/// <summary>
        /// Loads information about the current playing song.
        /// Sets volume and progress according to the information in Spotify.
        /// Starts the progress counter which is responsible for updating the UI whenever
        /// the progress changes.
        /// Starts SignalR connection and subscribes to events.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task LoadData()
            CurrentlyPlayingSong = await _spotifyApi.GetCurrentlyPlayingSongAsync();

            IsPlaying = CurrentlyPlayingSong.is_playing;
            Volume    = CurrentlyPlayingSong.device.volume_percent;

            Progress = new Progress()
                Progress_Ms = CurrentlyPlayingSong.progress_ms,
                Duration_Ms = CurrentlyPlayingSong.item.duration_ms

            // Starts progress counter
            _ = Task.Run(() => ProgressCounter());

            await SubscribeToHub();