public SolutionHandler(string filePath, string FileName)
            this.BASEFOLDER    = filePath;
            this._solutionName = _tcProjectName = FileName;
            this.adsClient     = new TcAdsClient();

            /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
             * Creates new solution based off of TwinCAT's XAE and PLC templates.
             * -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
            if (dte == null)

            pro    = sol.Projects.Item(1);
            sysMan = (ITcSysManager11)pro.Object;

            ITcSmTreeItem plc = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC");

            plc.CreateChild("Untitled1", 0, "", "Standard PLC Template");
            //---Navigate to References node and cast to Library Manager interface
            ITcSmTreeItem        references     = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Project^References");
            ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)this.RetrieveLibMan();

            /* ------------------------------------------------------
             * Check to see if library already exists, if it does it will delete before adding to avoid any exceptions.
             * ------------------------------------------------------ */

            foreach (ITcPlcLibRef libraryReference in libraryManager.References)
                if (libraryReference is ITcPlcLibrary)
                    ITcPlcLibrary library = (ITcPlcLibrary)libraryReference;
                    if (library.Name == "MDR_Control")
                        DeleteLibrary(ref libraryManager);

            /* ------------------------------------------------------
             * Add our MDR library to the project References.
             * ------------------------------------------------------ */
            AddLibrary(ref libraryManager);

        //This contructor is meant to be used for testing individual methods
        //It should never be called in a live use
        public SolutionHandler()
            dte       = attachToExistingDte(@"C:\Users\NathanM\Desktop\DELETE ME\Garth Gaddy\TestDirectory\Test4.sln", ProgID);
            sol       = dte.Solution;
            pro       = sol.Projects.Item(1);
            sysMan    = (ITcSysManager11)pro.Object;
            adsClient = new TcAdsClient();
            ITcSmTreeItem drive = sysMan.LookupTreeItem(@"TIID^Device_1^InfeedWest0");

        public void PLCdeclarations(DataTable dt)
            string mainVar        = @"VAR_GLOBAL" + Environment.NewLine;
            string endMain        = Environment.NewLine + @"          
            string constDeclStart = @"VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANT" + Environment.NewLine;
            string constDeclEnd   = Environment.NewLine + @"          

            //Add function blocks to MAIN declaration
            ITcSmTreeItem main      = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Project^GVLs");
            ITcSmTreeItem GVL       = main.CreateChild("MDR_Control_FBs", 615, "", 0);
            ITcSmTreeItem StructGVL = main.CreateChild("EP7402_List", 615, "", 0);
            //Cast to specific interface for declaration and implementation area
            ITcPlcDeclaration mainDecl   = (ITcPlcDeclaration)GVL;
            ITcPlcDeclaration structDecl = (ITcPlcDeclaration)StructGVL;

            //Get current declaration and implementation area content
            string strMainDecl   = mainDecl.DeclarationText;
            string strStructDecl = structDecl.DeclarationText;

            //string strMainImpl = mainImpl.ImplementationText;
            _nDriveCount = dt.Rows.Count;
            string[] boxName = new string[_nDriveCount];
            int      j       = 0;
            int      i       = 0;

            string structCount = string.Format(" nDriveCount : UINT := {0};", _nDriveCount);

            for (i = 0; i < _nDriveCount - 1; i++)
                boxName[i] = dt.Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString() + j.ToString();

            declarations             = string.Join(": FB_MDR_Control;" + Environment.NewLine, boxName);
            mainDecl.DeclarationText = mainVar + declarations + endMain;

            for (i = 0; i < _nDriveCount - 1; i++)
                boxName[i] = boxName[i].Insert(0, "st");

            declarations = string.Join(": ST_EP7402;" + Environment.NewLine, boxName);
            structDecl.DeclarationText = mainVar + declarations + endMain + Environment.NewLine + constDeclStart + structCount + constDeclEnd;

            var settings = dte.GetObject("TcAutomationSettings");

            settings.SilentMode = true;
            dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.Build(true); // compile the plc project
            settings.SilentMode = false;