Exemple #1
        // TODO: Implement lazy load pattern so each instance creation doesn't create every object instance for no reason")]
        public TMDbClient(ITMDbSettings settings) : base(settings.BaseUrl)
            if (settings.ApiKey.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings.ApiKey));

            Settings        = settings;
            Account         = new AccountProxy(this);
            Authentication  = new AuthenticationProxy(this);
            Certifications  = new CertificationsProxy(this);
            Changes         = new ChangesProxy(this);
            Collections     = new CollectionsProxy(this);
            Configuration   = new ConfigurationProxy(this);
            Credits         = new CreditsProxy(this);
            Discover        = new DiscoverProxy(this);
            Exports         = new ExportsProxy(this);
            Find            = new FindProxy(this);
            Genres          = new GenresProxy(this);
            GuestSessions   = new GuestSessionsProxy(this);
            Keywords        = new KeywordsProxy(this);
            Lists           = new ListsProxy(this);
            Movies          = new MoviesProxy(this);
            Network         = new NetworkProxy(this);
            People          = new PeopleProxy(this);
            Reviews         = new ReviewsProxy(this);
            Search          = new SearchProxy(this);
            Trending        = new TrendingProxy(this);
            TVEpisodeGroups = new TVEpisodeGroupsProxy(this);
            TVEpisodes      = new TVEpisodesProxy(this);
            TV        = new TVProxy(this);
            TVSeasons = new TVSeasonsProxy(this);
Exemple #2
        // TODO: *** Refactor out this reference directly to settings, apply it in another layer.
        public TMDbRequest(ITMDbSettings settings)
            // TODO: *** Refactor out this reference directly to settings, apply it in another layer.
            ApiKey = settings.ApiKey;

            // TODO: *** Refactor out this reference directly to settings, apply it in another layer.
            Version = settings.Version;