public void SpellsRepository_GetSpell_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { var expected = CreateTestData.GetSampleSpell(); var id = expected.Spell_id; mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Set <Spell>()).Returns(mockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var actual = toTest.Get(id); //Assert actual.Should().NotBeNull(); expected.Should().NotBeNull(); actual.Should().BeOfType <Spell>(); expected.Should().BeOfType <Spell>(); actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); }; }
public void SpellsRepository_CharacterLearnsSpell_ByRecord_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell_Character> KnownSpells = new List <Spell_Character>(); var mockKnownSpells = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(KnownSpells, o => { return(KnownSpells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); Spell_Character expected = new Spell_Character { Character_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), Spell_id = Guid.Parse("45c1a8cc-2e3e-4e29-8eeb-f9fa0cc9e27e"), isPrepared = true }; using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(mockKnownSpells.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); toTest.CharacterLearnsSpell(expected); var actual = KnownSpells.First(); //assert actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_DeleteSpellMaterialsById_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Material> Materials = CreateTestData.GetListOfMaterials(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Material> >() .SetupData(Materials, o => { return(Materials.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Materials).Returns(mockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Materials.Remove(It.IsAny <Material>())) .Callback <Material>((entity) => Materials.Remove(entity)); var toBeDeleted = CreateTestData.GetSampleMaterial(); //act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); toTest.DeleteSpellMaterialsById(toBeDeleted.Spell_id); //Assert Materials.Should().NotContain(toBeDeleted); } }
public void SpellsRepository_RemoveSpell_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Set <Spell>()).Returns(mockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() //When a removal of a spell object is called, perform a callback to the charList collection, using the same spell object as an argument. //This callback then fires, removing the object from the list. .Setup(x => x.Set <Spell>().Remove(It.IsAny <Spell>())) .Callback <Spell>((entity) => spells.Remove(entity)); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var toBeDeleted = CreateTestData.GetSampleSpell(); toTest.Remove(toBeDeleted); var NotExpected = CreateTestData.GetSampleSpell(); //Assert spells.Should().NotContain(toBeDeleted); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetSpellMaterials_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Material> Materials = CreateTestData.GetListOfMaterials(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Material> >() .SetupData(Materials, o => { return(Materials.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Materials).Returns(mockSet.Object); Material expected = new Material() { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("caf8b2d1-7903-493c-bc3a-ec2fc554d533"), materials = "Diamonds worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes." }; //act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var actual = toTest.GetSpellMaterials(expected.Spell_id); //Assert actual.Should().NotBeNull(); expected.Should().NotBeNull(); actual.Should().BeOfType <Material>(); expected.Should().BeOfType <Material>(); actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetIdsOfClassesThatCanCastSpell_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell_Class> castableByList = CreateTestData.GetListOfCastableByRecords(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Class> >() .SetupData(castableByList, o => { return(castableByList.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); var expected = new Spell_Class { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("46d10bb8-84d2-408d-a928-5847ff99461f"), Class_id = Guid.Parse("b74e228f-015d-45b4-af0f-a6781976535a") }; using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.CastableByRecords).Returns(mockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var actual = toTest.GetIdsOfClassesThatCanCastSpell(expected.Spell_id); //Assert actual.Should().Contain(expected.Class_id); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetKnownSpellRecord_ValidCall() { //Arrange //Create list of Character_Spell List <Spell_Character> knownSpells = CreateTestData.GetListOfKnownSpells(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(knownSpells, o => { return(knownSpells.Single(x => x.Character_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); //We want to find the record that indicates Caleb can create his tower. var expected = CreateTestData.GetSampleKnownSpell(); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(mockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Set <Spell_Character>()).Returns(mockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var actual = toTest.GetKnownSpellRecord(expected.Character_id, expected.Spell_id); //Arrange actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_CharacterLearnsSpell_ByIDs_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell_Character> KnownSpells = CreateTestData.GetListOfKnownSpells(); List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); var mockKnownSpells = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(KnownSpells, o => { return(KnownSpells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); var mockSpells = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); //Caleb learns Eldritch blast, somehow! Guid Caleb_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"); Guid EldritchBlast_id = Guid.Parse("45c1a8cc-2e3e-4e29-8eeb-f9fa0cc9e27e"); Spell EldritchBlast = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("45c1a8cc-2e3e-4e29-8eeb-f9fa0cc9e27e"), Name = "Eldritch Blast", Description = "Cast eldritch blast", Level = 0, School_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), CastingTime = "1 Action", Duration = "Instant", Range = "60 feet", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = true, RequiresConcentration = false }; using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Spells).Returns(mockSpells.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(mockKnownSpells.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); toTest.CharacterLearnsSpell(Caleb_id, EldritchBlast_id); var actual = toTest.GetSpellsKnownBy(Caleb_id); //Assert actual.Should().ContainEquivalentOf(EldritchBlast); } }
public void SpellsRepository_CharacterForgetsSpell_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell_Character> KnownSpells = CreateTestData.GetListOfKnownSpells(); List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); var mockKnownSpells = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(KnownSpells, o => { return(KnownSpells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); var mockSpells = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); //Caleb forgets Web of Fire! Guid Caleb_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"); Spell WebOfFire = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("51b4c563-2040-4c7d-a23e-cab8d5d3c73b"), Name = "Widogast's Web Of Fire", Description = "The caster deals a shitton of fire damage to the target.", Level = 4, School_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), CastingTime = "1 Action", Duration = "Instant", Range = "120 feet", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = true, RequiresConcentration = false }; using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Spells).Returns(mockSpells.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(mockKnownSpells.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); toTest.CharacterForgetsSpell(Caleb_id, WebOfFire.Spell_id); var actual = toTest.GetSpellsKnownBy(Caleb_id); actual.Should().NotContain(WebOfFire); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetSpellsOfSchool_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); List <School> schools = CreateTestData.GetListOfSchools(); //We're expecting the only Conjutation spell contained within the spells list - Caleb's tower. Spell NineSidedTower = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("46d10bb8-84d2-408d-a928-5847ff99461f"), Name = "Widogast's Nascent Nine-sided Tower", Description = "A flavored Magnificent Mansion", Level = 7, School_id = Guid.Parse("361bd911-0702-437f-ab59-a29da0f9fba4"), CastingTime = "1 minute", Range = "100 feet", Duration = "24 hours", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = false, RequiresConcentration = true }; List <Spell> expected = new List <Spell>(); expected.Add(NineSidedTower); var spellMockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.School_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Spells).Returns(spellMockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var conjuration_id = NineSidedTower.School_id; var actual = toTest.GetSpellsOfSchool(conjuration_id); //Assert actual.Should().NotBeEmpty(); actual.Should().NotBeNull(); actual.Should().BeOfType <List <Spell> >(); actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetKnownSpellRecordsForCharacter_ValidCall() { List <Spell_Character> knownSpells = CreateTestData.GetListOfKnownSpells(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(knownSpells, o => { return(knownSpells.Single(x => x.Character_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); List <Spell_Character> expected = new List <Spell_Character>(); Spell_Character Caleb_Tower = CreateTestData.GetSampleKnownSpell(); expected.Add(Caleb_Tower); Spell_Character Caleb_WebOfFire = new Spell_Character() { Character_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), Spell_id = Guid.Parse("51b4c563-2040-4c7d-a23e-cab8d5d3c73b") }; expected.Add(Caleb_WebOfFire); Guid Caleb_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(mockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Set <Spell_Character>()).Returns(mockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var actual = toTest.GetKnownSpellRecordsForCharacter(Caleb_id); //Arrange actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetSpellsCastableBy_ValidCall() { //Arrange List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); List <Spell_Class> CastableByRecords = CreateTestData.GetListOfCastableByRecords(); //I expect three spells - Web of Fire, Voltaic Bolt, and the Tower, all of which can be cast by a wizard. List <Spell> expected = new List <Spell>(); Spell NineSidedTower = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("46d10bb8-84d2-408d-a928-5847ff99461f"), Name = "Widogast's Nascent Nine-sided Tower", Description = "A flavored Magnificent Mansion", Level = 7, School_id = Guid.Parse("361bd911-0702-437f-ab59-a29da0f9fba4"), CastingTime = "1 minute", Range = "100 feet", Duration = "24 hours", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = false, RequiresConcentration = true }; expected.Add(NineSidedTower); Spell WebOfFire = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("51b4c563-2040-4c7d-a23e-cab8d5d3c73b"), Name = "Widogast's Web Of Fire", Description = "The caster deals a shitton of fire damage to the target.", Level = 4, School_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), CastingTime = "1 Action", Duration = "Instant", Range = "120 feet", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = true, RequiresConcentration = false }; expected.Add(WebOfFire); Spell VoltaicBolt = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("a9756f3d-55d0-40cd-8083-6b547e4932ab"), Name = "Brenatto's Voltaic Bolt", Description = "The caster's next ranged attack deals an additional 3d6 lightning damage", Level = 1, School_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), CastingTime = "1 Bonus Action", Duration = "1 round", Range = "30 feet", RequiresVerbal = false, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = true, RequiresConcentration = false }; expected.Add(VoltaicBolt); var spellMockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); var SpellCastableByMockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Class> >() .SetupData(CastableByRecords, o => { return(CastableByRecords.Single(x => x.Class_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Spells).Returns(spellMockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.CastableByRecords).Returns(SpellCastableByMockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); Guid WIzard_id = Guid.Parse("b74e228f-015d-45b4-af0f-a6781976535a"); var actual = toTest.GetSpellsCastableBy(WIzard_id).ToList(); //Assert actual.Should().NotBeEmpty(); actual.Should().NotBeNull(); actual.Should().BeOfType <List <Spell> >(); actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }
public void SpellsRepository_GetSpellsKnownBy_ValidCall() { //Arrange //Create list of spells List <Spell> spells = CreateTestData.GetListOfSpells(); //Create list of Character_Spell List <Spell_Character> knownSpells = CreateTestData.GetListOfKnownSpells(); //We'll be looking for spells that Caleb knows! List <Spell> expected = new List <Spell>(); Spell WebOfFire = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("51b4c563-2040-4c7d-a23e-cab8d5d3c73b"), Name = "Widogast's Web Of Fire", Description = "The caster deals a shitton of fire damage to the target.", Level = 4, School_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"), CastingTime = "1 Action", Duration = "Instant", Range = "120 feet", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = true, RequiresConcentration = false }; expected.Add(WebOfFire); Spell nineSidedTower = new Spell { Spell_id = Guid.Parse("46d10bb8-84d2-408d-a928-5847ff99461f"), Name = "Widogast's Nascent Nine-sided Tower", Description = "A flavored Magnificent Mansion", Level = 7, School_id = Guid.Parse("361bd911-0702-437f-ab59-a29da0f9fba4"), CastingTime = "1 minute", Range = "100 feet", Duration = "24 hours", RequiresVerbal = true, RequiresSomantic = true, RequiresMaterial = false, RequiresConcentration = true }; expected.Add(nineSidedTower); var spellMockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell> >() .SetupData(spells, o => { return(spells.Single(x => x.Spell_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); var knownSpellsMockSet = new Mock <DbSet <Spell_Character> >() .SetupData(knownSpells, o => { return(knownSpells.Single(x => x.Character_id.CompareTo(o.First()) == 0)); }); using (var mockContext = AutoMock.GetLoose()) { mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.Spells).Returns(spellMockSet.Object); mockContext.Mock <SpellsContext>() .Setup(x => x.KnownSpells).Returns(knownSpellsMockSet.Object); //Act ISpellsRepository toTest = mockContext.Create <SpellsRepository>(); var Caleb_id = Guid.Parse("11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"); var actual = toTest.GetSpellsKnownBy(Caleb_id).ToList(); //Assert actual.Should().NotBeEmpty(); actual.Should().NotBeNull(); actual.Should().BeOfType <List <Spell> >(); actual.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected); } }