Exemple #1
        public TexturePacker(ITextureSerializer serializer, float uvInset, bool square, int sizeLimit, int unitSize, int padding)
            if (serializer is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serializer));
            if (uvInset < 0 || uvInset > .5f)
                throw new ArgumentException("UV inset should be in 0 to 0.5 range.");
            if (sizeLimit < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Size limit should be greater than zero.");
            if (unitSize < 1 || unitSize > sizeLimit)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unit size should be in 1 to size limit range.");
            if (padding < 0 || padding > unitSize)
                throw new ArgumentException("Padding should be in 0 to unit size range.");

            this.serializer    = serializer;
            this.uvInset       = uvInset;
            this.square        = square;
            this.sizeLimit     = sizeLimit;
            this.unitSize      = unitSize;
            this.padding       = padding;
            paddedUnitSize     = unitSize + padding * 2;
            unitsPerAtlasLimit = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Pow(Mathf.FloorToInt(sizeLimit / (float)paddedUnitSize), 2));
Exemple #2
        public static glTF Export(GltfExportSettings configuration, GameObject go, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            var gltf = new glTF();

            using (var exporter = new VRMExporter(gltf))
                exporter.Export(configuration, textureSerializer);
Exemple #3
        public Vrm10Exporter(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer, GltfExportSettings settings)
            m_settings = settings;

            if (textureSerializer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(textureSerializer));


            m_textureSerializer = textureSerializer;
            m_textureExporter   = new TextureExporter(m_textureSerializer);
Exemple #4
        public virtual void Export(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            Nodes = Copy.transform.Traverse()
                    .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer

            var uniqueUnityMeshes = new MeshExportList();

            uniqueUnityMeshes.GetInfo(Nodes, m_settings);

            #region Materials and Textures
            ReportProgress("Materials and Textures", 0.2f);
            Materials = uniqueUnityMeshes.GetUniqueMaterials().ToList();

            _textureExporter = new TextureExporter(textureSerializer);

            var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter();
            _gltf.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureExporter, m_settings)).ToList();

            #region Meshes
            ReportProgress("Meshes", 0.4f);
            MeshBlendShapeIndexMap = new Dictionary <Mesh, Dictionary <int, int> >();
            foreach (var unityMesh in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                if (!unityMesh.CanExport)

                var(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap) = m_settings.DivideVertexBuffer
                    ? MeshExporter_DividedVertexBuffer.Export(_data, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), m_settings)
                    : MeshExporter_SharedVertexBuffer.Export(_data, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), m_settings)
                if (!MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.ContainsKey(unityMesh.Mesh))
                    // 重複防止
                    MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.Add(unityMesh.Mesh, blendShapeIndexMap);

            #region Nodes and Skins
            ReportProgress("Nodes and Skins", 0.8f);
            var skins = uniqueUnityMeshes
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Renderers)
                        .Where(x => x.Item1 is SkinnedMeshRenderer && x.UniqueBones != null)
                        .Select(x => x.Item1 as SkinnedMeshRenderer)
            foreach (var node in Nodes)
                var gltfNode = ExportNode(node, Nodes, uniqueUnityMeshes, skins);
            _gltf.scenes = new List <gltfScene>
                new gltfScene
                    nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(),

            foreach (var x in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                foreach (var(renderer, uniqueBones) in x.Renderers)
                    if (uniqueBones != null && renderer is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
                        var matrices = x.GetBindPoses().Select(m_settings.InverseAxis.Create().InvertMat4).ToArray();
                        var accessor = _data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE);
                        var skin     = new glTFSkin
                            inverseBindMatrices = accessor,
                            joints   = uniqueBones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                            skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(smr.rootBone),
                        var skinIndex = _gltf.skins.Count;

                        foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(renderer)))
                            var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z);
                            var node      = _gltf.nodes[nodeIndex];
                            node.skin = skinIndex;

            #region Animations
            ReportProgress("Animations", 0.9f);

            var clips     = new List <AnimationClip>();
            var animator  = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var animation = Copy.GetComponent <Animation>();
            if (animator != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator);
            else if (animation != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation);

            if (clips.Any())
                foreach (AnimationClip clip in clips)
                    var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, Copy.transform, Nodes);

                    foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap)
                        var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key];

                        var inputAccessorIndex = _data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(kv.Value.Input);
                        sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex;

                        var outputAccessorIndex = _data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(kv.Value.Output);
                        sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex;

                        // modify accessors
                        var outputAccessor = _gltf.accessors[outputAccessorIndex];
                        var channel        = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key);
                        switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path))
                        case 1:
                            outputAccessor.type = "SCALAR";
                            //outputAccessor.count = ;

                        case 3:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC3";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 3;

                        case 4:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC4";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 4;

                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                    animationWithCurve.Animation.name = clip.name;


            // Extension で Texture が増える場合があるので最後に呼ぶ
            var exported = _textureExporter.Export();
            for (var exportedTextureIdx = 0; exportedTextureIdx < exported.Count; ++exportedTextureIdx)
                var(unityTexture, colorSpace) = exported[exportedTextureIdx];
                GltfTextureExporter.PushGltfTexture(_data, unityTexture, colorSpace, textureSerializer);

Exemple #5
 public virtual void ExportExtensions(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
     // do nothing
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// gltf に texture を足す
        /// * textures
        /// * samplers
        /// * images
        /// * bufferViews
        /// を更新し、textures の index を返す
        /// もっとも根本の Exporter クラスのみが呼び出すべきである。
        /// 他の拡張機能などが呼び出すべきではない。
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>gltf texture index</returns>
        public static int PushGltfTexture(ExportingGltfData data, Texture2D texture, ColorSpace textureColorSpace, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            var bytesWithMime = textureSerializer.ExportBytesWithMime(texture, textureColorSpace);

            // add view
            var viewIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetViewIndex(bytesWithMime.bytes);

            // add image
            var imageIndex = data.GLTF.images.Count;

            data.GLTF.images.Add(new glTFImage
                name       = TextureImportName.RemoveSuffix(texture.name),
                bufferView = viewIndex,
                mimeType   = bytesWithMime.mime,

            // add sampler
            var samplerIndex = data.GLTF.samplers.Count;
            var sampler      = TextureSamplerUtil.Export(texture);


            // add texture
            var textureIndex = data.GLTF.textures.Count;

            data.GLTF.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                sampler = samplerIndex,
                source  = imageIndex,

Exemple #7
 public TextureExporter(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
     m_textureSerializer = textureSerializer;
Exemple #8
        public virtual void Export(MeshExportSettings meshExportSettings, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]);
            var bufferIndex = glTF.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer);

            Nodes = Copy.transform.Traverse()
                    .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer

            var unityMeshes       = MeshWithRenderer.FromNodes(Nodes).Where(x => x.Mesh.vertices.Any()).ToList();
            var uniqueUnityMeshes = new List <MeshWithRenderer>();

            foreach (var um in unityMeshes)
                if (!uniqueUnityMeshes.Any(x => x.IsSameMeshAndMaterials(um)))

            #region Materials and Textures
            Materials = uniqueUnityMeshes.SelectMany(x => x.Renderer.sharedMaterials).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList();

            TextureExporter = new TextureExporter(textureSerializer);

            var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter();
            glTF.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureExporter)).ToList();

            #region Meshes
            MeshBlendShapeIndexMap = new Dictionary <Mesh, Dictionary <int, int> >();
            foreach (var unityMesh in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                var(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap) = MeshExporter.ExportMesh(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMesh, Materials, meshExportSettings, m_axisInverter);
                if (!MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.ContainsKey(unityMesh.Mesh))
                    // 同じmeshが複数回現れた
                    MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.Add(unityMesh.Mesh, blendShapeIndexMap);

            #region Nodes and Skins
            var unitySkins = uniqueUnityMeshes
                             .Where(x => x.UniqueBones != null)
            glTF.nodes  = Nodes.Select(x => ExportNode(x, Nodes, uniqueUnityMeshes, unitySkins.Select(y => y.Renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer).ToList())).ToList();
            glTF.scenes = new List <gltfScene>
                new gltfScene
                    nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(),

            foreach (var x in unitySkins)
                var matrices = x.GetBindPoses().Select(m_axisInverter.InvertMat4).ToArray();
                var accessor = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE);

                var renderer = x.Renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
                var skin     = new glTFSkin
                    inverseBindMatrices = accessor,
                    joints   = x.UniqueBones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                    skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(renderer.rootBone),
                var skinIndex = glTF.skins.Count;

                foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(x.Renderer)))
                    var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z);
                    var node      = glTF.nodes[nodeIndex];
                    node.skin = skinIndex;

            #region Animations

            var clips     = new List <AnimationClip>();
            var animator  = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var animation = Copy.GetComponent <Animation>();
            if (animator != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator);
            else if (animation != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation);

            if (clips.Any())
                foreach (AnimationClip clip in clips)
                    var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, Copy.transform, Nodes);

                    foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap)
                        var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key];

                        var inputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Input);
                        sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex;

                        var outputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Output);
                        sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex;

                        // modify accessors
                        var outputAccessor = glTF.accessors[outputAccessorIndex];
                        var channel        = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key);
                        switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path))
                        case 1:
                            outputAccessor.type = "SCALAR";
                            //outputAccessor.count = ;

                        case 3:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC3";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 3;

                        case 4:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC4";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 4;

                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                    animationWithCurve.Animation.name = clip.name;


            // Extension で Texture が増える場合があるので最後に呼ぶ
            for (int i = 0; i < TextureExporter.Exported.Count; ++i)
                var(unityTexture, colorSpace) = TextureExporter.Exported[i];
                glTF.PushGltfTexture(bufferIndex, unityTexture, colorSpace, textureSerializer);
Exemple #9
        public override void ExportExtensions(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            // avatar
            var animator = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>();

            if (animator != null)
                var humanoid = Copy.GetComponent <VRMHumanoidDescription>();
                UniHumanoid.AvatarDescription description = null;
                var nodes = Copy.transform.Traverse().Skip(1).ToList();
                    var isCreated = false;
                    if (humanoid != null)
                        description = humanoid.GetDescription(out isCreated);

                    if (description != null)
                        // use description
                        VRM.humanoid.Apply(description, nodes);

                    if (isCreated)

                    // set humanoid bone mapping
                    var avatar = animator.avatar;
                    foreach (HumanBodyBones key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(HumanBodyBones)))
                        if (key == HumanBodyBones.LastBone)

                        var transform = animator.GetBoneTransform(key);
                        if (transform != null)
                            VRM.humanoid.SetNodeIndex(key, nodes.IndexOf(transform));

            // morph
            var master = Copy.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>();

            if (master != null)
                var avatar = master.BlendShapeAvatar;
                if (avatar != null)
                    foreach (var x in avatar.Clips)
                        VRM.blendShapeMaster.Add(x, this);

            // secondary
            VRMSpringUtility.ExportSecondary(Copy.transform, Nodes,
                                             x => VRM.secondaryAnimation.colliderGroups.Add(x),
                                             x => VRM.secondaryAnimation.boneGroups.Add(x)

#pragma warning disable 0618
            // meta(obsolete)
                var meta = Copy.GetComponent <VRMMetaInformation>();
                if (meta != null)
                    VRM.meta.author             = meta.Author;
                    VRM.meta.contactInformation = meta.ContactInformation;
                    VRM.meta.title = meta.Title;
                    if (meta.Thumbnail != null)
                        VRM.meta.texture = glTF.PushGltfTexture(glTF.buffers.Count - 1, meta.Thumbnail, ColorSpace.sRGB, textureSerializer);

                    VRM.meta.licenseType     = meta.LicenseType;
                    VRM.meta.otherLicenseUrl = meta.OtherLicenseUrl;
                    VRM.meta.reference       = meta.Reference;
#pragma warning restore 0618

            // meta
                var _meta = Copy.GetComponent <VRMMeta>();
                if (_meta != null && _meta.Meta != null)
                    var meta = _meta.Meta;

                    // info
                    VRM.meta.version            = meta.Version;
                    VRM.meta.author             = meta.Author;
                    VRM.meta.contactInformation = meta.ContactInformation;
                    VRM.meta.reference          = meta.Reference;
                    VRM.meta.title = meta.Title;
                    if (meta.Thumbnail != null)
                        VRM.meta.texture = TextureExporter.RegisterExportingAsSRgb(meta.Thumbnail, needsAlpha: true);

                    // ussage permission
                    VRM.meta.allowedUser        = meta.AllowedUser;
                    VRM.meta.violentUssage      = meta.ViolentUssage;
                    VRM.meta.sexualUssage       = meta.SexualUssage;
                    VRM.meta.commercialUssage   = meta.CommercialUssage;
                    VRM.meta.otherPermissionUrl = meta.OtherPermissionUrl;

                    // distribution license
                    VRM.meta.licenseType = meta.LicenseType;
                    if (meta.LicenseType == LicenseType.Other)
                        VRM.meta.otherLicenseUrl = meta.OtherLicenseUrl;

            // firstPerson
            var firstPerson = Copy.GetComponent <VRMFirstPerson>();
            if (firstPerson != null)
                if (firstPerson.FirstPersonBone != null)
                    VRM.firstPerson.firstPersonBone       = Nodes.IndexOf(firstPerson.FirstPersonBone);
                    VRM.firstPerson.firstPersonBoneOffset = firstPerson.FirstPersonOffset;
                    VRM.firstPerson.meshAnnotations       = firstPerson.Renderers.Select(x => new glTF_VRM_MeshAnnotation
                        mesh            = Meshes.IndexOf(x.SharedMesh),
                        firstPersonFlag = x.FirstPersonFlag.ToString(),

                // lookAt
                    var lookAtHead = Copy.GetComponent <VRMLookAtHead>();
                    if (lookAtHead != null)
                        var boneApplyer       = Copy.GetComponent <VRMLookAtBoneApplyer>();
                        var blendShapeApplyer = Copy.GetComponent <VRMLookAtBlendShapeApplyer>();
                        if (boneApplyer != null)
                            VRM.firstPerson.lookAtType = LookAtType.Bone;
                        else if (blendShapeApplyer != null)
                            VRM.firstPerson.lookAtType = LookAtType.BlendShape;

            // materials
            foreach (var m in Materials)
                VRM.materialProperties.Add(VRMMaterialExporter.CreateFromMaterial(m, TextureExporter));

            // Serialize VRM
            var f = new JsonFormatter();
            VRMSerializer.Serialize(f, VRM);
            var bytes = f.GetStoreBytes();
            glTFExtensionExport.GetOrCreate(ref glTF.extensions).Add("VRM", bytes);
Exemple #10
 public static ExportingGltfData Export(GltfExportSettings configuration, GameObject go, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
     var data = new ExportingGltfData();
     using (var exporter = new VRMExporter(data, configuration))
     return data;
Exemple #11
        public virtual void Export(ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            Nodes = Copy.transform.Traverse()
                    .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer

            var uniqueUnityMeshes = new MeshExportList();

            uniqueUnityMeshes.GetInfo(Nodes, m_settings);

            #region Materials and Textures
            ReportProgress("Materials and Textures", 0.2f);
            Materials = uniqueUnityMeshes.GetUniqueMaterials().ToList();

            _textureExporter = new TextureExporter(textureSerializer);

            var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter();
            _gltf.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureExporter, m_settings)).ToList();

            #region Meshes
            ReportProgress("Meshes", 0.4f);
            MeshBlendShapeIndexMap = new Dictionary <Mesh, Dictionary <int, int> >();
            foreach (var unityMesh in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                if (!unityMesh.CanExport)

                var(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap) = m_settings.DivideVertexBuffer
                    ? MeshExporter_DividedVertexBuffer.Export(_data, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), m_settings)
                    : MeshExporter_SharedVertexBuffer.Export(_data, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), m_settings)
                if (!MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.ContainsKey(unityMesh.Mesh))
                    // 重複防止
                    MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.Add(unityMesh.Mesh, blendShapeIndexMap);

            #region Nodes and Skins
            ReportProgress("Nodes and Skins", 0.8f);
            var skins = uniqueUnityMeshes
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Renderers)
                        .Where(x => x.Item1 is SkinnedMeshRenderer && x.UniqueBones != null)
                        .Select(x => x.Item1 as SkinnedMeshRenderer)
            foreach (var node in Nodes)
                var gltfNode = ExportNode(node, Nodes, uniqueUnityMeshes, skins);
            _gltf.scenes = new List <gltfScene>
                new gltfScene
                    nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(),

            foreach (var x in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                foreach (var(renderer, uniqueBones) in x.Renderers)
                    if (uniqueBones != null && renderer is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
                        var matrices = x.GetBindPoses().Select(m_settings.InverseAxis.Create().InvertMat4).ToArray();
                        var accessor = _data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE);
                        var skin     = new glTFSkin
                            inverseBindMatrices = accessor,
                            joints   = uniqueBones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                            skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(smr.rootBone),
                        var skinIndex = _gltf.skins.Count;

                        foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(renderer)))
                            var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z);
                            var node      = _gltf.nodes[nodeIndex];
                            node.skin = skinIndex;

            if (m_animationExporter != null)
                ReportProgress("Animations", 0.9f);
                m_animationExporter.Export(_data, Copy, Nodes);


            // Extension で Texture が増える場合があるので最後に呼ぶ
            var exported = _textureExporter.Export();
            for (var exportedTextureIdx = 0; exportedTextureIdx < exported.Count; ++exportedTextureIdx)
                var(unityTexture, colorSpace) = exported[exportedTextureIdx];
                GltfTextureExporter.PushGltfTexture(_data, unityTexture, colorSpace, textureSerializer);

        /// <summary>
        /// gltf に texture を足す
        /// * textures
        /// * samplers
        /// * images
        /// * bufferViews
        /// を更新し、textures の index を返す
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gltf"></param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="texture"></param>
        /// <returns>gltf texture index</returns>
        public static int PushGltfTexture(this glTF gltf, int bufferIndex, Texture2D texture, ColorSpace textureColorSpace, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            var bytesWithMime = textureSerializer.ExportBytesWithMime(texture, textureColorSpace);

            // add view
            var view      = gltf.buffers[bufferIndex].Append(bytesWithMime.bytes, glBufferTarget.NONE);
            var viewIndex = gltf.AddBufferView(view);

            // add image
            var imageIndex = gltf.images.Count;

            gltf.images.Add(new glTFImage
                name       = TextureImportName.RemoveSuffix(texture.name),
                bufferView = viewIndex,
                mimeType   = bytesWithMime.mime,

            // add sampler
            var samplerIndex = gltf.samplers.Count;
            var sampler      = TextureSamplerUtil.Export(texture);


            // add texture
            var textureIndex = gltf.textures.Count;

            gltf.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                sampler = samplerIndex,
                source  = imageIndex,
