Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize all parameter of the algorithm
        /// </summary>
        public void InitParams()
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "swarmSize", ref swarmSize);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "archiveSize", ref archiveSize);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "maxIterations", ref maxIterations);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIndicatorsFromParameters(this.InputParameters, "indicators", ref indicators);

            polynomialMutation = this.Operators["mutation"];


            iteration = 1;

            particles = new SolutionSet(swarmSize);
            best      = new Solution[swarmSize];
            Leaders   = new CrowdingArchive(archiveSize, this.Problem.NumberOfObjectives);

            // Create comparators for dominance and crowding distance
            dominance = new DominanceComparator();
            crowdingDistanceComparator = new CrowdingDistanceComparator();
            distance = new Distance();

            // Create the speed_ vector
            speed = new double[swarmSize][];
            for (var i = 0; i < swarmSize; i++)
                speed[i] = new double[this.Problem.NumberOfVariables];

            deltaMax = new double[this.Problem.NumberOfVariables];
            deltaMin = new double[this.Problem.NumberOfVariables];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Problem.NumberOfVariables; i++)
                deltaMax[i] = (this.Problem.UpperLimit[i] - this.Problem.LowerLimit[i]) / 2.0;
                deltaMin[i] = -deltaMax[i];
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the NSGA-II algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions as a result of the algorithm execution</returns>
        public override SolutionSet Execute()
            int populationSize = -1;
            int maxEvaluations = -1;
            int evaluations;

            JMetalCSharp.QualityIndicator.QualityIndicator indicators = null; // QualityIndicator object
            int requiredEvaluations;                                          // Use in the example of use of the
            // indicators object (see below)

            SolutionSet population;
            SolutionSet offspringPopulation;
            SolutionSet union;

            Operator mutationOperator;
            Operator crossoverOperator;
            Operator selectionOperator;

            Distance distance = new Distance();

            //Read the parameters
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "maxEvaluations", ref maxEvaluations);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "populationSize", ref populationSize);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIndicatorsFromParameters(this.InputParameters, "indicators", ref indicators);


            //Initialize the variables
            population  = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
            evaluations = 0;

            requiredEvaluations = 0;

            //Read the operators
            mutationOperator  = Operators["mutation"];
            crossoverOperator = Operators["crossover"];
            selectionOperator = Operators["selection"];

            // Create the initial solutionSet
            Solution newSolution;

            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                newSolution = new Solution(Problem);
                parallelEvaluator.AddTaskForExecution(new object[] { newSolution });;

            List <Solution> solutionList = (List <Solution>)parallelEvaluator.ParallelExecution();

            foreach (Solution solution in solutionList)

            // Generations
            while (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                // Create the offSpring solutionSet
                offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
                Solution[] parents = new Solution[2];
                for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize / 2); i++)
                    if (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                        //obtain parents
                        parents[0] = (Solution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        parents[1] = (Solution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        Solution[] offSpring = (Solution[])crossoverOperator.Execute(parents);
                        parallelEvaluator.AddTaskForExecution(new object[] { offSpring[0] });;
                        parallelEvaluator.AddTaskForExecution(new object[] { offSpring[1] });;

                List <Solution> solutions = (List <Solution>)parallelEvaluator.ParallelExecution();

                foreach (Solution solution in solutions)

                // Create the solutionSet union of solutionSet and offSpring
                union = ((SolutionSet)population).Union(offspringPopulation);

                // Ranking the union
                Ranking ranking = new Ranking(union);

                int         remain = populationSize;
                int         index  = 0;
                SolutionSet front  = null;

                // Obtain the next front
                front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front.Size()))
                    //Assign crowding distance to individuals
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    //Add the individuals of this front
                    for (int k = 0; k < front.Size(); k++)

                    //Decrement remain
                    remain = remain - front.Size();

                    //Obtain the next front
                    if (remain > 0)
                        front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one
                if (remain > 0)
                {                  // front contains individuals to insert
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    front.Sort(new CrowdingComparator());
                    for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++)

                    remain = 0;

                // This piece of code shows how to use the indicator object into the code
                // of NSGA-II. In particular, it finds the number of evaluations required
                // by the algorithm to obtain a Pareto front with a hypervolume higher
                // than the hypervolume of the true Pareto front.
                if ((indicators != null) &&
                    (requiredEvaluations == 0))
                    double HV = indicators.GetHypervolume(population);
                    if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.TrueParetoFrontHypervolume))
                        requiredEvaluations = evaluations;

            // Return as output parameter the required evaluations
            SetOutputParameter("evaluations", requiredEvaluations);

            // Return the first non-dominated front
            Ranking rank = new Ranking(population);

            Result = rank.GetSubfront(0);
