protected void PrePorcessData(RateSet rateSetMC, ISingleRateCurve DiscountingCurve)
        this.refDate    = rateSetMC.refDate;
        this.DCurve     = DiscountingCurve;    // my curve used in discounting
        FWDInterpolator = new Interpolation(); // Interpolator used in fwd
        this.mktRateSet = rateSetMC;           // pass market rate set

        // Create Building block
        IEnumerable <BuildingBlock> BB = mktRateSet.GetArrayOfBB();

        // Sort ascending end date
        BBArray = from c in BB
                  orderby c.endDate.SerialValue ascending
                  select c;

        // Only Given Swap from BBArray
        OnlyGivenSwap = (from c in BBArray
                         where c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(SwapStyle)
                         select(SwapStyle) c).ToArray();

        // validating underlying tenor: swap should be all vs the same tenor
        string UnderlyingTenor = ((SwapStyle)OnlyGivenSwap.First()).swapLeg2.UnderlyingRateTenor;

        // Getting the fixing
        fixing = (from c in BBArray
                  where c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(OnePaymentStyle)
                  where c.endDate == refDate.add_period(UnderlyingTenor)
                  select c.rateValue).Single();

        // From date of each fwd rate from longer swap(LS)
        // FromDatesSerial = Date.GetSerialValue(OnlyGivenSwap.Last().scheduleLeg2.fromDates);
        List <double> SerialDate = (from c in OnlyGivenSwap
                                    select c.scheduleLeg2.fromDates.Last().SerialValue).ToList <double>();

        // adding reference date at beginning (this is important since I use the fixing)
        SerialDate.Insert(0, refDate.SerialValue);
        FromDatesSerial = SerialDate.ToArray();

        // some data validation: swap should be all of same building block

        // the type of building block
        BuildingBlockType BBT = OnlyGivenSwap[0].buildingBlockType;

        // Are all them the same?
        bool IsSameSwapType = OnlyGivenSwap.All(s => s.buildingBlockType == BBT);

        if (IsSameSwapType)  // if true
            // it is swap type used as inputs (i.e. EurSwapVs6m, EurSwapVs3m, ...)
            SwapType = (SwapStyle) new BuildingBlockFactory().CreateEmptyBuildingBlock(BBT);
            throw new ArgumentException("error in building blocktype"); // if not throw an exception
Exemple #2
    // return array of curves, initialised after shifting  mktRateSet elements
    public ISingleRateCurve[] ShiftedCurveArray(double shift)
        // i-curve is built using its setup (interpolator,..), but shifting i-element of mktRateSet
        // up of 'shift' quantity
        RateSet[] rsArr = mktRateSet.ShiftedRateSetArray(shift); // array of shifted RateSet (my scenario)
        int       n     = rsArr.Length;                          // number of elements

        ISingleRateCurve[] curves = new ISingleRateCurve[n];     // array of curves
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        {                                                        // iterate to build all curve needed
            curves[i] = CreateInstance(rsArr[i]);                // build the correct curve
 public IMultiRateCurve CreateInstance(RateSet newRateSet, ISingleRateCurve newDiscountingCurve)
     return(new MultiCurveBuilder <Interpolation>(newRateSet, newDiscountingCurve));
 // Constructor
 public MultiCurveBuilder3(RateSet rateSetMC, ISingleRateCurve DiscountingCurve)
     PrePorcessData(rateSetMC, DiscountingCurve);