Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two strings for similarity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstWord">The first string to compare.</param>
        /// <param name="secondWord">The second string to compare.</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Any similarity score at or above this value will be considered similar.</param>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Specify the algorithm to use for comparing <paramref name="firstWord"/> and <paramref name="secondWord"/>. The default
        /// algorithm is <see cref="SimMetricAlgorithm.Levenstein"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>`true` if the similarity score is equal or above <paramref name="threshold"/>. Otherwise, `false`.</returns>
        /// <remarks><![CDATA[
        /// The following code demonstrates how to filter a list of strings based on the degree of similarity:
        /// ```C#
        /// string word = "fooler"
        /// var list = new List<string>() { "fowler", "fish", "crawler" };
        /// var filtered = List<string>();
        /// foreach (string item in list)
        /// {
        ///     if (item.NearEquals(word))
        ///         filtered.Add(item);
        /// }
        /// Console.WriteLine("You typed '{0}'. Did you mean: {1}", word, filtered);
        /// ```
        /// ]]></remarks>
        public static bool NearEquals(this string firstWord, string secondWord, double threshold, SimMetricAlgorithm algorithm)
            IStringMetric sim  = StringMetricFactory.FromAlgorithm(algorithm);
            double        diff = sim.GetSimilarity(firstWord, secondWord);

            return((diff < threshold) ? true : false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for use by the serializer, you should be using this otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dictionary"></param>
 /// <param name="wordlist"></param>
 internal SymmetricPredictor(Dictionary<string, List<int>> dictionary, List<string> wordlist, IStringMetric stringMetric)
     _stringSimilarityProvider = stringMetric;
     Dictionary = dictionary;
     Wordlist = wordlist;
        /// <summary>
        /// Will process a list of words into the Dictionary and WordList
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strings">The words in the corpus.</param>
        public SymmetricPredictor(IEnumerable<string> strings, IStringMetric stringMetric)
            _stringSimilarityProvider = stringMetric;
            foreach (var key in strings)

Exemple #4
        /// <inheritdoc cref="IStringMatcher.IsMatch"/>
        public double IsMatch(string input)
            IStringMetric m = GetStringMetricType();

            return(MatchBehaviourHelper.Convert(MatchBehaviour, MatchScores.ToScore(_patterns.Select(p => m.GetSimilarity(p, input)))));
Exemple #5
 internal SpellCheck(IEnumerable <string> words, IStringMetric metric) : base(words)
     StringSimilarityProvider = metric;
Exemple #6
 public SpellCheck(int terminalCount, char[] characters, int rootNodeIndex, int[] firstChildForNode, int[] edges, ushort[] edgeCharacter, IStringMetric metric)
     : base(terminalCount, characters, rootNodeIndex, firstChildForNode, edges, edgeCharacter)
     StringSimilarityProvider = metric;
 public void AddArbitrationMetric(IStringMetric arbitrationMetric) {
Exemple #8
        public static double CalcMetric(this Image image, string title, ITokenizer tokenizer, IStringMetric metric)
            var imageTitle = string.Join(" ", tokenizer.Tokenize(image.Title));
            var similarity = metric.GetSimilarity(title.ToLower(), imageTitle.ToLower());
