public ActionResult CreatePet(int memberID, int specieID, string petName)
            if (specieID == 0)
                return(Json(new { Result = "Fail, pet specie is required " }));
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(petName))
                return(Json(new { Result = "Fail, name is required" }));
            Pet Checkname = _PetRepo.GetByMemberIDAndNameAndSpecie(memberID, petName, specieID);

            if (Checkname != null)
                return(Json(new { Result = "Fail, The member already have " + (_SpecieRepo.GetById(specieID)).name + " name " + petName }));

            Pet pet = new Pet();

            pet.memberId = memberID;
            pet.specieId = specieID;
       = petName;
            return(Json(new { Result = "Success" }));
        public ActionResult EditSpecie(int specieId, string name)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return(Json(new { Result = "Fail, specie name is required" }));
            Specie type = _SpecieRepo.GetByName(name);

            if (type != null && != specieId)
                return(Json(new { Result = "Fail, specie " + name + " is already exits in the system" }));
            Specie editType = _SpecieRepo.GetById(specieId);

   = name;
            return(Json(new { Result = "Success" }));
        public async Task <DataResult <SpecieCreateModel> > GetSpecieById(int id)
                Specie entity = await _specieRepository.GetById(id);

                return(new DataResult <SpecieCreateModel>
                    Success = true,
                    Data = _mapper.Map(entity),
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, $"Problems with getting Specie by id : {id}");
                return(new DataResult <SpecieCreateModel>
                    Success = false,
                    ErrorCode = ErrorCode.InternalError,