/// <summary>Create a new counter map, using a specific key encoder.</summary>
        public FdbCounterMap(ITypedKeySubspace <TKey> subspace)
            Contract.NotNull(subspace, nameof(subspace));

            this.Subspace = subspace;
            this.Location = subspace;
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>Create a new multimap, using a specific key and value encoder</summary>
		/// <param name="subspace">Location where the map will be stored in the database</param>
		/// <param name="allowNegativeValues">If true, allow negative or zero values to stay in the map.</param>
		/// <param name="encoder">Encoder for the key/value pairs</param>
		public FdbMultiMap(ITypedKeySubspace<TKey, TValue> subspace, bool allowNegativeValues)
			if (subspace == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subspace));

			this.AllowNegativeValues = allowNegativeValues;
			this.Subspace = subspace;
Exemple #3
        protected virtual Task <List <Slice> > LoadPartsAsync(ITypedKeySubspace <TId, int> subspace, IFdbReadOnlyTransaction trans, TId id)
            var key = subspace.EncodePartial(id);

                   .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(key))              //TODO: options ?
                   .Select(kvp => kvp.Value)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>Create a new counter map, using a specific key encoder.</summary>
        public FdbCounterMap([NotNull] ITypedKeySubspace <TKey> subspace)
            if (subspace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subspace));

            this.Subspace = subspace;
            this.Location = subspace;
Exemple #5
        public FdbCompressedBitmapIndex(string name, ITypedKeySubspace <TValue> subspace, IEqualityComparer <TValue>?valueComparer = null, bool indexNullValues = false)

            this.Name            = name;
            this.Subspace        = subspace;
            this.ValueComparer   = valueComparer ?? EqualityComparer <TValue> .Default;
            this.IndexNullValues = indexNullValues;
		public FdbDocumentCollection(ITypedKeySubspace<TId, int> subspace, Func<TDocument, TId> selector, IValueEncoder<TDocument> valueEncoder)
			if (subspace == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subspace));
			if (selector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selector));
			if (valueEncoder == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueEncoder));

			this.Subspace = subspace;
			this.IdSelector = selector;
			this.ValueEncoder = valueEncoder;
        public FdbIndex([NotNull] string name, [NotNull] ITypedKeySubspace <TValue, TId> subspace, IEqualityComparer <TValue> valueComparer, bool indexNullValues)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            if (subspace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subspace));

            this.Name            = name;
            this.Subspace        = subspace;
            this.ValueComparer   = valueComparer ?? EqualityComparer <TValue> .Default;
            this.IndexNullValues = indexNullValues;
        public FdbMap([NotNull] string name, [NotNull] ITypedKeySubspace <TKey> subspace, [NotNull] IValueEncoder <TValue> valueEncoder)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            if (subspace == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subspace));
            if (valueEncoder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueEncoder));

            this.Name         = name;
            this.Subspace     = subspace;
            this.ValueEncoder = valueEncoder;
 public static Slice Pack <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, ValueTuple <T1> tuple)
 public static KeyRange EncodeRange <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, [AllowNull] T1 item1)
     //TODO: add concept of "range" on IKeyEncoder ?
 public static KeyRange PackRange <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, ValueTuple <T1> tuple)
 public static TypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4> Copy <T1, T2, T3, T4>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4> subspace, ISubspaceContext?context = null)
     return(new TypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4>(StealPrefix(subspace), subspace.KeyEncoder, context ?? subspace.Context));
 public State(ITypedKeySubspace <VersionStamp> subspace, IValueEncoder <T> encoder)
     this.Subspace = subspace;
     this.Encoder  = encoder;
 internal State(ITypedKeySubspace <TKey, TValue> subspace, bool allowNegativeValues)
     this.Subspace            = subspace;
     this.AllowNegativeValues = allowNegativeValues;
Exemple #15
 public State(FdbIndex <TId, TValue> schema, ITypedKeySubspace <TValue, TId> subspace)
     this.Schema   = schema;
     this.Subspace = subspace;
 public static IEnumerable <Slice> Encode <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, IEnumerable <T1> items)
     return(self.KeyEncoder.EncodeKeys(self.GetPrefix(), items));
 public static TypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4> Copy <T1, T2, T3, T4>([NotNull] this ITypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4> subspace)
     Contract.NotNull(subspace, nameof(subspace));
     return(new TypedKeySubspace <T1, T2, T3, T4>(StealPrefix(subspace), subspace.KeyEncoder));
 public static Slice Pack <T1, TTuple>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, TTuple tuple)
     where TTuple : IVarTuple
     return(self.Encode(tuple.OfSize(1).Get <T1>(0)));
 public State(ITypedKeySubspace <int, long> subspace, Random rng)
     this.Subspace = subspace;
     this.Rng      = rng;
 public static Slice[] Encode <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, params T1[] items)
     return(self.KeyEncoder.EncodeKeys(self.GetPrefix(), items));
Exemple #21
 internal State(ITypedKeySubspace <TKey> subspace, IValueEncoder <TValue> encoder)
     Contract.Requires(subspace != null && encoder != null);
     this.Subspace     = subspace;
     this.ValueEncoder = encoder;
 /// <summary>Decode a key from this subspace back into a value</summary>
 public static void Decode <T1>(this ITypedKeySubspace <T1> self, Slice packedKey, [MaybeNull] out T1 item1)
     item1 = self.Decode(packedKey) !;
        public static async Task <long> AllocateAsync(IFdbTransaction trans, ITypedKeySubspace <int, long> subspace, Random rng)

            // find the current window size, by reading the last entry in the 'counters' subspace
            long start = 0, count = 0;
            var  kv = await trans

            if (kv.Key.Count != 0)
                start = subspace.DecodeLast(kv.Key);
                count = kv.Value.ToInt64();

            // check if the window is full
            int window = GetWindowSize(start);

            if ((count + 1) * 2 >= window)
            {             // advance the window
                if (FdbDirectoryLayer.AnnotateTransactions)
                    trans.Annotate("Advance allocator window size to {0} starting at {1}", window, start + window);
                trans.ClearRange(subspace[COUNTERS, 0], subspace[COUNTERS, start + 1]);
                start += window;
                count  = 0;
                trans.ClearRange(subspace[RECENT, 0], subspace[RECENT, start]);

            // Increment the allocation count for the current window
            trans.AtomicAdd64(subspace[COUNTERS, start], 1);

            // As of the snapshot being read from, the window is less than half
            // full, so this should be expected to take 2 tries.  Under high
            // contention (and when the window advances), there is an additional
            // subsequent risk of conflict for this transaction.
            while (true)
                // Find a random free slot in the current window...
                long candidate;
                lock (rng)
                    candidate = start + rng.Next(window);

                // test if the key is used
                var key   = subspace[RECENT, candidate];
                var value = await trans.GetAsync(key).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (value.IsNull)
                {                 // free slot
                    // mark as used
                    trans.Set(key, Slice.Empty);
                    if (FdbDirectoryLayer.AnnotateTransactions)
                        trans.Annotate("Allocated prefix {0} from window [{1}..{2}] ({3} used)", candidate, start, start + window - 1, count + 1);

                // no luck this time, try again...