/// <summary>
        /// Debug text draw function, using a small embedded font suitable for on screen debug prints.
        /// Since DrawTextDebug uses very small font data, it only work with ascii text (characters
        /// from ' ' to '~', 32 to 126) Any character outside this range will be displayed as '?'.
        /// For instance "こんにちは" will be displayed as "?????".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The text to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="bottom_left_start_pos">The bottom left of the text rectangle, in world space/units.</param>
        /// <param name="char_height">The character height in world space/units.</param>
        /// <param name="draw">If false, don't draw anything, just return the Bounds2 used by the text.</param>
        /// <param name="shader">If no shader is specified, DefaultFontShader is used.</param>
        /// <returns>The rectangle area covered by rendered text (call with draw=false when you want to know the covered area before actually drawing it).</returns>
        public Bounds2 DrawTextDebug(
            string str,
            Vector2 bottom_left_start_pos,
            float char_height,
            bool draw = true,
            ISpriteShader shader = null
            if (null == shader)
                shader = (ISpriteShader)m_default_font_shader;

            float scale = ( char_height / EmbeddedDebugFontData.CharSizei.Y );

            Vector2 spacing_in_pixels = new Vector2( -1.0f, 1.0f );
            Vector2 spacing = spacing_in_pixels * scale;

            //1 character sprite bounding box in world space,
            //  could use Bounds2 instead really.
            //R and S stay unchaged, T gets incrementd as we draw chars
            TRS char_box;

            char_box.R = Math._10;
            char_box.S = EmbeddedDebugFontData.CharSizef * scale;
            char_box.T = bottom_left_start_pos;

            Vector2 max = bottom_left_start_pos;
            float left = char_box.T.X;

            if ( draw )
                DefaultFontShader.SetUVTransform(ref Math.UV_TransformFlipV);
                BeginSprites(m_embedded_font_texture_info, DefaultFontShader, str.Length);

            for ( int i=0; i < str.Length; ++i )
                if ( str[i] == '\n')
                    char_box.T -= new Vector2( 0.0f, char_box.S.Y + spacing.Y );
                    char_box.T.X = left;

                if (str[i] == '\r')

                if ( draw )
                    int char_index = (int)str[i] - 32;

                    if ( char_index < 0 || char_index >= EmbeddedDebugFontData.NumChars )
                        char_index = (int)'?' - 32;

                    AddSprite( ref char_box, new Vector2i( char_index, 0 ) );

                char_box.T += new Vector2( char_box.S.X + spacing.X, 0.0f );

                max.X = FMath.Max( char_box.T.X, max.X );
                max.Y = FMath.Min( char_box.T.Y, max.Y );

            if ( draw )

            return Bounds2.SafeBounds( bottom_left_start_pos + new Vector2( 0.0f, char_box.S.Y ), max );
        /// <summary>This text draw function uses a FontMap object.</summary>
        /// <param name="str">The text to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="bottom_left_start_pos">The bottom left of the text rectangle, in world space/units.</param>
        /// <param name="char_height">The character height in world space/units.</param>
        /// <param name="draw">If false, don't draw anything, just return the Bounds2 used by the text.</param>
        /// <param name="fontmap">the fontmap object (that holds the texture).</param>
        /// <param name="shader">The shader defaults to SpriteRenderer.DefaultFontShader.</param>
        public Bounds2 DrawTextWithFontMap(
            string str,
            Vector2 bottom_left_start_pos,
            float char_height,
            bool draw,
            FontMap fontmap,
            ISpriteShader shader
            float scale = ( char_height / fontmap.CharPixelHeight );

            Vector2 spacing_in_pixels = new Vector2( 1.0f, 1.0f );
            Vector2 spacing = spacing_in_pixels * scale;

            Vector2 turtle = bottom_left_start_pos;

            Vector2 max = bottom_left_start_pos;
            float left = bottom_left_start_pos.X;

            if ( draw )
                shader.SetUVTransform( ref Math.UV_TransformFlipV );
                BeginSprites( new TextureInfo( fontmap.Texture ), shader, str.Length );

            for ( int i=0; i < str.Length; ++i )
                if ( str[i] == '\n' )
                    turtle -= new Vector2( 0.0f, char_height + spacing.Y );
                    turtle.X = left;

                FontMap.CharData cdata;
                if ( !fontmap.TryGetCharData( str[i], out cdata ) )

                Vector2 scaled_char_size = cdata.PixelSize * scale;

                if ( draw )
                    AddSprite( turtle, new Vector2(scaled_char_size.X,0.0f), cdata.UV );

                turtle += new Vector2( scaled_char_size.X + spacing.X, 0.0f );

                max.X = FMath.Max( turtle.X, max.X );
                max.Y = FMath.Min( turtle.Y, max.Y );

            if ( draw )

            return Bounds2.SafeBounds( bottom_left_start_pos + new Vector2( 0.0f, char_height ), max );
        /// <summary>Start batch rendering of sprites.</summary>
        /// <param name="texture_info">The texture object.</param>
        /// <param name="shader">The shader object.</param>
        /// <param name="num_sprites">The maximum number of sprite you intend to draw.</param>
        public void BeginSprites( TextureInfo texture_info, ISpriteShader shader, int num_sprites )

            Matrix4 mvp = GL.GetMVP();
            shader.SetMVP( ref mvp );

            GL.Context.SetShaderProgram( shader.GetShaderProgram() );

            Common.Assert( !texture_info.Disposed, "This TextureInfo object has been disposed" );
            GL.Context.SetTexture( 0, texture_info.Texture );

            m_current_texture_info = texture_info;

            m_imm_quads.ImmBeginQuads( (uint)num_sprites );
