private void SettingsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowInTaskbar = false; Hide(); _sysTray.IsVisible = true; _hub.Publish(new ConfigReloadRequestMessage(this)); }
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { switch (indexPath.Row) { case 0: _hub.Publish(new AddTorrentMessage(this, _details.TorrentUrl)); break; case 1: if (_details.Comments != null && _details.Comments.Length != 0) { _hub.Publish(new CommentsMessage(this, _details)); } break; case 2: if (_details.Files != null && _details.Files.Length != 0) { _hub.Publish(new FilesMessage(this, _details)); } break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// It starts the SocketServer. /// </summary> public void Start() { _logger.Debug($"Socket starts listening on port: {_settings.UserSettingsModel.ListeningPort}"); try { _mainSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Create the listening socket. var ipLocal = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Convert.ToInt32(_settings.UserSettingsModel.ListeningPort)); // Bind to local IP address. _mainSocket.Bind(ipLocal); // Start Listening. _mainSocket.Listen(4); // Create the call back for any client connections. _mainSocket.BeginAccept(OnClientConnect, null); _hub.Publish(new SocketStatusChanged(true)); _pingTimer = new Timer(15000); _pingTimer.Elapsed += PingTimerOnElapsed; _pingTimer.Enabled = true; } catch (SocketException se) { _logger.Error(se, "While starting the socket service"); } }
public void Log(string name, ExecutionStatus status, string clientId) { var logEntry = new ExecutionLog { Client = clientId, Command = name, Status = status }; _logRepository.InsertLog(logEntry); _hub.Publish(new ActionLoggedEvent(logEntry)); }
protected override void ServiceStart() { _logger.Start(); _subToStatus = _hub.Subscribe <OnStatusReceivedMessage>(OnStatusReceived); _subToConfig = _hub.Subscribe <OnConfigLoadedMessage>(OnConfigLoaded); _subToStop = _hub.Subscribe <StopServiceRequestMessage>(_ => Stop()); _hub.Publish(new ConfigReloadRequestMessage(this)); _hub.Publish(new OnStartupMessage(this)); _logger.Info("LenovoBacklightControl service started.", 50902); }
public void Start() { _coverSubscription = _hub.Subscribe <CoverDataReadyEvent>(msg => BroadcastCover(msg.Cover)); _lyricsSubscription = _hub.Subscribe <LyricsDataReadyEvent>(msg => BroadcastLyrics(msg.Lyrics)); _hub.Subscribe <TrackChangedEvent>(_ => { BroadcastTrackInfo(); }); _hub.Subscribe <ArtworkReadyEvent>(_ => { _hub.Publish(new CoverAvailable(_apiAdapter.GetCover())); }); _hub.Subscribe <LyricsReadyEvent>(_ => { _hub.Publish(new LyricsAvailable(_apiAdapter.GetLyrics())); }); _positionUpdateTimer = new Timer(20000); _positionUpdateTimer.Elapsed += PositionUpdateTimerOnElapsed; _positionUpdateTimer.Enabled = true; }
public override void WillBeginSearch(UISearchDisplayController controller) { if (_controller == null) { //Has to be stored in a member variable, GC collects and breaks something _controller = controller; _controller.SearchBar.SearchButtonClicked += (sender, e) => { _hub.Publish(new SearchMessage(this, _searchText, _searchScope)); }; } }
/// <summary> /// Processes the incoming message and answer's sending back the needed data. /// </summary> /// <param name="incomingMessage">The incoming message.</param> /// <param name="connectionId"> The id of the connection that send the incoming message.</param> public void ProcessIncomingMessage(string incomingMessage, string connectionId) { _logger.Debug($"Received by client: {connectionId} message --> {incomingMessage}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(incomingMessage)) { return; } try { var messageList = GetMessages(incomingMessage, connectionId); var connection = _auth.GetConnection(connectionId); foreach (var message in messageList) { if (message.IsVerifyConnection()) { var socketMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.VerifyConnection, string.Empty); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(socketMessage, connectionId)); return; } if (connection.PacketNumber == 0 && !message.IsPlayer()) { _hub.Publish(new ForceClientDisconnect(connectionId)); return; } if (connection.PacketNumber == 1 && !message.IsProtocol()) { _hub.Publish(new ForceClientDisconnect(connectionId)); return; } if (message.IsProtocol() && message.Data is JObject) { HandleProtocolMessage(message, connection); } _hub.Publish(new MessageEvent(message.Context, message.Data, connectionId, connection.ClientId)); } connection.IncreasePacketNumber(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, $"Processing message failed --> {incomingMessage} from {connectionId}"); } }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var connectionId = @event.ConnectionId; var clientProtocol = _auth.ClientProtocolVersion(connectionId); SendTrackInfo(clientProtocol, connectionId); SendTrackRating(connectionId); SendLfmRating(connectionId); var statusMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerStatus, _apiAdapter.GetStatus()); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(statusMessage, connectionId)); if (clientProtocol >= Constants.V3) { var coverPayload = CoverPayloadGenerator.Create(_model.Cover, true); var lyricsPayload = new LyricsPayload(_model.Lyrics); var coverMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingCover, coverPayload); var lyricsMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingLyrics, lyricsPayload); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(coverMessage, connectionId)); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(lyricsMessage, connectionId)); } else { var coverMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingCover, _model.Cover); var lyricsMessage = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingLyrics, _model.Lyrics); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(coverMessage, connectionId)); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(lyricsMessage, connectionId)); } }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { if (_auth.ClientProtocolVersion(@event.ConnectionId) > 2) { var lyricsPayload = new LyricsPayload(_model.Lyrics); var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingLyrics, lyricsPayload); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); } else { var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingLyrics, _model.Lyrics); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); } }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var temporalInformation = _apiAdapter.GetTemporalInformation(); var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingPosition, temporalInformation); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { //IoC setup var container = TinyIoCContainer.Current; container.Register <UIApplicationDelegate>(this); _hub = container.Resolve <ITinyMessengerHub>(); var busy = container.Resolve <BusyIndicator>(); busy.Indicator = _indicator; //Fire up window if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(5, 0)) { _window.RootViewController = _tabController; } else { _window.AddSubview(_tabController.View); } _window.BringSubviewToFront(_indicator); _window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); _hub.Publish(new ApplicationMessage(this, ApplicationMessageType.Loaded)); return(true); }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var trackDetails = _apiAdapter.GetPlayingTrackDetails(); var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingDetails, trackDetails); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); }
public override void Execute(IEvent receivedEvent) { if (receivedEvent == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(receivedEvent)); } var result = false; if (receivedEvent.Data is JToken token) { switch (token.Type) { case JTokenType.Integer: result = _nowPlayingApiAdapter.PlayIndex((int)token); break; case JTokenType.String: result = _nowPlayingApiAdapter.PlayPath((string)token); break; } } var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingListPlay, result); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message)); }
public override void Execute(IEvent @event) { var isToggle = false; var token = @event.Data as JToken; if (token != null && ((string)token).Equals("toggle")) { isToggle = true; } SocketMessage message; if (_auth.ClientProtocolMisMatch(@event.ConnectionId)) { if (isToggle) { _apiAdapter.ToggleShuffleLegacy(); } message = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerShuffle, _apiAdapter.GetShuffleLegacy()); } else { var shuffleState = isToggle ? _apiAdapter.SwitchShuffle() : _apiAdapter.GetShuffleState(); message = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerShuffle, shuffleState); } _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message)); }
public void Execute(IEvent receivedEvent) { if (receivedEvent == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(receivedEvent)); } SocketMessage message; if (_auth.ClientProtocolVersion(receivedEvent.ConnectionId) > 2) { var coverPayload = CoverPayloadGenerator.Create(_model.Cover, true); message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingCover, coverPayload) { NewLineTerminated = true }; } else { message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingCover, _model.Cover) { NewLineTerminated = true }; } _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, receivedEvent.ConnectionId)); }
public override void Execute(IEvent receivedEvent) { if (receivedEvent == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(receivedEvent)); } var isToggle = receivedEvent.Data is JToken token && ((string)token).Equals("toggle", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); SocketMessage message; if (_auth.ClientProtocolMisMatch(receivedEvent.ConnectionId)) { if (isToggle) { _apiAdapter.ToggleShuffleLegacy(); } message = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerShuffle, _apiAdapter.GetShuffleLegacy()); } else { var shuffleState = isToggle ? _apiAdapter.SwitchShuffle() : _apiAdapter.GetShuffleState(); message = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerShuffle, shuffleState); } _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message)); }
protected override void ExecuteInternal(CheckPixelDifferenceParameter param, CancellationToken token) { var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); while (true) { token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); stopWatch.Restart(); var color = Win32ApiHelper.GetPixelColorFromDesktop(param.Pixel.X, param.Pixel.Y); stopWatch.Stop(); // For some reason, the GetPixel method of the WinAPI is executed every time with different duration (from 15 to 35 ms). // The rest of code HAS TO be executed every time after the same duration, so we'll wait up to 100ms Thread.Sleep(100 - (int)stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (!(color.R == param.HookedColor.R && color.G == param.HookedColor.G && color.B == param.HookedColor.B)) { continue; } _messageBus.Publish(new PixelColorChangedMessage(this)); break; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CastVote([FromRoute] string pollId, [FromQuery] string answerId) { if (!Guid.TryParse(pollId, out var id)) { ModelState.TryAddModelError("ParsingError", $"Poll ID {pollId} is not valid."); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var poll = await _pollRepository.GetById(id); if (poll == null) { return(NotFound()); } var addressBytes = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().GetAddressBytes(); if (!poll.AllowMultipleVotesPerIp) { var votes = poll.Answers.SelectMany(s => s.Votes); var sourceIpBytes = addressBytes; if (votes.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Source.SequenceEqual(sourceIpBytes)) != null) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden)); } } if (!Guid.TryParse(answerId, out var answId)) { ModelState.TryAddModelError("ParsingError", $"Answer ID {answerId} is not valid."); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var answer = poll.Answers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id.Equals(answId)); if (answer == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (poll.Duration != null && poll.CreatedOn.Add(poll.Duration.Value) < DateTime.Now) { // Poll is expired return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Gone)); } var vote = new Vote { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Source = addressBytes, CastedOn = DateTime.Now, OwnerAnswer = answer }; await _voteRepository.Add(vote); _messengerHub.Publish(new VoteCastedMessage(poll.Id, answer.Id)); return(Ok()); }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var from = -1; var to = -1; var success = false; var token = @event.Data as JToken; if (token != null && token.Type == JTokenType.Object) { from = (int)token["from"]; to = (int)token["to"]; success = _nowPlayingApiAdapter.MoveTrack(from, to); } var reply = new { success, from, to }; var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingListMove, reply); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); }
private void GetPage(string connectionId, string id = "", int offset = 0, int limit = 800) { var data = _libraryApiAdapter.GetEpisodes(id).ToList(); var message = CreateMessage(offset, limit, data, Constants.PodcastEpisodes); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, connectionId)); }
public void Execute(IEvent receivedEvent) { if (receivedEvent == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(receivedEvent)); } var from = -1; var to = -1; var success = false; if (receivedEvent.Data is JToken token && token.Type == JTokenType.Object) { from = (int)token["from"]; to = (int)token["to"]; success = _nowPlayingApiAdapter.MoveTrack(from, to); } var reply = new { success, from, to }; var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.NowPlayingListMove, reply); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, receivedEvent.ConnectionId)); }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var data = @event.Data as JToken; if (data != null) { int clientProtocolVersion; switch (data.Type) { case JTokenType.Integer: case JTokenType.Float: clientProtocolVersion = (int)data; break; case JTokenType.Object: clientProtocolVersion = (int)data["protocol_version"]; break; default: clientProtocolVersion = Constants.V2; break; } var socketConnection = _auth.GetConnection(@event.ConnectionId); if (socketConnection != null) { socketConnection.ClientProtocolVersion = clientProtocolVersion; } } var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.Protocol, Constants.ProtocolVersion); _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); }
private IEnumerator PublishMessageWhenFinished(IEnumerator execution, ICommand command) { yield return(execution); logger.Info("Completed command: {0}", command.GetType().Name); messengerHub.Publish(new CommandCompleteMessage(this, command, this)); }
private void SendApiUseLevelMessage(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs) { if (_bus != null) { int counter = _keyHelper.CountRecentKeys(); _bus.Publish(new MsgUpdateApiUse(this, counter)); } }
public bool Stop() { //STOP LOGIC logger.Info("Stopping signal received ..."); messenger.Publish(new StopMessage("STOP")); return(true); }
public HomeModule(ITinyMessengerHub hub) { Post["/"] = parameters => { var notification = this.Bind <Notification>(); hub.Publish(notification); return(HttpStatusCode.OK); }; }
public void Execute(IEvent @event) { var message = new SocketMessage(Constants.PlayerOutput, _apiAdapter.GetOutputDevices()) { NewLineTerminated = true }; _hub.Publish(new PluginResponseAvailableEvent(message, @event.ConnectionId)); }
private void OnSave() { if (SelectedAirport == null) { return; } _objectStore.Save(SelectedAirport, Airport.SelectedAirportFilename); if (SelectedAirport.Equals(Airport.Nearest)) { _messenger.Publish(new FindNearestAirportMessage(this)); } else { _messenger.Publish(new AirportSelectedMessage(this, SelectedAirport)); } }
private void OnSpinRequested(SpinCamera360Message message) { var cmd = new RotateGameObjectCommand(gameObject: camera.gameObject, point:, axis: Vector3.up, angle: 360f * message.NumberOfSpins, durationSeconds: message.DurationSeconds); messengerHub.Publish(new EnqueueCommandMessage(this, cmd, transient: true)); }
protected virtual void Initialize() { var container = TinyIoCContainer.Current; //Messenger _hub = container.Resolve<ITinyMessengerHub>(); _hub.Subscribe<ApplicationMessage>(m => { if (m.Content == ApplicationMessageType.Loaded || m.Content == ApplicationMessageType.Foregrounded) { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.Url) && ++_settings.NumberOfRuns == 3) // { // MessageBox.Ask("Would you consider donating a mere $.99?", "Enjoy the App?", yes => // { // if (yes) // { // _hub.Publish(new DonateMessage(this)); // } // else // { // Refresh(); // } // }); // } // else { Refresh(); } } }); _hub.Subscribe<AddTorrentMessage>(m => { try { _server.AddUrl(m.Url.Url); } catch (Exception exc) { Execute.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error")); } }); _settings = container.Resolve<Settings>(); //Server _server = container.Resolve<Server>(); _server.TorrentsChanged += (sender, e) => Execute.BeginInvoke(() => { if (_tableView != null) { _tableView.ReloadData(); } }); _server.TorrentsError += (sender, e) => Execute.BeginInvoke(() => { MessageBox.Show("Could not get list of torrents: " + Environment.NewLine + e.Exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Press refresh to try again.", "Error"); }); _server.TorrentChanged += (sender, e) => _hub.Publish(new TorrentChangedMessage(this, false, e.Torrent)); _server.TorrentRemoved += (sender, e) => _hub.Publish(new TorrentChangedMessage(this, true, e.Torrent)); }