public RequestHandler(SubscriptionsContext dbContext, UserContext userContext, IStripeService stripeService, ILogger <RequestHandler> logger)
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _userContext   = userContext;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _logger        = logger;
Exemple #2
 public UserService(IStripeCustomerService stripeCustomerService, IStripeService stripeService, DbObjectContext context, IConfiguration config)
     _context               = context;
     _config                = config;
     _stripeService         = stripeService;
     _stripeCustomerService = stripeCustomerService;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of AccountController
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilUserManager"/> for the controller to use
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="signInManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilSignInManager"/> for the controller to use
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stripeService">
 ///     The <see cref="IStripeService"/> to use for Stripe customer creation
 /// </param>
 public AccountController(
     VeilUserManager userManager, VeilSignInManager signInManager, IStripeService stripeService)
     this.userManager = userManager;
     this.signInManager = signInManager;
     this.stripeService = stripeService;
 public CustomersController(IMediator mediator, IIdentityService identity, IAppUserService user, IStripeService stripe)
     _mediator = mediator;
     _identity = identity;
     _user     = user;
     _stripe   = stripe;
 protected ManageController CreateManageController(
     VeilUserManager userManager = null, VeilSignInManager signInManager = null,
     IVeilDataAccess veilDataAccess = null, IGuidUserIdGetter idGetter = null,
     IStripeService stripeService = null)
     return new ManageController(userManager, signInManager, veilDataAccess, idGetter, stripeService);
Exemple #6
 public InvoiceChangedEventHandler(SubscriptionsContext dbContext, IStripeService stripeService, IOptions <StripeSettings> settings, ILogger <InvoiceChangedEventHandler> logger)
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _settings      = settings.Value;
     _logger        = logger;
Exemple #7
 public OrdersController(IStripeChargesService stripeChargesService, IStripeService stripeService, IConfiguration config, ILogger <OrdersController> logger, IOrderService orderService, IErrorHandlerService errorService)
     _config               = config;
     _logger               = logger;
     _stripeService        = stripeService;
     _orderService         = orderService; _errorService = errorService;
     _stripeChargesService = stripeChargesService;
 public FinancialAccountController(IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
                                   IStripeService stripeService,
                                   IAgencyOwner agencyOwner, IFinancialAccountService financialAccount) : base(serviceProvider)
     _stripeService           = stripeService;
     _agencyOwner             = agencyOwner;
     _financialAccountService = financialAccount;
Exemple #9
 public RequestHandler(SubscriptionsContext dbContext, UserContext userContext, IStripeService stripeService, IOptions <StripeSettings> settings, ILogger <RequestHandler> logger)
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _userContext   = userContext;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _logger        = logger;
     _settings      = settings.Value;
Exemple #10
 public UserController(IServiceProvider services, IAuthService auth, IDiscordOAuthHandler discord, IUserService users, ICollectionService collections, IStripeService stripe)
     _services    = services;
     _auth        = auth;
     _discord     = discord;
     _users       = users;
     _collections = collections;
     _stripe      = stripe;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of WebOrdersController with the specified arguments
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="veilDataAccess">
 ///     The <see cref="IVeilDataAccess"/> to use for database access
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="idGetter">
 ///     The <see cref="IGuidUserIdGetter"/> to use for getting the current user's Id
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stripeService">
 ///     The <see cref="IStripeService"/> to use for Stripe interaction
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilUserManager"/> to use for sending an order confirmation email
 /// </param>
 public WebOrdersController(
     IVeilDataAccess veilDataAccess, IGuidUserIdGetter idGetter,
     IStripeService stripeService, VeilUserManager userManager)
     db = veilDataAccess;
     this.idGetter = idGetter;
     this.stripeService = stripeService;
     this.userManager = userManager;
 public CurrentUserService(
     IContext context,
     IHttpContextAccessor accessor,
     IStripeService stripeService
     ) : base(context)
     this.stripeService = stripeService;
     this.accessor      = accessor;
Exemple #13
 public ReservationService(MeredithDbContext meredithDbContext, ClaimsPrincipal user, IUserService userService,
                           IStripeService stripeService, IEmailService emailService)
     _meredithDbContext = meredithDbContext;
     _user          = user;
     _userService   = userService;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _emailService  = emailService;
Exemple #14
 public HomeController(IStripeService stripeService, IAccountService accountService, ITimerScheduleService timerScheduleService, IApplianceService applianceService, IEventService eventService, IAccountApplianceService accountApplianceService, IOptions <AppSetting> appSettings) : base(appSettings.Value)
     this._accountApplianceService = accountApplianceService;
     this._eventService            = eventService;
     this._applianceService        = applianceService;
     this._timerScheduleService    = timerScheduleService;
     this._accountService          = accountService;
     this._stripeService           = stripeService;
 public PaymentsController(ILogger logger, IDataSetsHelper dataSetsHelper, IRoles roles, IAuthentication authentication, IFileSourceHelper fileSourceHelper, IStripeService stripeService, IOptions <StripeConfiguration> stripeConfig, IMembershipService membershipService, IContactService contactService, IUserService userService)
     : base(logger, dataSetsHelper, roles, authentication, fileSourceHelper, membershipService)
     _logger         = logger;
     _stripeService  = stripeService;
     _contactService = contactService;
     _userService    = userService;
     _stripeConfig   = stripeConfig.Value;
 public AdminApiController(IAdminService service
                           , IStripeService stripeService
                           , ILogger <UserApiController> logger
                           , IAuthenticationService <int> authService) : base(logger)
     _adminService  = service;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _authService   = authService;
 public InternalController(IServiceProvider services, IDynamicOptions options, IUserService users, IAuthService auth, IDiscordOAuthHandler discord, IStripeService stripe, IOptionsMonitor <StripeServiceOptions> stripeOptions)
     _services      = services;
     _options       = options;
     _users         = users;
     _auth          = auth;
     _discord       = discord;
     _stripe        = stripe;
     _stripeOptions = stripeOptions;
 public CreatePaymentMethodCommandHandler(
     IApplicationDbContext context,
     IMapper mapper,
     IStripeService stripe
     _context = context;
     _mapper  = mapper;
     _stripe  = stripe;
 public SupportController(ILogger logger, IDataSetsHelper dataSetsHelper, IRoles roles, IMailer mailer, IOptions <WebsiteConfiguration> config, IAuthentication authentication, IFileSourceHelper fileSourceHelper, IStripeService stripeService, IOptions <StripeConfiguration> stripeConfig, IDonationService donationService)
     : base(logger, dataSetsHelper, roles, authentication, fileSourceHelper)
     _logger          = logger;
     _mailer          = mailer;
     _stripeService   = stripeService;
     _donationService = donationService;
     _stripeConfig    = stripeConfig.Value;
     _config          = config.Value;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of ManageController with the provided arguments
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilUserManager"/> for the controller to use
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="signInManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilSignInManager"/> for the controller to use
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="veilDataAccess">
 ///     The <see cref="IVeilDataAccess"/> to use for database access
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="idGetter">
 ///     The <see cref="IGuidUserIdGetter"/> to use for getting the current user's Id
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stripeService">
 ///     The <see cref="IStripeService"/> to use for Stripe interaction
 /// </param>
 public ManageController(
     VeilUserManager userManager, VeilSignInManager signInManager, IVeilDataAccess veilDataAccess,
     IGuidUserIdGetter idGetter, IStripeService stripeService)
     this.userManager = userManager;
     this.signInManager = signInManager;
     db = veilDataAccess;
     this.idGetter = idGetter;
     this.stripeService = stripeService;
 public GetCustomerCartQueryHandler(
     IApplicationDbContext context,
     IMapper mapper,
     IStripeService stripe
     _context = context;
     _mapper  = mapper;
     _stripe  = stripe;
Exemple #22
 public IdentityService(IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings,
                        IAppUserService user,
                        IApplicationDbContext context,
                        IStripeService stripe)
     _appSettings = appSettings.Value;
     _context     = context;
     _user        = user;
     _stripe      = stripe;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of CheckoutController with the provided arguments
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="veilDataAccess">
 ///     The <see cref="IVeilDataAccess"/> to use for database access
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="idGetter">
 ///     The <see cref="IGuidUserIdGetter"/> to use for getting the current user's Id
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stripeService">
 ///     The <see cref="IStripeService"/> to use for Stripe interaction
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="shippingCostService">
 ///     The <see cref="IShippingCostService"/> to use for getting the shipping cost for
 ///     the items in the cart
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userManager">
 ///     The <see cref="VeilUserManager"/> to use for sending an order confirmation email
 /// </param>
 public CheckoutController(IVeilDataAccess veilDataAccess, IGuidUserIdGetter idGetter,
     IStripeService stripeService, IShippingCostService shippingCostService,
     VeilUserManager userManager)
     db = veilDataAccess;
     this.idGetter = idGetter;
     this.stripeService = stripeService;
     this.shippingCostService = shippingCostService;
     this.userManager = userManager;
Exemple #24
        public AccountViewModel(IMvxLogProvider logProvider, IMvxNavigationService navigationService,
                                IPaymentService paymentService, IStripeService stripeService) : base(
                logProvider, navigationService)
            _paymentService = paymentService;
            _stripeService  = stripeService;

            CreditCardNumber = "4000000000000002";
            Cvc        = "123";
            ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(500);
Exemple #25
 public InfoController(IServiceProvider services, IOptionsMonitor <ServerOptions> serverOptions, IOptionsMonitor <StripeServiceOptions> stripeOptions, ILinkGenerator link, IOptionsMonitor <RecaptchaOptions> recaptchaOptions, IDiscordOAuthHandler discordOAuth, IScraperService scrapers, IStripeService stripe)
     _services         = services;
     _serverOptions    = serverOptions;
     _stripeOptions    = stripeOptions;
     _link             = link;
     _discordOAuth     = discordOAuth;
     _scrapers         = scrapers;
     _recaptchaOptions = recaptchaOptions;
     _stripe           = stripe;
 public PaymentController(
     IContext context,
     IPaymentService paymentService,
     IPaymentPlanService paymentPlanService,
     IStripeService stripeService
     ) : base(context)
     this.paymentService     = paymentService;
     this.paymentPlanService = paymentPlanService;
     this.stripeService      = stripeService;
 public CheckoutOrderApiController(ICheckoutOrderService service
                                   , IStripeService stripe
                                   , IShoppingCartService cartService
                                   , ILogger <CheckoutOrderApiController> logger
                                   , IAuthenticationService <int> authService) : base(logger)
     _service     = service;
     _stripe      = stripe;
     _cartService = cartService;
     _authService = authService;
Exemple #28
 public BookingController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper,
                          UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, IStripeService stripe,
                          IEmailSender emailSender, IImageUploader imageUploader)
     _unitOfWork    = unitOfWork;
     _mapper        = mapper;
     _userManager   = userManager;
     _stripe        = stripe;
     _emailSender   = emailSender;
     _imageUploader = imageUploader;
 public CheckoutController(
     IOrderService orderService,
     IUserVisitorService userVisitorService,
     ILogger <CheckoutController> _logger,
     IStripeService stripeService)
     _userVisitorService = userVisitorService;
     _orderService       = orderService;
     _stripeService      = stripeService;
     logger = _logger;
 public PaymentsController(IStripeChargesService stripeChargesService, IStripeCustomerService stripeCustomerService, IUserService userService, ICompanyService companyService, IStripeService stripeService, IConfiguration config, ILogger <PaymentsController> logger, IErrorHandlerService errorService, IOrderService orderService)
     _config                = config;
     _logger                = logger;
     _errorService          = errorService;
     _orderService          = orderService;
     _stripeService         = stripeService;
     _companyService        = companyService;
     _userService           = userService;
     _stripeCustomerService = stripeCustomerService;
     _stripeChargesService  = stripeChargesService;
Exemple #31
        public PaymentService(
            IContext context,
            ICurrentUserService currentUserService,
            IPaymentPlanService paymentPlanService,
            IStripeService stripeService

            ) : base(context)
            this.stripeService      = stripeService;
            this.paymentPlanService = paymentPlanService;
            this.currentUserService = currentUserService;
Exemple #32
 public CallbackController(
     ILogger <CallbackController> logger,
     ICustomer customer,
     IFinancialAccountService financialAccountService,
     IStripeService stripeService,
     AccountService accountService)
     _logger   = logger;
     _customer = customer;
     _financialAccountService = financialAccountService;
     _stripeService           = stripeService;
     _accountService          = accountService;
Exemple #33
 public ManageController(
     UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
     SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager,
     ApplicationDbContext dbContext,
     IStripeService stripeService,
     ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
     _userManager   = userManager;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _stripeService = stripeService;
     _logger        = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ManageController>();
 public CustomerAccountController(ICustomerAccountService accountService,
                                  IOrganizationCustomer customer,
                                  IWorkOrderService workOrderService,
                                  ICommentService commentService,
                                  IStripeService stripeService,
                                  IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider)
     _customer         = customer;
     _workOrderService = workOrderService;
     _commentService   = commentService;
     _stripeService    = stripeService;
     _accountService   = accountService;
Exemple #35
 public PersonService(
     UserAccountManager userAccountManager,
     IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
     IStripeService stripeService,
     ILogger <PersonService> logger,
     IConfiguration configuration) : base(serviceProvider)
     _userAccountManager  = userAccountManager;
     _stripeService       = stripeService;
     _orgPersonRepository = UnitOfWork.RepositoryAsync <OrganizationPerson>();
     _logger                 = logger;
     _configuration          = configuration;
     _orgRecruiterRepository = UnitOfWork.RepositoryAsync <OrganizationRecruiter>();
     _orgMarketerRepository  = UnitOfWork.RepositoryAsync <OrganizationMarketer>();
        protected CheckoutController CreateCheckoutController(
            IVeilDataAccess veilDataAccess = null, IGuidUserIdGetter idGetter = null,
            IStripeService stripeService = null, IShippingCostService shippingCostService = null,
            VeilUserManager userManager = null, ControllerContext context = null)

            idGetter = idGetter ?? TestHelpers.GetSetupIUserIdGetterFake(memberId).Object;
            context = context ?? TestHelpers.GetSetupControllerContextFakeWithUserIdentitySetup().Object;

            var controller = new CheckoutController(
                veilDataAccess, idGetter, stripeService, shippingCostService, userManager)
                ControllerContext = context

            return controller;