Exemple #1
        public CalendarPlugin(IMessageDispatcher remote, IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher)
            this._remote             = remote;
            this._uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;
            uiThreadDispatcher.BlockingInvoke(() =>
                calendar = new CalendarPanel();
                calendar.EventSelected += entrySelected;
                calendar.DaySelected   += daySelected;

                calendar.getMonthPanel().NumRows = 4;
                pluginContainer       = new Viewbox();
                pluginContainer.Child = calendar;

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(m => display(m)));
Exemple #2
        public StoryPlugin(IMessageDispatcher remote, IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher)
            this._remote             = remote;
            this._uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;
            uiThreadDispatcher.BlockingInvoke(() =>
                story                 = new StoryPage();
                pluginContainer       = new Viewbox();
                pluginContainer.Child = story;
                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(m => endVideoCapture()));
                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(m => startVideoCapture(m)));
                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(m => saveRecording(m)));

            foreach (EncoderDevice edv in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video))
                //Debug.WriteLine("found a video deviced named: " + edv.Name);
                videoDevice = edv;
            foreach (EncoderDevice edv in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio))
                //Debug.WriteLine("found a audio deviced named: " + edv.Name);
                if (edv.Name.ToLower().Contains("microphone"))
                    audioDevice = edv;

            story.SizeChanged += new System.Windows.SizeChangedEventHandler(story_SizeChanged);
            job = new LiveJob();

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("C:\\Dropbox\\" + System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName + "\\videos\\"))
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\\Dropbox\\" + System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName + "\\videos\\");

            fileOut = new FileArchivePublishFormat();
            fileOut.OutputFileName = "C:\\Dropbox\\" + System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName + "\\videos\\tempVideo.wmv";
Exemple #3
        public CheckersPlugin(IMessageDispatcher remote, IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher)
            this._remote             = remote;
            this._uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;

            uiThreadDispatcher.BlockingInvoke(() =>
                game             = new GameShape();
                game.UserPlayed += (s, e) =>
                    JObject body      = new JObject();
                    body["humanMove"] = ((CheckerEventArg)e).moveDesc;
                    _remote.Send("checkers.human_played_move", body);
                game.UserTouchedAgentChecker += (s, e) =>
                    JObject body    = new JObject();
                    body["howMany"] =
                    _remote.Send("checkers.touched_agent_piece", body);
                pluginContainer       = new Viewbox();
                pluginContainer.Child = game;

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => PlayAgentMove(x)));

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => game.ResetGame(_uiThreadDispatcher)));

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => game.ReceivedConfirmation()));

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => SetPlayability(x)));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The count of _pingTimers expired, and still client is disconnected
        /// </summary>

        /// Constructor of S22Comms. Setups communications and file transfer entities.
        /// Important notice: no actul connection yet takes place
        public SharpComms(String jid, String passphrase, string resource, IUIThreadDispatcher uidis)
            if (passphrase == null || jid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Provided null arguments to S22Comms constructor");
            uiDispatcher = uidis;

            string[] temp = jid.Split(new Char[] { '@' });
            _defaultNet  = temp[1];  //After the first @
            _defaultUser = temp[0];  //Before the first @
            _resource    = resource; //Resource provided in Constructor

            xmppClient = new XmppClient(_defaultNet, _defaultUser, passphrase);
            xmppClient.DefaultTimeOut = DefaultTimeOut;
            //Define the ping period multiplierf and the internal ping period

            remoteRosterList = new List <RosterItem>();
            //Method fired when a subscription request arrives
            xmppClient.SubscriptionRequest = SubScribeRequest;
            //Event fired when Subscription request has been approved.
            xmppClient.SubscriptionApproved += presenceMgt_OnSubscribed;
            //Event fired when Remote user or resource unsubscribed from receiving presence notifications
            xmppClient.Unsubscribed += presenceMgt_OnUnsubscribed;
            //Event fired when presence is detected
            xmppClient.StatusChanged += xmppClient_OnPresence;
            //Event fired when protocol error detected
            xmppClient.Error += xmppClient_OnError;
            //Event fired when Roster Updated
            xmppClient.RosterUpdated += xmppClient_RosterUpdated;
            //Delegate for incoming file transfer events
            xmppClient.FileTransferRequest = fileTransferMgt_OnFile_Delegate;
            //Delegate for incoming file transfer events progress
            xmppClient.FileTransferProgress += _xmppClient_FileTransferProgress;
            // Receive Messagea
            xmppClient.Message += xmppClient_Message;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The count of _pingTimers expired, and still client is disconnected
        /// </summary>

        /// Constructor of S22Comms. Setups communications and file transfer entities.
        /// Important notice: no actul connection yet takes place
        public SharpComms(String jid, String passphrase, string resource, IUIThreadDispatcher uidis)
            if (passphrase == null || jid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Provided null arguments to S22Comms constructor");
            uiDispatcher = uidis;

            string[] temp = jid.Split(new Char[] { '@' });
            _defaultNet = temp[1]; //After the first @
            _defaultUser = temp[0]; //Before the first @
            _resource = resource;   //Resource provided in Constructor

            xmppClient = new XmppClient(_defaultNet, _defaultUser, passphrase);
            xmppClient.DefaultTimeOut = DefaultTimeOut;
            //Define the ping period multiplierf and the internal ping period

            remoteRosterList = new List<RosterItem>();
            //Method fired when a subscription request arrives
            xmppClient.SubscriptionRequest = SubScribeRequest;
            //Event fired when Subscription request has been approved.
            xmppClient.SubscriptionApproved += presenceMgt_OnSubscribed;
            //Event fired when Remote user or resource unsubscribed from receiving presence notifications
            xmppClient.Unsubscribed += presenceMgt_OnUnsubscribed;
            //Event fired when presence is detected
            xmppClient.StatusChanged += xmppClient_OnPresence;
            //Event fired when protocol error detected
            xmppClient.Error += xmppClient_OnError;
            //Event fired when Roster Updated
            xmppClient.RosterUpdated += xmppClient_RosterUpdated;
            //Delegate for incoming file transfer events
            xmppClient.FileTransferRequest = fileTransferMgt_OnFile_Delegate;
            //Delegate for incoming file transfer events progress
            xmppClient.FileTransferProgress += _xmppClient_FileTransferProgress;
            // Receive Messagea
            xmppClient.Message += xmppClient_Message;
Exemple #6
        public TTTPlugin(IMessageDispatcher remote, IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher)
            this._remote             = remote;
            this._uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;

            uiThreadDispatcher.BlockingInvoke(() =>
                game         = new GameShape();
                game.Played += (s, e) =>
                    JObject body    = new JObject();
                    body["cellNum"] = ((cellEventArg)e).cellNum;
                    _remote.Send("tictactoe.human_played_cell", body);
                pluginContainer       = new Viewbox();
                pluginContainer.Child = game;

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => PlayAgentMove(x)));

                                           new MessageHandlerDelegateWrapper(x => SetPlayability(x)));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">View object.</param>
 public ViewState(object view)
     _view       = view;
     _dispatcher = new DefaultUIThreadDispatcher();
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">View object.</param>
 /// <param name="dispatcher">UI thread dispatcher.</param>
 public ViewState(INotifyPropertyChanged view, IUIThreadDispatcher dispatcher) : this(view)
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">View object.</param>
 /// <param name="dispatcher">UI thread dispatcher.</param>
 public ViewState(INotifyPropertyChanged view, IUIThreadDispatcher dispatcher)
     _view       = view;
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hubProxy">DotNetify hub server proxy.</param>
 /// <param name="dispatcher">UI thread dispatcher.</param>
 public DotNetifyClient(IDotNetifyHubProxy hubProxy, IUIThreadDispatcher dispatcher)
     _hubProxy   = hubProxy;
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">View object.</param>
 /// <param name="dispatcher">UI thread dispatcher.</param>
 public ViewState(object view, IUIThreadDispatcher dispatcher)
     _view       = view;
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
Exemple #12
 public CheckersPluginCreator(IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher, IMessageDispatcher remoteDispatcher)
     _uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;
     _remoteDispatcher   = remoteDispatcher;
Exemple #13
 public EnrollPluginCreator(IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher, IMessageDispatcher remoteDispatcher)
     _uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;
     _remoteDispatcher   = remoteDispatcher;
Exemple #14
 public SoftKeyboardPluginCreator(IUIThreadDispatcher uiThreadDispatcher, IMessageDispatcher remoteDispatcher)
     _uiThreadDispatcher = uiThreadDispatcher;
     _remoteDispatcher   = remoteDispatcher;