Exemple #1
        public string insert(Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, Dictionary <string, string> data)
            using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
                lock (transaction) {
                    using (DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                        List <string> updates             = new List <string>();
                        List <string> updatesPlaceholders = new List <string>();
                        ParamsHolder  paramsholder        = new ParamsHolder();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in data)

                        command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "INSERT INTO " + table.compile(this.traits) + " (" + String.Join(", ", updates.ToArray()) + ") VALUES (" + String.Join(", ", updatesPlaceholders.ToArray()) + ")";
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in paramsholder.data)
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        if (data.ContainsKey(table.idName))
                        return(this.traits.LastInsertId(command, table).ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Tables that are in AV and where records are normally owned by them.
        /// As far as we know they are never deleted and (although this might not have been fully analysed), deletion might fail because we might be using them.
        /// Generally used for reference data.
        /// </summary>
        public bool OwnedByAVUnlessNegativeNoDeletes(ITableSpec table, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecordFromSource, Operation operation)
            var primaryKeys = Keys.GetPrimaryKeys((IDictionary <string, object>)(oldRecordFromTarget ?? newRecordFromSource), table);

            if (primaryKeys.First() < 0)
                if (operation == Operation.Delete)
                    // Migrate will identify these for deletion as they are not on the source system
                    // If Migrate is trying to insert or update them then are assertion that only we create negative ids is wrong
                    _log.Error($"AVMS somehow has record in {table.Name} for {primaryKeys}");
                if (operation == Operation.Delete)
                    // If Migrate is trying to delete its own records then the assumption it never does is wrong
                    _log.Error($"AVMS unexpectedly trying to delete {table.Name} for {primaryKeys}");
 public void AnonymiseProviderSiteHistory(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecord, dynamic newRecord)
     if (_migrateConfig.AnonymiseData)
         newRecord.Comment = "[Training provider history]";
Exemple #4
        public void update(Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, string id, Dictionary <string, string> data)
            using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
                lock (transaction) {
                    using (DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                        List <string> updates      = new List <string>();
                        ParamsHolder  paramsholder = new ParamsHolder();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in data)
                            updates.Add(this.traits.escapeIdentifier(kvp.Key) + " = " + this.traits.markParam(paramsholder.Add(kvp.Value)));

                        command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "UPDATE " + table.compile(traits) + " set " + String.Join(", ", updates.ToArray()) + " where " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " = " + this.traits.markParam("id");
                        command.AddParameter("id", id);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in paramsholder.data)
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        //					throw new CriticalException(command.CommandText + "; parameters: " + string.Join(", ", (from DbParameter parameter in command.Parameters select parameter.ParameterName + "='" + parameter.Value.ToString() + "'").ToArray()));
Exemple #5
 public void DoPossibleDelete(IMutateTarget mutateTarget, ITableSpec table, dynamic targetRecord)
     if (table.CanMutate(table, targetRecord, null, Operation.Delete))
Exemple #6
 public List <string> LoadIdsByConditions(ITableSpec table, Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, ColumnSpec idSpec, bool allowHugeLists)
     using (DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
         using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
             return(this._LoadIdsByConditions(command, table, conditions, diapasone, joins, sorts, idSpec, allowHugeLists));
Exemple #7
 public List <Dictionary <string, string> > LoadByIds(ITableSpec table, List <string> ids)
     using (DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
         using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
             return(this._LoadByIds(command, table, ids, false));
Exemple #8
 public void DoPossibleInsert(IMutateTarget mutateTarget, ITableSpec table, dynamic sourceRecord)
     if (table.CanMutate(table, null, sourceRecord, Operation.Insert))
         table.Transform(table, null, sourceRecord);
Exemple #9
        private List <Dictionary <string, string> > _LoadByIds(DbCommand command, ITableSpec table, List <string> ids, bool forUpdate)
            using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                ParamsHolder  paramsHolder = new ParamsHolder();
                List <string> placeholder  = new List <string>();
                foreach (string id in ids)

                command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT * FROM " + table.compile(this.traits) + " WHERE " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " IN (" + string.Join(", ", placeholder.ToArray()) + ")" + (forUpdate ? " FOR UPDATE" : "");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in paramsHolder.data)
                    command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > rawResult = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();
                using (DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Dictionary <string, string> row = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                            //throw new CriticalException("Name: " + reader.GetName(i));
                            object value = reader.GetValue(i);
                            string sValue;
                            if (value is DateTime)
                                sValue = ((DateTime)value).Ticks.ToString();
                            else if (value is TimeSpan)
                                sValue = ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks.ToString();
                                sValue = value.ToString();
                            row.Add(reader.GetName(i), sValue);
                        rawResult.Add(row[table.idName], row);

                List <Dictionary <string, string> > result = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                foreach (string id in ids)
                    if (rawResult.ContainsKey(id))
        public void AnonymiseVacancy(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecord, dynamic newRecord)
            if (_migrateConfig.AnonymiseData)
                var anon = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails((int)newRecord.VacancyId);

                newRecord.ContactName = $"{anon.GivenName} {anon.Surname}";
Exemple #11
 public static Dictionary<string, string> LoadById(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, string id)
     List<Dictionary<string, string>> rows = connection.LoadByIds(table, new List<string> { id });
     if(rows.Count < 1) {
         throw new NotFoundInDBException(table, id);
     if(rows.Count > 1) {
         throw new CriticalException(rows.Count + " objects with specified id");
     return rows[0];
Exemple #12
 public long LastInsertId(DbCommand command, ITableSpec table)
     string sequenceName = table.name + "_" + table.idName + "_seq";
     using(DbCommand newCommand = command.Connection.CreateCommand()) {
         if(command.Transaction != null) {
             newCommand.Transaction = command.Transaction;
         newCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
         newCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CURRVAL('" + this.escapeIdentifier(sequenceName) + "')";
         return (long)newCommand.ExecuteScalar();
        public bool CanMutateVacancyOwnerRelationship(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecordFromSource, Operation operation)
            // Deletes could potentially be a problem, but since using a VacancyOwnerRelationship in a Vacancy results in editing of the EmployerDescription and setting of EditedInRaa, all is good

            if (oldRecordFromTarget != null && oldRecordFromTarget.EditedInRaa)
                _log.Info($"Ignored {operation} to VacancyOwnerRelationship from AVMS with VacancyOwnerRelationshipId = {oldRecordFromTarget.VacancyOwnerRelationshipId} because EditedInRaa=1");

        public void AnonymiseProviderSite(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecord)
            if (_migrateConfig.AnonymiseData)
                int id    = newRecord.ProviderSiteID;
                var anon1 = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails(id);
                var anon2 = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails(id + 1);

                newRecord.ContactDetailsAsARecruitmentAgency = $"{anon1.GivenName} {anon1.Surname} on {anon1.TelephoneNumber}";
                newRecord.ContactDetailsForEmployer          = $"{anon1.GivenName} on {anon1.TelephoneNumber}";
                newRecord.ContactDetailsForCandidate         = $"{anon1.GivenName} on {anon2.TelephoneNumber}";
Exemple #15
 public void lockTable(Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table)
     using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
         Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
         lock (transaction) {
             using (DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                 command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                 command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                 command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "LOCK TABLE " + table.compile(this.traits);
        public long LastInsertId(DbCommand command, ITableSpec table)
            string sequenceName = table.name + "_" + table.idName + "_seq";

            using (DbCommand newCommand = command.Connection.CreateCommand()) {
                if (command.Transaction != null)
                    newCommand.Transaction = command.Transaction;
                newCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                newCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CURRVAL('" + this.escapeIdentifier(sequenceName) + "')";
Exemple #17
 public void delete(Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, string id)
     using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
         Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
         lock (transaction) {
             using (DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                 command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                 command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                 command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "DELETE FROM " + table.compile(traits) + " where " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " = " + this.traits.markParam("id");
                 command.AddParameter("id", id);
Exemple #18
 public void delete(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, string id)
     using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
         Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
         lock(transaction) {
             using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                 command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                 command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                 command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "DELETE FROM " + table.compile(traits) + " where " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " = " + this.traits.markParam("id");
                 command.AddParameter("id", id);
Exemple #19
        public void DoSlidingComparision(ITableSpec table, IEnumerable <dynamic> sourceRecords, IEnumerable <dynamic> targetRecords, IDictionary <IKeys, Operation> operationById, IMutateTarget mutateTarget)
            // TODO: Don't completely ignore the operation claimed by the change tracking
            // And don't completely ignore change tracking where no record could be found on the source

            using (var sourceRecordEnumerator = sourceRecords.GetEnumerator())
                using (var targetRecordEnumerator = targetRecords.GetEnumerator())
                    var sourceRecord = sourceRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? sourceRecordEnumerator.Current : null;
                    var targetRecord = targetRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? targetRecordEnumerator.Current : null;

                    while (sourceRecord != null || targetRecord != null)
                        Keys sourcePrimaryKeys = (sourceRecord != null) ? Keys.GetPrimaryKeys(sourceRecord, table) : Keys.MaxValue;
                        Keys targetPrimaryKeys = (targetRecord != null) ? Keys.GetPrimaryKeys(targetRecord, table) : Keys.MaxValue;

                        //_log.Debug($"({sourcePrimaryKeys}) ({targetPrimaryKeys})");

                        var cmp = targetPrimaryKeys.CompareTo(sourcePrimaryKeys);
                        if (cmp < 0)
                            // Record is missing from source. Keep advancing target until back in sync.
                            DoPossibleDelete(mutateTarget, table, targetRecord);
                            targetRecord = targetRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? targetRecordEnumerator.Current : null;
                        else if (cmp == 0)
                            // Record in both source and target
                            DoPossibleUpdate(mutateTarget, table, sourceRecord, targetRecord);
                            sourceRecord = sourceRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? sourceRecordEnumerator.Current : null;
                            targetRecord = targetRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? targetRecordEnumerator.Current : null;
                        else if (cmp > 0)
                            // Record is missing from target. Keep inserting from source and advancing it until back in sync.
                            DoPossibleInsert(mutateTarget, table, sourceRecord);
                            sourceRecord = sourceRecordEnumerator.MoveNext() ? sourceRecordEnumerator.Current : null;
                            throw new Exception("Impossible");
        // This is based on the anonymisation script used to create the static anonymised database
        // The following were anonymised there, but not here because they are not being migrated:
        // Candidate, Stakeholder, VacancySearch, ApplicationUnsuccessfulReasonType, CAFFields, NASSupportContact, Application, AdditionalAnswer

        public void AnonymisePerson(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecord)
            if (_migrateConfig.AnonymiseData)
                int id   = newRecord.PersonId;
                var anon = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails(id);

                newRecord.Title          = (object)_avmsSyncRepository.GetPersonTitleTypeIdsByTitleFullName().GetValueOrDefault(anon.TitleWithoutDot, 6); // Need to manually box (possible Dapper bug)
                newRecord.OtherTitle     = (newRecord.Title == 6) ? anon.TitleWithoutDot : "";
                newRecord.FirstName      = anon.GivenName;
                newRecord.MiddleNames    = (id % 3 == 0) ? "" : anon.MothersMaiden; // TODO - better
                newRecord.Surname        = anon.Surname;
                newRecord.LandlineNumber = anon.TelephoneNumber + "1";              // TODO
                newRecord.MobileNumber   = anon.TelephoneNumber;
                newRecord.Email          = anon.EmailAddress;
        public bool CanMutateVacancy(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecordFromSource, Operation operation)
            if (operation == Operation.Delete)
                // dbo.Application records (which include VacancyId) are not being deleted to deleting Vacancy will fail sometimes
                // Also it is probably desirable to keep Vacancy records for the moment, HOWEVER note that the child records are being deleted to
                // handle delete/re-add scenarios so the information will be incomplete.

            if (oldRecordFromTarget != null && oldRecordFromTarget.EditedInRaa)
                _log.Info($"Ignored change to Vacancy from AVMS with VacancyId = {oldRecordFromTarget.VacancyId} because EditedInRaa=1");

        public void TransformVacancy(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecord, dynamic newRecord)
            if (oldRecord == null)
                newRecord.VacancyGuid = (object)Guid.NewGuid(); // Need to manually box object (possible Dapper bug)
                newRecord.VacancyGuid = oldRecord.VacancyGuid;

            // TODO: Well, this is great, but it still won't be set for uploaded vacancies.
            var vacancyTypeId      = VacancyTypeUnknown;
            var apprenticeshipType = newRecord.ApprenticeshipType;

            if (apprenticeshipType != ApprenticeshipTypeUnknown)
                vacancyTypeId = apprenticeshipType == ApprenticeshipTypeTraineeship ? VacancyTypeTraineeship : VacancyTypeApprenticeship;
            newRecord.VacancyTypeId = (object)vacancyTypeId;

            //newRecord.OtherImportantInformation = string.Join(" ", newRecord.OtherImportantInformation, newRecord.RealityCheck); // TODO: This must be in vacancytextfield instead

            // The old values in this field would not be recognised by our system (although they will probably have timed out)
            newRecord.BeingSupportedBy      = null;
            newRecord.LockedForSupportUntil = null;

            // Required by unsuccessful candidates report and now correctly set in RAA so keeping
            //newRecord.ContractOwnerID         = null;
            //newRecord.OriginalContractOwnerId = null;

            // Believed to be supported by FAA, so don't blank (TODO: Check)
            // newRecord.EmployerAnonymousName = null;
            // newRecord.VacancyManagerAnonymous = false;

            // Vacancy source
            newRecord.VacancySourceId = (object)1;

            AnonymiseVacancy(tableSpec, oldRecord, newRecord);
Exemple #23
        public void DoChangesForTable(ITableSpec table, ISnapshotSyncContext syncContext, IMutateTarget mutateTarget)
                var changes = syncContext.GetChangesForTable(table);

                var changesOfInterest = new Dictionary <IKeys, Operation>();

                foreach (var change in changes)
                    switch (change.Operation)
                    case Operation.Insert:
                    case Operation.Update:
                    case Operation.Delete:
                        changesOfInterest.Add(change.PrimaryKeys, change.Operation);

                        throw new Exception($"Unknown change {change.Operation}");

                _log.Debug($"Change tracking reports {changesOfInterest.Count(c => c.Value == Operation.Insert)} inserts, {changesOfInterest.Count(c => c.Value == Operation.Update)} updates, {changesOfInterest.Count(c => c.Value == Operation.Delete)} deletes");
                if (changesOfInterest.Any())
                    var sourceRecords = syncContext.GetSourceRecordsAsync(table, changesOfInterest.Keys);
                    var targetRecords = syncContext.GetTargetRecords(table, changesOfInterest.Keys);

                    _log.Debug($"Loaded {sourceRecords.Result.Count()} from source, {targetRecords.Count()} from target");

                    DoSlidingComparision(table, sourceRecords.Result, targetRecords, changesOfInterest, mutateTarget);
        public void AnonymiseEmployerContact(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecordFromTarget, dynamic newRecord)
            if (_migrateConfig.AnonymiseData)
                int id    = newRecord.EmployerContactId;
                var anon1 = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails(id);
                var anon2 = _avmsSyncRepository.GetAnonymousDetails(id + 1);

                // Don't think we're using this, so might as well anonymise it
                newRecord.AddressLine1 = anon1.StreetAddress;
                newRecord.AddressLine2 = "";
                newRecord.AddressLine3 = "";
                newRecord.AddressLine4 = "";
                newRecord.AddressLine5 = null;
                newRecord.Town         = anon1.City;
                // TODO: CountyId
                newRecord.PostCode = anon1.ZipCode;
                // TODO: LocalAuthorityId

                newRecord.FaxNumber            = anon1.TelephoneNumber; // TODO
                newRecord.AlternatePhoneNumber = anon2.TelephoneNumber;
Exemple #25
        public void DoInitial(ITableSpec table, ITransactionlessSyncContext syncContext, IMutateTarget mutateTarget, long maxFirstId)
            int batchSize = (int)(_migrateConfig.RecordBatchSize * table.BatchSizeMultiplier);

                long startFirstId = (table.Name == "Personxxxx") ? 4290000 : 0;

                while (startFirstId < maxFirstId)
                    long endFirstId = Math.Min(startFirstId + batchSize - 1, maxFirstId);
                    _log.Debug($"Processing {startFirstId} to {endFirstId} on {table.Name} ({startFirstId / Math.Max(maxFirstId / 100, 1)}% done)");

                    var sourceRecords = syncContext.GetSourceRecordsAsync(table, startFirstId, endFirstId);
                    var targetRecords = syncContext.GetTargetRecords(table, startFirstId, endFirstId);

                    DoSlidingComparision(table, sourceRecords.Result, targetRecords, null, mutateTarget);

                    startFirstId = endFirstId + 1;
                    // Where records are deleted and then reinserted in is important that they are deleted before attempting inserts...
                    mutateTarget.FlushDeletes(); // TODO: Ideally pass parameter through to prevent WARNings and ERRORs.
                catch (Exception)
                    // ...but when they are on a child table then the parent will need to be deleted first.
                    _log.Info("Some deletes failed. These will be retried once the parent tables have been processed.");

Exemple #26
        public long GetCountByConditions(ITableSpec table, Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, params JoinSpec[] joins)
            using (var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                using (DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
                    using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                        var    conditionsCompiled = ConditionCompiler.Compile(conditions, this.traits);
                        string queryConditions    = "";
                        if (conditionsCompiled.Key != "")
                            queryConditions = "WHERE " + conditionsCompiled.Key;
                        ParamsHolder paramsHolder = conditionsCompiled.Value;

                        string queryJoins = "";
                            if (joins.Length > 0)
                                throw new NotImplementedException();

                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM " + table.compile(this.traits) + " " + queryJoins + " " + queryConditions;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in paramsHolder.data)
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        object rawCount = command.ExecuteScalar();
                        long   count    = (long)rawCount;
Exemple #27
 public List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(ITableSpec table, penartur.Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, ColumnSpec idSpec, bool allowHugeLists)
     using(DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
         using(DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
             return this._LoadIdsByConditions(command, table, conditions, diapasone, joins, sorts, idSpec, allowHugeLists);
Exemple #28
 public List<Dictionary<string, string>> LoadByIds(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, List<string> ids)
     Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
     lock(transaction) {
         using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
             command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
             return this._LoadByIds(command, table, ids, true);
Exemple #29
 public List<Dictionary<string, string>> LoadByIds(ITableSpec table, List<string> ids)
     using(DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
         using(DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
             return this._LoadByIds(command, table, ids, false);
Exemple #30
 public JoinSpec(ColumnSpec mainColumn, ITableSpec additionalTable, string alias)
     this.mainColumn = mainColumn;
     this.additionalTableRaw = additionalTable;
     this.additionalTable = new TableSpec(additionalTable, alias);
Exemple #31
        public long GetCountByConditions(ITableSpec table, penartur.Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, params JoinSpec[] joins)
            using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                using(DbConnection connection = this.createConnection()) {
                    using(DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {

                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                        var conditionsCompiled = ConditionCompiler.Compile(conditions, this.traits);
                        string queryConditions = "";
                        if(conditionsCompiled.Key != "") queryConditions = "WHERE " + conditionsCompiled.Key;
                        ParamsHolder paramsHolder = conditionsCompiled.Value;

                        string queryJoins = "";
                            if(joins.Length > 0) {
                                throw new NotImplementedException();

                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM " + table.compile(this.traits) + " " + queryJoins + " " + queryConditions;
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramsHolder.data) {
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        object rawCount = command.ExecuteScalar();
                        long count = (long)rawCount;
                        return count;
Exemple #32
        private List<string> _LoadIdsByConditions(DbCommand command, ITableSpec table, penartur.Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, ColumnSpec idSpec, bool allowHugeLists)
            using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {

                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                var conditionsCompiled = ConditionCompiler.Compile(conditions, this.traits);
                string queryConditions = "";
                if(conditionsCompiled.Key != "") queryConditions = "WHERE " + conditionsCompiled.Key;
                ParamsHolder paramsHolder = conditionsCompiled.Value;

                StringBuilder queryJoins = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach(var join in joins) {
                        queryJoins.Append(" JOIN ");
                        queryJoins.Append(" ");
                        queryJoins.Append(" ON ");
                        queryJoins.Append(" = ");

                string querySorts = "";
                if(sorts.Length > 0) {
                    List<string> sortParts = new List<string>();
                    foreach(SortSpec sortSpec in sorts) {
                        if(sortSpec.ascending) {
                            sortParts.Add(sortSpec.column.compile(this.traits) + " ASC");
                        } else {
                            sortParts.Add(sortSpec.column.compile(this.traits) + " DESC");
                    querySorts = "ORDER BY " + string.Join(", ", sortParts.ToArray());

                string queryMain = "FROM " + table.compile(this.traits) + " " + queryJoins + " " + queryConditions;

                foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramsHolder.data) {
                    command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                if(!diapasone.total.HasValue) {
                    command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) " + queryMain;
                    object rawCount;
                    //try {
                    rawCount = command.ExecuteScalar();
                    //} catch(Npgsql.NpgsqlException e) {
                    //throw new FLocalException("Error while trying to execute " + command.CommandText + ": " + e.Message);
                    long count = (long)rawCount;
                    if(count < 1) {
                        diapasone.total = 0;
                    } else {
                        diapasone.total = count;

                if(diapasone.total.Value < 1) {
                    return new List<string>();
                } else {
                    if(diapasone.total.Value > 1000 && diapasone.count < 0 && !allowHugeLists) {
                        throw new CriticalException("huge list");
                    string queryLimits = "";
                    if(diapasone.count >= 0) {
                        queryLimits = "LIMIT " + diapasone.count + " OFFSET " + diapasone.start;
                    command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT " + idSpec.compile(this.traits) + " " + queryMain + " " + querySorts + " " + queryLimits;

                    List<string> result = new List<string>();
                    using(DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                        while(reader.Read()) {
                    return result;
Exemple #33
        public void update(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, string id, Dictionary<string, string> data)
            using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
                lock(transaction) {
                    using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                        List<string> updates = new List<string>();
                        ParamsHolder paramsholder = new ParamsHolder();
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data) {
                            updates.Add(this.traits.escapeIdentifier(kvp.Key) + " = " + this.traits.markParam(paramsholder.Add(kvp.Value)));

                        command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "UPDATE " + table.compile(traits) + " set " + String.Join(", ", updates.ToArray()) + " where " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " = " + this.traits.markParam("id");
                        command.AddParameter("id", id);
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramsholder.data) {
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        //					throw new CriticalException(command.CommandText + "; parameters: " + string.Join(", ", (from DbParameter parameter in command.Parameters select parameter.ParameterName + "='" + parameter.Value.ToString() + "'").ToArray()));
 public void TransformAttachedDocument(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecord, dynamic newRecord)
     //newRecord.Attachment = new byte[0]; // These are rather large and causing timeouts
Exemple #35
 public JoinSpec(ColumnSpec mainColumn, ITableSpec additionalTable, string alias)
     this.mainColumn         = mainColumn;
     this.additionalTableRaw = additionalTable;
     this.additionalTable    = new TableSpec(additionalTable, alias);
 public NotFoundInDBException(ITableSpec tableSpec, string id)
     : this(tableSpec.getIdSpec(), id)
Exemple #37
 public static string compile(this ITableSpec table, IDBTraits traits)
Exemple #38
 public TableSpec(ITableSpec raw, string name)
     this._name = name;
     this._idName = raw.idName;
Exemple #39
 public List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, penartur.Web.Core.DB.conditions.AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts, bool allowHugeLists)
     Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
     lock(transaction) {
         using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
             command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
             return this._LoadIdsByConditions(command, table, conditions, diapasone, joins, sorts, table.getIdSpec(), allowHugeLists);
Exemple #40
 public static List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, ColumnSpec idSpec, params SortSpec[] sorts)
     return connection.LoadIdsByConditions(table, conditions, diapasone, new JoinSpec[0], sorts, idSpec, false);
Exemple #41
 public void lockTable(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table)
     using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
         Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
         lock(transaction) {
             using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                 command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                 command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                 command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "LOCK TABLE " + table.compile(this.traits);
Exemple #42
        private void DoPossibleUpdate(IMutateTarget mutateTarget, ITableSpec table, dynamic sourceRecord, dynamic targetRecord)
            table.Transform(table, targetRecord, sourceRecord);

            int changesLeftToLog = _migrateConfig.MaxNumberOfChangesToDetailPerTable.GetValueOrDefault(int.MaxValue) - mutateTarget.NumberOfUpdates;

            var sourceRecordDict = (IDictionary <string, object>)sourceRecord;
            var targetRecordDict = (IDictionary <string, object>)targetRecord;

            List <string> changes = null;

            foreach (var sourceCol in sourceRecordDict)
                var targetColValue = targetRecordDict[sourceCol.Key];

                bool equal;
                if (sourceCol.Value == null || targetColValue == null)
                    equal = (sourceCol.Value == null && targetColValue == null);
                else if (sourceCol.Value.GetType() == typeof(byte[]))
                    var s = (byte[])sourceCol.Value;
                    var t = (byte[])targetColValue;
                    equal = s.SequenceEqual(t);
                    equal = sourceCol.Value.Equals(targetColValue);

                if (!equal)
                    if (changes == null)
                        changes = new List <string>();
                        if (changesLeftToLog <= 0)
                    changes.Add($"{sourceCol.Key} '{(targetColValue == null ? "<null>" : targetColValue.ToString().Truncate(100, "..."))}' => '{(sourceCol.Value == null ? "<null>" : sourceCol.Value.ToString().Truncate(100, "..."))}'");

            if (changes != null && table.CanMutate(table, targetRecord, sourceRecord, Operation.Update))
                if (changesLeftToLog == 0)
                    _log.Info($"{table.Name}: More records have changes but these will not be reported");
                else if (changesLeftToLog > 0)
                    _log.Info($"{table.Name} {Keys.GetPrimaryKeys(sourceRecord, table)}: {string.Join(", ", changes)}");

Exemple #43
        private List<Dictionary<string, string>> _LoadByIds(DbCommand command, ITableSpec table, List<string> ids, bool forUpdate)
            using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {

                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                ParamsHolder paramsHolder = new ParamsHolder();
                List<string> placeholder = new List<string>();
                foreach(string id in ids) {

                command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "SELECT * FROM " + table.compile(this.traits) + " WHERE " + table.getIdSpec().compile(this.traits) + " IN (" + string.Join(", ", placeholder.ToArray()) + ")" + (forUpdate ? " FOR UPDATE" : "");
                foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramsHolder.data) {
                    command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> rawResult = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
                using(DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                    while(reader.Read()) {
                        Dictionary<string, string> row = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        for(int i=0; i<reader.FieldCount; i++) {
                            //throw new CriticalException("Name: " + reader.GetName(i));
                            object value = reader.GetValue(i);
                            string sValue;
                            if(value is DateTime) {
                                sValue = ((DateTime)value).Ticks.ToString();
                            } else if(value is TimeSpan) {
                                sValue = ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks.ToString();
                            } else {
                                sValue = value.ToString();
                            row.Add(reader.GetName(i), sValue);
                        rawResult.Add(row[table.idName], row);

                List<Dictionary<string, string>> result = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
                foreach(string id in ids) {
                    if(rawResult.ContainsKey(id)) {
                return result;
Exemple #44
 public static List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, params JoinSpec[] joins)
     return connection.LoadIdsByConditions(table, conditions, diapasone, joins, new SortSpec[] { new SortSpec(table.getIdSpec(), true) });
 public void TransformProvider(ITableSpec tableSpec, dynamic oldRecord, dynamic newRecord)
     newRecord.UPIN = null; // We can't always populate this, so always set it to null to prove it isn't used.
Exemple #46
        public string insert(penartur.Web.Core.DB.Transaction _transaction, ITableSpec table, Dictionary<string, string> data)
            using(var logger = this.CreateCommandExecutionLogger()) {
                Transaction transaction = (Transaction)_transaction;
                lock(transaction) {
                    using(DbCommand command = transaction.sqlconnection.CreateCommand()) {
                        List<string> updates = new List<string>();
                        List<string> updatesPlaceholders = new List<string>();
                        ParamsHolder paramsholder = new ParamsHolder();
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data) {

                        command.Transaction = transaction.sqltransaction;
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = logger.commandText = "INSERT INTO " + table.compile(this.traits) + " (" + String.Join(", ", updates.ToArray()) + ") VALUES (" + String.Join(", ", updatesPlaceholders.ToArray()) + ")";
                        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramsholder.data) {
                            command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        if(data.ContainsKey(table.idName)) return data[table.idName];
                        return this.traits.LastInsertId(command, table).ToString();
Exemple #47
 public TableSpec(ITableSpec raw, string name)
     this._name   = name;
     this._idName = raw.idName;
Exemple #48
 public static List<string> LoadIdsByConditions(this IDBConnection connection, ITableSpec table, AbstractCondition conditions, Diapasone diapasone, JoinSpec[] joins, SortSpec[] sorts)
     return connection.LoadIdsByConditions(table, conditions, diapasone, joins, sorts, table.getIdSpec(), false);
Exemple #49
 public NotFoundInDBException(ITableSpec tableSpec, string id) : this(tableSpec.getIdSpec(), id)
Exemple #50
 public ColumnSpec(ITableSpec table, string name)
     this.table = table;
     this.name = name;