cds"></param>
        /// <param name="stats"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CdsBrowseSearchResults TestFiltersBrowseMetadata(IUPnPMedia testThis, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag browseFlag, Cds_BrowseFilter test, CdsSubTestArgument arg, CpContentDirectory cds, CdsResult_BrowseFilter stats)
            CdsBrowseSearchResults r = new CdsBrowseSearchResults();

                BrowseInput input = new BrowseInput();
                input.BrowseFlag = browseFlag;
                if (input.BrowseFlag == CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA)
                    input.ObjectID = testThis.ID;
                    input.ObjectID = testThis.ParentID;
                input.SortCriteria = "";

                input.StartingIndex  = 0;
                input.RequestedCount = 0;

                //assume the test will pass, but worsen the result when we find errors

                ArrayList propNames = new ArrayList((ICollection)testThis.Properties.PropertyNames);

                // add property names related to resources
                foreach (string str in MediaResource.GetPossibleAttributes())
                    propNames.Add(T[_DIDL.Res] + "@" + str);
                    propNames.Add("@" + str);

                if (propNames.Count != stats.NumberOfProperties)
                    throw new TestException("Number of calculated metadata properties (" + propNames.Count + ") doesn't match number of actual metadata properties (" + propNames.Count + ") for testing.", stats);

                test._Details.Filters = propNames;

                int inc = propNames.Count / 4;
                if (inc == 0)
                    inc = 1;

                for (int numProps = 0; numProps < propNames.Count; numProps++)
                    for (int iProp = 0; iProp < propNames.Count; iProp += inc)
                        IList filterSettings = GetFilterSettings(propNames, numProps, iProp, iProp);

                        input.Filter = GetCSVString(filterSettings);

                        CdsBrowseSearchResults br;

                        arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(90 * stats.TotalBrowseRequests);

                        br = Cds_BrowseAll.Browse(input, test, arg, cds, stats);

                        if (br.WorstError >= UPnPTestStates.Failed)
                            StringBuilder teMsg = new StringBuilder();

                            teMsg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" is terminating early because {1} returned with an error or had problems with the DIDL-Lite.", test.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams());
                            if (br.Result != "")
                                teMsg.AppendFormat(" Returned DIDL=\"{0}\".", br.Result);
                            throw new TerminateEarly(teMsg.ToString());
                        //							if (br.InvokeError != null)
                        //							{
                        //								throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " +input.PrintBrowseParams()+ " returned with an error" + br.InvokeError.Message, br.InvokeError);
                        //							}

                        if (input.BrowseFlag == CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA)
                            if (br.MediaObjects.Count != 1)
                                throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " did not return with exactly one media object in its DIDL-Lite response. DIDL-Lite => " + br.Result);

                            IUPnPMedia mo = (IUPnPMedia)br.MediaObjects[0];

                            CheckReturnedMetadata(mo, testThis, input, filterSettings, br, test);
                            arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\" did a " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " and encountered no errors in the results.");
                            IList childList = testThis.Parent.CompleteList;

                            foreach (IUPnPMedia gotChild in br.MediaObjects)
                                IUPnPMedia testAgainstChild = null;
                                foreach (IUPnPMedia child in childList)
                                    if (child.ID == gotChild.ID)
                                        testAgainstChild = child;
                                if (testAgainstChild == null)
                                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned media object with ID=\"" + gotChild.ID + "\", which was not a child object of containerID=\"" + input.ObjectID + "\" during a prerequisite test.");
                                CheckReturnedMetadata(gotChild, testAgainstChild, input, filterSettings, br, test);
                                arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\" did a " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " and encountered no errors in the results.");
            catch (TerminateEarly te)
                string reason = "\"" + test.Name + "\" terminating early. Reason => " + te.Message;
                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, reason);


            if (r.WorstError > UPnPTestStates.Warn)
                throw new TestException("\"" + test.Name + "\" should not reach this code if the result is worse than " + UPnPTestStates.Warn.ToString() + ".", null);

 private void classTypePictureBox_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
     if (m_Copy != null)
         IUPnPMedia[] items = new IUPnPMedia[1];
         items[0] = m_Copy;
         classTypePictureBox.DoDragDrop(items, DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move);
        public static CdsBrowseSearchResults CheckMetadata(IUPnPMedia checkAgainstThis, CpContentDirectory cds, CdsSubTest test, CdsSubTestArgument arg, CdsResult_BrowseAll details)
            // Save a reference to the media object with the most filterable properties
            int numProperties = 0;

            if (details.MostMetadata != null)
                numProperties = details.MostMetadata.Properties.Count;

                if (details.MostMetadata.DescNodes.Count > 0)

            int checkValue = 0;

            if (checkAgainstThis.ID != "0")
                if (checkAgainstThis.Resources.Length > 0)
                    checkValue = checkAgainstThis.Properties.Count;
                    if (checkAgainstThis.DescNodes.Count > 0)

            if (checkValue > numProperties)
                details.MostMetadata = checkAgainstThis;

            // do a browsemetadata on the media object and determine if the metadata matche.

            BrowseInput input = new BrowseInput();

            input.ObjectID       = checkAgainstThis.ID;
            input.BrowseFlag     = CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA;
            input.Filter         = "*";
            input.StartingIndex  = 0;
            input.RequestedCount = 0;
            input.SortCriteria   = "";
            IUPnPMedia metadata = null;

            CdsBrowseSearchResults results = Browse(input, test, arg, cds, details);

            test.SetExpectedTestingTime((details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
            arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress((details.TotalBrowseRequests) * 30);

            if (results.WorstError <= UPnPTestStates.Warn)
                if (results.NumberReturned != 1)
                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned NumberReturned=" + results.NumberReturned + " when it should logically be 1. This output parameter is not really useful for BrowseMetadata so this logic error does not prevent towards certification, but it should be fixed.";
                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, test.Name, msg);

                if (results.TotalMatches != 1)
                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned TotalMatches=" + results.TotalMatches + " when it should logically be 1. This output parameter is not really useful BrowseMetadata so this logic error does not prevent towards certification, but it should be fixed.";
                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, test.Name, msg);

                if (results.MediaObjects != null)
                    if (results.MediaObjects.Count == 1)
                        metadata = results.MediaObjects[0] as IUPnPMedia;

                        if (metadata == null)
                            throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but the object's metadata is not stored in an IUPnPMedia object. The offending type is " + results.MediaObjects[0].GetType().ToString(), results.MediaObjects[0]);

                        if (metadata.ID != input.ObjectID)
                            string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object with ID=\"" + metadata.ID + "\" when it should be \"" + input.ObjectID + "\" as indicated by the input parameter.";
                            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);

                        if (metadata.ParentID != checkAgainstThis.ParentID)
                            string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object with parentID=\"" + metadata.ParentID + "\" when it should be \"" + checkAgainstThis.ParentID + "\".";
                            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);

                        string original;
                        string received;

                            original = checkAgainstThis.ToDidl();
                            received = metadata.ToDidl();
                            string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " encountered errors with the DIDL-Lite.";
                            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);

                        if (string.Compare(original, received) == 0)
                            //string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " successfully returned a DIDL-Lite media object that succesfully matches with previously seen metadata.";
                            //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, msg);
                            System.Xml.XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument();
                            XmlDocument            doc2 = new XmlDocument();

                            bool isMatch = true;
                            foreach (XmlElement el1 in doc1.GetElementsByTagName("*"))
                                bool foundElement = false;
                                foreach (XmlElement el2 in doc2.GetElementsByTagName("*"))
                                    if (
                                        (el1.Name != "item") &&
                                        (el1.Name != "container") &&
                                        (el1.OuterXml == el2.OuterXml)
                                        foundElement = true;
                                    else if (
                                            (el1.Name == "DIDL-Lite") ||
                                            (el1.Name == "item") ||
                                            (el1.Name == "container")
                                        ) &&
                                        (el1.Name == el2.Name)
                                        foundElement = true;

                                if (foundElement == false)
                                    isMatch = false;

                            if (isMatch == false)
                                string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object that failed to match with previously seen metadata.";
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, test.Name + ": Original=\"" + original + "\" Received=\"" + received + "\"");
                        string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " did not yield exactly one CDS-compliant media object in its result. Instantiated a total of " + results.MediaObjects.Count + " media objects.";
                        arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                    throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but no media objects were instantiated.", null);

Exemple #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Default implementation to use when printing media object desc nodes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mo"></param>
		/// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
		public static void WriteInnerXmlDescNodes(IUPnPMedia mo, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
			foreach (string descNode in mo.MergedDescNodes)
				// do nothing for custom metadata for now
				if (
					(data.DesiredProperties.Count == 0) ||
					(data.DesiredProperties.Contains(Tags.GetInstance()[_DIDL.Desc]) == true)
					// desc nodes are simply strings that 
					// conform to CDS-compliant desc node elements
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the media object is of interest to the spider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObj)
            if (this.m_Comparer != null)
                return this.m_Comparer.IsMatch(mediaObj);

            return false;
 private void ResultImportResource2Sink(System.Uri importFromThis, IUPnPMedia owner, IMediaResource importToThis, IResourceTransfer transferObject, object Tag, UPnPInvokeException error)
     //MessageBox.Show(this,"Transfering...","Object Import",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
     object[] args = new object[6];
     args[0] = importFromThis;
     args[1] = owner;
     args[2] = importToThis;
     args[3] = transferObject;
     args[4] = Tag;
     args[5] = error;
     this.BeginInvoke(new OpenSource.UPnP.AV.MediaServer.CP.CpMediaDelegates.Delegate_ResultImportResource2(ResultImportResource2SinkEx),args);
Exemple #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 803.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The offending IUPnPMedia that was sent to the container for insertion.</param>
		public Error_DuplicateIdException (IUPnPMedia obj)
			: base(803, "The media object (@id=\""+obj.ID+"\") conflicts with another media object with the same ID.")
			MediaObj = obj;
 public void AddObject(IUPnPMedia newObject, bool overWrite)
 public void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia obj)
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> the returned values
        /// are a list (or null) of all values associated with the supplied
        /// metadata property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="media">the <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> to interrogage</param>
        /// <returns>a list of values associated with metadata</returns>
        public IList Extract(IUPnPMedia media)
            ArrayList results = new ArrayList();

            // Obtain the values of the appropriate property.
            if (this.m_SearchDesc == false)
                if (this.m_SearchContainer || this.m_SearchItem)
                    //grab attributes of item and container

                    if (this.m_Attrib != "")
                        // Compare element attribute
                        if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.id], true) == 0)
                        else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.parentID], true) == 0)
                        else if (
                            (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.refID], true) == 0) ||
                            (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.childCount], true) == 0)
                            IMediaContainer container = media as IMediaContainer;
                            if (container != null)
                                IMediaItem mi = media as IMediaItem;

                                if (mi != null)
                                    if (mi.IsReference)
                        else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.restricted], true) == 0)
                            // Regardless of 0/1 or false/true, a standard of string comparison will do.
                        else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.searchable], true) == 0)
                            IMediaContainer container = media as IMediaContainer;
                            if (container != null)
                        // Grab the innerText value of an item or container object
                        // because that's really the value of an item or container.
                else if (this.m_SearchRes)
                    foreach (IMediaResource res in media.MergedResources)
                        if (this.m_Attrib != "")
                            IList resAttribs = res.ValidAttributes;
                            if (resAttribs.Contains(this.m_Attrib))
                                if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.bitrate], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.bitsPerSample], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.colorDepth], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.duration], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.importUri], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.nrAudioChannels], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.protection], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.protocolInfo], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.resolution], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.sampleFrequency], true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.size], true) == 0)
                            Type resType = res.GetType();

                            PropertyInfo pi = resType.GetProperty("RelativeContentUri");

                            if (pi == null)
                                string relativeUri = (string)pi.GetValue(res, null);
                                if ((relativeUri != null) && (relativeUri != ""))
                                    throw new ApplicationException("res.RelativeContentUri is null or empty.");
                    }                     //end for
                else if (string.Compare(this.m_Tag, _DC.title.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    string title = media.Title;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}", this.m_Ns, this.m_Tag);
                    IList values = null;

                    IList propValues = media.MergedProperties[sb.ToString()];

                    if (propValues != null)
                        foreach (ICdsElement propertyValue in propValues)
                            if (values == null)
                                values = new ArrayList();

                            object val = null;
                            if (this.m_Attrib != "")
                                val = propertyValue.ExtractAttribute(this.m_Attrib);
                                val = propertyValue.ComparableValue;

                            if (val != null)

                        if (values != null)
                // Limit our searches to the "desc" elements.
                throw new UPnPCustomException(709, "Extraction, sorting, or comparison of <desc> elements or child elements in <desc> nodes is not implemented yet.");
        public override UPnPTestStates Run(ICollection otherSubTests, CdsSubTestArgument arg)
            CpContentDirectory CDS = this.GetCDS(arg._Device);

            _Details        = new CdsResult_BrowseFilterRangeSort();
            this._TestState = UPnPTestStates.Running;
            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" started.");

            // get the results from the prerequisite tests
            CdsResult_BrowseFilter       FILTER_RESULTS = null;
            CdsResult_BrowseRange        RANGE_RESULTS  = null;
            CdsResult_BrowseSortCriteria SORT_RESULTS   = null;

                foreach (ISubTest preTest in otherSubTests)
                    if (preTest.Name == this.PRE_FILTER.Name)
                        FILTER_RESULTS = preTest.Details as CdsResult_BrowseFilter;
                    else if (preTest.Name == this.PRE_RANGE.Name)
                        RANGE_RESULTS = preTest.Details as CdsResult_BrowseRange;
                    else if (preTest.Name == this.PRE_SORT.Name)
                        SORT_RESULTS = preTest.Details as CdsResult_BrowseSortCriteria;

                if (FILTER_RESULTS == null)
                    throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_FILTER.Name + "\" test be run as a prerequisite. The results from that test cannot be obtained.", otherSubTests);

                if (RANGE_RESULTS == null)
                    throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_RANGE.Name + "\" test be run as a prerequisite. The results from that test cannot be obtained.", otherSubTests);

                if (SORT_RESULTS == null)
                    throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_SORT.Name + "\" test be run as a prerequisite. The results from that test cannot be obtained.", otherSubTests);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_FILTER.Name + "\" and \"" + this.PRE_RANGE + "\" and \"" + this.PRE_SORT + "\" tests be run before. An error occurred when attempting to obtain the results of those prerequisites.", otherSubTests, e);

            UPnPTestStates      state      = this._TestState;
            CdsResult_BrowseAll BROWSE_ALL = FILTER_RESULTS.BrowseAllResults;

            if (BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer == null)
                throw new TestException(new Cds_BrowseAll().Name + " failed to find the container with the most child objects. " + this._Name + " requires this value.", BROWSE_ALL);
            if (BROWSE_ALL.MostMetadata == null)
                throw new TestException(new Cds_BrowseAll().Name + " failed to find the media object with the most metadata. " + this._Name + " requires this value.", BROWSE_ALL);
            if (SORT_RESULTS.SortFields == null)
                throw new TestException(new Cds_BrowseAll().Name + " failed to find the sortable fields. " + this._Name + " requires this value.", SORT_RESULTS);

            int max = Math.Max(FILTER_RESULTS.Filters.Count, BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ChildCount);

            max = Math.Max(max, SORT_RESULTS.SortFields.Count);

            this._Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests = max + 1;
            this._Details.TotalBrowseRequests         = 0;
            this._ExpectedTestingTime = this._Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests * 900;
            arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(this._Details.TotalBrowseRequests * 900);

            state = UPnPTestStates.Pass;
            for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++)
                ArrayList filterList = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if (j < FILTER_RESULTS.Filters.Count)
                string filterSettings = Cds_BrowseTest.GetCSVString(filterList);

                uint range = (uint)i;
                if (range > BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ChildCount)
                    range = (uint)BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ChildCount;

                ArrayList sortList = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if (j < SORT_RESULTS.SortFields.Count)

                BrowseInput input = new BrowseInput();
                input.ObjectID       = BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ID;
                input.BrowseFlag     = CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEDIRECTCHILDREN;
                input.Filter         = filterSettings;
                input.RequestedCount = range;
                input.SortCriteria   = Cds_BrowseSortCriteria.GetSortCriteriaString(sortList, i);
                input.StartingIndex  = 0;

                this._ExpectedTestingTime = (max) * 900;
                arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(this._Details.TotalBrowseRequests * 900);
                CdsBrowseSearchResults br = Cds_BrowseTest.Browse(input, this, arg, CDS, _Details);

                MediaContainer original = (MediaContainer)BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer;
                uint           ignored;
                IList          expectedResults;

                expectedResults = original.BrowseSorted(0, input.RequestedCount, new MediaSorter(true, input.SortCriteria), out ignored);

                    if (br.WorstError <= UPnPTestStates.Warn)
                        if (br.MediaObjects.Count != expectedResults.Count)
                            throw new TerminateEarly(input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned DIDL-Lite that declared " + br.MediaObjects.Count + " media objects but test expected " + expectedResults.Count.ToString() + " media objects as found in a prerequisite test.");

                        bool warnOrder = false;
                        for (int ri = 0; ri < br.MediaObjects.Count; ri++)
                            IUPnPMedia resultObj   = (IUPnPMedia)br.MediaObjects[ri];
                            IUPnPMedia originalObj = (IUPnPMedia)expectedResults[ri];

                            if (resultObj.ID != originalObj.ID)
                                warnOrder = true;

                            foreach (string propName in resultObj.Properties.PropertyNames)
                                if (filterList.Contains(propName) == false)
                                    if (
                                        (propName != T[_DC.title]) &&
                                        (propName != T[_UPNP.Class])
                                        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                                        msg.AppendFormat("\"" + this.Name + "\" is terminating early because {0} returned DIDL-Lite with \"{1}\" metadata when it should not have done so.", input.PrintBrowseParams(), propName);
                                        throw new TerminateEarly(msg.ToString());

                        int expectedCount = i;
                        if ((i == 0) || (i > BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ChildCount))
                            expectedCount = BROWSE_ALL.LargestContainer.ChildCount;

                        if (br.MediaObjects.Count != expectedCount)
                            StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                            msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" did a {1} and the DIDL-Lite result only has {2} media objects when {3} media objects were expected.", this.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams(), br.MediaObjects.Count, expectedCount);
                            msg.AppendFormat(".\r\nDIDL-Lite ==> {0}", br.Result);
                            throw new TerminateEarly(msg.ToString());

                        if (warnOrder)
                             * ArrayList missingResults = new ArrayList();
                             * foreach (IUPnPMedia em in expectedResults)
                             * {
                             *      bool found = false;
                             *      foreach (IUPnPMedia fm in br.MediaObjects)
                             *      {
                             *              if (em.ID == fm.ID)
                             *              {
                             *                      found = true;
                             *                      break;
                             *              }
                             *      }
                             *      if (found == false)
                             *      {
                             *              missingResults.Add(em);
                             *      }
                             * }
                             * if (missingResults.Count > 0)
                             * {
                             *      state = UPnPTestStates.Failed;
                             *      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                             *      msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" did a {1} and the result is missing media objects.", this.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams());
                             *      msg.Append("\r\nExpected order of IDs: ");
                             *      int z = 0;
                             *      foreach (IUPnPMedia em in expectedResults)
                             *      {
                             *              if (z > 0)
                             *              {
                             *                      msg.Append(",");
                             *              }
                             *              msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                             *              z++;
                             *      }
                             *      msg.Append("\r\nDIDL-Lite result's order of IDs: ");
                             *      z = 0;
                             *      foreach (IUPnPMedia em in br.MediaObjects)
                             *      {
                             *              if (z > 0)
                             *              {
                             *                      msg.Append(",");
                             *              }
                             *              msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                             *              z++;
                             *      }
                             *      msg.AppendFormat(".\r\nDIDL-Lite ==> {0}", br.Result);
                             *      throw new TerminateEarly(msg.ToString());
                             * }
                             * else
                                StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                                msg.AppendFormat("WARNING: \"{0}\" did a {1} and got items in a different order. Target CDS either has an error in its sorting logic, or sorting logic intentionally deviates from test.", this.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams());
                                msg.Append("\r\nExpected order of IDs: ");
                                int z = 0;
                                foreach (IUPnPMedia em in expectedResults)
                                    if (z > 0)
                                    msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                                msg.Append("\r\nDIDL-Lite result's order of IDs: ");
                                z = 0;
                                foreach (IUPnPMedia em in br.MediaObjects)
                                    if (z > 0)
                                    msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                                msg.AppendFormat(".\r\nDIDL-Lite ==> {0}", br.Result);
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Medium, this.Name, msg.ToString());
                                state = UPnPTestStates.Warn;
                        throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + this.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned with an error or had problems with the DIDL-Lite.");
                catch (TerminateEarly te)
                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" terminating early. Reason ==> " + te.Message);
                    state = UPnPTestStates.Failed;

            // finish up logging
            this._TestState = state;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" completed", this.Name);

            if (this._TestState <= UPnPTestStates.Running)
                throw new TestException("\"" + this.Name + "\" must have a pass/warn/fail result.", this._TestState);

            switch (this._TestState)
            case UPnPTestStates.Pass:
                sb.Append(" successfully.");

            case UPnPTestStates.Warn:
                sb.Append(" with warnings.");

            case UPnPTestStates.Failed:
                sb.Append(" with a failed result.");


            if (this._TestState <= UPnPTestStates.Warn)
                if (_Details.TotalBrowseRequests != _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests)
                    throw new TestException("TotalBrowseRequests=" + _Details.TotalBrowseRequests.ToString() + " ExpectedTotal=" + _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests.ToString(), _Details);

            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, this.Name + " finished.");

 /// <summary>
 /// The ability to modify objects directly to a container/item is not available
 /// for a public programmer. Each CpMediaItem object is responsible
 /// for maintaining its own state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newObj"></param>
 public override void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia newObj)
     this.CheckRuntimeBindings(new StackTrace());
        public static CdsBrowseSearchResults GetContainerMetadataAndValidate(string containerID, CpContentDirectory cds, CdsSubTest test, CdsSubTestArgument arg, CdsResult_BrowseAll details, out IUPnPMedia metadata)
            BrowseInput input = new BrowseInput();

            input.ObjectID       = containerID;
            input.BrowseFlag     = CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA;
            input.Filter         = "*";
            input.StartingIndex  = 0;
            input.RequestedCount = 0;
            input.SortCriteria   = "";
            metadata             = null;

            test.SetExpectedTestingTime((++details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
            arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(details.TotalBrowseRequests * 30);

            CdsBrowseSearchResults results = Browse(input, test, arg, cds, details);

            test.SetExpectedTestingTime((details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
            arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress((details.TotalBrowseRequests) * 30);

            if (results.InvokeError == null)
                if (results.NumberReturned != 1)
                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned NumberReturned=" + results.NumberReturned + " when it should logically be 1. This output parameter is not really useful for BrowseMetadata so this logic error does not prevent towards certification, but it should be fixed.";
                    //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, test.Name, msg);
                    results.ResultErrors.Add(new Exception(msg));

                if (results.TotalMatches != 1)
                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned TotalMatches=" + results.TotalMatches + " when it should logically be 1. This output parameter is not really useful BrowseMetadata so this logic error does not prevent towards certification, but it should be fixed.";
                    //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, test.Name, msg);
                    results.ResultErrors.Add(new Exception(msg));

                if (results.MediaObjects != null)
                    if (results.MediaObjects.Count == 1)
                        metadata = results.MediaObjects[0] as IUPnPMedia;

                        if (metadata == null)
                            throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but the container's metadata is not stored in an IUPnPMedia object. The offending type is " + results.MediaObjects[0].GetType().ToString(), results.MediaObjects[0]);

                        IMediaContainer imc = metadata as IMediaContainer;

                        // check metadata

                        if (imc == null)
                            string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object but it was not declared with a \"container\" element.";
                            //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                            results.ResultErrors.Add(new Exception(msg));

                        if (metadata.ID != containerID)
                            string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object with ID=\"" + metadata.ID + "\" when it should be \"" + containerID + "\" as indicated by the input parameter.";
                            //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                            results.ResultErrors.Add(new Exception(msg));

                        if (containerID == "0")
                            if (metadata.ParentID != "-1")
                                string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a DIDL-Lite media object with parentID=\"" + metadata.ID + "\" when it must be \"-1\" because the container is the root container.";
                                //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                results.ResultErrors.Add(new Exception(msg));

                            // no need to check parentID values for other containers because
                            // they get checked when getting the children for this container.

                        if (results.WorstError < UPnPTestStates.Failed)
                            //string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " succeeded.";
                            //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, msg);
                        //string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " did not yield exactly one CDS-compliant media object in its result. Instantiated a total of " +results.MediaObjects.Count+ " media objects.";
                        //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                    //throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but no media objects were instantiated.", null);

            if ((results.InvokeError != null) || (results.ResultErrors.Count > 0))
                StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();

                msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\": {1} did not yield exactly one CDS-compliant media object in its result. Instantiated a total of {2} media objects.", test.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams(), results.MediaObjects.Count);
                msg.AppendFormat("\r\nAdditional Information:");
                if (results.InvokeError != null)
                    msg.AppendFormat("\r\n{0}", results.InvokeError.Message);

                foreach (Exception e in results.ResultErrors)
                    msg.AppendFormat("\r\n{0}", e.Message);

                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg.ToString());

        public override void CalculateExpectedTestingTime(ICollection otherSubTests, ISubTestArgument arg)
            // get the results from the BrowseAll test
            CdsResult_BrowseAll PRE = null;

            foreach (ISubTest preTest in otherSubTests)
                if (preTest.Name == this.PRE_BROWSEALL.Name)
                    if (preTest.TestState >= UPnPTestStates.Pass)
                        PRE = preTest.Details as CdsResult_BrowseAll;
            if (PRE == null)

            if (PRE.MostMetadata == null)

            if (PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.Count != PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.PropertyNames.Count)

            IUPnPMedia MM = PRE.MostMetadata;

            if (MM == null)

            IMediaContainer MC = PRE.MostMetadata.Parent;

            if (MC == null)

            int numProps    = MM.Properties.Count;
            int numChildren = MC.ChildCount;

            // we browse for "res" and each possible res@attribute
            numProps += (2 * MediaResource.GetPossibleAttributes().Count) + 2;

            int expectedBrowses = 0;
            int inc             = numProps / 4;

            if (inc == 0)
                inc = 1;
            for (int nProps = 0; nProps < numProps; nProps++)
                for (int iProp = 0; iProp < numProps; iProp += inc)
            expectedBrowses *= 2;
            int maxTime = 90 * expectedBrowses;

            this._ExpectedTestingTime = maxTime;
Exemple #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Takes the contents of an <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> object
		/// casts the data into its XML string form and returns it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="entry">the object to extract</param>
		/// <returns>everything under the item or container element</returns>
		private string GrabInnerText(IUPnPMedia entry)
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
			StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
			XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(sw);

			// set up the ToXml() method to only provide the InnerText of the element
			entry.ToXml(ToXmlFormatter.DefaultFormatter, MediaObject.ToXmlData_AllInnerTextOnly, xmlWriter);

			string result = xmlWriter.ToString();

			return result;
 public void RemoveObject(IUPnPMedia removeThis)
Exemple #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 810.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		public Error_ObjectIsContainerAndItem(IUPnPMedia obj)
			: base (810, "Cannot create an object that is both an item and a container.")
			this.BadObject = obj;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the media object is a container.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mediaObject"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObject)
     return(mediaObject.IsReference == true);
 /// <summary>
 /// This indicates if the
 /// <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/>
 /// object matches the Boolean expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entry">the media object that should be compared against the expression</param>
 /// <returns>true, indicates a match against the expression</returns>
 public virtual bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia entry)
 /// <summary>
 /// Always returns true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mediaObject"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObject)
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the target media object's parent to a different parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">target object</param>
        /// <param name="np">new parent</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidCastException">
        /// Thrown when the target's current parent is not a <see cref="DvMediaContainer"/>.
        /// </exception>
        internal static void ChangeParent2(IDvMedia target, DvMediaContainer np)
            Exception  error          = null;
            IUPnPMedia errorDuplicate = null;

            IDvMedia[] removeThese = new IDvMedia[1];
            removeThese[0] = target;

            DvMediaContainer dvp = (DvMediaContainer)target.Parent;

            // fire about to remove event
            if (dvp.OnChildrenToRemove != null)
                dvp.OnChildrenToRemove(dvp, removeThese);

            // acquire locks

                // remove target from current parent
                int i = dvp.HashingMethod.Get(dvp.m_Listing, target);
                target.Parent = null;
                if (dvp.m_Listing.Count == 0)
                    dvp.m_Listing = null;

                // add target to new parent
                if (np.m_Listing == null)
                    np.m_Listing = new ArrayList();
                    np.HashingMethod.Set(np.m_Listing, target, true);
                    target.Parent = np;
                catch (KeyCollisionException)
                    errorDuplicate = target;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e;

            // release locks

            // throw exceptions if appropriate
            if (error != null)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected rrror in DvMediaContainer.ChangeParent2", error);

            if (errorDuplicate != null)
                throw new Error_DuplicateIdException(errorDuplicate);

            // fire children removed event
            if (dvp.OnChildrenRemoved != null)
                dvp.OnChildrenRemoved(dvp, removeThese);

            // notify upnp network that two containers changed.
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the media object is a container.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mediaObject"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObject)
     return(mediaObject.IsContainer == true);
Exemple #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Default implementation to use when printing media object properties.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mo"></param>
		/// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
		public static void WriteInnerXmlProperties(IUPnPMedia mo, ToXmlData data, XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
			mo.MergedProperties.ToXml(data, xmlWriter);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the media object is a container.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mediaObject"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObject)
     return(mediaObject.IsItem == true);
        private static void OnResult_RequestForUpdateObject(ICpMedia attemptChangeOnThis, IUPnPMedia usedThisMetadata, object Tag, UPnPInvokeException error)
            MediaPropertyForm form = null;
            lock (MediaPropertyForm.MetadataRequests.SyncRoot)
                form = (MediaPropertyForm)MediaPropertyForm.MetadataRequests[Tag];

            if (error != null)
                MessageBox.Show(error.UPNP.Message, "An error occurred while trying to update an object.");
            if (form != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// The ability to modify objects directly to a container/item is not available
 /// for a public programmer. Each CpMediaItem object is responsible
 /// for maintaining its own state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newObj"></param>
 public override void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia newObj)
     this.CheckRuntimeBindings(new StackTrace());
        public override UPnPTestStates Run(ICollection otherSubTests, CdsSubTestArgument arg)
            CpContentDirectory CDS = this.GetCDS(arg._Device);

            _Details        = new CdsResult_BrowseFilter();
            this._TestState = UPnPTestStates.Running;
            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" started.");

            // get the results from the BrowseAll test
            CdsResult_BrowseAll PRE = null;

                foreach (ISubTest preTest in otherSubTests)
                    if (preTest.Name == this.PRE_BROWSEALL.Name)
                        PRE = preTest.Details as CdsResult_BrowseAll;

                if (PRE == null)
                    throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_BROWSEALL.Name + "\" test be run as a prerequisite. The results from that test cannot be obtained.", otherSubTests);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new TestException(this._Name + " requires that the \"" + this.PRE_BROWSEALL.Name + "\" test be run before. An error occurred when attempting to obtain the results of a prerequisite.", otherSubTests, e);
            _Details.BrowseAllResults = PRE;

            if (PRE.MostMetadata == null)
                throw new TestException(this.PRE_BROWSEALL.Name + " failed to find a media object with the most metadata. " + this._Name + " requires this value.", PRE);

            if (PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.Count != PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.PropertyNames.Count)
                throw new TestException(this.Name + " has conflicting reports for the number of metadata properties. " + PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.Count + "/" + PRE.MostMetadata.Properties.PropertyNames.Count, PRE.MostMetadata.Properties);

            IUPnPMedia MM = PRE.MostMetadata;

            if (MM == null)
                string skippedMsg = "\"" + this.Name + "\" skipped because the tested content hierarchy does not have a media object with at least one resource and has an ID!=\"0\"";
                arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, this.Name, skippedMsg);

            IMediaContainer MC = PRE.MostMetadata.Parent;

            if (MC == null)
                throw new TestException(this.Name + " has MostMetadata.Parent == null", PRE.MostMetadata);

            int numProps    = MM.Properties.Count;
            int numChildren = MC.ChildCount;

            // we browse for "res" and each possible res@attribute
            numProps += (2 * MediaResource.GetPossibleAttributes().Count) + 2;

            _Details.NumberOfProperties          = numProps;
            _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests = 0;
            int inc = numProps / 4;

            if (inc == 0)
                inc = 1;
            for (int nProps = 0; nProps < numProps; nProps++)
                for (int iProp = 0; iProp < numProps; iProp += inc)
            _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests *= 2;
            int maxTime = 90 * _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests;

            this._ExpectedTestingTime = maxTime;

            // browse metadata with various filter settings
            // browsedirectchildren with various filter settings

            UPnPTestStates state = this._TestState;

            CdsBrowseSearchResults test1 = TestFiltersBrowseMetadata(MM, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA, this, arg, CDS, _Details);

            if (test1.WorstError > state)
                state = test1.WorstError;

            CdsBrowseSearchResults test2 = TestFiltersBrowseMetadata(MM, CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEDIRECTCHILDREN, this, arg, CDS, _Details);

            if (test2.WorstError > state)
                state = test2.WorstError;

            // finish up logging
            this._TestState = state;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" completed", this.Name);

            if (this._TestState <= UPnPTestStates.Running)
                throw new TestException("\"" + this.Name + "\" must have a pass/warn/fail result.", this._TestState);

            switch (this._TestState)
            case UPnPTestStates.Pass:
                sb.Append(" successfully.");

            case UPnPTestStates.Warn:
                sb.Append(" with warnings.");

            case UPnPTestStates.Failed:
                sb.Append(" with a failed result.");


            if (this._TestState <= UPnPTestStates.Warn)
                if (_Details.TotalBrowseRequests != _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests)
                    throw new TestException("TotalBrowseRequests=" + _Details.TotalBrowseRequests.ToString() + " ExpectedTotal=" + _Details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests.ToString(), _Details);

            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, sb.ToString());

Exemple #34
		public void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia obj) {}
        private static void CheckReturnedMetadata(IUPnPMedia mo, IUPnPMedia testThis, BrowseInput input, IList filterSettings, CdsBrowseSearchResults br, CdsSubTest test)
            // check non-resource metadata
            string filters = input.Filter;

            foreach (string moPropName in mo.Properties.PropertyNames)
                if (filterSettings.Contains(moPropName) == false)
                    if (moPropName == T[_DC.title])
                    else if (moPropName == T[_UPNP.Class])
                        throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " included a \"" + moPropName + "\" metadata property in its DIDL-Lite response. DIDL-Lite ==> " + br.Result);

            // check resource metadata
            IList resources        = mo.Resources;
            int   expectedResCount = 0;

            foreach (IMediaResource res in testThis.Resources)
                foreach (string filter in filterSettings)
                    if ((filter.StartsWith(T[_DIDL.Res])) || (filter.StartsWith("@")))
                        if (res.ValidAttributes.Contains(filter.Substring(filter.IndexOf("@") + 1)))

            if (resources.Count < expectedResCount)
                throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned a media object (ID='" + mo.ID + "') with no resources DIDL-Lite when it should have returned at least " + expectedResCount + " " + T[_DIDL.Res] + " objects. DIDL-Lite ==> " + br.Result);
                int iRes = 0;
                foreach (IMediaResource res in mo.Resources)
                    if (res.ValidAttributes.Contains(T[_RESATTRIB.protocolInfo]))
                        foreach (string attrib in res.ValidAttributes)
                            if (attrib == T[_RESATTRIB.protocolInfo])
                            else if ((filterSettings.Contains("@" + attrib)) || (filterSettings.Contains(T[_DIDL.Res] + "@" + attrib)))
                                throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned resource #" + iRes + " with the \"" + attrib + "\" attribute. DIDL-Lite ==> " + br.Result);
                        throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned resource #" + iRes + " without a \"protocolInfo\" attribute. DIDL-Lite ==> " + br.Result);

            // check desc nodes
            if (filterSettings.Contains(T[_DIDL.Desc]))
                if (mo.DescNodes.Count != testThis.DescNodes.Count)
                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned " + mo.DescNodes.Count + " " + T[_DIDL.Desc] + " nodes when it expected to find " + testThis.DescNodes.Count + " such nodes, as found in a prerequisite test.");
                if (mo.DescNodes.Count > 0)
                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned " + mo.DescNodes.Count + " " + T[_DIDL.Desc] + " nodes when it expected to find none.");

            int found = 0;

            foreach (string f in filterSettings)
                foreach (string p in mo.Properties.PropertyNames)
                    if (p == f)
            bool allStandardFound = false;

            if (found == testThis.Properties.Count)
                allStandardFound = true;

            if (allStandardFound)
                if (mo.Properties.Count != testThis.Properties.Count)
                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned " + mo.Properties.Count + " metadata non-resource & non-vendor-specific metadata properties when it expected to find " + testThis.Properties.Count + " such metadata properties, as found in a prerequisite test.");
Exemple #36
		public void AddObject(IUPnPMedia newObject, bool overWrite){}
Exemple #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Given an <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> the returned values
		/// are a list (or null) of all values associated with the supplied
		/// metadata property.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="media">the <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> to interrogage</param>
		/// <returns>a list of values associated with metadata</returns>
		public IList Extract(IUPnPMedia media)
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
			// Obtain the values of the appropriate property.
			if (this.m_SearchDesc == false)
				if (this.m_SearchContainer || this.m_SearchItem)
					//grab attributes of item and container

					if (this.m_Attrib != "")
						// Compare element attribute
						if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.id], true) == 0)
						else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.parentID], true) == 0)
						else if (
							(string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.refID], true) == 0) ||
							(string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.childCount], true) == 0)
							IMediaContainer container = media as IMediaContainer;
							if (container != null)
								IMediaItem mi = media as IMediaItem;

								if (mi != null)
									if (mi.IsReference)
						else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.restricted], true) == 0)
							// Regardless of 0/1 or false/true, a standard of string comparison will do.
						else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.searchable], true) == 0)
							IMediaContainer container = media as IMediaContainer;
							if (container != null)
						// Grab the innerText value of an item or container object
						// because that's really the value of an item or container.
				else if (this.m_SearchRes)
					foreach (IMediaResource res in media.MergedResources)
						if (this.m_Attrib != "")
							IList resAttribs= res.ValidAttributes;
							if (resAttribs.Contains(this.m_Attrib))
								if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.bitrate], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.bitsPerSample], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.colorDepth], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.duration], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.importUri], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.nrAudioChannels], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.protection], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.protocolInfo], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.resolution], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.sampleFrequency], true) == 0)
								else if (string.Compare(this.m_Attrib, T[_ATTRIB.size], true) == 0)
							Type resType = res.GetType();

							PropertyInfo pi = resType.GetProperty("RelativeContentUri");

							if (pi == null)
								string relativeUri = (string) pi.GetValue(res, null);
								if ((relativeUri != null) && (relativeUri != ""))
									throw new ApplicationException("res.RelativeContentUri is null or empty.");
					} //end for
				else if (string.Compare(this.m_Tag, _DC.title.ToString(), true) == 0)
					string title = media.Title;
					StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
					sb.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}", this.m_Ns, this.m_Tag);
					IList values = null;

					IList propValues = media.MergedProperties[sb.ToString()];
					if (propValues != null)
						foreach (ICdsElement propertyValue in propValues)
							if (values == null)
								values = new ArrayList();

							object val = null;
							if (this.m_Attrib != "")
								val = propertyValue.ExtractAttribute(this.m_Attrib);
								val = propertyValue.ComparableValue;

							if (val != null)

						if (values != null)
				// Limit our searches to the "desc" elements.
				throw new UPnPCustomException(709, "Extraction, sorting, or comparison of <desc> elements or child elements in <desc> nodes is not implemented yet.");
			return results;
Exemple #38
		public void RemoveObject (IUPnPMedia removeThis){}
Exemple #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 802.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The IUPnPMedia instance that already has a parent.</param>
		public Error_MediaObjectHasParent(IUPnPMedia obj)
			: base(802, "The media object (@id=\""+obj.ID+"\") already has a parent (@parentID=\""+obj.ParentID+"\").")
			MediaObj = obj;
 /// <summary>
 /// Not implemented.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ignored"></param>
 public void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia ignored)
Exemple #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 804.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj1">The object that was getting updated.</param>
		/// <param name="obj2">The object with the new metadata and resources.</param>
		public Error_BaseClassMisMatch (IUPnPMedia obj1, IUPnPMedia obj2)
			: base (804, "Cannot update a media object with class \"" +obj1.Class.ToString()+ "\" with metadata from a class \"" +obj2.Class.ToString()+ "\".")
			MediaObj = obj1;
			UpdateWithThis = obj2;
Exemple #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Recursively checks a media object and all of its descendents, applying the
		/// <see cref="MediaBuilder.ValidateMediaObject"/> as the criteria.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="hasParentID"></param>
		/// <param name="throwException"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool RecursiveValidationOfMediaObject (IUPnPMedia obj, bool hasParentID, bool throwException)
			bool result = true;
			IMediaContainer mc = obj as IMediaContainer;

			if (mc != null)
				foreach (IUPnPMedia child in mc.CompleteList)
					result = RecursiveValidationOfMediaObject(child, hasParentID, throwException);

					if (result == false)
						return result;

			return ValidateMediaObject(obj, hasParentID, throwException);
        private void ResultCreateObjectSink(ICpContainer parent, IUPnPMedia newObject, string newObjectID, string ResultXml, IUPnPMedia returnedObject, object Tag, UPnPInvokeException error, Exception xmlToObjectError)
            if (error != null)
                MessageBox.Show(this,xmlToObjectError.ToString(),"Create Object Server Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (xmlToObjectError != null)
                MessageBox.Show(this,xmlToObjectError.ToString(),"Create Object Response Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            IUPnPMedia original = (IUPnPMedia) Tag;

            for (int i=0; i < original.Resources.Length; i++)
                parent.RequestImportResource2(new Uri(((IMediaResource)original.Resources[i]).ContentUri), (IMediaResource) returnedObject.Resources[i], null, new OpenSource.UPnP.AV.MediaServer.CP.CpMediaDelegates.Delegate_ResultImportResource2(ResultImportResource2Sink));

            //			foreach (IMediaResource resource in returnedObject.Resources)
            //			{
            //				parent.RequestImportResource2(new Uri(((IMediaResource)original.Resources[0]).ContentUri), resource, null, new OpenSource.UPnP.AV.MediaServer.CP.CpMediaDelegates.Delegate_ResultImportResource2(ResultImportResource2Sink));
            //			}
Exemple #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Validates an <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> object for basic schema compliance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="hasParentID">If true, then "obj" should have proper parentID information.</param>
		/// <param name="throwException">If true, then any error will cause an exception to be thrown.</param>
		/// <returns>True, if the media object is valid.</returns>
		public static bool ValidateMediaObject (IUPnPMedia obj, bool hasParentID, bool throwException)
			if (obj.ID == null)
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("ObjectID is null.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.ID == "")
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Object ID is an empty string.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.Title == null)
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Title is null for ObjectID='" + obj.ID+ "'.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.Title.Trim() == "")
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Title contains only white-space characters for ObjectID='" + obj.ID+ "'.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.Class == null)
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Media class is null for ObjectID='" + obj.ID+ "'.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.Class == MediaClass.NullMediaClass)
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Media class is NullMediaClass for ObjectID='" + obj.ID+ "'.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.Class.FullClassName == null)
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Media class FullClassName is null for ObjectID='" + obj.ID+ "'.");
				return false;
			else if (! ((obj.Class.FullClassName.StartsWith("object.item")) || (obj.Class.FullClassName.StartsWith("object.container"))))
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("Media class " +obj.Class.FullClassName+ " does not begin with object.item or object.container.");
				return false;
			else if (obj.IsContainer != obj.Class.IsContainer)
				if (throwException)
					throw new ApplicationException("IUPnPMedia.IsContainer != IUPnPMedia.Class.IsContainer");
				return false;
			else if (obj.IsItem != obj.Class.IsItem)
				if (throwException)
					throw new ApplicationException("IUPnPMedia.IsItem != IUPnPMedia.Class.IsItem");
				return false;
			else if (obj.IsContainer == obj.Class.IsItem)
				if (throwException)
					throw new ApplicationException("IUPnPMedia.IsContainer == IUPnPMedia.Class.IsItem");
				return false;
			else if ((obj.IsContainer) && ((obj is IMediaContainer) == false))
				if (throwException)
					throw new ApplicationException("ObjectID='" +obj.ID+ "' has IsContainer=true, but it does not implement IMediaContainer.");
				return false;
			else if ((obj.IsItem) && ((obj is IMediaItem) == false))
				if (throwException)
					throw new ApplicationException("ObjectID='" +obj.ID+ "' has IsItem=true, but it does not implement IMediaItem.");
				return false;
			else if ((hasParentID) && (obj.ParentID == null))
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("ParentID is null when it should be non-null.");
				return false;
			else if ((hasParentID) && (obj.ParentID.Trim() == ""))
				if (throwException)
					throw new Error_BadMetadata("ParentID contains only white-space characters.");
				return false;

			return true;
 private void ResultImportResource2SinkEx(System.Uri importFromThis, IUPnPMedia owner, IMediaResource importToThis, IResourceTransfer transferObject, object Tag, UPnPInvokeException error)
     new TransferForm(transferObject).Show();
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the metadata and resources of this instance to match
        /// the information of the provided 
        /// <see cref="IDvMedia"/> instance. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newObj">the object contain</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidCastException">
        /// Throws an exception if the provided object's 
        /// resources include non-<see cref="IDvResource"/> objects.
        /// </exception>
        public override void UpdateObject(IUPnPMedia newObj)
            foreach (IDvResource res in newObj.Resources);

        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a subexpression of a whole expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="media">the media object with the metadata</param>
        /// <param name="prop">the property/attribute metadata to examine</param>
        /// <param name="op">the operator to use for examination</param>
        /// <param name="val">the value to compare against in string form</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CdsMetadata.Error_MalformedSearchCriteria">
        /// Thrown when the expression provided at constructor time could not
        /// be used to evaluate the media because of syntax errors in
        /// the expression.
        /// </exception>
        private bool Evaluate(IUPnPMedia media, string prop, OperatorTokens op, string val)
            bool result = false;

            TagExtractor te = (TagExtractor)this.m_PE[prop];

            IList values = te.Extract(media);

            if (op == OperatorTokens.Exists)
                bool testVal = (string.Compare(val, "true", true) == 0);

                result = (
                    ((values.Count > 0) && (testVal)) ||
                    ((values.Count == 0) && (testVal == false))
                foreach (object testVal in values)
                    int opCode = (int)op;
                    if ((opCode >= (int)OperatorTokens.Equal) && (opCode <= (int)OperatorTokens.GreaterThanEqualTo))
                        // Compare using a relational operator
                            int relResult = MetadataValueComparer.CompareTagValues(testVal, val, this.IgnoreCase);

                            if (relResult == 0)
                                result = true;
                        catch                         //(Exception e)
                            string opString = Enum.GetName(typeof(OperatorTokens), opCode);
                            throw new Error_MalformedSearchCriteria("(" + val + ") " + opString + " " + testVal.ToString() + ") could not occur.");
                    else if (op == OperatorTokens.Contains)
                        string tv  = testVal.ToString();
                        int    pos = tv.IndexOf(val);
                        result = (pos >= 0);
                    else if (op == OperatorTokens.DoesNotContain)
                        string tv  = testVal.ToString();
                        int    pos = tv.IndexOf(val);
                        result = (pos < 0);
                    else if (op == OperatorTokens.DerivedFrom)
                        string tv = testVal.ToString();

                        result = tv.StartsWith(val);

        private void Sink_OnBrowse(CpMediaServer server, System.String ObjectID, OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, UPnPInvokeException e, Exception parseError, object _Tag, IUPnPMedia[] Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID)
            IMediaContainer[] tagC, ec;
            bool ok = true;
            bool nomore = false;

            // ensure we're processing results for the current context
            lock (this)
                tagC = (IMediaContainer[]) _Tag;
                ec = this.CurrentContext.EntireContext;

                for (int i=0; i < ec.Length; i++)
                    if (ec[i] != tagC[i])
                        ok = false;

            if (ok)
                // results are for current context, merge metadata results
                // with existing child list

                if ((e == null) && (parseError == null))
                    lock (this)
                        // add to our media object
                        this.CurrentContext.ContainerContext.AddObjects(Result, true);

                        if (
                            ((this.m_Children.Count < TotalMatches) && (NumberReturned > 0)) ||
                            ((TotalMatches == 0) && (NumberReturned > 0))
                            // more items to come
                            this.m_CurrentIndex = NumberReturned;
                            // no more items, prune children from m_Container
                            ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
                            foreach (IUPnPMedia m1 in this.CurrentContext.ContainerContext.CompleteList)
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach (IUPnPMedia m2 in this.m_Children)
                                    if (m1 == m2)
                                        found = true;
                                if (found == false)
                            nomore = true;

                    if (this.OnIncrementalUpdate != null)
                        this.OnIncrementalUpdate(this, Result);

                    if (nomore)
                        if (this.OnRefreshComplete != null)
                            IUPnPMedia[] list = (IUPnPMedia[]) this.m_Children.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia));
                            this.OnRefreshComplete(this, list);
                    // error occurred with the results...
                    // how should we report this?
        internal bool IsMatch(IUPnPMedia mediaObj, bool returnFalseIfMatchedAlready)
            if (returnFalseIfMatchedAlready)
                if (this.m_Matches.Contains(mediaObj))
                    return false;

            return this.IsMatch(mediaObj);
        private void Sink_OnBrowse(CpMediaServer server, System.String ObjectID, OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag BrowseFlag, System.String Filter, System.UInt32 StartingIndex, System.UInt32 RequestedCount, System.String SortCriteria, UPnPInvokeException e, Exception parseError, object _Tag, IUPnPMedia[] Result, System.UInt32 NumberReturned, System.UInt32 TotalMatches, System.UInt32 UpdateID)
            if (server == this.m_Server)
                if (ObjectID == this.m_Context)
                    if (_Tag == this.m_Container)
                        if ((e != null) || (parseError != null))
                            //error encountered
                            // add children
                            this.m_Container.AddObjects(Result, true);

                            if (this.OnIncrementalUpdate != null)
                                this.OnIncrementalUpdate(this, Result);

                            if (
                                ((this.m_Children.Count == TotalMatches) && (NumberReturned > 0)) ||
                                ((TotalMatches == 0) && (NumberReturned > 0))
                                // more items to come
                                this.m_CurrentIndex = NumberReturned;
                                lock (this)
                                    // no more items, prune children from m_Container
                                    ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
                                    foreach (IUPnPMedia m1 in this.m_Container.CompleteList)
                                        bool found = false;
                                        foreach (IUPnPMedia m2 in this.m_Children)
                                            if (m1 == m2)
                                                found = true;
                                        if (found == false)

                                if (this.OnRefreshComplete != null)
                                    IUPnPMedia[] list = (IUPnPMedia[]) this.m_Children.ToArray(typeof(IUPnPMedia));
                                    this.OnRefreshComplete(this, list);
Exemple #51
        public void CompareResultsAgainstExpected(CdsBrowseSearchResults br, IList expectedResults, ref UPnPTestStates state, CdsSubTestArgument arg, BrowseInput input, bool strictOrder)
            if (br.WorstError >= UPnPTestStates.Failed)
                throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + this.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned with an error or had problems with the DIDL-Lite.");
                if (br.MediaObjects.Count != expectedResults.Count)
                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + this.Name + "\" did a " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " and it should have returned " + expectedResults.Count + " media objects. DIDL-Lite contained " + br.MediaObjects.Count + " media objects. DIDL-Lite => " + br.Result);

                bool warnResults = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < br.MediaObjects.Count; i++)
                    IUPnPMedia gotThis       = (IUPnPMedia)br.MediaObjects[i];
                    IUPnPMedia expectedMedia = (IUPnPMedia)expectedResults[i];

                    if (gotThis.ID == expectedMedia.ID)
                        //arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, "\""+this.Name+"\" did a " +input.PrintBrowseParams()+ " and encountered no errors in the results.");
                        bool failed = false;
                        if ((input.SortCriteria == null) || (input.SortCriteria == ""))
                            failed = true;
                            // Use this sorter to test for value-equality in situations where the expected order didn't match.
                            // We need to do this because two media objects may be value-equivalent according to a sorting
                            // algorithm, in which case there's no way to really distinguish what order they should be in.
                            IMediaSorter sorter2 = new MediaSorter(false, input.SortCriteria);

                            int cmp = sorter2.Compare(gotThis, expectedMedia);
                            if (cmp != 0)
                                arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Medium, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" found media object ID=\"" + gotThis.ID + "\" when it expected to find \"" + expectedMedia.ID + "\" and they are not equal in their sorted order.");
                                warnResults = true;
                                if (strictOrder == false)
                                    arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" found media object ID=\"" + gotThis.ID + "\" when it expected to find \"" + expectedMedia.ID + "\" but since they are effectively value-equivalent, the ordering is OK.");
                                    failed = true;

                        if (failed)
                            StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                            msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" did a {1} and the order of object ID's in the result conflicts with previous browse requests.");
                            msg.AppendFormat("\r\n\r\nReceived objects in order by ID: ");
                            int z = 0;
                            foreach (IUPnPMedia em in br.MediaObjects)
                                if (z > 0)
                                msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                            msg.Append("\r\n\r\nThe expected order by ID is: ");
                            z = 0;
                            foreach (IUPnPMedia em in expectedResults)
                                if (z > 0)
                                msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                            msg.AppendFormat(".\r\n\r\nDIDL-Lite ==> {0}", br.Result);
                            throw new TerminateEarly(msg.ToString());

                if (warnResults == false)
                    arg.TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, this.Name, "\"" + this.Name + "\" did a " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " and encountered no errors or warnings in the results.");
                    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                    msg.AppendFormat("WARNING: \"{0}\" did a {1} and \r\nreceived results in the following order by ID: ", this.Name, input.PrintBrowseParams());
                    int z = 0;
                    foreach (IUPnPMedia em in br.MediaObjects)
                        if (z > 0)
                        msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                    msg.Append("\r\n\r\nThe expected order by ID is: ");
                    z = 0;
                    foreach (IUPnPMedia em in expectedResults)
                        if (z > 0)
                        msg.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", em.ID);
                    msg.AppendFormat(".\r\n\r\nDIDL-Lite ==> {0}", br.Result);
                    // warn
                    state = UPnPTestStates.Warn;
                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Medium, this.Name, msg.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 802.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The IUPnPMedia instance that already has a parent.</param>
 public Error_MediaObjectHasParent(IUPnPMedia obj)
     : base(802, "The media object (@id=\"" + obj.ID + "\") already has a parent (@parentID=\"" + obj.ParentID + "\").")
     MediaObj = obj;
Exemple #53
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mo"></param>
		/// <param name="writeProperties"></param>
		/// <param name="shouldPrintResources"></param>
		/// <param name="writeResources"></param>
		/// <param name="writeDescNodes"></param>
		/// <param name="formatter"></param>
		/// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="xmlWriter"></param>
		public static void WriteInnerXml (
			IUPnPMedia mo, 
			DelegateWriteProperties writeProperties, 
			DelegateShouldPrintResources shouldPrintResources, 
			DelegateWriteResources writeResources, 
			DelegateWriteDescNodes writeDescNodes, 
			ToXmlFormatter formatter, 
			ToXmlData data, 
			XmlTextWriter xmlWriter
			// When serializing the properties, resources, and desc nodes,
			// we must always write the inner xml, the value, and the element
			// declaration. Save the original values, print these portions
			// of the DIDL-Lite and then revert back.

			ToXmlData d2 = data;
			data.IncludeElementDeclaration = true;
			data.IncludeInnerXml = true;
			data.IncludeValue = true;

			if (writeProperties != null)
				writeProperties(mo, data, xmlWriter); 
			if (writeResources != null) 
				writeResources(mo, shouldPrintResources, formatter, data, xmlWriter); 
			if (writeDescNodes != null) 
				writeDescNodes(mo, data, xmlWriter); 

			data.IncludeElementDeclaration = d2.IncludeElementDeclaration;
			data.IncludeInnerXml = d2.IncludeInnerXml;
			data.IncludeValue = d2.IncludeValue;

			IMediaContainer mc = mo as IMediaContainer;
			if (mc != null)
				if (data.IsRecursive)
					foreach (IUPnPMedia child in mc.CompleteList)
						ToXmlFormatter f2 = formatter;
						f2.StartElement = null;
						f2.EndElement = null;
						f2.WriteInnerXml = null;
						f2.WriteValue = null;

						child.ToXml(f2, data, xmlWriter);
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 804.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj1">The object that was getting updated.</param>
 /// <param name="obj2">The object with the new metadata and resources.</param>
 public Error_BaseClassMisMatch(IUPnPMedia obj1, IUPnPMedia obj2)
     : base(804, "Cannot update a media object with class \"" + obj1.Class.ToString() + "\" with metadata from a class \"" + obj2.Class.ToString() + "\".")
     MediaObj       = obj1;
     UpdateWithThis = obj2;
Exemple #55
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true, if the specified media object is a child of the container.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">IUPnPMedia object</param>
		/// <returns>True, if the "obj" is a child.</returns>
		protected bool HasChild(IUPnPMedia obj)
			bool result = false;

			if (this.m_Listing != null)
				foreach (IUPnPMedia child in this.m_Listing)
					if (child == obj)
						result = true;


			return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <param name="cds"></param>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <param name="C"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="TerminateEarly">
        /// </exception>
        public static ArrayList GetContainerChildrenAndValidate(IMediaContainer parent, CpContentDirectory cds, CdsSubTest test, CdsSubTestArgument arg, CdsResult_BrowseAll details, Queue C)
            uint totalExpected = uint.MaxValue;
            uint currentChild  = 0;

            ArrayList children = new ArrayList();

            while (currentChild < totalExpected)
                BrowseInput input = new BrowseInput();
                input.ObjectID       = parent.ID;
                input.BrowseFlag     = CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEDIRECTCHILDREN;
                input.Filter         = "*";
                input.StartingIndex  = currentChild;
                input.RequestedCount = 1;
                input.SortCriteria   = "";

                string containerID = parent.ID;

                if (currentChild == 0)
                    test.SetExpectedTestingTime((++details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
                    arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(details.TotalBrowseRequests * 30);

                CdsBrowseSearchResults results = Browse(input, test, arg, cds, details);

                test.SetExpectedTestingTime((details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
                arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress((details.TotalBrowseRequests) * 30);

                if (results.WorstError >= UPnPTestStates.Failed)
                    throw new TerminateEarly("\"" + test.Name + "\" is terminating early because " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned with an error or had problems with the DIDL-Lite.");
                    if (results.NumberReturned != 1)
                        if (currentChild != 0)
                            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Low, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned NumberReturned=" + results.NumberReturned + " when it should logically be 1.");

                    if (results.TotalMatches != totalExpected)
                        if (currentChild != 0)
                            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned TotalMatches=" + results.TotalMatches + " when it should logically be " + totalExpected + " as reported in an earlier Browse request. This portion of the test requires that a MediaServer device not be in a state where its content hierarchy will change.");
                            totalExpected = results.TotalMatches;
                            if (totalExpected > 0)
                                details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests += ((int)results.TotalMatches * 2) - 1;
                                test.SetExpectedTestingTime((details.ExpectedTotalBrowseRequests) * 30);
                                arg.ActiveTests.UpdateTimeAndProgress(details.TotalBrowseRequests * 30);

                    if (results.MediaObjects != null)
                        if (results.MediaObjects.Count == 1)
                            IUPnPMedia child = results.MediaObjects[0] as IUPnPMedia;

                            if (child == null)
                                throw new TestException("\"" + test.Name + "\"" + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but the child object's metadata is not stored in an IUPnPMedia object. The offending type is " + results.MediaObjects[0].GetType().ToString(), results.MediaObjects[0]);

                            // ensure no duplicates in object ID
                            foreach (IUPnPMedia previousChild in details.AllObjects)
                                if (previousChild.ID == child.ID)
                                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned an object with ID=\"" + child.ID + "\" which conflicts with a previously seen media object in ParentContainerID=\"" + previousChild.ParentID + "\".";
                                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                    throw new TerminateEarly(msg);

                            // ensure updateID is the same between BrowseDirectChildren and earlier BrowseMetadata.

                                uint previousUpdateID = (uint)parent.Tag;
                                if (results.UpdateID != previousUpdateID)
                                    string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " returned an UpdateID=" + results.UpdateID + " whilst an UpdateID=" + previousUpdateID + " was obtained in a previous call for ContainerID=\"" + parent.ID + "\" with BrowseMetadata.";
                                    arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                    throw new TerminateEarly(msg);
                            catch (TerminateEarly te)
                                throw te;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Error comparing UpdateID values", parent, e);

                            // add the child to lists: C, parent's child list, and Allobjects
                                parent.AddObject(child, false);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                AddObjectError aoe = new AddObjectError();
                                aoe.Parent = parent;
                                aoe.Child  = child;
                                throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but the child object could not be added to its parent.", aoe, e);

                            if (child.IsContainer)

                            // Do a BrowseMetadata and check to see if the XML values are the same.

                            CdsBrowseSearchResults compareResults = CheckMetadata(child, cds, test, arg, details);

                            if (compareResults.InvokeError != null)
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.High, test.Name, test.Name + ": Browse(BrowseDirectChildren,StartingIndex=" + currentChild + ",RequestedCount=0) on ContainerID=[" + containerID + "] succeeded with warnings because a BrowseMetadata request was rejected by the CDS.");
                            else if (compareResults.ResultErrors.Count > 0)
                                string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " failed because a BrowseMetadata request succeeded but the DIDL-Lite could not be represented in object form. Invalid DIDL-Lite is most likely the cause.";
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                throw new TerminateEarly(msg);
                            else if (compareResults.WorstError >= UPnPTestStates.Failed)
                                string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " failed because one or more child object's failed a comparison of results between BrowseDirectChildren and BrowseMetadata or encountered some other critical error in that process.";
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                throw new TerminateEarly(msg);
                                //string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " succeeded.";
                                //arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, msg);

                            // Track the metadata properties found so far
                            // as we may use them in Browse SortCriteria

                            // standard top-level attributes
                            Tags T = Tags.GetInstance();
                            AddTo(details.PropertyNames, "@" + T[_ATTRIB.id]);
                            AddTo(details.PropertyNames, "@" + T[_ATTRIB.parentID]);
                            AddTo(details.PropertyNames, "@" + T[_ATTRIB.restricted]);
                            if (child.IsContainer)
                                if (child.IsSearchable)
                                    AddTo(details.PropertyNames, "@" + T[_ATTRIB.searchable]);
                                    AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Container] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.searchable]);

                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Container] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.id]);
                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Container] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.parentID]);
                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Container] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.restricted]);
                            else if (child.IsItem)
                                if (child.IsReference)
                                    AddTo(details.PropertyNames, "@" + T[_ATTRIB.refID]);
                                    AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Item] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.refID]);

                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Item] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.id]);
                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Item] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.parentID]);
                                AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Item] + "@" + T[_ATTRIB.restricted]);

                            // standard metadata
                            IMediaProperties properties    = child.MergedProperties;
                            IList            propertyNames = properties.PropertyNames;
                            foreach (string propertyName in propertyNames)
                                if (details.PropertyNames.Contains(propertyName) == false)

                                    // add attributes if they are not added
                                    IList propertyValues = properties[propertyName];
                                    foreach (ICdsElement val in propertyValues)
                                        ICollection attributes = val.ValidAttributes;
                                        foreach (string attribName in attributes)
                                            StringBuilder sbpn = new StringBuilder();
                                            sbpn.AppendFormat("{0}@{1}", propertyName, attribName);
                                            string fullAttribName = sbpn.ToString();
                                            AddTo(details.PropertyNames, fullAttribName);

                                // resources
                                IList resources = child.MergedResources;
                                foreach (IMediaResource res in resources)
                                    ICollection attributes = res.ValidAttributes;
                                    foreach (string attribName in attributes)
                                        string name1 = "res@" + attribName;
                                        string name2 = "@" + attribName;

                                        AddTo(details.PropertyNames, name1);
                                        AddTo(details.PropertyNames, name2);

                                if (resources.Count > 0)
                                    AddTo(details.PropertyNames, T[_DIDL.Res]);
                            if (results.TotalMatches > 0)
                                string msg = "\"" + test.Name + "\": " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " did not yield exactly one CDS-compliant media object in its result. Instantiated a total of " + results.MediaObjects.Count + " media objects.";
                                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Critical, test.Name, msg);
                                throw new TerminateEarly(msg);
                        throw new TestException(test.Name + " has a TEST LOGIC ERROR. Browse returned without errors but no media objects were instantiated.", null);


 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 803.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The offending IUPnPMedia that was sent to the container for insertion.</param>
 public Error_DuplicateIdException(IUPnPMedia obj)
     : base(803, "The media object (@id=\"" + obj.ID + "\") conflicts with another media object with the same ID.")
     MediaObj = obj;
Exemple #58
		/// <summary>
		/// This method adds an <see cref="IUPnPMedia"/> (container or item) as a child
		/// of this container.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="newObject">the new container or item that should be added</param>
		/// <param name="overWrite">if true, the method will overwrite a current child if it has the same ID</param>
		/// <exception cref="Error_DuplicateIdException">
		/// Thrown if the object being added has the same ID as an existing child.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="Error_MediaObjectHasParent">
		/// Thrown if the object being added already is a child of another container.
		/// </exception>
		public virtual void AddObject(IUPnPMedia newObject, bool overWrite)
			IUPnPMedia errorParent = null;
			IUPnPMedia errorDuplicate = null;

				if (this.m_Listing == null)
					this.m_Listing = new ArrayList();

				if (newObject.Parent != null)
					if (newObject.Parent != this)
						errorParent = newObject;

					HashingMethod.Set(this.m_Listing, newObject, overWrite);
					if (newObject != null)
						newObject.Parent = this;
				catch (KeyCollisionException)
					errorDuplicate = newObject;

			if (errorParent != null)
				throw new Error_MediaObjectHasParent(errorParent);
			else if (errorDuplicate != null)
				throw new Error_DuplicateIdException(errorDuplicate);
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates vendor specific UPNP error code of 810.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 public Error_ObjectIsContainerAndItem(IUPnPMedia obj)
     : base(810, "Cannot create an object that is both an item and a container.")
     this.BadObject = obj;
Exemple #60
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes an object from the child list.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="removeThis">Mediaobject to remove</param>
		public virtual void RemoveObject (IUPnPMedia removeThis)
				if (this.m_Listing != null)
					int i = HashingMethod.Get(this.m_Listing, removeThis);
					if (i >= 0)
						IUPnPMedia obj = (IUPnPMedia) this.m_Listing[i];
						obj.Parent = null;

					if (this.m_Listing.Count == 0)
						this.m_Listing = null;