public async Task <TaxonomyValidationResult> Validate(TaxonomyPart part)
            if (part.TermContentType != ContentTypes.PageLocation)
                return(new TaxonomyValidationResult(true, null));

            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            //make sure nothing has moved that has associated pages anywhere down the tree
            List <ContentItem> allPages = await _contentItemsService.GetActive(ContentTypes.Page);

            JArray?terms = _taxonomyHelper.GetAllTerms(JObject.FromObject(part.ContentItem));

            if (terms != null)
                foreach (JObject term in terms)
                    dynamic?originalParent = _taxonomyHelper.FindParentTaxonomyTerm(term, JObject.FromObject(part.ContentItem));
                    dynamic?newParent      = _taxonomyHelper.FindParentTaxonomyTerm(term, JObject.FromObject(part));

                    if (originalParent == null || newParent == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find {(originalParent == null ? "original" : "new")} parent taxonomy term for {term}");

                    if (newParent?.ContentItemId != null && newParent?.ContentItemId != originalParent?.ContentItemId)
                        //find all child terms down the taxonomy tree
                        var childTermsFromTree = _taxonomyHelper.GetAllTerms(term);

                        if (allPages.Any(x => (string)x.Content.Page.PageLocations.TermContentItemIds[0] == (string)term["ContentItemId"] ! || childTermsFromTree.Any(t => (string)t["ContentItemId"] ! == (string)x.Content.Page.PageLocations.TermContentItemIds[0])))
                            errors.Add("You cannot move a Page Location which has associated Pages linked to it, or any of its children.");

                        foreach (var validator in _validators)
                            (bool validated, string errorMessage) =
                                await validator.ValidateUpdate(term, JObject.FromObject(part));

                            if (!validated)

                        //make sure display text doesn't clash with any other term at this level
                        JArray parentTerms = _taxonomyHelper.GetTerms(JObject.FromObject(newParent));
                        if (parentTerms?.Any(x => (string)x["ContentItemId"] ! != (string)term["ContentItemId"] ! && (string)x["DisplayText"] ! == (string)term["DisplayText"] !) ?? false)
                            errors.Add("Terms at the same hierarchical position must have unique titles.");

            return(new TaxonomyValidationResult(!errors.Any(), errors));
        public async Task <(bool, string)> ValidateUpdate(JObject term, JObject taxonomy)
            if (!term.ContainsKey("PageLocation"))
                return(true, string.Empty);

            List <ContentItem> allPages = await _contentItemsService.GetActive(ContentTypes.Page);

            //find all child terms down the taxonomy tree
            var childTermsFromTree = _taxonomyHelper.GetAllTerms(term);

            if (allPages.Any(x => (string)x.Content.Page.PageLocations.TermContentItemIds[0] == (string)term["ContentItemId"] ! || childTermsFromTree.Any(t => (string)t["ContentItemId"] ! == (string)x.Content.Page.PageLocations.TermContentItemIds[0])))
                return(false, "Page Locations with pages associated to them or any of their children cannot be changed or deleted.");

            return(true, string.Empty);