private void Log( LogLevel level, string messageWithPii, string messageScrubbed) { if (level > Level) { return; } // format log message; string correlationId = CorrelationId.Equals(Guid.Empty) ? string.Empty : " - " + CorrelationId; bool messageWithPiiExists = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageWithPii); // If we have a message with PII, and PII logging is enabled, use the PII message, else use the scrubbed message. bool isLoggingPii = messageWithPiiExists && PiiLoggingEnabled; string messageToLog = isLoggingPii ? messageWithPii : messageScrubbed; string log = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} MSAL {1} {2} {3} [{4}{5}] {6}", isLoggingPii ? "(True)" : "(False)", _systemUtils.GetProductVersion(), _systemUtils.GetClientSku(), // todo: ensure this is the same as MSAL today... _systemUtils.GetOperatingSystem(), _timeService.GetUtcNow(), correlationId, messageToLog); _msalClientConfiguration.InvokeLoggerCallback(this, new LoggerCallbackEventArgs(isLoggingPii, level, log)); }
private IDictionary <string, string> GetVersionHeaders() { return(new Dictionary <string, string> { [ServerHeaderKey.XClientSku] = _systemUtils.GetClientSku(), [ServerHeaderKey.XClientOs] = _systemUtils.GetOsVersion(), [ServerHeaderKey.XClientVer] = _systemUtils.GetProductVersion() }); }