private void FindVehiclesByProporties() { Console.Clear(); ui.Print("Please enter the color of the vehicles you would like to find!"); var color = ui.GetInput(); ui.Print("Please enter the number of wheels of the vehicles you would like to find!"); var NrOfWheels = ui.GetInput(); ui.Print("Please enter the type of the vehicle would like to find!"); var type = ui.GetInput(); IEnumerable <Vehicle> result = handler.GetAll(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(color)) { result = result.Where(v => v.Color.Equals(color, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NrOfWheels) && int.TryParse(NrOfWheels, out int getWheelsNr)) { result = result.Where(v => v.NrOfWheels == getWheelsNr); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type)) { result = result.Where(v => v.GetType().Name.Equals(type, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } foreach (var itemAllVehicles in result) { if (color.ToLower() == itemAllVehicles.Color.ToLower() || type.ToLower() == itemAllVehicles.GetType().Name.ToLower() || int.TryParse(NrOfWheels, out getWheelsNr)) { Console.Clear(); ui.Print($"A vehicle of type {itemAllVehicles.GetType().Name} with the register number: {itemAllVehicles.RegNr} that has a {itemAllVehicles.Color} color and {itemAllVehicles.NrOfWheels} wheels has been found"); } else { Console.Clear(); ui.Print("No vehicles found in these specifications!"); break; } } }
public void PrintMenu() { do { ui.Print("1. Populate the garage with som vehicles " + "\n2. Print all vehicles in the garage " + "\n3. Print vehicle types and how many of each there are in the garage" + "\n4. Park a vehicle " + "\n5. Pick up a vehicle" + "\n6. Get information about the vehicle by giving the registration number" + "\n7. Get a group of vehicles with certain attributes" + "\nQ. Quit application"); switch (ui.GetInput()) { case "1": SeedData(); break; case "2": PrintAll(); break; case "3": PrintVehicleTypes(); break; case "4": Park(); break; case "5": PickUp(); break; case "6": FindVehicleWithRegNr(); break; case "7": FindVehicle(); break; case "Q": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: ui.Print("Wrong choice, try again"); break; } ; } while (true); }
internal static string AskForAlphabets(string prompt, IUI ui) { bool success = false; string answer; do { ui.Print(prompt); answer = ui.GetInput(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) && Regex.IsMatch(answer, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$")) { success = true; } } while (!success); return(answer); }
internal static string AskForString(string prompt, IUI ui) { bool success = false; string answer; do { ui.Print(prompt); answer = ui.GetInput(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer)) { success = true; } } while (!success); return(answer); }
{//Prompt = det vi vill skriva ut på skärmen //Ui hanterar utskrift public static string AskForString(string prompt, IUI ui) { bool success = false; string answer; //loopa tills användaren har skrivit in något //Än så länge ingen annan validering do { Console.WriteLine(prompt); answer = ui.GetInput(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(answer)) { ui.Print("You must enter something"); } else { success = true; } } while (!success); return(answer); }
public string Input(IScreen screen) { return(_ui.GetInput()); }
public void AddVehicleByOption() { var list = garageHandler.garage.Vehicles; ui.Print("Välj vilket fordon du vill lägga till? " + "\n1. Airplane " + "\n2. MotorCycle" + "\n3. Car" + "\n4. Bus" + "\n5. Boat" + "\n6 Exit"); string option = ui.GetInput(); if (garageHandler.garage.IsFull()) { ui.Print("Garage is now full"); } else { switch (option) { case "1": AddAirplane(); ui.Print(" "); ui.Print("Airplane is parked"); ui.Print(" "); break; case "2": AddMotorcycle(); ui.Print(" "); ui.Print("Motorcycle is parked"); ui.Print(" "); break; case "3": AddCar(); ui.Print(" "); ui.Print("Car is parked"); ui.Print(" "); break; case "4": AddBus(); ui.Print(" "); ui.Print("Bus is parked"); ui.Print(" "); break; case "5": AddBoat(); ui.Print(" "); ui.Print("Boat is parked"); ui.Print(" "); break; case "6": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: ui.WrongInput("Wrong input, you must choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5"); break; } } }
private void SearchVehicleProperties() { var vList = garageHandler.garage.Vehicles; string inputType = ""; string inputColor = ""; int inputWheels = -1; var searchStr = "Please search vehicle through the menu by inputting " + "the number \n(1, 2, 3 ,4, 0) of your choice " + "\n1. Search by color" + "\n2. Search by number of wheels" + "\n3. Search by type"; var userString = "Search?: "; var searchAgain = "Search again?: \n1. Yes \n2. No, display search result"; bool isSearchOk = true; do { ui.Print(searchStr); string userInput = ui.GetInput(); switch (userInput) { case "1": ui.Print(userString); inputType = ui.GetInput(); ui.Print(searchAgain); string againInput = ui.GetInput(); if (againInput == "1") { continue; } if (againInput == "2") { isSearchOk = false; } break; case "2": ui.Print(userString); inputColor = ui.GetInput(); ui.Print(searchAgain); againInput = ui.GetInput(); if (againInput == "1") { continue; } if (againInput == "2") { isSearchOk = false; } break; case "3": ui.Print(userString); inputWheels = Convert.ToInt32(ui.GetInput()); ui.Print(searchAgain); againInput = ui.GetInput(); if (againInput == "1") { continue; } if (againInput == "2") { isSearchOk = false; } break; default: ui.Print("Please enter some valid input (1, 2, 3)"); break; } } while (isSearchOk); if (garageHandler.CheckForNull(vList)) { ui.Print("The vehicle was not found!"); } else { var filter = vList.Where(ve => ve?.Color.ToLower().ToUpper() == inputColor.ToLower().ToUpper() || ve?.NumOfWheels == inputWheels || ve?.GetType().Name.ToUpper().ToLower() == inputType.ToUpper().ToLower()); foreach (var item in filter) { ui.Print($"Found {item.GetType().Name} with color {item.Color} and {item.NumOfWheels} wheels"); } } }