Exemple #1
        public DroidType(IStarWarsRepo repo)
            Name        = "Droid";
            Description = "A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.";

            Field(d => d.Id).Description("The id of the droid.");
            Field(d => d.Name, nullable: true).Description("The name of the droid.");

            Field <ListGraphType <CharacterInterface> >(
                resolve: context => repo.GetFriendsAsync(context.Source)
            Field <ListGraphType <EpisodeEnum> >("appearsIn", "Which movie they appear in.");
            Field(d => d.PrimaryFunction, nullable: true).Description("The primary function of the droid.");

            Interface <CharacterInterface>();
Exemple #2
        public HumanType(IStarWarsRepo repo)
            Name = "Human";

            Field(h => h.Id).Description("The id of the human.");
            Field(h => h.Name, nullable: true).Description("The name of the human.");

            Field <ListGraphType <CharacterInterface> >(
                resolve: context => repo.GetFriendsAsync(context.Source)
            Field <ListGraphType <EpisodeEnum> >("appearsIn", "Which movie they appear in.");

            Field(h => h.HomePlanet, nullable: true).Description("The home planet of the human.");

            Interface <CharacterInterface>();