Exemple #1
        internal async Task AddGemsAsync(SimcItem item, IList <int> gemIds)
            foreach (var gemId in gemIds)
                var gem = await _simcUtilityService.GetRawItemDataAsync((uint)gemId);

                var gemProperty = await _simcUtilityService.GetGemPropertyAsync(gem.GemProperties);

                var enchantmentProperties = await _simcUtilityService.GetItemEnchantmentAsync(gemProperty.EnchantId);

                // Here we can either veer off and grab enchant details from the spell id
                // 1) If there is an enchantmentProperties.spellid
                // 2) otherwise process it with raw item enchantment data

                if (enchantmentProperties.SpellId > 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Enchantments with attached spells not yet implemented.");
                    // 2) raw item enchantment data
                    var scaleIndex = _simcUtilityService.GetClassId((PlayerScaling)enchantmentProperties.ScalingId);

                    // Because the array is zero indexed, take one off the player level
                    // enchant breakdown from item_database::item_enchantment_effect_stats
                    // from dbc_t::spell_scaling
                    // TODO: Pull the players level through to here
                    var scaledValue = await _simcUtilityService.GetSpellScalingMultiplierAsync(scaleIndex, 60);

                    //// Grab the stat this gem increases
                    var stat = (ItemModType)enchantmentProperties.SubEnchantments[0].Property;

                    //// Now add it to the item
                    // Create a new SimcItemGem with the stat, rating etc.
                    var newGem = new SimcItemGem
                        StatRating = (int)scaledValue,
                        Type       = stat
        public async Task <SimcSpell> GeneratePlayerSpellAsync(uint playerLevel, uint spellId)
            var spellData = await _simcUtilityService.GetRawSpellDataAsync(spellId);

            var itemSpell = new SimcSpell()
                SpellId          = spellData.Id,
                Name             = spellData.Name,
                School           = spellData.School,
                MinRange         = spellData.MinRange,
                MaxRange         = spellData.MaxRange,
                Cooldown         = spellData.Cooldown,
                Gcd              = spellData.Gcd,
                Category         = spellData.Category,
                CategoryCooldown = spellData.CategoryCooldown,
                Charges          = spellData.Charges,
                ChargeCooldown   = spellData.ChargeCooldown,
                MaxTargets       = spellData.MaxTargets,
                Duration         = spellData.Duration,
                MaxStacks        = spellData.MaxStack,
                ProcChance       = spellData.ProcChance,
                InternalCooldown = spellData.InternalCooldown,
                Rppm             = spellData.Rppm,
                CastTime         = spellData.CastTime

            // Add power costs
            foreach (var power in spellData.SpellPowers)
                itemSpell.PowerCosts.Add(power.AuraId, power.PercentCost);

            // Add the RPPM modifiers
            var rppmModifiers = await _simcUtilityService.GetSpellRppmModifiersAsync(spellData.Id);

            foreach (var modifier in rppmModifiers)
                var newRppmModifier = new SimcSpellRppmModifier()
                    RppmIsHasted       = modifier.ModifierType == RppmModifierType.RPPM_MODIFIER_HASTE,
                    RppmIsSpecModified = modifier.ModifierType == RppmModifierType.RPPM_MODIFIER_SPEC,
                    RppmCoefficient    = modifier.Coefficient,
                    RppmSpec           = modifier.ModifierType == RppmModifierType.RPPM_MODIFIER_SPEC ? modifier.Type : 0


            // Populate the spell effects
            foreach (var spellEffect in spellData.Effects)
                // Populate the trigger spell if one exists.
                SimcSpell triggerSpell = null;
                if (spellEffect.TriggerSpellId > 0)
                    triggerSpell = await GeneratePlayerSpellAsync(playerLevel, spellEffect.TriggerSpellId);

                // Get the scale budget

                var spellScalingClass = _simcUtilityService.GetScaleClass(spellEffect.ScalingType);

                double budget = 0;

                if (spellScalingClass != PlayerScaling.PLAYER_NONE)
                    // Cap the scaling level if needed
                    if (spellData.MaxScalingLevel > 0)
                        playerLevel = Math.Min(playerLevel, (uint)spellData.MaxScalingLevel);

                    var scaleIndex = _simcUtilityService.GetClassId(spellScalingClass);

                    var scaledValue = await _simcUtilityService.GetSpellScalingMultiplierAsync(scaleIndex, (int)playerLevel);

                    budget = scaledValue;

                itemSpell.Effects.Add(new SimcSpellEffect()
                    Id             = spellEffect.Id,
                    EffectIndex    = spellEffect.EffectIndex,
                    EffectType     = spellEffect.EffectType,
                    EffectSubType  = spellEffect.EffectSubType,
                    ScalingType    = spellEffect.ScalingType,
                    Coefficient    = spellEffect.Coefficient,
                    SpCoefficient  = spellEffect.SpCoefficient,
                    Delta          = spellEffect.Delta,
                    Amplitude      = spellEffect.Amplitude,
                    Radius         = spellEffect.Radius,
                    RadiusMax      = spellEffect.RadiusMax,
                    BaseValue      = spellEffect.BaseValue,
                    TriggerSpellId = spellEffect.TriggerSpellId,
                    TriggerSpell   = triggerSpell,
                    ScaleBudget    = budget

            // Add the conduit info
            var conduitRanks = await _simcUtilityService.GetSpellConduitRanksAsync(spellData.Id);

            foreach (var rank in conduitRanks)
                if (itemSpell.ConduitId == 0)
                    itemSpell.ConduitId = rank.ConduitId;

                itemSpell.ConduitRanks.Add(rank.Rank, rank.Value);
