public void ADisposableWhichThrowExceptionsWhenDisposed(Type feature, ITestResultMessage[] results)
            "Given a step with three disposables which throw exceptions when disposed"
                .f(() => feature = typeof(StepWithThreeBadDisposables));

            "When running the scenario"
                .f(() => results = this.Run<ITestResultMessage>(feature));

            "Then the there should be at least two results"
                .f(() => results.Length.Should().BeGreaterOrEqualTo(2));

            "And the first n-1 results should be passes"
                .f(() => results.Reverse().Skip(1).Should().ContainItemsAssignableTo<ITestPassed>());

            "And the last result should be a failure"
                .f(() => results.Reverse().First().Should().BeAssignableTo<ITestFailed>());

            "And the disposables should be disposed in reverse order"
                .f(() => typeof(ObjectDisposalFeature).GetTestEvents()
                    .Should().Equal("disposed3", "disposed2", "disposed1"));
        public void ManyDisposablesInASingleStep(Type feature, ITestResultMessage[] results)
            "Given {0}"
                .f(() => { });

            "When running the scenario"
                .f(() => results = this.Run<ITestResultMessage>(feature));

            "And there should be no failures"
                .f(() => results.Should().ContainItemsAssignableTo<ITestPassed>());

#if !V2
            "And all but the last result should not be generated by a teardown"
                .f(() => results.Reverse().Skip(1).Should().NotContain(
                    result => result.Test.DisplayName.IndexOf("(Teardown)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0));

            "And the last result should be generated by a teardown"
                .f(() => results.Last().Test.DisplayName.Should().Contain("(Teardown)"));

            "And the disposables should each have been disposed in reverse order"
                .f(() => typeof(ObjectDisposalFeature).GetTestEvents()
                    .Should().Equal("disposed3", "disposed2", "disposed1"));
        public void DisposablesWhichCreateNewDisposablesWhenDisposed(
            Type feature, ITestResultMessage[] results)
            ("Given a step with disposables which, when disposed," +
                "throw an exception and add more disposables which throw an exception when disposed")
                .f(() => feature = typeof(StepWithThreeRecursiveBadDisposables));

            "When running the scenario"
                .f(() => results = this.Run<ITestResultMessage>(feature));

            "Then the results should not be empty"
                .f(() => results.Should().NotBeEmpty());

            "And the first n-2 results should not be failures"
                .f(() => results.Reverse().Skip(2).Should().NotContain(result => result is ITestFailed));

            "And the last 2 results should be failures"
                .f(() => results.Reverse().Take(2).Should().ContainItemsAssignableTo<ITestFailed>());

            "And the disposables should be disposed in reverse order"
                .f(() => typeof(ObjectDisposalFeature).GetTestEvents()
                    .Should().Equal("disposed3", "disposed2", "disposed1"));