public void SortedEnumerable_LowerBound_ItemNotFoundInEmptySequence_ReturnsBitwiseComplementOf0() { IEnumerable <int> source = new int[] { }; ISortedEnumerable <int> sorted = source.AsSorted(); int result = sorted.LowerBound(3); Assert.AreEqual(~0, result, "LowerBound should return the bitwise complement if not found."); }
public void SortedEnumerable_LowerBound_ItemNotFoundPastSequence_ReturnsBitwiseComplement() { IEnumerable <int> source = new[] { 1, 2, 2, 4 }; ISortedEnumerable <int> sorted = source.AsSorted(); int result = sorted.LowerBound(5); Assert.AreEqual(~4, result, "LowerBound should return the bitwise complement if not found."); }
public void SortedEnumerable_LowerBound_ItemFound_ReturnsLowerBound() { IEnumerable <int> source = new[] { 1, 2, 2, 4 }; ISortedEnumerable <int> sorted = source.AsSorted(); int result = sorted.LowerBound(2); Assert.AreEqual(1, result, "LowerBound should return the lower bound."); }