private IShellItem GetItem(Uri uri, ResourceFlags flags = 0) { var rel = baseUri.MakeRelativeUri(uri); if (rel.IsAbsoluteUri) { throw new ArgumentException("URI is not within this subsystem.", "uri"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rel.OriginalString)) { return(GetDesktop()); } var segments = rel.OriginalString.Split('/').Where(s => s != "." && s != "").Select(s => HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s)).ToList(); if (segments.Count == 0) { return(GetDesktop()); } IShellItem item = null; foreach (var name in segments) { if (item == null) { try{ item = Shell32.SHCreateItemFromParsingName <IShellItem>("shell:" + name, null); continue; }catch (IOException) { try{ item = Shell32.SHCreateItemFromParsingName <IShellItem>(name, null); continue; }catch (IOException) { item = GetDesktop(); } } } if ((flags & ResourceFlags.FollowLinks) != 0) { var target = GetTargetItem(item) as IShellItem; if (target != null) { item = target; } } var psf = item.BindToHandler <IShellFolder>(null, Shell32.BHID_SFObject); uint tmp; IntPtr pidl; psf.ParseDisplayName(OwnerHwnd, null, name, out tmp, out pidl, 0); try{ item = Shell32.SHCreateItemWithParent <IShellItem>(IntPtr.Zero, psf, pidl); }finally{ Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pidl); } } return(item); }
internal ShellFolder(IShellItem shellItem, IShellFolder shellFolder, ShellItemKnownInfo knownInfo) : base(GetShellItemFromFolder(shellItem, shellFolder), knownInfo) { if (shellFolder == null) { shellFolder = (IShellFolder)shellItem.BindToHandler(null, ShellConsts.BHID_SFObject, typeof(IShellFolder).GUID); } NativeFolder = shellFolder; }
private static IEnumShellItems GetEnumShellItems(IShellItem shellItem) { var guidEnumItems = new Guid("94f60519-2850-4924-aa5a-d15e84868039"); var hr = shellItem.BindToHandler(IntPtr.Zero, guidEnumItems, typeof(IEnumShellItems).GUID, out var pEnumItems); ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); return(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pEnumItems) as IEnumShellItems); }
//private static Guid BHID_SFObject = new Guid("3981e224-f559-11d3-8e3a-00c04f6837d5"); public static T GetIShellFolderCom <T>(IShellItem ptr) { IntPtr result = ptr.BindToHandler(IntPtr.Zero, BHID.SFObject, typeof(T).GUID); var ret = (T)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(result, typeof(T)); return(ret); }
// Synopsis: Creates an IShellItemArray containing the sample files to be used in the CopyMultipleFiles sample // // Arguments: psiSrc - Source folder item // // Returns: S_OK if successful private static IShellItemArray CreateShellItemArrayOfSampleFiles(IShellItem psiSrc) { var psfSampleSrc = psiSrc.BindToHandler <IShellFolder>(null, BHID.BHID_SFObject.Guid()); var rgpidlChildren = new PIDL[c_cMaxFilesToCreate]; try { for (var i = 0; i < rgpidlChildren.Length; i++) { var szSampleFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", c_szSampleFileName, i, c_szSampleFileExt); SFGAO attr = 0; psfSampleSrc.ParseDisplayName(default, null, szSampleFileName, out _, out rgpidlChildren[i], ref attr);
public static IEnumerable <IShellItem> Enumerate(this IShellItem si) { object pesiTemp; si.BindToHandler(IntPtr.Zero, BHID_EnumItems, typeof(IEnumShellItems).GUID, out pesiTemp); var pesi = (IEnumShellItems)pesiTemp; while (true) { IShellItem item = null; int fetched; pesi.Next(1, out item, out fetched); if (fetched == 0) { break; } yield return(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Refresh the contents of the directory. /// </summary> public void Refresh(StandardIcons?iconSize = default) { if (iconSize is null) { iconSize = _IconSize; } _Children.Clear(); _Folders.Clear(); FileObject fobj; DirectoryObject dobj; IShellItem shitem = null; IShellFolder shfld; IEnumIDList enumer; MemPtr mm; var mm2 = new MemPtr(); string fp; string pname = ParsingName; if (pname is object && pname.LastIndexOf(@"\") == pname.Length - 1) { pname = pname.Substring(0, pname.Length - 1); } var argriid = Guid.Parse(ShellIIDGuid.IShellItem); var res = NativeShell.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(ParsingName, IntPtr.Zero, ref argriid, ref shitem); _IconSize = (StandardIcons)iconSize; int?argiIndex = null; _Icon = Resources.GetFileIcon(ParsingName, FileObject.StandardToSystem(_IconSize), iIndex: ref argiIndex); _IconImage = Resources.GetFileIconWPF(ParsingName, FileObject.StandardToSystem(_IconSize)); if (res == HResult.Ok) { var argbhid = Guid.Parse(ShellBHIDGuid.ShellFolderObject); var argriid1 = Guid.Parse(ShellIIDGuid.IShellFolder2); shitem.BindToHandler(IntPtr.Zero, ref argbhid, ref argriid1, out shfld); _SysInterface = shfld; shfld.EnumObjects(IntPtr.Zero, ShellFolderEnumerationOptions.Folders | ShellFolderEnumerationOptions.IncludeHidden | ShellFolderEnumerationOptions.NonFolders | ShellFolderEnumerationOptions.InitializeOnFirstNext, out enumer); if (enumer != null) { var glist = new List <string>(); uint cf; var x = IntPtr.Zero; string pout; // mm.AllocCoTaskMem((MAX_PATH * 2) + 8) mm2.Alloc(NativeShell.MAX_PATH * 2 + 8); do { cf = 0U; mm2.ZeroMemory(0L, NativeShell.MAX_PATH * 2 + 8); res = enumer.Next(1U, out x, out cf); mm = x; if (cf == 0L) { break; } if (res != HResult.Ok) { break; } mm2.IntAt(0L) = 2; // shfld.GetAttributesOf(1, mm, attr) shfld.GetDisplayNameOf(mm, (uint)ShellItemDesignNameOptions.ParentRelativeParsing, mm2.handle); MemPtr inv; if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { inv = (IntPtr)mm2.IntAt(1L); } else { inv = (IntPtr)mm2.LongAt(1L); } if (inv.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { if (inv.CharAt(0L) != '\0') { fp = (string)inv; var lpInfo = new SHFILEINFO(); // Dim sgfin As ShellFileGetAttributesOptions = 0, // sgfout As ShellFileGetAttributesOptions = 0 int iFlags = User32.SHGFI_PIDL | User32.SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES; lpInfo.dwAttributes = 0; x = User32.SHGetItemInfo(mm.Handle, 0, ref lpInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(lpInfo), iFlags); if (ParsingName is object) { if (pname.LastIndexOf(@"\") == pname.Length - 1) { pname = pname.Substring(0, pname.Length - 1); } pout = $@"{pname}\{fp}"; } else { pout = fp; } if (lpInfo.dwAttributes == 0) { lpInfo.dwAttributes = (int)FileTools.GetFileAttributes(pout); } FileAttributes drat = (FileAttributes)(int)(lpInfo.dwAttributes); if ((lpInfo.dwAttributes & (int)FileAttributes.Directory) == (int)FileAttributes.Directory && !File.Exists(pout)) { dobj = new DirectoryObject(pout, _IsSpecial, false); dobj.Parent = this; dobj.IconSize = _IconSize; _Children.Add(dobj); _Folders.Add(dobj); } else { fobj = new FileObject(pout, _IsSpecial, true, _IconSize); fobj.Parent = this; fobj.IconSize = _IconSize; _Children.Add(fobj); } } inv.CoTaskMemFree(); } mm.CoTaskMemFree(); }while (res == HResult.Ok); mm2.Free(); } } OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Folders)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Icon)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IconImage)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IconSize)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ParsingName)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(DisplayName)); }
public static T BindToHandler <T>(this IShellItem psi, IBindCtx pbc, Guid bhid) where T : class { return((T)psi.BindToHandler(pbc, bhid, typeof(T).GUID)); }