public void Sorting() { if (_sort != null && _source.Any()) { _source = _sort.Sort(_source); } }
private async void StartSorting() { myInfoBar.IsOpen = true; myInfoBar.Message = AppResourceManager.GetInstance.GetString("InforBar.Message.ActionInProgress"); myInfoBar.Severity = InfoBarSeverity.Warning; myProgressRing.IsActive = true; DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; _cancellationTokenSource = new(); try { await Task.Run(() => { _sorter.SortCancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token; _sorter.Sort(_collection); this.DispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue(() => { TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart); myInfoBar.Message = $"{AppResourceManager.GetInstance.GetString("InforBar.Message.ActionCompleted") } ({time.TotalSeconds.ToString("F")}s)"; myInfoBar.Severity = InfoBarSeverity.Success; myProgressRing.IsActive = false; }); }); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { myInfoBar.Message = AppResourceManager.GetInstance.GetString("InforBar.Message.ActionCancelled");; myInfoBar.Severity = InfoBarSeverity.Error; myProgressRing.IsActive = false; } }
public void Sort() { _sortStrategy.Sort(_elements); foreach (var item in _elements) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public void Sort() { sortstrategy.Sort(list); foreach (string name in list) { Console.WriteLine(" " + name); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void TestLinerNodeDependency() { var result = sortStrategy.Sort(Nodes.All).ToArray(); foreach (var node in result) { var others = result.Where(x => x.Profile != node.Profile); foreach (var other in others) { Assert.That(node.Position, Is.Not.EqualTo(other.Position).Within(e)); } } }
public void Sort() { _sortstrategy.Sort(_list); // Iterate over list and display results foreach (string name in _list) { Console.WriteLine(" " + name); } Console.WriteLine(); }
//################################################################################ #region Internal Implementation internal void Sort() { //sort list m_SortStrategy.Sort(m_List); //print list Console.WriteLine(m_SortStrategy.ToString()); foreach (int t in m_List) { Console.WriteLine(t); } }
public long Sort(int[] data, ISortStrategy strategy) { if (!isInited) { throw new Exception ("Application should be initialized first!"); } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch (); watch.Reset (); watch.Start (); strategy.Sort (ref data); watch.Stop (); return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; }
private static (TimeSpan duration, List<int> sortedData) RunTest(ISortStrategy sortStrategy, List<int> unsortedData, int testsCount) { var duration = TimeSpan.Zero; List<int> sortedData = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < testsCount; i++) { var startTime = DateTime.Now; sortedData = sortStrategy.Sort(unsortedData); duration += DateTime.Now - startTime; } return (duration, sortedData); }
private GroupedItem <T>[] SortBlock(GroupedItem <T>[] block) { _Status = SortStatus.Sorting; if (_sortStrategy.IsSorted(block)) { return(block); } block = _sortStrategy.Sort(block); _BlocksSorted++; return(block); }
public static void AssertTestRowSort( string title, ISortStrategy<TestLine> strategy, int blockSize ) { var input = GenerateTestRows(blockSize); var expected = input.OrderBy(x => x.String).ThenBy(x => x.Number).Select(x => _parser.Unparse(x)).ToArray(); var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var actual = strategy.Sort(input).Select(x => _parser.Unparse(x)).ToArray(); watch.Stop(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void TestLinerNodeDependency() { var nodes = new[] { Nodes._0, Nodes._1 }; // [0]--->[1] Nodes._0.SetRequireNodes(new[] { Profiles._1 }); NodeProcessor.SetBeRequiredNodes(nodes); var result = sortStrategy.Sort(nodes).ToArray(); var node0 = result.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Profile == Profiles._0); var node1 = result.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Profile == Profiles._1); Assert.That(node0, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(node0.Position.x, Is.Zero); Assert.That(node0.Position.y, Is.Zero); Assert.That(node1, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(node1.Position.x, Is.EqualTo(node0.Position.x + d + (w / 2.0F)).Within(e)); Assert.That(node1.Position.y, Is.EqualTo(node0.Position.y).Within(e)); }
public JsonResult Get(int length, bool isAscending = true) { if (length > 0) { try { return(Json(sorting.Sort(new SortDTO { Length = length, IsAscending = isAscending }))); } catch (ValidationException e) { return(Json(e.Message)); } } else { return(Json("length must be greater than zero")); } }
public ActionResult Get(int length, bool isAscending = true) { if (length > 0) { try { return(Json(sorting.Sort(new SortDTO { Length = length, IsAscending = isAscending }))); } catch (ValidationException e) { return(Json(e.Message)); } } else { var ObjectRes = StatusCode(400, "length must be greater than zero"); ObjectRes.StatusCode = 400; return(ObjectRes); } //return Json("length must be greater than zero"); }
public CancellationTokenSource StartNew(string fileName, Action <SortFinishedArgs> postSortAction) { var source = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = source.Token; var factory = new TaskFactory(token); factory.StartNew(() => { ISortStrategy strategy = null; try { token.Register(Thread.CurrentThread.Abort); var memoryChecker = new MemoryChecker(); var strategyFactory = new SortStrategyFactory(memoryChecker); strategy = strategyFactory.ChooseSortStrategy(fileName); strategy.Sort(); postSortAction(new SortFinishedArgs()); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { // do nothing, operation was cancelled } catch (Exception exception) { var args = new SortFinishedArgs(exception); postSortAction(args); } finally { strategy.CleanUp(); } }, token); return(source); }
public void Sort() { _sortStrategy.Sort(_list); }
internal IEnumerable <int> Sort(IEnumerable <int> enums) { return(_sortStrategy.Sort(enums)); }
public List <int> Sort(List <int> unSortedList) // Creating list method to Sort() unsorted list. { return(mSorter.Sort(unSortedList)); // Uses ISortStrategy Sorter to }
public List <int> Sort(List <int> list) { return(_sortStrategy.Sort(list)); }
public void Sort() { _sortStrategy.Sort(_names); }
public void Sort(string[] items) { sort.Sort(items); // Sorrendezés az aktuális stratégiával }
public static IEnumerable <T> Sort <T>(IEnumerable <T> numbers, ISortStrategy sortStrategy) { return(sortStrategy.Sort(numbers)); }
public IList <int> Sort(IList <int> unSortedList, ISortStrategy sortStrategy) => sortStrategy.Sort(unSortedList);
public List <string> Sort(List <string> list) { _sortStrategy.Sort(list); return(list); }
public void Sort(ISortStrategy sortstrategy) => sortstrategy.Sort(_list);
public void Sort(int[] tableToSort) { _timer.Start(); _strategy.Sort(tableToSort); _timer.Stop(); }
public Array Sort(Array dataSet) { return(sorter.Sort(dataSet)); }
public void Sort(ISortStrategy sortStrategy) //sortStrategy can be passed in constructor or like method parameter. { sortStrategy.Sort(list); }
public void Sort(ISortStrategy strategy) { strategy.Sort(list); }
public List <int> Sort(List <int> unSortedList) { return(mSorter.Sort(unSortedList)); }
public void DoSort() { sort.Sort(); }