Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the sub grid in the sub grid tree that contains the cell identified by CellX and CellY in the global
        /// sub grid tree cell address space. The tree level for the sub grid returned is specified in Level.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISubGrid LocateSubGridContaining(IStorageProxy storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                                       IServerSubGridTree forSubGridTree,
                                                       //const GridDataCache : TICDataStoreCache;
                                                       int cellX,
                                                       int cellY,
                                                       byte level,
                                                       bool lookInCacheOnly,
                                                       bool acceptSpeculativeReadFailure)
            IServerLeafSubGrid leafSubGrid = null;
            var createdANewSubGrid         = false;

            ISubGrid result = null;

            if (forSubGridTree == null)
                throw new TRexSubGridProcessingException($"Sub grid tree null in {nameof(LocateSubGridContaining)}");

            // Note: Sub grid tree specific interlocks are no longer used. The tree now internally
            // manages fine grained locks across structurally mutating activities such as node/leaf
            // sub grid addition and reading content from the persistent store.

            // First check to see if the requested cell is present in a leaf sub grid
            var subGrid = forSubGridTree.LocateClosestSubGridContaining(cellX, cellY, level);

            if (subGrid == null) // Something bad happened
                _log.LogWarning($"Failed to locate sub grid at {cellX}:{cellY}, level {level}, data model ID:{forSubGridTree.ID}");

            if (!subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() && !lookInCacheOnly && level == forSubGridTree.NumLevels)
                if (forSubGridTree.CachingStrategy == ServerSubGridTreeCachingStrategy.CacheSubGridsInTree)
                    // Create the leaf sub grid that will be used to read in the sub grid from the disk.
                    // In the case where the sub grid isn't present on the disk this reference will be destroyed
                    subGrid = forSubGridTree.ConstructPathToCell(cellX, cellY, Types.SubGridPathConstructionType.CreateLeaf);
                else if (forSubGridTree.CachingStrategy == ServerSubGridTreeCachingStrategy.CacheSubGridsInIgniteGridCache)
                    // Create the leaf sub grid without constructing elements in the grid to represent it other than the
                    // path in the tree to the parent of the sub grid.
                    // Note: Setting owner and parent relationship from the sub grid to the tree in this fashion permits
                    // business logic in th sub grid that require knowledge of it parent and owner relationships to function
                    // correctly while not including a reference to the sub grid from the tree.
                    subGrid = forSubGridTree.CreateNewSubGrid(forSubGridTree.NumLevels);
                    subGrid.SetAbsoluteOriginPosition(cellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, cellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);
                    subGrid.Owner  = forSubGridTree;
                    subGrid.Parent = forSubGridTree.ConstructPathToCell(cellX, cellY, Types.SubGridPathConstructionType.CreatePathToLeaf);

                if (subGrid != null)
                    createdANewSubGrid = true;
                    _log.LogError($"Failed to create leaf sub grid in LocateSubGridContaining for sub grid at {cellX}x{cellY}");

            if (subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid())
                leafSubGrid = subGrid as IServerLeafSubGrid;

            if (leafSubGrid == null) // Something bad happened
                _log.LogError($"Sub grid request result for {cellX}:{cellY} is not a leaf sub grid, it is a {subGrid.GetType().Name}.");

            if (!createdANewSubGrid)
                if (lookInCacheOnly)
                    if (subGrid.Level == level)

                    // If the returned sub grid is a leaf sub grid then it was already present in the
                    // cache. If the level of the returned sub grid matches the request level parameter
                    // then there is nothing more to do here.
                    if (subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() &&
                        ((leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails || leafSubGrid.Dirty) &&
                         leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData()) ||
                        (!subGrid.IsLeafSubGrid() && subGrid.Level == level))

            if ((!leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails && !leafSubGrid.Dirty) ||
                !(leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData()))
                // The requested cell is either not present in the sub grid tree (cache),
                // or it is residing on disk, and a newly created sub grid has been constructed
                // to contain the data read from disk.

                // The underlying assumption is that this method is only called if the caller knows
                // that the sub grid exists in the sub grid tree (this is known via the sub grid existence
                // map available to the caller). In cases where eventual consistency
                // may mean that a sub grid was removed from the sub grid tree since the caller retrieved
                // its copy of the sub grid existence map this function will fail gracefully with a null sub grid.
                // The exception to this rule is the tag file processor service which may speculatively
                // attempt to read a sub grid that doesn't exist.
                // This is a different approach to desktop systems where the individual node sub grids
                // contain mini existence maps for the sub grids below them.

                if (forSubGridTree.LoadLeafSubGrid(storageProxyForSubGrids,
                                                   new SubGridCellAddress(cellX, cellY),
                                                   true, true,
                    // We've loaded it - get the reference to the new sub grid and return it
                    result = leafSubGrid;
                    // The sub grid could not be loaded. This is likely due to it not ever existing
                    // in the model, or it may have been deleted. Failure here does not necessarily
                    // constitute evidence of corruption in the data model. Examination of the
                    // spatial existence map in conjunction with the requested sub grid index is
                    // required to determine that. Advise the caller nothing was read by sending back
                    // a null sub grid reference.
                    // The failed sub grid is not proactively deleted and will remain so the normal cache
                    // expiry mechanism can remove it in its normal operations

                    if (acceptSpeculativeReadFailure)
                        // Return the otherwise empty sub grid back to the caller and integrate it into the cache
                        if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            _log.LogTrace($"Speculative read failure accepted for sub grid {leafSubGrid.Moniker()}. Blank sub grid returned to caller.");

                        result = leafSubGrid;
                        _log.LogWarning($"Failed to read leaf sub grid {leafSubGrid.Moniker()} in model {forSubGridTree.ID}. Failed sub grid is NOT removed from the tree");

                        // Empty the sub grid leaf based data to encourage it to be read on a secondary attempt

            // Ignite special case - allow Dirty leaf sub grids to be returned
            if (result == null)
                if (leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails && leafSubGrid.Dirty && leafSubGrid.HasAllCellPasses() && leafSubGrid.HasLatestData())
                    result = leafSubGrid;

            // IGNITE: Last gasp - if the sub grid is in memory and has directory details then just return it
            if (result == null && leafSubGrid.HasSubGridDirectoryDetails)
                result = leafSubGrid;
