private static void WriteWebConfig(IStorageFile webConfigFile)
     using (var stream = webConfigFile.OpenWrite()) {
         using (var tw = new StreamWriter(stream)) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an images thumbnail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image full path on the media storage.</param>
        /// <param name="thumbnailFolderPath">The media path to thumbnails folder.</param>
        /// <param name="imageName">The image name.</param>
        /// <param name="thumbnailWidth">The thumbnail width in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="thumbnailHeight">The thumbnail height in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="keepAspectRatio">Indicates whether to keep the original image aspect ratio</param>
        /// <param name="expandToFill">Indicates whether to expand the thumbnail to fill the bounds specified by width and height</param>
        /// <returns>The thumbnail file media path.</returns>
        protected Thumbnail CreateThumbnail(string image, string thumbnailFolderPath, string imageName, int thumbnailWidth,
                                            int thumbnailHeight, bool keepAspectRatio, bool expandToFill)
            if (thumbnailWidth <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Thumbnail width must be greater than zero", "thumbnailWidth");

            if (thumbnailHeight <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Thumbnail height must be greater than zero", "thumbnailHeight");

            string thumbnailFilePath = _storageProvider.Combine(thumbnailFolderPath, imageName);

            IStorageFile imageFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(image);

            using (Stream imageStream = imageFile.OpenRead()) {
                using (Image drawingImage = Image.FromStream(imageStream))
                    bool shouldCreateImage = true;

                    // Verify if the image already has a Thumbnail
                    var thumbnailName = _mediaService.GetMediaFiles(thumbnailFolderPath)
                                        .Select(o => o.Name).SingleOrDefault(o => o == imageName);

                    if (thumbnailName != null)
                        // Verify if the existing thumbnail has the correct size (in case the thumbnail settings have been changed)
                        IStorageFile thumbnailFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(thumbnailFilePath);
                        using (Stream thumnailFileStream = thumbnailFile.OpenRead()) {
                            using (Image thumbnailImage = Image.FromStream(thumnailFileStream)) {
                                if (ImageHasCorrectThumbnail(drawingImage, thumbnailImage, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, keepAspectRatio, expandToFill))
                                    shouldCreateImage = false;
                                    thumbnailWidth    = thumbnailImage.Width;
                                    thumbnailHeight   = thumbnailImage.Height;

                    if (shouldCreateImage)
                        using (Image thumbDrawing = CreateThumbnail(drawingImage, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, keepAspectRatio, expandToFill)) {
                            if (_storageProvider.ListFiles(thumbnailFolderPath).Select(o => o.GetName()).Contains(imageName))

                            IStorageFile thumbFile = _storageProvider.CreateFile(thumbnailFilePath);
                            using (Stream thumbStream = thumbFile.OpenWrite())
                                thumbDrawing.Save(thumbStream, _thumbnailImageFormat);
                                thumbnailWidth  = thumbDrawing.Width;
                                thumbnailHeight = thumbDrawing.Height;

            string thumbnailPublicUrl = _mediaService.GetMediaPublicUrl(Path.GetDirectoryName(thumbnailFilePath), Path.GetFileName(thumbnailFilePath));

            return(new Thumbnail {
                PublicUrl = thumbnailPublicUrl, Width = thumbnailWidth, Height = thumbnailHeight
 private static void WriteWebConfig(IStorageFile webConfigFile)
     using (var stream = webConfigFile.OpenWrite()) {
         using (var tw = new StreamWriter(stream)) {