public virtual bool AddSnapshot(ISnapshot snapshot)
            if (snapshot == null)
            Logger.Debug(Messages.AddingSnapshot, snapshot.StreamId, snapshot.BucketId, snapshot.StreamRevision);
                BsonDocument  mongoSnapshot = snapshot.ToMongoSnapshot(_serializer);
                IMongoQuery   query         = Query.EQ(MongoShapshotFields.Id, mongoSnapshot[MongoShapshotFields.Id]);
                UpdateBuilder update        = Update.Set(MongoShapshotFields.Payload, mongoSnapshot[MongoShapshotFields.Payload]);

                // Doing an upsert instead of an insert allows us to overwrite an existing snapshot and not get stuck with a
                // stream that needs to be snapshotted because the insert fails and the SnapshotRevision isn't being updated.
                PersistedSnapshots.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Upsert);

                // More commits could have been made between us deciding that a snapshot is required and writing it so just
                // resetting the Unsnapshotted count may be a little off. Adding snapshots should be a separate process so
                // this is a good chance to make sure the numbers are still in-sync - it only adds a 'read' after all ...
                BsonDocument streamHeadId  = GetStreamHeadId(snapshot.BucketId, snapshot.StreamId);
                StreamHead   streamHead    = PersistedStreamHeads.FindOneById(streamHeadId).ToStreamHead();
                int          unsnapshotted = streamHead.HeadRevision - snapshot.StreamRevision;
                    Query.EQ(MongoStreamHeadFields.Id, streamHeadId),
                    Update.Set(MongoStreamHeadFields.SnapshotRevision, snapshot.StreamRevision).Set(MongoStreamHeadFields.Unsnapshotted, unsnapshotted));

            catch (Exception)