public void Delete(object id, object version, object obj, ISessionImplementor session)
			int span = TableSpan;
			bool isImpliedOptimisticLocking = !entityMetamodel.IsVersioned &&
			                                  entityMetamodel.OptimisticLockMode > OptimisticLockMode.Version;
			object[] loadedState = null;
			if (isImpliedOptimisticLocking)
				// need to treat this as if it where optimistic-lock="all" (dirty does *not* make sense);
				// first we need to locate the "loaded" state
				// Note, it potentially could be a proxy, so perform the location the safe way...
				EntityKey key = new EntityKey(id, this);
				object entity = session.GetEntity(key);
				if (entity != null)
					EntityEntry entry = session.GetEntry(entity);
					loadedState = entry.LoadedState;

			SqlCommandInfo[] deleteStrings;
			if (isImpliedOptimisticLocking && loadedState != null)
				// we need to utilize dynamic delete statements
				deleteStrings = GenerateDeleteStrings(loadedState);
				// otherwise, utilize the static delete statements
				deleteStrings = SqlDeleteStrings;

			for (int j = span - 1; j >= 0; j--)
				Delete(id, version, j, obj, deleteStrings[j], session, loadedState);
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the key value from the owning entity instance, usually the identifier, but might be some
		/// other unique key, in the case of property-ref
		/// </summary>
		public object GetKeyOfOwner(object owner, ISessionImplementor session)
			EntityEntry entityEntry = session.GetEntry(owner);
			if (entityEntry == null)
				// This just handles a particular case of component
				// projection, perhaps get rid of it and throw an exception
				return null;

			if (foreignKeyPropertyName == null)
				return entityEntry.Id;
				// TODO: at the point where we are resolving collection references, we don't
				// know if the uk value has been resolved (depends if it was earlier or
				// later in the mapping document) - now, we could try and use e.getStatus()
				// to decide to semiResolve(), trouble is that initializeEntity() reuses
				// the same array for resolved and hydrated values
				object id = entityEntry.GetLoadedValue(foreignKeyPropertyName);

				IType keyType = GetPersister(session).KeyType;
				if (!keyType.ReturnedClass.IsInstanceOfType(id))
					id = keyType.SemiResolve(

				return id;