public async Task <ThreadApiResponse> CommentsForThread(SocialGistPostId post) { // Telemetry telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.SocialGist_Thread, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "url", post.Url } } ); // Do the real work var parameters = GetBaseParameters(); parameters.Add("url", post.Url); parameters.Add("use_compression", true); var baseUrl = ""; var paramMessage = string.Join(",", parameters.Select(kvp => kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value.ToString())); log.Info($"Request to: {baseUrl} with initial parameters: {paramMessage}."); var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(baseUrl); uriBuilder.QueryParamsFromDictionary(parameters); var result = await httpClient.GetJsonAsync <ThreadApiResponse>(uriBuilder.Uri, configuration.SocialGistApiRequestTimeout); await CheckError(result); return(result.Object); }
public async Task <ThreadApiResponse> CommentsForThread(SocialGistPostId post) { // Telemetry telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.SocialGist_Thread, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "url", post.Url } } ); // Do the real work var parameters = GetBaseParameters(); parameters.Add("url", post.Url); parameters.Add("use_compression", true); var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(""); uriBuilder.QueryParamsFromDictionary(parameters); var result = await httpClient.GetJsonAsync <ThreadApiResponse>(uriBuilder.Uri, configuration.SocialGistApiRequestTimeout); await CheckError(result); return(result.Object); }
private void ApiHttpRequestAndLog(IHostingEnvironment env, ITelemetryClient telemetryClient) { try { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: {nameof(Environment.MachineName)} = {Environment.MachineName}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: {nameof(env.EnvironmentName)} = {env.EnvironmentName}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: {nameof(env.ApplicationName)} = {env.ApplicationName}"); var sw = new Stopwatch(); var uri = new Uri(Configuration["Tribal:APIAddress"]); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: {nameof(uri.Host)} = {uri.Host}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: Address = {uri.OriginalString}"); using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: Started at = {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff")}"); sw.Start(); var statusCode = httpClient.GetAsync(uri).Result.StatusCode; sw.Stop(); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: Ended at = {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff")}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: Http Status Code = {statusCode}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: Time taken = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); } } catch (Exception e) { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: exception"); telemetryClient.TrackException(e); } }
public static void EnableEngine() { Logger.LogInfo("Enabling Engine..."); TelemetryClient.TrackEvent("EnableEngine", new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double>()); _engine.EnableEngine().RunSynchronously(); _efsWatcher.Enable(); }
public async Task <DeviceMetadata> GetMetadataAsync(string id) { if (FailedToDispatch) { return(null); // drop new messages if there is a dispatch problem } int current = 0; while (true) { try { var request = new DeviceInfo() { Id = id }; var response = await this.Client.GetMetadataAsync(request); if (FailedToDispatch) { logger.LogDebug("gRPC client connected successfully."); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"gRPC client connected successfully from {System.Environment.MachineName}."); FailedToDispatch = false; } return(response); } catch (RpcException ex) { if (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.Unavailable) { logger.LogWarning("gRPC client failed to connect..."); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"gRPC client failed to connect from {System.Environment.MachineName}."); FailedToDispatch = true; } else { telemetryClient.TrackException(ex); throw ex; } } current += 1000; if (current > CacheGrpcTimeout) { logger.LogError("gRPC client timed out."); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"gRPC client timed out from {System.Environment.MachineName}."); throw new Exception("gRPC client timed out."); } await Task.Delay(1000); } }
/// <summary> /// Generic method to download from blob and copy to app settings temp folder /// </summary> /// <param name="blobSynname"></param> /// <param name="tempFilename"></param> /// <param name="synonymFileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> DownloadFile(string blobFileName, string tempfolder) { //Set up the client CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount( new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Auth.StorageCredentials( _storagename, //"ncsfindacourse", //"dfcdevfacostr", _storagekey), true); CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); try { CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(_containername); CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobFileName); var existsAsync = blockBlob.ExistsAsync(); existsAsync.Wait(); if (existsAsync.Result) { using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(System.IO.Path.Combine(tempfolder, blobFileName))) { await blockBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(fileStream); } } else { _telemetry.TrackEvent("DownloadFile", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "BlobFileName", blobFileName }, { "Tempfolder", tempfolder } }); return(false); } } catch (StorageException stex) { _telemetry.TrackException(stex); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _telemetry.TrackException(ex); return(false); } return(true); }
int IVsSolutionEvents.OnAfterOpenSolution(object pUnkReserved, int fNewSolution) { var port = Network.freeTcpPort(); Logger.LogInfo("Package: Selected {0} as the port for Engine server.", port); TddStud10Host = new TddStud10HostProxy(port, FSharpOption <bool> .None); TddStud10Host.Start(); var cfg = EngineConfigLoader.load(new EngineConfig(), FilePath.NewFilePath(GetSolutionPath())); EngineLoader.Load( this, new EngineParams( HostVersion, cfg, FilePath.NewFilePath(GetSolutionPath()), DateTime.UtcNow )); if (!cfg.IsDisabled) { EngineLoader.EnableEngine(); } else { TelemetryClient.TrackEvent("EngineDisabledOnLoad", new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double>()); } Logger.LogInfo("Triggering SnapshotGC on solution load."); SnapshotGC.SweepAsync(FilePath.NewFilePath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(cfg.SnapShotRoot))); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
public async Task Process(SocialGistPostId post) { this.objectLogger.Log(post, "ThreadProcessor"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.ThreadProcessor_ProcessThread); var result = await socialgist.CommentsForThread(post); var filteredPosts = new List <ResponsePost>() { result.Post }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Author) && x.CreatedUtc != 0); var filteredComments = result.Comments.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Author) && x.CreatedUtc != 0); if (filteredComments.Any() || filteredPosts.Any()) { IEnumerable <IDocument> allDocuments = FilterAndWriteDocuments(filteredPosts.ToList().AsReadOnly(), filteredComments.ToList().AsReadOnly()).ToList(); // Perform all actions that need to be run over every post and comment foreach (var processor in this.documentProcessors) { processor.ProcessDocuments(allDocuments); } } else { log.Info($"No thread found with url {post.Url}"); } }
private static RunStepResult DiscoverSequencePoints(IRunExecutorHost host, RunStartParams rsp, RunStepInfo rsi) { var sequencePoint = Instrumentation.GenerateSequencePointInfo(host, rsp); if (sequencePoint != null) { sequencePoint.Serialize(rsp.DataFiles.SequencePointStore); } var totalSP = sequencePoint.Values.Aggregate(0, (acc, e) => acc + e.Count); TelemetryClient.TrackEvent(, new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double> { { "SequencePointCount", totalSP } }); return(RunStepStatus.Succeeded.ToRSR(RunData.NewSequencePoints(sequencePoint), "Binaries Instrumented - which ones - TBD")); }
protected virtual void TrackEvent(string eventName, Action <Dictionary <string, string> > addProperties) { var telemetryProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); addProperties(telemetryProperties); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(eventName, telemetryProperties, metrics: null); }
public bool IsSuccessfulResult <T>(IResult <T> result, ITelemetryClient telemetryClient, string methodName, string value, DateTime dtStart) { if (result.HasValue && result.IsSuccess && !result.IsFailure) { //ASB TODO This is never used? I am commenting it out. //var regionsOnly = result.Value.Items.Where(x => x.Opportunity.HasRegion); telemetryClient.TrackEvent( $"{methodName} for: {value} took: {(DateTime.Now - dtStart).TotalMilliseconds.ToString()} ms."); } else { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"{methodName}: Invalid."); return(false); } return(true); }
private async Task UpdateLastAcceptedCertificatesRead(string plant, string code) { var result = await _mediator.Send(new UpdateDateTimeSettingCommand(code, TimeService.UtcNow)); if (result.ResultType != ServiceResult.ResultType.Ok) { _logger.LogWarning( $"Autotransfer tags functions failed. Could not update {code}. ResultType {result.ResultType}"); _telemetryClient.TrackEvent("Synchronization Status", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Status", "Failed" }, { "Plant", plant }, { "Type", "Autotransfer tags" }, { "ResultType", result.ResultType.ToString() } }); } }
public static void TrackCollectorCacheMiss(this ITelemetryClient telemetryClient, Repository repository, string recordType, string recordValue) { Dictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "RecordType", recordType }, { "RecordValue", recordValue }, { "RepositoryName", repository.RepositoryName }, { "RepositoryId", repository.RepositoryId.ToString() }, { "OrganizationLogin", repository.OrganizationLogin }, { "OrganizationId", repository.OrganizationId.ToString() }, }; telemetryClient.TrackEvent("CollectorCacheMiss", properties); }
private static void SendSessionEndEvent(ITelemetryClient telemetryClient, DateTime functionStartDate, string outputPaths, Dictionary <string, string> sessionStartProperties, bool success) { DateTime endTime = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeSpan sessionDuration = endTime - functionStartDate; Dictionary <string, string> sessionEndProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(sessionStartProperties) { { "FunctionEndDate", $"{endTime:O}" }, { "FunctionDuration", sessionDuration.ToString() }, { "OutputPaths", outputPaths }, { "Success", success.ToString() }, }; telemetryClient.TrackEvent("SessionEnd", sessionEndProperties); }
private void ExecuteViewTddStud10Logs(object sender, EventArgs e) { var pkgPath = Assembly.getAssemblyLocation(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); var loggerPath = Path.Combine(pkgPath, string.Format(@"rtlogs\TddStud10.RealTimeEtwListener{0}.exe", DFizer.isDF() ? ".DF" : "")); try { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(loggerPath); info.UseShellExecute = true; info.Verb = "runas"; Process.Start(info); } catch { Services .GetService <SVsUIShell, IVsUIShell>() .DisplayMessageBox( Properties.Resources.ProductTitle, string.Format(Properties.Resources.UnableToStartLogger, loggerPath)); } TelemetryClient.TrackEvent("ViewTddStud10Logs", new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double>()); }
public void CompleteListLeaguesTimer(int?recordCount = null) { var elapsed = this.GetElapsedMilliseconds(EventNames.LeaguesListTiming.ToString()); var properties = BuildProperties(); var metrics = BuildMetrics(elapsed); if (recordCount.HasValue) { metrics.Add("Records Found", recordCount.Value); } _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(EventNames.LeaguesListTiming.ToString(), properties, metrics); }
private void ProcessMcPkgEvent(string messageJson) { var mcPkgEvent = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <McPkgTopic>(messageJson); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mcPkgEvent.Plant) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mcPkgEvent.CommPkgNo) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mcPkgEvent.McPkgNo) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mcPkgEvent.McPkgNoOld) != (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mcPkgEvent.CommPkgNoOld)))) { throw new Exception($"Unable to deserialize JSON to McPkgEvent {messageJson}"); } _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(IpoBusReceiverTelemetryEvent, new Dictionary <string, string> { { PcsServiceBusTelemetryConstants.Event, McPkgTopic.TopicName },
public static void TrackCollectorCacheHit(this ITelemetryClient telemetryClient, Repository repository, string recordType, string recordValue, string currentCollectorIdentifier, string cachingCollectorIdentifier, string decision) { Dictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Decision", decision }, { "CurrentCollectorIdentifier", currentCollectorIdentifier }, { "CachingCollectorIdentifier", cachingCollectorIdentifier }, { "RecordType", recordType }, { "RecordValue", recordValue }, { "RepositoryName", repository.RepositoryName }, { "RepositoryId", repository.RepositoryId.ToString() }, { "OrganizationLogin", repository.OrganizationLogin }, { "OrganizationId", repository.OrganizationId.ToString() }, }; telemetryClient.TrackEvent("CollectorCacheHit", properties); }
/// <summary> /// Message receive handler, this method will increment a counter that keeps track of the /// amount of messages that have been received /// </summary> public void HandleEvent(TelemetryEventType telemetryEventType, Guid?messageId, IMessageDiagnostics message) { var elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - _createdAt.Ticks); if (telemetryEventType == TelemetryEventType.PostConsume) { Interlocked.Increment(ref _postConsumeMessagesCount); } _telemetryClient.TrackEvent( telemetryEventType, messageId ?? Guid.Empty, new { CreatedAt = elapsedSpan.Ticks, Message = new { message.Id } } ); }
private void TrackEventCore(string eventName, Dictionary <string, string> data, Dictionary <string, double> metrics) { _client.TrackEvent(eventName, data, metrics); }
public async Task <IHttpJsonResponseMessage <T> > GetJsonAsync <T>( Uri requestUri, TimeSpan?requestTimeout = null, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue = null) { // SocialGist only accepts TLS 1.1 or higher. AzureFunctions (on Azure) default to SSL3 or TLS // AzureFunctions runing locally use defaults that work with SocialGist but remote Azure Functions do not. ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11; log.Verbose($"Retrieving URL using protocol: {ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.HTTP_Get, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "URL", requestUri.ToString() } }); var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }; using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(handler)) { if (requestTimeout.HasValue) { client.Timeout = requestTimeout.Value; } if (authenticationHeaderValue != null) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = authenticationHeaderValue; } string data = ""; HttpResponseMessage response = null; int retryCount = 0; while (retryCount < RETRY_COUNT) { try { telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.HTTP_Try, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "URL", requestUri?.ToString() }, { "try number", retryCount.ToString() } }); log.Verbose($"Retrieving URL {requestUri} on attempt {retryCount}"); // Track telemetry for each host query using (var tracker = telemetryClient.StartTrackDependency(requestUri.Host, requestUri.AbsolutePath, "HTTP")) { tracker.Properties.Add("Request URL", requestUri?.ToString()); tracker.Properties.Add("Try attempt", retryCount.ToString()); try { response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { tracker.IsSuccess = false; tracker.ResultCode = "Task Canceled (HTTP Timeout)"; throw; } catch (HttpRequestException e) { tracker.IsSuccess = false; tracker.ResultCode = $"HTTPException: {e.Message}"; throw; } tracker.IsSuccess = response.IsSuccessStatusCode; tracker.ResultCode = response.StatusCode.ToString(); // Get data after setting telemetry status codes incase this errors out. data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { // Do not store this data unless the request failed. This data can get very large very fast. tracker.Properties.Add("Server Response", data); } } if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.objectLogger.Log(data, "HttpClient", requestUri.ToString()); // Successfully completed request break; } else { telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.HTTP_Error, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "URL", requestUri?.ToString() }, { "StatusCode", response?.StatusCode.ToString() } }); retryCount = HandleFailure(retryCount, requestUri, response); } } catch (Exception e) { retryCount++; telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.HTTP_Error, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "URL", requestUri?.ToString() }, { "StatusCode", response?.StatusCode.ToString() }, { "Exception", e.ToString() } }); if (retryCount < RETRY_COUNT) { log.Error($"Error executing web request for URL {requestUri} on attempt {retryCount}. Retrying.", e); } else { log.Error($"Error executing web request for URI {requestUri} on attempt {retryCount}. NOT retrying", e); // Rethrow the exception to fail the current job throw; } } // Do not wait after the final try. if (retryCount < RETRY_COUNT) { // Request failed. Wait a random time and try again. Random() uses a time-dependent seed. int wait = new Random().Next((int)minWaitBeforeRetry.TotalMilliseconds, (int)maxWaitBeforeRetry.TotalMilliseconds); log.Verbose($"Waiting {wait} milliseconds before retrying"); Thread.Sleep(wait); } } log.Verbose($"URL {requestUri} retrieved."); var metric = new MetricTelemetry(); metric.Name = TelemetryNames.HTTP_RetryCount; metric.Sum = retryCount; metric.Timestamp = DateTime.Now; metric.Properties.Add("Domain", requestUri.Host); telemetryClient.TrackMetric(metric); try { var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(data); log.Verbose($"Result deserialized from URL {requestUri}"); return(new HttpJsonResponseMessage <T> { Object = obj, ResponseMessage = response }); } catch (Exception e) { telemetryClient.TrackEvent(TelemetryNames.HTTP_JSON_Error, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "URL", requestUri?.ToString() }, { "StatusCode", response?.StatusCode.ToString() }, { "Exception", e.ToString() }, { "Response", data } }); // Log and rethrow the exception log.Error($"Error deserializing result from URL {requestUri}", e); // Rethrow the exception to fail the current job throw; } } }
private void ApiPingAndLog(IHostingEnvironment env, ITelemetryClient telemetryClient) { Ping pinger = null; try { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api HttpRequest: {nameof(Environment.MachineName)} = {Environment.MachineName}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(env.EnvironmentName)} = {env.EnvironmentName}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(env.ApplicationName)} = {env.ApplicationName}"); var uri = new Uri(Configuration["Tribal:APIAddress"]); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(uri.Host)} = {uri.Host}"); pinger = new Ping(); var reply = pinger.Send(uri.Host); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.Address)} = {reply?.Address}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.Options.DontFragment)} = {reply?.Options?.DontFragment}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.Options.Ttl)} = {reply?.Options?.Ttl}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.RoundtripTime)} = {reply?.RoundtripTime}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.Buffer.Length)} = {reply?.Buffer?.Length}"); telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: {nameof(reply.Status)} = {reply?.Status}"); } catch (Exception e) { telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Start Up Api Ping: exception"); telemetryClient.TrackException(e); } finally { if (pinger != null) { pinger.Dispose(); } } }
private void TrackResponsibleEvent(ResponsibleTopic responsibleEvent) => _telemetryClient.TrackEvent(PreservationBusReceiverTelemetryEvent,