/// <summary> create the used COM components and get the interfaces. </summary>
    protected virtual bool GetInterfaces(string filename)
      //Type comtype = null;
      object comobj = null;
        _graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();

        _bufferSource = (IStreamBufferSource)new StreamBufferSource();

        int hr;
        m_StreamBufferConfig = new StreamBufferConfig();
        streamConfig2 = m_StreamBufferConfig as IStreamBufferConfigure2;
        if (streamConfig2 != null)
          // setting the StreamBufferEngine registry key
          IntPtr HKEY = (IntPtr)unchecked((int)0x80000002L);
          IStreamBufferInitialize pTemp = (IStreamBufferInitialize)streamConfig2;
          IntPtr subKey = IntPtr.Zero;

          RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY, "SOFTWARE\\MediaPortal", 0, 0x3f, out subKey);
          hr = pTemp.SetHKEY(subKey);
          hr = streamConfig2.SetFFTransitionRates(8, 32);
          //Log.Info("set FFTransitionRates:{0:X}",hr);

          int max, maxnon;
          hr = streamConfig2.GetFFTransitionRates(out max, out maxnon);
          //Log.Info("get FFTransitionRates:{0} {1} {2:X}",max,maxnon,hr);
          streamConfig2.GetBackingFileCount(out _minBackingFiles, out _maxBackingFiles);
          streamConfig2.GetBackingFileDuration(out _backingFileDuration);

        IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)_bufferSource;
        _graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "SBE SOURCE");

        IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)_bufferSource;
        hr = fileSource.Load(filename, null);

        // add preferred video & audio codecs
        string strVideoCodec = "";
        string strAudioCodec = "";
        string strAudiorenderer = "";
        int intFilters = 0; // FlipGer: count custom filters
        string strFilters = ""; // FlipGer: collect custom filters
        using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings())
          _CodecSupportsFastSeeking = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("debug", "CodecSupportsFastSeeking", false);
          Log.Debug("BaseStreamBufferPlayer: Codec supports fast seeking = {0}", _CodecSupportsFastSeeking);
          // FlipGer: load infos for custom filters
          int intCount = 0;
          while (xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") != "undefined")
            if (xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("mytv", "usefilter" + intCount.ToString(), false))
              strFilters += xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") + ";";
          strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", "");
          strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", "");
          strAudiorenderer = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiorenderer", "Default DirectSound Device");
          string strValue = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "defaultar", "Normal");
          GUIGraphicsContext.ARType = Util.Utils.GetAspectRatio(strValue);
        if (strVideoCodec.Length > 0)
          _videoCodecFilter = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(_graphBuilder, strVideoCodec);
        if (strAudioCodec.Length > 0)
          _audioCodecFilter = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(_graphBuilder, strAudioCodec);
        if (strAudiorenderer.Length > 0)
          _audioRendererFilter = DirectShowUtil.AddAudioRendererToGraph(_graphBuilder, strAudiorenderer, true);
        // FlipGer: add custom filters to graph
        customFilters = new IBaseFilter[intFilters];
        string[] arrFilters = strFilters.Split(';');
        for (int i = 0; i < intFilters; i++)
          customFilters[i] = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(_graphBuilder, arrFilters[i]);

        //render outputpins of SBE
        DirectShowUtil.RenderOutputPins(_graphBuilder, (IBaseFilter)fileSource);

        _mediaCtrl = (IMediaControl)_graphBuilder;
        _videoWin = _graphBuilder as IVideoWindow;
        _mediaEvt = (IMediaEventEx)_graphBuilder;
        _mediaSeeking = _bufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking;
        _mediaSeeking2 = _bufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking2;
        if (_mediaSeeking == null)
          Log.Error("Unable to get IMediaSeeking interface#1");
        if (_mediaSeeking2 == null)
          Log.Error("Unable to get IMediaSeeking interface#2");

        if (_audioRendererFilter != null)
          IMediaFilter mp = _graphBuilder as IMediaFilter;
          IReferenceClock clock = _audioRendererFilter as IReferenceClock;
          hr = mp.SetSyncSource(clock);
        _basicVideo = _graphBuilder as IBasicVideo2;
        _basicAudio = _graphBuilder as IBasicAudio;

        DirectShowUtil.SetARMode(_graphBuilder, AspectRatioMode.Stretched);

        //Log.Info("StreamBufferPlayer: set Deinterlace");

        //Log.Info("StreamBufferPlayer: done");
        return true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error("StreamBufferPlayer:exception while creating DShow graph {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
        return false;
        if (comobj != null)
        comobj = null;
        void ITimeShifting.SetRate(double rate)
            if (rate >= 0 && rate < 0.1)
                rate = 0.1;
            else if (rate < 0 && rate > -0.1)
                rate = -0.1;

            int hr = 0;

            IStreamBufferMediaSeeking2 mediaSeeking2 = this.streamBufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking2;

            if (mediaSeeking2 != null)
                //mediaSeeking2.SetRateEx(rate, 25);
                hr = mediaSeeking2.SetRateEx(rate, 25);
                if (hr == 0)

            IStreamBufferMediaSeeking mediaSeeking1 = this.streamBufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking;

            if (mediaSeeking1 != null)
                hr = mediaSeeking1.SetRate(rate);
                if (hr == 0)

            IMediaSeeking mediaSeeking0 = this.graphBuilder2 as IMediaSeeking;

            if (mediaSeeking0 != null)
                hr = mediaSeeking0.SetRate(rate);
                if (hr == 0)
    /// <summary> do cleanup and release DirectShow. </summary>
    protected virtual void CloseInterfaces()
      int hr;
      if (_graphBuilder == null)

      Log.Info("StreamBufferPlayer:cleanup DShow graph");
        if (_mediaCtrl != null)
          hr = _mediaCtrl.Stop();

          _mediaCtrl = null;

        _state = PlayState.Init;

        _mediaEvt = null;
        _isWindowVisible = false;
        _isVisible = false;
        _videoWin = null;
        _mediaSeeking = null;
        _mediaSeeking2 = null;
        _basicAudio = null;
        _basicVideo = null;
        _bufferSource = null;

        if (_videoCodecFilter != null)
          while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(_videoCodecFilter)) > 0)
          _videoCodecFilter = null;
        if (_audioCodecFilter != null)
          while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(_audioCodecFilter)) > 0)
          _audioCodecFilter = null;

        if (_audioRendererFilter != null)
          while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(_audioRendererFilter)) > 0)
          _audioRendererFilter = null;

        // FlipGer: release custom filters
        for (int i = 0; i < customFilters.Length; i++)
          if (customFilters[i] != null)
            while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(customFilters[i])) > 0)
          customFilters[i] = null;
        if (streamConfig2 != null)
          while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(streamConfig2)) > 0)
          streamConfig2 = null;
        m_StreamBufferConfig = null;

        if (_graphBuilder != null)
          if (_rotEntry != null)
            _rotEntry = null;
          while ((hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(_graphBuilder)) > 0)
          _graphBuilder = null;

        _state = PlayState.Init;
      catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error("StreamBufferPlayer:exception while cleanuping DShow graph {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
      //Log.Info("StreamBufferPlayer:cleanup done");
Exemple #4
        private void Configure()
            // In order to lock a profile, you have to have at least one stream
            // connected to the sink. I connect a video thru the DVVideoEnc into
            // the StreamBufferSink.
            int         hr;
            IBaseFilter pFilter;

            ICaptureGraphBuilder2 icgb = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2();
            StreamBufferSink      sbk  = new StreamBufferSink();

            m_FilterGraph = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph();
            DsROTEntry ds = new DsROTEntry(m_FilterGraph);

            hr = icgb.SetFiltergraph(m_FilterGraph);

            hr = m_FilterGraph.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)sbk, "StreamBufferSink");

            DsDevice [] devs = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
            hr = m_FilterGraph.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devs[0].Mon, null, devs[0].Name, out pFilter);

            DVVideoEnc  dve         = new DVVideoEnc();
            IBaseFilter ibfVideoEnc = (IBaseFilter)dve;

            hr = m_FilterGraph.AddFilter(ibfVideoEnc, "dvenc");

            hr = icgb.RenderStream(null, null, pFilter, ibfVideoEnc, (IBaseFilter)sbk);

            IStreamBufferSink isbc = (IStreamBufferSink)sbk;

            hr = isbc.LockProfile(null);

            IPin i = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)sbk, PinDirection.Input, 0);

            // --------------------------
            IBaseFilter streamBuffer = null;

            m_FilterGraph2 = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph();
            DsROTEntry ds2 = new DsROTEntry(m_FilterGraph2);

            streamBuffer = (IBaseFilter) new StreamBufferSource();

            hr = m_FilterGraph2.AddFilter(streamBuffer, "Stream buffer sink");

            IStreamBufferSource sbsrc = (IStreamBufferSource)streamBuffer;

            hr = sbsrc.SetStreamSink(isbc);

            IPin i2 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)streamBuffer, PinDirection.Output, 0);


            m_sbms = (IStreamBufferMediaSeeking2)sbsrc;
            // --------------------------
