public SlideHostFacade(SpaceRepository repo, string identifier, ISlideShow slideShower) { _repo = repo; SlideShower = slideShower; _identifier = identifier; _exposedSpace = new SequentialSpace(); _concealedSpace = new SequentialSpace(); _repo.AddSpace("hub", _exposedSpace); Hub.Running = true; SlideShower.IsHost = true; }
public SlideClientFacade(ISlideShow slideShow, string conn, string username) { var regex = new Regex(@"\/(\?.*)?$"); UriFormat = regex.Replace(conn, "/{0}$1"); Username = username; SlideShower = slideShow; Space = new RemoteSpace(string.Format(UriFormat, "hub")); Session = new ClientSession(Space, Username); _frameConsumer = new FrameConsumer(Session); _controlConsumer = new ClientControlUnit(Session, SlideShower); }
public FrameTransformer(ISpace space, ISpace concealedSpace, ISlideShow slideShower) : base(space) { ConcealedSpace = concealedSpace; SlideShower = slideShower; }
public ClientControlUnit(ClientSession session, ISlideShow slideShow) : base(session.Space) { Session = session; SlideShower = slideShow; }
public ControlProducer(ISpace concealedSpace, ISlideShow slideShower, string identifier) { SlideShower = slideShower; ConcealedSpace = concealedSpace; Identifier = identifier; }
public ConferenceInitializer(string username, string conferenceName, string ip, ObservableCollection <string> dataSource, ISlideShow slideShower) //For the client { //for client _name = username; var uri = "tcp://" + ip + ":5002"; Chat = new Chat(username, uri, conferenceName, dataSource); _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Client = new SlideClientFacade(slideShower, uri + "/?CONN", username); Client.Running = true; Task.Factory.StartNew(InitChat); }
public ConferenceInitializer(string username, string conferenceName, ObservableCollection <string> dataSource, SpaceRepository spaceRepo, ISlideShow slideShower) //For the host { //for host _name = username; var hostentry = ProjectUtilities.IpFetcher.GetLocalIpAdress(); var uri = $"tcp://{hostentry}:5002"; spaceRepo.AddGate(uri + "?CONN"); Chat = new Chat(username, uri, conferenceName, spaceRepo, dataSource); Host = new SlideHostFacade(spaceRepo, username, slideShower); Host.Control.Controlling = true; _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Factory.StartNew(InitChat); }