internal TestMethodInfo(ITestResultEndPoint results, MethodInfo method)
            Throw.If.Object.IsNull(results, nameof(results));
            Throw.If.Object.IsNull(method, nameof(method));

            _results          = results;
            _methodInfo       = method;
            _parameters       = _methodInfo.GetParameters();
            _genericArguments = _methodInfo.GetGenericArguments();
            _attributes       = _methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes().Where(attr => attr is TestDataAttribute || attr is TestParametersAttribute);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="Remote{TRemoteConfiguration, TClientConfiguration}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The remote configuration object.</param>
        /// <param name="link">The link object used to communicate with the client.</param>
        public Remote(TRemoteConfiguration configuration, IServerLink link)
            Throw.If.Object.IsNull(configuration, nameof(configuration));
            Throw.If.Object.IsNull(link, nameof(link));

            Configuration = configuration;

            if (!Configuration.StartClientVisible)
                Configuration.ClientConfiguration.AutoShutdown = true;

            Link = link;

            Factory.Instance.Create(out ITestResultEndPoint result);
            Results = result;
        private void CollectTestMethods(Assembly assembly, ITestResultEndPoint results, out IList <TestMethodInfo> sequentialTestMethods, out IList <TestMethodInfo> parallelTestMethods)

            sequentialTestMethods = new List <TestMethodInfo>();
            parallelTestMethods   = new List <TestMethodInfo>();

            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                _log.Debug($"Searching type {type.Format()}.");

                TestClassAttribute c_attr           = type.GetCustomAttribute <TestClassAttribute>();
                TestMode           classLevelMode   = c_attr != null ? c_attr.TestMode : TestMode.Parallel;
                Boolean            classLevelIgnore = c_attr != null && c_attr.IsIgnored;

                foreach (MethodInfo testMethod in type.GetRuntimeMethods().Where(m => m.GetCustomAttributes <TestMethodAttribute>().Count() > 0))
                    _log.Info($"Found test method {type.Format()}.{testMethod.Name.Format()}.");
                    TestMethodAttribute m_attr = testMethod.GetCustomAttribute <TestMethodAttribute>();

                    if (classLevelIgnore)
                        _log.Debug($"Class ignored: {c_attr.IgnoreReason.Format()}");
                        results.IgnoreTestMethod(testMethod, $"Class ignored: {c_attr.IgnoreReason.Format()}");
                    else if (m_attr.IsIgnored)
                        _log.Debug($"Method ignored: {m_attr.IgnoreReason.Format()}");
                        results.IgnoreTestMethod(testMethod, $"Method ignored: {m_attr.IgnoreReason.Format()}");
                        if (classLevelMode == TestMode.Sequential || m_attr.TestMode == TestMode.Sequential || Configuration.TestMethodModeOverride == TestModeOverrides.Sequential)
                            _log.Info($"Adding sequential test method {type.Format()}.{testMethod.Name.Format()}.");
                            sequentialTestMethods.Add(new TestMethodInfo(results, testMethod));
                            _log.Info($"Adding parallel test method {type.Format()}.{testMethod.Name.Format()}.");
                            parallelTestMethods.Add(new TestMethodInfo(results, testMethod));
        public Executor(IExecutorConfiguration configuration)
            Throw.If.Object.IsNull(configuration, nameof(configuration));

            Configuration = configuration;

            Factory.Instance.Create(out ITestResultEndPoint results);
            Results = results;

            _headerContent.Add(@" _   _               _                    _____           _   ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"| \ | | _   _   ___ | |  ___   __ _  _ __|_   _|___  ___ | |_ ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"|  \| || | | | / __|| | / _ \ / _` || '__| | | / _ \/ __|| __|");
            _headerContent.Add(@"| |\  || |_| || (__ | ||  __/| (_| || | _  | ||  __/\__ \| |_ ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"|_| \_| \__,_| \___||_| \___| \__,_||_|(_) |_| \___||___/ \__|");
            _headerContent.Add(@"  ____                           _                            ");
            _headerContent.Add(@" / ___| ___   _ __   ___   ___  | |  ___                      ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"| |    / _ \ | '_ \ / __| / _ \ | | / _ \                     ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"| |___| (_) || | | |\__ \| (_) || ||  __/                     ");
            _headerContent.Add(@" \____|\___/ |_| |_||___/ \___/ |_| \___|                     ");
            _headerContent.Add(@"                                                              ");
Exemple #5
 public void Create(out ITestResultEndPoint @object) => @object = new TestResultEndPoint();