Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Public method to generate the Sites XML representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteOptionListXml">an XMLNode representing its site options. Can be null</param>
        /// <param name="site">The site</param>
        /// <param name="element"> The element to add the xml to</param>
        /// <param name="fullDetails">False means just a few key bits of information, True is all details</param>
        /// <returns>The node representing the site data</returns>
        public XmlNode GenerateXml(XmlNode siteOptionListXml, ISite site, XmlElement element, bool fullDetails)

            XmlNode siteXML;
            siteXML = AddElementTag(element, "SITE");
            AddAttribute(siteXML, "ID", site.SiteID.ToString());
            AddTextTag(siteXML, "NAME", site.SiteName);
            AddTextTag(siteXML, "URLNAME", site.SiteName);
            AddTextTag(siteXML, "SHORTNAME", site.ShortName);
            AddTextTag(siteXML, "DESCRIPTION", site.Description);
            if (fullDetails)
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "SSOSERVICE", site.SSOService);
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "IDENTITYSIGNIN", site.UseIdentitySignInSystem ? "1" : "0");
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "IDENTITYPOLICY", site.IdentityPolicy);
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "MINAGE", site.MinAge);
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "MAXAGE", site.MaxAge);
                AddTextTag(siteXML, "MODERATIONSTATUS", ((int)site.ModerationStatus).ToString());
                AddIntElement(siteXML, "CLASSID", site.ModClassID);

                // Now add the open closing times to the xml
                Dictionary<string, XmlNode> dailySchedules = new Dictionary<string, XmlNode>();
                XmlNode openCloseTimes = AddElementTag(siteXML, "OPENCLOSETIMES");
                foreach (OpenCloseTime openCloseTime in site.OpenCloseTimes)
                    // Check to see if we hve already got a node for this day of the week
                    XmlNode dayOfWeek = null;
                    if (dailySchedules.ContainsKey(openCloseTime.DayOfWeek.ToString()))
                        // Just get the node
                        dayOfWeek = dailySchedules[openCloseTime.DayOfWeek.ToString()];
                        // We need to create it, and then add it to the list
                        dayOfWeek = AddElementTag(openCloseTimes, "OPENCLOSETIME");
                        AddAttribute(dayOfWeek, "DAYOFWEEK", openCloseTime.DayOfWeek.ToString());
                        dailySchedules.Add(openCloseTime.DayOfWeek.ToString(), dayOfWeek);

                    // Now check to see if it's an open or closing time
                    XmlNode newTime = null;
                    if (openCloseTime.Closed == 0)
                        // Create an open time
                        newTime = AddElementTag(dayOfWeek, "OPENTIME");
                        // Create a closing time
                        newTime = AddElementTag(dayOfWeek, "CLOSETIME");

                    // Now add the times to the new time
                    AddTextTag(newTime, "HOUR", openCloseTime.Hour.ToString());
                    AddTextTag(newTime, "MINUTE", openCloseTime.Minute.ToString());

                XmlNode siteXMLClosed = AddElementTag(siteXML, "SITECLOSED");
                if (site.IsEmergencyClosed)
                    AddAttribute(siteXMLClosed, "EMERGENCYCLOSED", "1");
                    AddAttribute(siteXMLClosed, "EMERGENCYCLOSED", "0");
                bool IsScheduledClosedNow = site.IsSiteScheduledClosed(DateTime.Now);
                if (IsScheduledClosedNow)
                    AddAttribute(siteXMLClosed, "SCHEDULEDCLOSED", "1");
                    AddAttribute(siteXMLClosed, "SCHEDULEDCLOSED", "0");
                if (site.IsEmergencyClosed || IsScheduledClosedNow)
                    siteXMLClosed.InnerText = "1";
                    siteXMLClosed.InnerText = "0";

                if (siteOptionListXml != null)

            return siteXML;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Completes all checks on the data before creating it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commentForum"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreModeration"></param>
        /// <param name="forceModeration"></param>
        public void ValidateComment(Forum commentForum, CommentInfo comment, ISite site, 
            out bool ignoreModeration, out bool forceModeration, out string notes, out List<Term> terms)
            if (CallingUser == null || CallingUser.UserID == 0)
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.MissingUserCredentials);

            //check if the posting is secure
                int requireSecurePost = SiteList.GetSiteOptionValueInt(site.SiteID, "CommentForum",
                if (!CallingUser.IsSecureRequest && requireSecurePost == 1)
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.NotSecure);
            catch (SiteOptionNotFoundException e)

            ignoreModeration = CallingUser.IsUserA(UserTypes.Editor) || CallingUser.IsUserA(UserTypes.SuperUser);
            if (CallingUser.IsUserA(UserTypes.BannedUser))
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.UserIsBanned);

            //check if site is open
            if (!ignoreModeration && (site.IsEmergencyClosed || site.IsSiteScheduledClosed(DateTime.Now)))
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.SiteIsClosed);
            // reject comments that do not have any text
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.text))
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.EmptyText);
//check for option - if not set then it throws exception
                int maxCharCount = SiteList.GetSiteOptionValueInt(site.SiteID, "CommentForum",
                string tmpText = StringUtils.StripFormattingFromText(comment.text);
                if (maxCharCount != 0 && tmpText.Length > maxCharCount)
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.ExceededTextLimit);
            catch (SiteOptionNotFoundException)

//check for option - if not set then it throws exception
                int minCharCount = SiteList.GetSiteOptionValueInt(site.SiteID, "CommentForum",
                string tmpText = StringUtils.StripFormattingFromText(comment.text);
                if (minCharCount != 0 && tmpText.Length < minCharCount)
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.MinCharLimitNotReached);
            catch (SiteOptionNotFoundException)

            //strip out invalid chars
            comment.text = StringUtils.StripInvalidXmlChars(comment.text);

            // Check to see if we're doing richtext and check if its valid xml
            if (comment.PostStyle == PostStyle.Style.unknown)
//default to plain text...
                comment.PostStyle = PostStyle.Style.richtext;
            if (comment.PostStyle == PostStyle.Style.richtext)
                string errormessage = string.Empty;
                // Check to make sure that the comment is made of valid XML
                if (!HtmlUtils.ParseToValidGuideML(comment.text, ref errormessage))
                    DnaDiagnostics.WriteWarningToLog("Comment box post failed xml parse.", errormessage);
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.XmlFailedParse);

            if (commentForum.isContactForm)
                //We don't want to do any terms filtering on contact forms.
                ignoreModeration = true;
                forceModeration = false;
                notes = string.Empty;
                terms = null;
                //run against profanity filter
                notes = string.Empty;

                CheckForProfanities(site, comment.text, out forceModeration, out notes, out terms, commentForum.ForumID);
                forceModeration = forceModeration ||
                                  (commentForum.ModerationServiceGroup > ModerationStatus.ForumStatus.Reactive);
                //force moderation if anything greater than reactive
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new post after checking relevant items...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cacheManager"></param>
        /// <param name="readerCreator"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        /// <param name="viewingUser"></param>
        /// <param name="siteList"></param>
        /// <param name="forumId"></param>
        /// <param name="ThreadId"></param>
        /// <param name="_iPAddress"></param>
        /// <param name="bbcUidCookie"></param>
        public void PostToForum(ICacheManager cacheManager, IDnaDataReaderCreator readerCreator, ISite site,
            IUser viewingUser, ISiteList siteList, string _iPAddress, Guid bbcUidCookie, int forumId)
            if (viewingUser.UserId == 0)
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.NotAuthorized);

            ForumSource forumSource = ForumSource.CreateForumSource(cacheManager, readerCreator, null, forumId, ThreadId, site.SiteID, false, false, false);
            if (forumSource == null)
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.ForumUnknown);

            bool isNotable = viewingUser.IsNotable;

            ForumHelper helper = new ForumHelper(readerCreator);
            bool ignoreModeration = viewingUser.IsEditor || viewingUser.IsSuperUser;
            // Check 4) check ThreadId exists and user has permission to write
            if (!ignoreModeration)
                if (ThreadId != 0)
                    bool canReadThread = false;
                    bool canWriteThread = false;
                    helper.GetThreadPermissions(viewingUser.UserId, ThreadId, ref canReadThread, ref canWriteThread);
                    if (!canReadThread)
                        throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.NotAuthorized);
                    if (!canWriteThread)
                        throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.ForumReadOnly);
                    bool canReadForum = false;
                    bool canWriteForum = false;
                    helper.GetForumPermissions(viewingUser.UserId, forumId, ref canReadForum, ref canWriteForum);
                    if (!canReadForum)
                        throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.NotAuthorized);
                    if (!canWriteForum)
                        throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.ForumReadOnly);
            if (viewingUser.IsBanned)
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.UserIsBanned);
            if (!ignoreModeration && (site.IsEmergencyClosed || site.IsSiteScheduledClosed(DateTime.Now)))
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.SiteIsClosed);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.EmptyText);

                int maxCharCount = siteList.GetSiteOptionValueInt(site.SiteID, "CommentForum", "MaxCommentCharacterLength");
                string tmpText = StringUtils.StripFormattingFromText(Text);
                if (maxCharCount != 0 && tmpText.Length > maxCharCount)
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.ExceededTextLimit);
            catch (SiteOptionNotFoundException)
                //check for option - if not set then it throws exception
                int minCharCount = siteList.GetSiteOptionValueInt(site.SiteID, "CommentForum", "MinCommentCharacterLength");
                string tmpText = StringUtils.StripFormattingFromText(Text);
                if (minCharCount != 0 && tmpText.Length < minCharCount)
                    throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.MinCharLimitNotReached);
            catch (SiteOptionNotFoundException)

            //Only check xml parsing for richtext plain text we want what is there so smileys etc work
            //if (this.Style == PostStyle.Style.richtext)
            //    string errormessage = string.Empty;
            //    // Check to make sure that the comment is made of valid XML
            //    if (!HtmlUtils.ParseToValidGuideML(Text, ref errormessage))
            //    {
            //        throw ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.XmlFailedParse);
            //    }

            bool forceModeration;
            string matchingProfanity= string.Empty;
            string profanityxml = string.Empty;
            string postString = Subject + " " + Text;
            List<Term> terms = null;
            if (InReplyTo > 0)
            {//only check text if not first post
                postString = Text;
            CheckForProfanities(site, postString, out forceModeration, out matchingProfanity, out terms, forumId);

            if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchingProfanity))
                matchingProfanity = "Filtered terms: " + matchingProfanity; // Adding an extra bit of information for clarity

            if (terms != null && terms.Count > 0)
                profanityxml = new Term().GetProfanityXML(terms);

            //check posting frequency
            if (!viewingUser.IsEditor && !viewingUser.IsSuperUser && !viewingUser.IsNotable)
                SecondsToWait = CheckPostFrequency(readerCreator, viewingUser.UserId, site.SiteID);
                if (SecondsToWait != 0)
                    var error =  ApiException.GetError(ErrorType.PostFrequencyTimePeriodNotExpired);
                    ApiException newError = new ApiException(
                        error.Message + " You must wait " + SecondsToWait.ToString() + " more seconds before posting.",
                    throw newError;

            bool forcePreModeration = false;
            // PreModerate first post in discussion if site premoderatenewdiscussions option set.
            if ((InReplyTo == 0) && siteList.GetSiteOptionValueBool(site.SiteID, "Moderation", "PreModerateNewDiscussions"))
                if (!ignoreModeration && !isNotable)
                    forcePreModeration = true;


            if (forumSource.Type == ForumSourceType.Journal && ThreadId == 0)
                CreateJournalPost(readerCreator, site.SiteID, viewingUser.UserId, viewingUser.UserName, forumId, false, _iPAddress, bbcUidCookie, forceModeration);
                CreateForumPost(readerCreator, viewingUser.UserId, forumId, ignoreModeration, isNotable, _iPAddress, bbcUidCookie, false, false, forcePreModeration, forceModeration, matchingProfanity, profanityxml);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// applies the site specific items
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forum"></param>
 /// <param name="site"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static CommentForum ApplySiteVariables(CommentForum forum, ISite site)
     forum.isClosed = forum.isClosed || site.IsEmergencyClosed || site.IsSiteScheduledClosed(DateTime.Now) ||
                      (DateTime.Now > forum.CloseDate);
     return forum;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// applies the site specific items
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comments"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private RatingForum ApplySiteVariables(RatingForum forum, ISite site)
     forum.isClosed = site.IsEmergencyClosed || site.IsSiteScheduledClosed(DateTime.Now) || (forum.CloseDate != null && DateTime.Now > forum.CloseDate);
     return forum;