Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and add an instruction.
        /// This seems to be a dangerous overload, since it may hide the one below if operand is null.
        /// We can't remove it without checking all ~170 usages though...
        /// </summary>
        public static Instruction Add(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RCode opcode, params Register[] registers)
            if(registers.Any(r=> r == null))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Register must not be null. Wrong overload?");

            return builder.Add(sequencePoint, opcode, (object)null, registers);
 public TranslationMessage(ISourceLocation loc, int code, string msg, bool isWarning)
     this.loc = loc;
       this.code = code;
       this.msg = msg;
       this.isWarning = isWarning;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create code to box the given source value into the given type.
        /// </summary>
        public static RLRange Box(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec source, XTypeReference type, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame)
            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                if (type.IsByte()) builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Int_to_byte, source.Register, source.Register);
                else if (type.IsUInt16()) builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Int_to_short, source.Register, source.Register);
                // Call appropriate valueOf method
                var boxedType = type.Module.TypeSystem.Object;
                var r = frame.AllocateTemp(boxedType.GetReference(targetPackage));
                var call = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, type.GetBoxValueOfMethod(), source.Registers);
                var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, r);
                return new RLRange(call, last, r);
            if (type.IsGenericParameter)
                var nop = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Nop);
                return new RLRange(nop, source);
            XTypeDefinition typeDef ;
            if (type.TryResolve(out typeDef) && (typeDef.IsEnum))
                // Call appropriate valueOf method
                /*var boxedType = type.Module.TypeSystem.Object;
                var r = frame.AllocateTemp(boxedType.GetReference(target, nsConverter));
                var call = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, typeDef.GetEnumUnderlyingType().GetBoxValueOfMethod(), source.Registers);
                var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, r);
                return new RLRange(call, last, r);*/

            // Just cast
            var checkCast = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Check_cast, type.GetReference(targetPackage), source);
            return new RLRange(checkCast, source);
 internal FieldDeclaration AddFieldForLocal(SimpleName localName, Expression initialValue, ISourceLocation sourceLocation) {
   FieldDeclaration field = new FieldDeclaration(null, FieldDeclaration.Flags.Static, TypeMemberVisibility.Private, 
     TypeExpression.For(initialValue.Type), new NameDeclaration(localName.Name, localName.SourceLocation), null, sourceLocation);
   field.SetContainingTypeDeclaration(this, false);
   this.localFieldFor.Add(localName.Name.UniqueKeyIgnoringCase, field.FieldDefinition);
   return field;
Exemple #5
 internal Parser(Compilation compilation, ISourceLocation sourceLocation, List<IErrorMessage> scannerAndParserErrors) {
   this.compilation = compilation;
   this.nameTable = compilation.NameTable;
   this.scannerAndParserErrors = this.originalScannerAndParserErrors = scannerAndParserErrors;
   this.scanner = new Scanner(scannerAndParserErrors, sourceLocation, true);
   this.insideBlock = false;
   this.insideType = false;
Exemple #6
 private NameDeclaration GetNameDeclarationFor(string name, ISourceLocation sourceLocation) 
   //^ ensures result.Value == name;
   IName iname = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(name);
   NameDeclaration result = new NameDeclaration(iname, sourceLocation);
   //^ assume result.Value == name;
   return result;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and add an instruction.
        /// </summary>
        public static Instruction Add(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RCode opcode, object operand, params Register[] registers)
            if(operand is Register)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong overload. Please fix me..."); // see above.
            if(operand is RegisterSpec || operand is RLRange)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong kind of argument. Please fix me..."); // see above.

            return builder.Add(sequencePoint, opcode, operand, registers);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a mapping.
 /// </summary>
 public static AttributeAnnotationMapping CreateMapping(
     ISourceLocation sequencePoint,
     AssemblyCompiler compiler,
     DexTargetPackage targetPackage,
     TypeDefinition attributeType,
     ClassDefinition attributeClass)
     return new AttributeAnnotationMapping(attributeType, attributeClass);
Exemple #9
 public Scanner(List<IErrorMessage>/*?*/ scannerErrors, ISourceLocation sourceLocation, bool ignoreComments) {
   this.scannerErrors = scannerErrors;
   this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation;
   char[] buffer = new char[16];
   this.charsInBuffer = sourceLocation.CopyTo(0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length-1);
   this.buffer = buffer;
   this.endPos = this.startPos = 0;
   this.offset = 0;
   this.ignoreComments = ignoreComments;
Exemple #10
        protected void Error_NameCollision(ISourceLocation site, NameCollisionException exception)
            // Build type string
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[0]).ToLower() + "s");
            for (int i = 1; i < exception.Types.Length - 1; i++) sb.Append(", " + AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[i]).ToLower() + "s");
            if (exception.Types.Length > 1) sb.Append(" or " + AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[exception.Types.Length - 1]).ToLower() + "s");

            errorReporter.Error(site, "\"{1}\" can refer to multiple {0}. Remove unused usings or prefix the name with namespace qualifier.", sb.ToString(), exception.Name);
Exemple #11
 private void HandleError(ISourceLocation errorLocation, Error error, params string[] messageParameters)
   // ^ modifies this.scannerAndParserErrors;
   //^ ensures this.currentToken == old(this.currentToken);
   //^ Token oldToken = this.currentToken;
   if (this.originalScannerAndParserErrors == this.scannerAndParserErrors) {
   this.scannerAndParserErrors.Add(new SpecSharpErrorMessage(errorLocation, (long)error, error.ToString(), messageParameters));
   //^ assume this.currentToken == oldToken;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the error message
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceType"></param>
 /// <param name="sourceLocation"></param>
 /// <param name="errorCode"></param>
 /// <param name="messageKey"></param>
 /// <param name="relatedLocations"></param>
 /// <param name="messageArguments"></param>
 public CcsErrorMessage(
     Type resourceType,
     ISourceLocation sourceLocation,
     long errorCode,
     string messageKey,
     IEnumerable<ILocation> relatedLocations,
     string[] messageArguments)
     :base(sourceLocation, errorCode, messageKey, relatedLocations, messageArguments)
     Contract.Requires(resourceType != null);
     this.resourceType = resourceType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the current type as class definition.
 /// </summary>
 internal DelegateInstanceTypeBuilder(
     ISourceLocation sequencePoint,
     AssemblyCompiler compiler, DexTargetPackage targetPackage,
     ClassDefinition delegateClass,
     XMethodDefinition invokeMethod, Prototype invokePrototype,
     XMethodDefinition calledMethod)
     this.sequencePoint = sequencePoint;
     this.compiler = compiler;
     this.targetPackage = targetPackage;
     this.delegateClass = delegateClass;
     this.invokeMethod = invokeMethod;
     this.invokePrototype = invokePrototype;
     this.calledMethod = calledMethod;
     this.multicastDelegateClass = compiler.GetDot42InternalType("System", "MulticastDelegate").GetClassReference(targetPackage);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the instance type that calls the given method.
        /// Create if needed.
        /// </summary>
        public DelegateInstanceType GetOrCreateInstance(ISourceLocation sequencePoint, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, XMethodDefinition calledMethod)
            DelegateInstanceType result;
            if (instances.TryGetValue(calledMethod, out result))
                return result;

            // Ensure prototype exists
            if (invokePrototype == null)
                invokePrototype = PrototypeBuilder.BuildPrototype(compiler, targetPackage, interfaceClass, invokeMethod);


            // Not found, build it.
            var builder = new DelegateInstanceTypeBuilder(sequencePoint, compiler, targetPackage, InterfaceClass, 
                                                          invokeMethod, invokePrototype, calledMethod);
            result = builder.Create();
            instances.Add(calledMethod, result);
            return result;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Ensure the given value register is a temp register.
 /// If it is not, allocate a temp register an copy to it.
 /// </summary>
 public static RLRange EnsureTemp(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec value, IRegisterAllocator frame)
     // Is temp?
     if (value.Register.Category == RCategory.Temp)
         return new RLRange(value);
     // No, allocate temp
     var tmp = frame.AllocateTemp(value.Type);
     Instruction ins;
     switch (value.Register.Type)
         case RType.Object:
             ins = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_object, tmp.Register, value.Register);
         case RType.Wide:
             ins = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_wide, tmp.Register, value.Register);
         case RType.Value:
             ins = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move, tmp.Register, value.Register);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown register type " + (int)value.Register.Type);
     return new RLRange(ins, tmp);
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Create and add an instruction.
 /// </summary>
 public static Instruction Add(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RCode opcode, object operand, params Register[] registers)
     return builder.Add(sequencePoint, opcode, operand, registers);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Create code to unbox the given source array of boxed type elements into an array of primitive elements.
 /// </summary>
 public static RLRange UnboxGenericArray(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec source, RegisterSpec boxedArray,
                                        XTypeReference type, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame, AssemblyCompiler compiler)
     var internalBoxingType = compiler.GetDot42InternalType("Boxing").Resolve();
     var ilUnboxMethod = internalBoxingType.Methods.First(x => x.EqualsName("UnboxTo") && (x.Parameters.Count == 2) && (x.Parameters[1].ParameterType.IsSame(type, true)));
     var unboxMethod = ilUnboxMethod.GetReference(targetPackage);
     var call = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, unboxMethod, boxedArray, source);
     return new RLRange(call, null);
Exemple #18
 //^ [Pure]
 bool ISourceLocation.Contains(ISourceLocation location)
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create code to unbox the given source value into the given type.
        /// </summary>
        public static RLRange Unbox(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec source, XTypeReference type, AssemblyCompiler compiler, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame)
            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                RCode convertAfterCode;
                var rUnboxed = frame.AllocateTemp(type.GetReference(targetPackage));
                var unboxValueMethod = type.GetUnboxValueMethod(compiler, targetPackage, out convertAfterCode);
                var first = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, unboxValueMethod, source);
                var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, type.MoveResult(), rUnboxed);
                if (convertAfterCode != RCode.Nop)
                    last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, convertAfterCode, rUnboxed, rUnboxed);

                return new RLRange(first, last, rUnboxed);

            XTypeDefinition enumTypeDef;
            if (type.IsEnum(out enumTypeDef))
                var rUnboxed = frame.AllocateTemp(type.GetReference(targetPackage));
                var unboxValueMethod = enumTypeDef.Methods.First(x => x.Name == NameConstants.Enum.UnboxMethodName).GetReference(targetPackage);
                var first = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, unboxValueMethod, source);
                var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, type.MoveResult(), rUnboxed);
                return new RLRange(first, last, rUnboxed);                

            if (!type.IsGenericParameter)
                // Just cast
                var checkCast = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Check_cast, type.GetReference(targetPackage), source);
                return new RLRange(checkCast, source);

            // Do nothing
            var nop = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Nop);
            return new RLRange(nop, source);
Exemple #20
 internal VccNestedUnionDeclaration(NameDeclaration name, List <ITypeDeclarationMember> members, IEnumerable <Specifier> extendedAttributes, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(name, members, extendedAttributes, sourceLocation)
Exemple #21
 public ISourceLocation GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(ISourceLocation sourceLocationInPreviousVersionOfDocument)
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public AstBasicBlock(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, IEnumerable <AstNode> body)
     : base(sourceLocation)
     Body = (body != null) ? body.ToList() : new List <AstNode>();
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper
 /// </summary>
 public static AstBlock Create <T>(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, params T[] nodes)
     where T : AstNode
     return(new AstBlock(sourceLocation, nodes.Cast <AstNode>()));
Exemple #24
 bool ISourceLocation.Contains(ISourceLocation location)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an expression that loads the given type at runtime.
        /// </summary>
        private static AstExpression LoadTypeForGenericInstance(ISourceLocation seqp, MethodSource currentMethod, XTypeReference type, XTypeDefinition typeHelperType, XTypeSystem typeSystem, bool boxPrimitiveTypes = true)
            if (type.IsArray)
                // Array type
                var arrayType = (XArrayType)type;
                // Load element type
                var prefix = LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, ((XArrayType)type).ElementType, typeHelperType, typeSystem, boxPrimitiveTypes);
                // Convert to array type
                if (arrayType.Dimensions.Count() == 1)
                    var giCreateArray = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(x => (x.Name == "Array") && (x.Parameters.Count == 1));
                    return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, giCreateArray, prefix)
                        ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type
                    var giCreateArray  = typeHelperType.Methods.Single(x => (x.Name == "Array") && (x.Parameters.Count == 2));
                    var dimensionsExpr = new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Ldc_I4, arrayType.Dimensions.Count())
                        ExpectedType = typeSystem.Int
                    return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Call, giCreateArray, prefix, dimensionsExpr)
                        ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type

            var gp = type as XGenericParameter;

            if (gp != null)
                AstExpression gi;
                if (gp.Owner is XTypeReference)
                    // Class type parameter
                    var owner = (XTypeReference)gp.Owner;
                    if (owner.GetElementType().Resolve().HasDexImportAttribute())
                        // Imported type
                        return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, typeSystem.Object)
                            ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type
                    if (currentMethod.IsClassCtor)
                        // Class ctor's cannot have type information.
                        // Return Object instead
                        DLog.Warning(DContext.CompilerCodeGenerator, "Class constructor of {0} tries to use generic parameter. This will always yield Object.", currentMethod.DeclaringTypeFullName);
                        return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, typeSystem.Object)
                            ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type
                    gi = currentMethod.IsStatic ?
                         LoadStaticClassGenericInstance(seqp, typeSystem) :
                         LoadInstanceClassGenericInstance(seqp, typeSystem);
                    // Method type parameter
                    var owner = (XMethodReference)gp.Owner;
                    if (owner.GetElementMethod().Resolve().DeclaringType.HasDexImportAttribute())
                        // Imported type
                        return(LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, type.Module.TypeSystem.Object, typeHelperType, typeSystem, boxPrimitiveTypes));
                    gi = LoadMethodGenericInstance(seqp, typeSystem);

                var indexExpr = new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Ldc_I4, gp.Position)
                    ExpectedType = typeSystem.Int
                return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.Ldelem_Ref, null,
                                         gi, indexExpr)
                    ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type

            if (type is XTypeSpecification)
                // Just use the element type
                var typeSpec = (XTypeSpecification)type;
                return(LoadTypeForGenericInstance(seqp, currentMethod, typeSpec.ElementType, typeHelperType, typeSystem, boxPrimitiveTypes));

            if (type.IsPrimitive && boxPrimitiveTypes)
                return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.BoxedTypeOf, type)
                    ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type

            // Plain type reference or definition
            return(new AstExpression(seqp, AstCode.TypeOf, type)
                ExpectedType = typeSystem.Type
Exemple #26
 public bool Contains(ISourceLocation location)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #27
 public ISourceLocation GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(ISourceLocation sourceLocationInPreviousVersionOfDocument)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #28
 protected AbstractDependency([NotNull] TItem usingItem, [NotNull] TItem usedItem, ISourceLocation source)
     UsingItem = usingItem;
     UsedItem  = usedItem;
     Source    = source;
Exemple #29
 public static Token Error(ISourceLocation source)
     return(new Token(string.Empty, TokenType.Error, LiteralTokenType.None, source));
Exemple #30
 ISourceLocation ISourceDocument.GetCorrespondingSourceLocation(ISourceLocation sourceLocationInPreviousVersionOfDocument)
Exemple #31
 internal VccDatatypeDeclaration(NameDeclaration name, List <ITypeDeclarationMember> members, IEnumerable <Specifier> extendedAttributes, IEnumerable <FunctionDeclaration> ctors, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(name, members, extendedAttributes, sourceLocation)
     this.Constructors = ctors;
Exemple #32
 protected void Error_OperationSignatureMismatch(ISourceLocation site)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "No operation with the specified name and parameter types can be found in the interface.");
Exemple #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public AstBasicBlock(ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(sourceLocation)
     Body = new List <AstNode>();
Exemple #34
 internal static DomRegion ToDomRegion(this ISourceLocation location)
     return(new DomRegion(location.Line, location.Column));
Exemple #35
 public AstBlock(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, params AstNode[] body)
     : this(sourceLocation, (IEnumerable <AstNode>)body)
    private static NeuNumberLiteral NextNumberLiteral(
        this Tokenizer <NeuToken> tokenizer,
        ISourceLocation start,
        String source)
        String?rawHint = null;


        if (tokenizer.GetTopNumericTypeHint() is NeuTypeIdentifier typeId)
            switch (typeId)
            case NeuSimpleTypeId simpleTypeId when simpleTypeId.GetIdentifer() is NeuIdentifier id:

                rawHint = id.Source;






        if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawHint))
            rawHint = source.Contains('.')
                ? "Float"
                : "Int";


        switch (rawHint)
        case "Int":

            int intValue = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(source, out intValue))
                throw new Exception();


            var e = tokenizer.Scanner.GetLocation();

            return(new NeuIntegerLiteral(
                       source: source,
                       start: start,
                       end: e,
                       value: intValue));


        case "Float":

            float floatValue = 0;

            if (!float.TryParse(source, out floatValue))
                throw new Exception();


            return(new NeuFloatLiteral(
                       source: source,
                       start: start,
                       end: tokenizer.Scanner.GetLocation(),
                       value: floatValue));



            throw new Exception();
 protected CompilerException(string message, ISourceLocation location)
     : base($"({location.StartLine},{location.StartColumn}):{message}")
     Location = location;
 /// <summary>
 /// Is sequence point x equal to sequence point y?
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsEqual(this ISourceLocation x, ISourceLocation y)
     return(Instance.Compare(x, y) == 0);
Exemple #39
 protected void Error_NameRedefinition(ISourceLocation site, NameCollisionException exception)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "Redefinition of inherited {0} \"{1}\".", AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[0]).ToLower(), exception.Name);
Exemple #40
 protected void Error_OperationExceptionMismatch(ISourceLocation site)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "Thrown exceptions of operation do not match with the ones defined in the interface.");
Exemple #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 protected AstNode(ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation;
Exemple #42
 protected void Error_NamespaceImport(ISourceLocation site, Namespace @namespace)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "Using namespace \"{0}\" is redundant.", @namespace.FullName);
Exemple #43
 protected void Error_NameRedundant(ISourceLocation site, System.Type type, string name)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "{0} \"{1}\" is already included.", AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(type), name);
 public bool Contains(ISourceLocation location)
Exemple #45
 protected void Error_NamespaceUri(ISourceLocation site, Namespace @namespace)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "URI for namespace \"{0}\" is redefined.", @namespace.FullName);
 bool ISourceLocation.Contains(ISourceLocation location)
     return(this.primarySourceDocument.GetSourceLocation(this.StartIndex, this.Length).Contains(location));
Exemple #47
 protected void Error_OperationReturnMismatch(ISourceLocation site)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "Return type of operation does not match with the one defined in the interface.");
Exemple #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public AstSwitch(ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(sourceLocation)
Exemple #49
 protected void Error_InterfaceMismatch(ISourceLocation site, System.Type ownerType)
     errorReporter.Error(site, "Interface of endpoint and {0} does not match.", AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(ownerType).ToLower());
Exemple #50
            public List <int> Values;  // null for the default case

            /// <summary>
            /// Default ctor
            /// </summary>
            public CaseBlock(ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
                : this(sourceLocation, null)
Exemple #51
        protected void Error_NameExists(ISourceLocation site, NameCollisionException exception)
            // Build type string
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 1; i < exception.Types.Length - 1; i++) sb.Append(", " + AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[i]).ToLower());
            if (exception.Types.Length > 1) sb.Append(" or " + AttributeHelpers.GetTypeName(exception.Types[exception.Types.Length - 1]).ToLower());

            errorReporter.Error(site, "A {0} with name \"{1}\" already exists.", sb.ToString(), exception.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create and add an instruction.
 /// </summary>
 public Instruction Add(ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RCode opcode, object operand, IEnumerable <Register> registers)
     return(instructions.Add(sequencePoint, opcode, operand, registers));
Exemple #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit code (if needed) to convert a value from source type to destination type.
        /// This method is used in "store" opcodes such stloc, stfld, stsfld, call
        /// </summary>
        internal static RLRange ConvertTypeBeforeStore(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, XTypeReference sourceType, XTypeReference destinationType, RegisterSpec source, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame, AssemblyCompiler compiler, out bool converted)
            converted = false;
            if (sourceType.IsSame(destinationType))
                // Unsigned conversions
                if (sourceType.IsByte())
                    var tmp = builder.EnsureTemp(sequencePoint, source, frame);
                    var ins = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Int_to_byte, tmp.Result, tmp.Result);
                    converted = true;
                    return new RLRange(tmp, ins, tmp.Result);
                else if (sourceType.IsUInt16())
                    var tmp = builder.EnsureTemp(sequencePoint, source, frame);
                    var ins = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Int_to_short, tmp.Result, tmp.Result);
                    converted = true;
                    return new RLRange(tmp, ins, tmp.Result);
                return new RLRange(source);

            if (sourceType.IsArray)
                var compilerHelper = compiler.GetDot42InternalType(InternalConstants.CompilerHelperName).Resolve();
                var arrayType = targetPackage.DexFile.GetClass(targetPackage.NameConverter.GetConvertedFullName(compilerHelper));
                var sourceArrayElementType = ((XArrayType)sourceType).ElementType;
                if (destinationType.ExtendsIList())
                    // Use ArrayHelper.AsList to convert
                    var convertMethodName = "AsList";
                    var convertMethod = arrayType.GetMethod(convertMethodName);
                    // Add code
                    var tmp = builder.EnsureTemp(sequencePoint, source, frame);
                    builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, convertMethod, tmp.Result.Register);
                    var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    converted = true;
                    return new RLRange(tmp, last, tmp.Result);
                if (destinationType.ExtendsICollection())
                    // Use ArrayHelper.AsCollection to convert
                    var convertMethodName = "AsCollection";
                    var convertMethod = arrayType.GetMethod(convertMethodName);
                    // Add code
                    var tmp = builder.EnsureTemp(sequencePoint, source, frame);
                    builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, convertMethod, tmp.Result.Register);
                    var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    converted = true;
                    return new RLRange(tmp, last, tmp.Result);
                if (destinationType.ExtendsIEnumerable())
                    // Use ArrayHelper.As...Enumerable to convert
                    var convertMethodName = "AsObjectEnumerable";
                    if (sourceArrayElementType.IsPrimitive)
                        if (sourceArrayElementType.IsBoolean()) convertMethodName = "AsBoolEnumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsByte()) convertMethodName = "AsByteEnumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsSByte()) convertMethodName = "AsSByteEnumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsChar()) convertMethodName = "AsCharEnumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsInt16()) convertMethodName = "AsInt16Enumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsUInt16()) convertMethodName = "AsUInt16Enumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsInt32()) convertMethodName = "AsInt32Enumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsUInt32()) convertMethodName = "AsUInt32Enumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsInt64()) convertMethodName = "AsInt64Enumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsFloat()) convertMethodName = "AsFloatEnumerable";
                        else if (sourceArrayElementType.IsDouble()) convertMethodName = "AsDoubleEnumerable";
                        else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unknown primitive array element type " + sourceArrayElementType);
                    var convertMethod = arrayType.GetMethod(convertMethodName);
                    // Add code
                    var tmp = builder.EnsureTemp(sequencePoint, source, frame);
                    builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, convertMethod, tmp.Result.Register);
                    var last = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    converted = true;
                    return new RLRange(tmp, last, tmp.Result);

            // Do not convert
            return new RLRange(source);
Exemple #54
 public VccNameDeclaration(IName name, bool isCompilerGenerated, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(name, sourceLocation)
     this.isCompilerGenerated = isCompilerGenerated;
Exemple #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Create code to box the given source array of primitive type elements into an array of boxed elements.
 /// </summary>
 public static RLRange BoxGenericArray(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec source,
                                        XTypeReference type, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame, AssemblyCompiler compiler)
     var objectArrayType = new DexLib.ArrayType(new ClassReference("java.lang.Object"));
     var boxedArray = frame.AllocateTemp(objectArrayType);
     var internalBoxingType = compiler.GetDot42InternalType("Boxing").Resolve();
     var ilBoxMethod = internalBoxingType.Methods.First(x => x.EqualsName("Box") && (x.Parameters.Count == 1) && (x.Parameters[0].ParameterType.IsSame(type, true)));
     var boxMethod = ilBoxMethod.GetReference(targetPackage);
     var call = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, boxMethod, source);
     var saveArray = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, boxedArray);
     return new RLRange(call, saveArray, boxedArray);
Exemple #56
 public VccNameDeclaration(IName name, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : this(name, false, sourceLocation)
Exemple #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Create code to unbox the given source array of boxed type elements resulting from a call into an array of primitive elements.
 /// </summary>
 public static RLRange UnboxGenericArrayResult(this IRLBuilder builder, ISourceLocation sequencePoint, RegisterSpec boxedArray,
                                        XTypeReference type, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, IRegisterAllocator frame, AssemblyCompiler compiler)
     var internalBoxingType = compiler.GetDot42InternalType("Boxing").Resolve();
     var primitiveArray = frame.AllocateTemp(type.GetReference(targetPackage));
     var ilUnboxMethod = internalBoxingType.Methods.First(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Unbox") && (x.Parameters.Count == 1) && (x.ReturnType.IsSame(type, true)));
     var unboxMethod = ilUnboxMethod.GetReference(targetPackage);
     var call = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Invoke_static, unboxMethod, boxedArray);
     var saveArray = builder.Add(sequencePoint, RCode.Move_result_object, primitiveArray);
     return new RLRange(call, saveArray, primitiveArray);
Exemple #58
 internal VccEnumDeclaration(NameDeclaration name, TypeExpression underlyingType, List <ITypeDeclarationMember> members, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(null, Flags.None, name, underlyingType, members, sourceLocation)
Exemple #59
 protected VccNestedStructuredTypeDeclaration(NameDeclaration name, List <ITypeDeclarationMember> members, IEnumerable <Specifier> extendedAttributes, ISourceLocation sourceLocation)
     : base(null, Flags.None | (Flags)TypeMemberVisibility.Public, name, new List <GenericTypeParameterDeclaration>(0), new List <TypeExpression>(0), members, sourceLocation)
     this.extendedAttributes = extendedAttributes;
Exemple #60
 public static Token Include(string path, ISourceLocation location)
     return(new Token(path, TokenType.Include, LiteralTokenType.None, location));