async static public Task <bool> TryRender(this IServiceMap map, int maxTries = 1) { for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) { if (await map.Render() == true) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, BoundingTiles boundingTiles, bool renderOnTheFly) { if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg)) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument"); } if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft) { throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!"); } scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale); if (scale <= 0.0) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument"); } //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg); //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0) // throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg); IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg); if (origin == null) { throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg); } format = format.ToLower(); if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg") { throw new Exception("Unsupported image format"); } if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported"); } if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported"); } string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" + TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale); string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col); string bundleFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle"; string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done"; string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc"; if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists) { GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col); return; } else if (!renderOnTheFly || new FileInfo(bundleDoneFilename).Exists || new FileInfo(bundleCalcFilename).Exists /* && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly*/) { return; // Empty } DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); } catch { } //temp //string pathTemp = path + @"\temp"; //DirectoryInfo diTemp = new DirectoryInfo(pathTemp); //if (!diTemp.Exists) // diTemp.Create(); File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc..."); CompactTilesIndexBuilder indexBuilder = new CompactTilesIndexBuilder(); int startRow = CompactTileStart(row), startCol = CompactTileStart(col); ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg); using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap) { map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef; map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi; double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters) { GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter(); res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits); } string bundleTempFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + "." + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + ".tilebundle"; string bundleIndexFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundlx"; File.WriteAllBytes(bundleTempFilename, new byte[0]); int bundlePos = 0; int tileMatrixWidth = 8, tileMatrixHeight = 8; map.Display.iWidth = metadata.TileWidth * tileMatrixWidth; map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight * tileMatrixHeight; for (int r = 0; r < 128; r += 8) { File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc...row" + r); for (int c = 0; c < 128; c += 8) { int currentRow = r + startRow, currentCol = c + startCol; if (boundingTiles != null) { if (!boundingTiles.Check(currentRow, currentCol, 8, 8)) { continue; } } double H = metadata.TileHeight * res; double y = origin.Y - H * (currentRow + tileMatrixHeight); double W = metadata.TileWidth * res; double x = origin.X + W * currentCol; map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W * tileMatrixWidth, y + H * tileMatrixHeight)); if (format != ".jpg") // Make PNG Transparent { map.Display.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; } map.ReleaseImage(); // Delete old Image !!! Because there is no map.SaveImage()!!!! map.Render(); if (IsEmptyBitmap(map.MapImage, map.Display.BackgroundColor)) { continue; } // Temp //map.MapImage.Save(pathTemp + @"\matrix_" + (startRow + r) + "_" + (startCol + c) + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); for (int j = 0; j < tileMatrixHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < tileMatrixWidth; i++) { int tileRow = currentRow + j, tileCol = currentCol + i; if (boundingTiles != null) { if (!boundingTiles.Check(tileRow, tileCol, 8, 8)) { continue; } } using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight, map.MapImage.PixelFormat)) using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; gr.DrawImage(map.MapImage, new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)bm.Width, (float)bm.Height), new RectangleF(-0.5f + (float)(i * metadata.TileWidth), -0.5f + (float)(j * metadata.TileHeight), (float)metadata.TileWidth, (float)metadata.TileHeight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //for (int py = 0, to_py = bm.Height; py < to_py; py++) //{ // for (int px = 0, to_px = bm.Width; px < to_px; px++) // { // var pCol = map.MapImage.GetPixel(px + i * metadata.TileHeight, py + j * metadata.TileHeight); // bm.SetPixel(px, py, pCol); // } //} if (IsEmptyBitmap(bm, map.Display.BackgroundColor)) { continue; } // Temp //bm.Save(pathTemp + @"\tile_" + tileRow + "_" + tileCol + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); //try //{ // if (format != ".jpg" && map.Display.BackgroundColor.A > 0) // Make PNG Transparent // bm.MakeTransparent(map.Display.BackgroundColor); //} //catch { } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); bm.Save(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); using (var stream = new FileStream(bundleTempFilename, FileMode.Append)) { stream.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length); } indexBuilder.SetValue(r + j, c + i, bundlePos, imageBytes.Length); bundlePos += imageBytes.Length; } } } } map.ReleaseImage(); GC.Collect(); } try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); } catch { } if (bundlePos == 0) { File.Delete(bundleTempFilename); File.WriteAllText(bundleDoneFilename, ""); } else { File.Move(bundleTempFilename, bundleFilename); indexBuilder.Save(bundleIndexFilename); } try { File.Delete(bundleCalcFilename); } catch { } } GC.Collect(); }
private void GetTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, bool renderOnTheFly) { if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg)) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument"); } //if (!metadata.Scales.Contains(scale)) // throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument"); scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale); if (scale <= 0.0) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument"); } //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg); //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0) // throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg); format = format.ToLower(); if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg") { throw new Exception("Unsupported image format"); } if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported"); } if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported"); } string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" + TileServiceMetadata.TilePath(orientation, epsg, scale, row, col) + format; if ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft && metadata.UpperLeftCacheTiles) || (orientation == GridOrientation.LowerLeft && metadata.LowerLeftCacheTiles)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); if (fi.Exists) { context.ServiceRequest.Response = fi.FullName; return; } else if (!renderOnTheFly && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly) { return; // Empty } if (!fi.Directory.Exists) { fi.Directory.Create(); } } else { path = _mapServer.OutputPath + @"\tile_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + format; } ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg); using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap) { map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef; map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi; map.Display.iWidth = metadata.TileWidth; map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight; double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters) { GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter(); res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits); } var origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg); double H = metadata.TileHeight * res; double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? origin.Y - H * (row + 1) : origin.Y + H * row); double W = metadata.TileWidth * res; //if (map.Display.MapUnits == GeoUnits.DecimalDegrees) //{ // double phi = (2 * y + H) / 2.0; // W /= Math.Cos(phi / 180.0 * Math.PI); //} double x = origin.X + W * col; map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H)); map.Render(); bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent; map.Display.MakeTransparent = true; map.SaveImage(path, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans; context.ServiceRequest.Response = path; _mapServer.Log("CreateTile:", loggingMethod.request_detail, path); } }
private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation) { if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg)) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument"); } if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft) { throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!"); } scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale); if (scale <= 0.0) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument"); } //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg); //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0) // throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg); IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg); if (origin == null) { throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg); } format = format.ToLower(); if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg") { throw new Exception("Unsupported image format"); } if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported"); } if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported"); } string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" + TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale); string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col); string bundleFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle"; string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done"; string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc"; if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists) { return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format)); } if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path)) { #region On The Fly using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap) { ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg); map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef; map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi; map.Display.iWidth = metadata.TileWidth; map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight; double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters) { GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter(); res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits); } origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg); double H = metadata.TileHeight * res; double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? origin.Y - H * (row + 1) : origin.Y + H * row); double W = metadata.TileWidth * res; double x = origin.X + W * col; map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H)); map.Render(); bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent; map.Display.MakeTransparent = true; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans; return(ms.ToArray()); } #endregion #region Tile from Existing UpLevel Tiles (Vorteil Resampling wird nicht von Browser erledigt, ist meistens Fast -> hier Nearstneigbor) int level2 = metadata.Scales.IndexOf(scale); if (level2 <= 0) { return(null); } using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap) { double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters) { GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter(); res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits); } double H = metadata.TileHeight * res; double y = origin.Y - H * (row + 1); double W = metadata.TileWidth * res; double x = origin.X + W * col; while (true) { if (level2 <= 0) { break; } double scale2 = metadata.Scales[level2 - 1]; string path2 = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" + TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale2); if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path2)) { level2--; continue; } double res2 = scale2 / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); double W2 = metadata.TileWidth * res2; double H2 = metadata.TileHeight * res2; int col2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((x - origin.X) / W2); int row2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - (y + H)) / H2); int col2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((x + W - origin.X) / W2); int row2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - y) / H2); double x2_0 = origin.X + W2 * col2_0, y2_0 = origin.Y - H2 * (row2_1 + 1); double W20 = Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * W2, H20 = Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * H2; using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileWidth, Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileHeight)) using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { for (int r2 = row2_0; r2 <= row2_1; r2++) { for (int c2 = col2_0; c2 <= col2_1; c2++) { byte[] buffer = GetCompactTileBytes(context, path2, r2, c2, format); if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); var tileImage = Image.FromStream(ms); gr.DrawImage(tileImage, new PointF((c2 - col2_0) * metadata.TileWidth, (r2 - row2_0) * metadata.TileHeight)); } } } float imageX = (float)((x - x2_0) / W20 * (double)bm.Width); float imageY = bm.Height - (float)((y - y2_0) / H20 * (double)bm.Height); float imageW = (float)((double)metadata.TileWidth * res / res2); float imageH = (float)((double)metadata.TileHeight * res / res2); using (Bitmap outputBm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight)) using (Graphics outputGr = Graphics.FromImage(outputBm)) { outputGr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; outputGr.DrawImage(bm, new RectangleF(-.5f, -.5f, (float)outputBm.Width + 1f, (float)outputBm.Height + 1f), new RectangleF(imageX, imageY - imageH, imageW, imageH), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); outputBm.Save(output, format == ".png" ? ImageFormat.Png : ImageFormat.Jpeg); return(output.ToArray()); } } } } #endregion } return(null); }
private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation) { if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg)) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument"); } if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft) { throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!"); } scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale); if (scale <= 0.0) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument"); } //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg); //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0) // throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg); IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg); if (origin == null) { throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg); } format = format.ToLower(); if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg") { throw new Exception("Unsupported image format"); } if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported"); } if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false) { throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported"); } string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + MapName(context) + @"\_alllayers\compact\" + TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale); string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col); string bundleFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle"; string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done"; string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc"; if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists) { return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format)); } if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path)) { #region On The Fly using (IServiceMap map = context.CreateServiceMapInstance()) { ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg); map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef; map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi; map.Display.iWidth = metadata.TileWidth; map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight; double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254); if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters) { GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter(); res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits); } origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg); double H = metadata.TileHeight * res; double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? origin.Y - H * (row + 1) : origin.Y + H * row); double W = metadata.TileWidth * res; double x = origin.X + W * col; map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H)); map.Render(); bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent; map.Display.MakeTransparent = true; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans; return(ms.ToArray()); } #endregion } return(null); }