public SplashViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, ITrelloApiSettings settings, ITrello api, ICache cache) { _navigationService = navigationService; _settings = settings; _cache = cache; _api = api; }
private void Authenticate(string appKey, string userToken) { //TODO: tratar caso de appKey ou userToken inválido Trello = Trello ?? new TrelloNet.Trello(appKey); Trello.Authorize(userToken); }
public TrelloBoardService(ITrello trelloService, string boardId) { _trelloService = trelloService; _board = _trelloService.Boards.WithId(boardId); BoardName = _board.Name; }
public void DoWork(Card[] cards, ITrello trello, IDisplay display) { foreach (var card in cards.Select(x => new ReleaseNotesCard(x))) { display.Write(string.Format("{0} - {1}", card.Labels, card.Name)); } }
private static void AddCards(List<DevCard> list, List backlog, ITrello trello, int count) { _cards = new List<Card>(); _dic = new Dictionary<Card, DevCard>(); foreach (var devCard in list) { Console.WriteLine(devCard.ToString()); var cardname = GetCardName(devCard); var cc = new NewCard(cardname, backlog); var msg = devCard.ToString(); msg += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Feature:{0} Priority:{1} {2}", devCard.Feature + Environment.NewLine, devCard.Priority + Environment.NewLine, devCard.Notes + Environment.NewLine); cc.Desc = msg; var card = trello.Cards.ForList(backlog).FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == cardname.ToLowerInvariant()); if (card == null) { card = trello.Cards.Add(cc); } _cards.Add(card); _dic.Add(card, devCard); } }
public MyNotificationsViewModel(INavigationService navigation, ITrello api) { _navigation = navigation; _api = api; DisplayName = "notifications"; Notifications = new BindableCollection <NotificationViewModel>(); }
protected AbstractHandler(IEventAggregator events, ITrello api, IProgressService progress) { Api = api; Progress = progress; Events = events; Events.Subscribe(this); }
public ChangeCardLabelsViewModel(object root) : base(root) { _eventAggregator = IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>(); _api = IoC.Get <ITrello>(); _progress = IoC.Get <IProgressService>(); Labels = new BindableCollection <Label>(); }
public ProfileViewModel(ITrello api, ITrelloApiSettings settings, INavigationService navigation, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) : base(settings, navigation) { _api = api; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; }
public void Setup() { _trelloReadOnly = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]); _trelloReadOnly.Authorize(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MemberReadToken"]); _trelloReadWrite = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]); _trelloReadWrite.Authorize(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MemberWriteToken"]); }
public TrelloService(TrelloSettings trelloSettings) { _trelloSettings = trelloSettings; _trello = new Trello(_trelloSettings.ApiKey); _trello.Authorize(_trelloSettings.Token); }
public ChangeCardLabelsViewModel(object root) : base(root) { _eventAggregator = IoC.Get<IEventAggregator>(); _api = IoC.Get<ITrello>(); _progress = IoC.Get<IProgressService>(); Labels = new BindableCollection<Label>(); }
public BoardViewModel(ITrelloApiSettings settings, ITrello api, INavigationService navigation, IApplicationBar applicationBar, Func <BoardListViewModel> listFactory) : base(navigation, applicationBar) { _api = api; _listFactory = listFactory; }
public MyCardsViewModel(ITrello api, Func <CardViewModel> cardFactory) { _api = api; _cardFactory = cardFactory; DisplayName = "cards"; Cards = new BindableCollection <IGrouping <string, CardViewModel> >(); }
public MyBoardsViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, ITrello api) { _navigationService = navigationService; _api = api; DisplayName = "boards"; Boards = new BindableCollection <BoardViewModel>(); }
public BoardViewModel(ITrelloApiSettings settings, ITrello api, INavigationService navigation, IApplicationBar applicationBar, Func<BoardListViewModel> listFactory) : base(navigation, applicationBar) { _api = api; _listFactory = listFactory; }
public TrelloHelper(Configuration configuration, ProjectsConfiguration projectsConfiguration) { _currentProjectId = projectsConfiguration.CurrentProjectId; _trello = new Trello(configuration.Trello.ApiKey); _trello.Authorize(configuration.Trello.OAuthToken); var boardPlugins = _trello.Advanced.Get($"Boards/ZOUl8taI/boardPlugins").ToString(); _trello.Advanced.Post("Boards/ZOUl8taI/boardPlugins", new { idPlugin = CustomFieldsPluginId }); _currentBoardId = GetBoardForProject(projectsConfiguration); }
public void DoWork(Card[] cards, ITrello trello, IDisplay display) { display.Skip(); display.Write("Archiving cards..."); foreach (var card in cards) { trello.Cards.Archive(card); } }
public MyTrelloApi(string authorizationToken = null, IUserInterface ui = null) { UI = ui; _trello = new TrelloNet.Trello(ApplicationKey); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorizationToken) || !TryAuthenticate(authorizationToken)) { AuthorizationUrl = _trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("MyTrelloApi", Scope.ReadOnly, Expiration.Never); IsAuthorized = false; } }
public TrelloClient(ITrelloConfig trelloConfig) { _trelloConfig = trelloConfig; _trello = Ioc.Container.Resolve<ITrello>(new ParameterOverride("key", _trelloConfig.TrelloKey)); _trello.Authorize(_trelloConfig.TrelloToken); _lists = GetLists(); _members = GetMembers(); _cards = new List<TfsCard>(); BoardId = new BoardId(trelloConfig.BoardId); }
public TrelloClient(ITrelloConfig trelloConfig) { _trelloConfig = trelloConfig; _trello = Ioc.Container.Resolve <ITrello>(new ParameterOverride("key", _trelloConfig.TrelloKey)); _trello.Authorize(_trelloConfig.TrelloToken); BoardId = new BoardId(trelloConfig.BoardId); _lists = GetLists(); _members = GetMembers(); _cards = new List <TfsCard>(); }
public Card[] Fetch(ITrello trello, IOptions options) { var board = trello.Boards.WithId(options.BoardId); var list = trello.Lists .ForBoard(board) .First(x => string.Compare(x.Name, options.List, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0); return trello.Cards.ForList(list).ToArray(); }
// DiscordSocketClient and CommandService are injected automatically from the IServiceProvider public Reminder(DiscordSocketClient discord, IConfigurationRoot config, IConfigurationRoot boards) { this.discord = discord; this.config = config; this.boards = boards; this.trello = new Trello(this.config["tokens:trello"]); Console.Out.WriteLine("test"); }
public ImportCardsPresenter(IImportCardsView view, IMessageBus messageBus, ITrello trello, TaskScheduler taskScheduler) { this.view = view; this.messageBus = messageBus; this.trello = trello; this.taskScheduler = taskScheduler; trelloHelper = new TrelloHelper(trello); SetupMessageEventHandlers(); SetupEventHandlers(); }
public MoveCardToBoardViewModel(object root) : base(root) { _eventAggregator = IoC.Get<IEventAggregator>(); _api = IoC.Get<ITrello>(); _progress = IoC.Get<IProgressService>(); Boards = new BindableCollection<Board>(); Lists = new BindableCollection<List>(); PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged; }
public void DoWork(Card[] cards, ITrello trello, IDisplay display) { var cardsGroupedByLabel = cards .Select(x => new ReleaseNotesCard(x)) .GroupBy(x => x.Labels) .ToArray(); File.WriteAllText(_options.Output, Razor.Parse(File.ReadAllText(_options.Template), new { _options.SoftwareName, _options.SoftwareVersion, Groups = cardsGroupedByLabel })); }
public MoveCardToBoardViewModel(object root) : base(root) { _eventAggregator = IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>(); _api = IoC.Get <ITrello>(); _progress = IoC.Get <IProgressService>(); Boards = new BindableCollection <Board>(); Lists = new BindableCollection <List>(); PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged; }
public void Init() { _trelloFake = A.Fake<ITrello>(); var unityContainer = new UnityContainer(); Ioc.Configure(unityContainer); unityContainer.RegisterInstance(_trelloFake); var trelloLists = new []{new List{Name = ListName, Id = "1"}}; A.CallTo(() => _trelloFake.Lists.ForBoard(TrelloClient.BoardId, ListFilter.All)).Returns(trelloLists); var config = A.Fake<ITrelloConfig>(); A.CallTo(() => config.BoardId).Returns("id"); _trelloClient = new TrelloClient(config); }
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appKey) || appKey != this.textBox1.Text) { string[] tow = new string[] { this.textBox1.Text, token }; File.WriteAllLines("data.txt", tow); } appKey = this.textBox1.Text; trello = new Trello(appKey); this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; }
public ExportCardsPresenter(IExportCardsView view, ITrello trello, ICreateNewCards transformer, TaskScheduler taskScheduler, IMessageBus messageBus) { this.view = view; this.taskScheduler = taskScheduler; this.messageBus = messageBus; this.trello = trello; this.transformer = transformer; exportCardsCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); SetupMessageEventHandlers(); SetupEventHandlers(); SetupInitialState(); }
public ArchiverJob(ITrello trello = null, string key = null, string secret = null) { this._key = key ?? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["trellokey"]; this._authToken = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["trelloauthtoken"]; this._trello = trello ?? new Trello(this._key); if (_authToken == null) { string msg = "You must authorize this app for your trello account. Use the url: " + _trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("Trello Archiver", Scope.ReadWrite, Expiration.Never).ToString(); _log.Fatal(msg); throw new ArgumentException(msg); } _trello.Authorize(this._authToken); _log.InfoFormat("Authorized with token {0}", this._authToken); }
public void DoWork(Card[] cards, ITrello trello, IDisplay display) { display.Skip(); display.Write("Updating release version on cards..."); foreach (var card in cards) { if (card.Desc.Contains(ReleaseTag(_options.SoftwareVersion))) return; card.Desc += ReleaseTag(_options.SoftwareVersion); trello.Cards.ChangeDescription(card, card.Desc); } }
public TrelloWorldService(ITrello trello, IAsyncTrello asyncTrello, Settings settings) { if (asyncTrello == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (trello == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } _trello = trello; _trello.Authorize(settings.Token); _asyncTrello = asyncTrello; }
public ExportCardsPresenter(IExportCardsView view, ITrello trello, ICreateNewCards transformer, TaskScheduler taskScheduler, IMessageBus messageBus) { this.view = view; this.taskScheduler = taskScheduler; this.messageBus = messageBus; this.trello = trello; this.transformer = transformer; trelloHelper = new TrelloHelper(trello); exportCardsCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); SetupMessageEventHandlers(); SetupEventHandlers(); SetupInitialState(); }
public BoardListViewModel(ITrello api, INavigationService navigation, IEventAggregator events, IWindowManager windows, Func <CardViewModel> cardFactory) { _api = api; _navigation = navigation; _events = events; _windows = windows; _cardFactory = cardFactory; _events.Subscribe(this); Cards = new BindableCollection <CardViewModel>(); }
public AuthorizePresenter(IAuthorizeView authorizeView, ITrello trello, IMessageBus messageBus) { this.authorizeView = authorizeView; this.trello = trello; this.messageBus = messageBus; authorizeView.AuthorizationTokenReceived += (sender, args) => { trello.Authorize(args.Token); StoreTokenInSettings(args.Token); authorizeView.Hide(); trello.Async.Members.Me() .ContinueWith(t => messageBus.Publish(new TrelloWasAuthorizedEvent(t.Result))); }; }
public void Init() { _trelloFake = A.Fake <ITrello>(); var unityContainer = new UnityContainer(); Ioc.Configure(unityContainer); unityContainer.RegisterInstance(_trelloFake); var trelloLists = new [] { new List { Name = ListName, Id = "1" } }; A.CallTo(() => _trelloFake.Lists.ForBoard(TrelloClient.BoardId, ListFilter.All)).Returns(trelloLists); var config = A.Fake <ITrelloConfig>(); A.CallTo(() => config.BoardId).Returns("id"); _trelloClient = new TrelloClient(config); }
public void refreshData() { if (token != null && key != null) { if (trello == null) { trello = new Trello(key); trello.Authorize(token); enabled = true; } if (board == "") { getBoards(); } else { getCards(); } } }
public CardDetailOverviewViewModel(ITrello api, ITrelloApiSettings settings, IProgressService progress, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, INavigationService navigation, IWindowManager windowManager) { DisplayName = "overview"; _api = api; _settings = settings; _progress = progress; _navigation = navigation; _windowManager = windowManager; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; // we need to listen to other events even when not active _eventAggregator.Subscribe(this); Labels = new BindableCollection <LabelViewModel>(); Comments = new BindableCollection <ActivityViewModel>(); }
public CardDetailPivotViewModel(ITrello api, ITrelloApiSettings settings, INavigationService navigation, IApplicationBar applicationBar, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWindowManager windowManager, Func <CardDetailOverviewViewModel> overview, Func <CardDetailChecklistViewModel> checklists, Func <CardDetailAttachmentsViewModel> attachments, Func <CardDetailMembersViewModel> members) : base(navigation, applicationBar) { _api = api; _navigation = navigation; _windowManager = windowManager; _overview = overview; _checklists = checklists; _attachments = attachments; _members = members; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _eventAggregator.Subscribe(this); }
public CardDetailMembersViewModel(ITrello api, IProgressService progress, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { DisplayName = "members"; _api = api; _progress = progress; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; //_eventAggregator.Subscribe(this); AllMembersCount = 0; _members = new BindableCollection <CardMemberViewModel>(); _otherMembers = new BindableCollection <CardMemberViewModel>(); Members = new CollectionViewSource(); Members.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("FullName", ListSortDirection.Descending)); Members.Source = _members; OtherMembers = new CollectionViewSource(); OtherMembers.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("FullName", ListSortDirection.Descending)); OtherMembers.Source = _otherMembers; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(File)) throw new FileNotFoundException(File); _pck = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(File)); GetColumnIndexes(); const string milestone = "Screens"; _devCards = ExtractDevCards().Where(a => a.Milestone == milestone && a.EstimatedHours > 0).ToList(); _trello = new Trello("7b17eb1ed849a91c051da9c924f93cfb"); var url = _trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("userstorydataloader", Scope.ReadWrite); //Process.Start(url.AbsoluteUri); _trello.Authorize("db2c728bfd1b4cca3e07c0176e6ac3208fd4f363f383f9e0a2ac74081da4cd95"); _board = _trello.Boards.WithId("55a8cdfd9536d1d4a332691f"); _backlog = _trello.Lists .ForBoard(_board) .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "Backlog"); _lbls = _trello.Labels.ForBoard(_board); AddCards(_devCards, _backlog, _trello, _count); Thread.Sleep(5000); AddAcceptanceCriteria(_backlog, _board); Thread.Sleep(5000); AddLabels(_backlog, _board); }
public TrelloHelper(ITrello trello) { this.trello = trello; }
/// <summary> /// Get card Ids from all action /// </summary> /// <param name="trello">trello interface</param> /// <param name="boardId">board Id</param> /// <param name="startDate">filter start date</param> /// <param name="endDate">filter end date</param> /// <returns>List of card ids</returns> public static List<string> GetCardIdsFromActions(ITrello trello, string boardId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var actions = trello.Actions.ForBoard( new BoardId(boardId), since: Since.Date(startDate), paging: new Paging(1000, 0), filter: CardActionTypes); var changedCardActions = actions.Where(a => a.Date > startDate && a.Date < endDate).ToList(); var changedCardIds = new List<string>(); foreach (var changedCardAction in changedCardActions) { // get only cards var cardId = GetCardIdFromAction(changedCardAction); // modified card if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardId)) { // card id isnt exist if (!changedCardIds.Contains(cardId)) { changedCardIds.Add(cardId); } } } return changedCardIds; }
public void setKey(string k) { key = k; trello = new Trello(key); }
/// <summary> /// Get cards for a report /// </summary> /// <param name="model">Input model</param> /// <param name="instance">Trello instance</param> /// <returns>Card list</returns> public static IEnumerable<Card> GetCards(ReportModel model, ITrello instance) { // set query start date var startDate = DateTimeHelper.GetStartDate(model.StartDate, model.ReportIntervalType); // set query end date var endDate = DateTimeHelper.GetEndDate(startDate, model.ReportIntervalType); // query cards var cards = instance.Cards.ForBoard(new BoardId(model.BoardId)); // if interval type is actually, doesn't need activity filter if (model.ReportIntervalType != "actually") { // query card actions var changedCards = GetCardIdsFromActions(instance, model.BoardId, startDate, endDate); // filter cards by date interval cards = cards.Where(c => changedCards.Contains(c.Id)); } // filter cards by lists cards = cards.Where(c => model.ListIds.Contains(c.IdList)); // filter cards by user cards = cards.Where(c => c.Members.Select(m => m.Id).Intersect(model.UserIds).Any()); // separated cards by labels cards = SepareteCardByLabels(cards); // order cards cards = OrderCards(cards); return cards; }
public void CleanUp() { _trelloFake = null; _trelloClient = null; }
public DetailCommandHandler(IEventAggregator events, ITrello api, IProgressService progress) : base(events, api, progress) { }
public MemberHandler(IEventAggregator events, ITrello api, IProgressService progress) : base(events, api, progress) { }